add Stdlib.Float.Array (#1936)

Add Stdlib.Float.Array module with a bunch of functions for the
floatarray type.
Damien Doligez 2018-12-03 14:08:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3d288aef35
commit fc60f71b45
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 1184 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -177,6 +177,9 @@ Working version
- GPR#2159, MPR#7874: annotate {String,Bytes}.equal as being [@@noalloc].
(Pierre-Marie Pédrot, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)
- GPR#1936: Add module Float.Array
(Damien Doligez, review by Xavier Clerc and Alain Frisch)
### Other libraries:
- GPR#1061: Add ?follow parameter to This allows hardlinking

View File

@ -30,5 +30,6 @@ case $1 in
echo ' -w Ae';;
stdlib__scanf.cmx|stdlib__scanf.p.cmx) echo ' -inline 9';;
*[ox]|*Labels.p.cmx) echo ' -nolabels -no-alias-deps';;[ox]|stdlib__float.p.cmx) echo ' -nolabels -no-alias-deps';;
*) echo ' ';;

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ OBJS=camlinternalFormatBasics.cmo stdlib.cmo $(OTHERS)
OTHERS= $(P)pervasives.cmo $(P)seq.cmo $(P)option.cmo $(P)result.cmo \
$(P)bool.cmo $(P)char.cmo $(P)uchar.cmo $(P)sys.cmo $(P)list.cmo \
$(P)bytes.cmo $(P)string.cmo $(P)fun.cmo $(P)unit.cmo \
$(P)marshal.cmo $(P)obj.cmo $(P)float.cmo $(P)array.cmo \
$(P)marshal.cmo $(P)obj.cmo $(P)array.cmo $(P)float.cmo \
$(P)int.cmo $(P)int32.cmo $(P)int64.cmo $(P)nativeint.cmo \
$(P)lexing.cmo $(P)parsing.cmo \
$(P)set.cmo $(P)map.cmo $(P)stack.cmo $(P)queue.cmo \

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ external get : 'a array -> int -> 'a = "%array_safe_get"
The last element has number [Array.length a - 1].
You can also write [a.(n)] instead of [Array.get a n].
Raise [Invalid_argument "index out of bounds"]
Raise [Invalid_argument]
if [n] is outside the range 0 to [(Array.length a - 1)]. *)
external set : 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_safe_set"
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ external set : 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_safe_set"
element number [n] with [x].
You can also write [a.(n) <- x] instead of [Array.set a n x].
Raise [Invalid_argument "index out of bounds"]
Raise [Invalid_argument]
if [n] is outside the range 0 to [Array.length a - 1]. *)
external make : int -> 'a -> 'a array = "caml_make_vect"
@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ val create_matrix : int -> int -> 'a -> 'a array array
val append : 'a array -> 'a array -> 'a array
(** [Array.append v1 v2] returns a fresh array containing the
concatenation of the arrays [v1] and [v2]. *)
concatenation of the arrays [v1] and [v2].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if
[Array.length v1 + Array.length v2 > Sys.max_array_length]. *)
val concat : 'a array list -> 'a array
(** Same as {!Array.append}, but concatenates a list of arrays. *)
@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ val sub : 'a array -> int -> int -> 'a array
containing the elements number [start] to [start + len - 1]
of array [a].
Raise [Invalid_argument "Array.sub"] if [start] and [len] do not
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [start] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [a]; that is, if
[start < 0], or [len < 0], or [start + len > Array.length a]. *)
@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ val fill : 'a array -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit
(** [Array.fill a ofs len x] modifies the array [a] in place,
storing [x] in elements number [ofs] to [ofs + len - 1].
Raise [Invalid_argument "Array.fill"] if [ofs] and [len] do not
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [ofs] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [a]. *)
val blit : 'a array -> int -> 'a array -> int -> int -> unit
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ val blit : 'a array -> int -> 'a array -> int -> int -> unit
[v1] and [v2] are the same array, and the source and
destination chunks overlap.
Raise [Invalid_argument "Array.blit"] if [o1] and [len] do not
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [o1] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [v1], or if [o2] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [v2]. *)
@ -134,7 +137,10 @@ val to_list : 'a array -> 'a list
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a array
(** [Array.of_list l] returns a fresh array containing the elements
of [l]. *)
of [l].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if the length of [l] is greater than
(** {1 Iterators} *)
@ -204,13 +210,14 @@ val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
@since 4.03.0 *)
val mem : 'a -> 'a array -> bool
(** [mem a l] is true if and only if [a] is equal
to an element of [l].
(** [mem a l] is true if and only if [a] is structurally equal
to an element of [l] (i.e. there is an [x] in [l] such that
[compare a x = 0]).
@since 4.03.0 *)
val memq : 'a -> 'a array -> bool
(** Same as {!Array.mem}, but uses physical equality instead of structural
equality to compare array elements.
equality to compare elements.
@since 4.03.0 *)
@ -223,8 +230,7 @@ val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> unit
compare as equal, a positive integer if the first is greater,
and a negative integer if the first is smaller (see below for a
complete specification). For example, {!} is
a suitable comparison function, provided there are no floating-point
NaN values in the data. After calling [Array.sort], the
a suitable comparison function. After calling [Array.sort], the
array is sorted in place in increasing order.
[Array.sort] is guaranteed to run in constant heap space
and (at most) logarithmic stack space.
@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> unit
Specification of the comparison function:
Let [a] be the array and [cmp] the comparison function. The following
must be true for all x, y, z in a :
must be true for all [x], [y], [z] in [a] :
- [cmp x y] > 0 if and only if [cmp y x] < 0
- if [cmp x y] >= 0 and [cmp y z] >= 0 then [cmp x z] >= 0
@ -248,8 +254,8 @@ val stable_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> unit
elements that compare equal are kept in their original order) and
not guaranteed to run in constant heap space.
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It uses [n/2]
words of heap space, where [n] is the length of the array.
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It uses a temporary
array of length [n/2], where [n] is the length of the array.
It is usually faster than the current implementation of {!Array.sort}.

View File

@ -148,11 +148,364 @@ external seeded_hash_param : int -> int -> int -> float -> int
let hash x = seeded_hash_param 10 100 0 x
module Array = struct
type t = floatarray
external create : int -> t = "caml_floatarray_create"
external length : t -> int = "%floatarray_length"
external get : t -> int -> float = "%floatarray_safe_get"
external set : t -> int -> float -> unit = "%floatarray_safe_set"
external create : int -> t = "caml_floatarray_create"
external unsafe_get : t -> int -> float = "%floatarray_unsafe_get"
external unsafe_set : t -> int -> float -> unit = "%floatarray_unsafe_set"
let unsafe_fill a ofs len v =
for i = ofs to ofs + len - 1 do unsafe_set a i v done
let unsafe_blit src sofs dst dofs len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
unsafe_set dst (dofs + i) (unsafe_get src (sofs + i))
let check a ofs len msg =
if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs + len < 0 || ofs + len > length a then
invalid_arg msg
let make n v =
let result = create n in
unsafe_fill result 0 n v;
let init l f =
if l < 0 then invalid_arg "Float.Array.init"
let res = create l in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set res i (f i)
let append a1 a2 =
let l1 = length a1 in
let l2 = length a2 in
let result = create (l1 + l2) in
unsafe_blit a1 0 result 0 l1;
unsafe_blit a2 0 result l1 l2;
(* next 3 functions: modified copy of code from *)
let ensure_ge (x:int) y =
if x >= y then x else invalid_arg "Float.Array.concat"
let rec sum_lengths acc = function
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl -> sum_lengths (ensure_ge (length hd + acc) acc) tl
let concat l =
let len = sum_lengths 0 l in
let result = create len in
let rec loop l i =
match l with
| [] -> assert (i = len)
| hd :: tl ->
let hlen = length hd in
unsafe_blit hd 0 result i hlen;
loop tl (i + hlen)
loop l 0;
let sub a ofs len =
check a ofs len "Float.Array.sub";
let result = create len in
unsafe_blit a ofs result 0 len;
let copy a =
let l = length a in
let result = create l in
unsafe_blit a 0 result 0 l;
let fill a ofs len v =
check a ofs len "Float.Array.fill";
unsafe_fill a ofs len v
let blit src sofs dst dofs len =
check src sofs len "Float.array.blit";
check dst dofs len "Float.array.blit";
unsafe_blit src sofs dst dofs len
let to_list a =
List.init (length a) (unsafe_get a)
let of_list l =
let result = create (List.length l) in
let rec fill i l =
match l with
| [] -> result
| h :: t -> unsafe_set result i h; fill (i + 1) t
fill 0 l
(* duplicated from *)
let iter f a =
for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f (unsafe_get a i) done
(* duplicated from *)
let iter2 f a b =
if length a <> length b then
invalid_arg "Float.Array.iter2: arrays must have the same length"
for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f (unsafe_get a i) (unsafe_get b i) done
let map f a =
let l = length a in
let r = create l in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get a i))
let map2 f a b =
let la = length a in
let lb = length b in
if la <> lb then
invalid_arg "Float.Array.map2: arrays must have the same length"
else begin
let r = create la in
for i = 0 to la - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get a i) (unsafe_get b i))
(* duplicated from *)
let iteri f a =
for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f i (unsafe_get a i) done
let mapi f a =
let l = length a in
let r = create l in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f i (unsafe_get a i))
(* duplicated from *)
let fold_left f x a =
let r = ref x in
for i = 0 to length a - 1 do
r := f !r (unsafe_get a i)
(* duplicated from *)
let fold_right f a x =
let r = ref x in
for i = length a - 1 downto 0 do
r := f (unsafe_get a i) !r
(* duplicated from *)
let exists p a =
let n = length a in
let rec loop i =
if i = n then false
else if p (unsafe_get a i) then true
else loop (i + 1) in
loop 0
(* duplicated from *)
let for_all p a =
let n = length a in
let rec loop i =
if i = n then true
else if p (unsafe_get a i) then loop (i + 1)
else false in
loop 0
(* duplicated from *)
let mem x a =
let n = length a in
let rec loop i =
if i = n then false
else if compare (unsafe_get a i) x = 0 then true
else loop (i + 1)
loop 0
(* mostly duplicated from, but slightly different *)
let mem_ieee x a =
let n = length a in
let rec loop i =
if i = n then false
else if x = (unsafe_get a i) then true
else loop (i + 1)
loop 0
(* duplicated from *)
exception Bottom of int
let sort cmp a =
let maxson l i =
let i31 = i+i+i+1 in
let x = ref i31 in
if i31+2 < l then begin
if cmp (get a i31) (get a (i31+1)) < 0 then x := i31+1;
if cmp (get a !x) (get a (i31+2)) < 0 then x := i31+2;
end else
if i31+1 < l && cmp (get a i31) (get a (i31+1)) < 0
then i31+1
else if i31 < l then i31 else raise (Bottom i)
let rec trickledown l i e =
let j = maxson l i in
if cmp (get a j) e > 0 then begin
set a i (get a j);
trickledown l j e;
end else begin
set a i e;
let trickle l i e = try trickledown l i e with Bottom i -> set a i e in
let rec bubbledown l i =
let j = maxson l i in
set a i (get a j);
bubbledown l j
let bubble l i = try bubbledown l i with Bottom i -> i in
let rec trickleup i e =
let father = (i - 1) / 3 in
assert (i <> father);
if cmp (get a father) e < 0 then begin
set a i (get a father);
if father > 0 then trickleup father e else set a 0 e;
end else begin
set a i e;
let l = length a in
for i = (l + 1) / 3 - 1 downto 0 do trickle l i (get a i); done;
for i = l - 1 downto 2 do
let e = (get a i) in
set a i (get a 0);
trickleup (bubble i 0) e;
if l > 1 then (let e = (get a 1) in set a 1 (get a 0); set a 0 e)
(* duplicated from, except for the call to [create] *)
let cutoff = 5
let stable_sort cmp a =
let merge src1ofs src1len src2 src2ofs src2len dst dstofs =
let src1r = src1ofs + src1len and src2r = src2ofs + src2len in
let rec loop i1 s1 i2 s2 d =
if cmp s1 s2 <= 0 then begin
set dst d s1;
let i1 = i1 + 1 in
if i1 < src1r then
loop i1 (get a i1) i2 s2 (d + 1)
blit src2 i2 dst (d + 1) (src2r - i2)
end else begin
set dst d s2;
let i2 = i2 + 1 in
if i2 < src2r then
loop i1 s1 i2 (get src2 i2) (d + 1)
blit a i1 dst (d + 1) (src1r - i1)
in loop src1ofs (get a src1ofs) src2ofs (get src2 src2ofs) dstofs;
let isortto srcofs dst dstofs len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let e = (get a (srcofs + i)) in
let j = ref (dstofs + i - 1) in
while (!j >= dstofs && cmp (get dst !j) e > 0) do
set dst (!j + 1) (get dst !j);
decr j;
set dst (!j + 1) e;
let rec sortto srcofs dst dstofs len =
if len <= cutoff then isortto srcofs dst dstofs len else begin
let l1 = len / 2 in
let l2 = len - l1 in
sortto (srcofs + l1) dst (dstofs + l1) l2;
sortto srcofs a (srcofs + l2) l1;
merge (srcofs + l2) l1 dst (dstofs + l1) l2 dst dstofs;
let l = length a in
if l <= cutoff then isortto 0 a 0 l else begin
let l1 = l / 2 in
let l2 = l - l1 in
let t = create l2 in
sortto l1 t 0 l2;
sortto 0 a l2 l1;
merge l2 l1 t 0 l2 a 0;
let fast_sort = stable_sort
(* duplicated from *)
let to_seq a =
let rec aux i () =
if i < length a
let x = unsafe_get a i in
Seq.Cons (x, aux (i+1))
else Seq.Nil
aux 0
(* duplicated from *)
let to_seqi a =
let rec aux i () =
if i < length a
let x = unsafe_get a i in
Seq.Cons ((i,x), aux (i+1))
else Seq.Nil
aux 0
(* mostly duplicated from *)
let of_rev_list l =
let len = List.length l in
let a = create len in
let rec fill i = function
[] -> a
| hd::tl -> unsafe_set a i hd; fill (i-1) tl
fill (len-1) l
(* duplicated from *)
let of_seq i =
let l = Seq.fold_left (fun acc x -> x::acc) [] i in
of_rev_list l
let map_to_array f a =
let l = length a in
if l = 0 then [| |] else begin
let r = Array.make l (f (unsafe_get a 0)) in
for i = 1 to l - 1 do
Array.unsafe_set r i (f (unsafe_get a i))
let map_from_array f a =
let l = Array.length a in
let r = create l in
for i = 0 to l - 1 do
unsafe_set r i (f (Array.unsafe_get a i))
module ArrayLabels = Array

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@ -389,11 +389,270 @@ val hash: t -> int
(** The hash function for floating-point numbers. *)
module Array : sig
type t = floatarray
external create : int -> t = "caml_floatarray_create"
external length : t -> int = "%floatarray_length"
external get : t -> int -> float = "%floatarray_safe_get"
external set : t -> int -> float -> unit = "%floatarray_safe_set"
(** The type of float arrays with packed representation. @since 4.08.0 *)
val length : t -> int
(** Return the length (number of elements) of the given floatarray. *)
val get : t -> int -> float
(** [get a n] returns the element number [n] of floatarray [a].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] is outside the range 0 to
[(length a - 1)]. *)
val set : t -> int -> float -> unit
(** [set a n x] modifies floatarray [a] in place, replacing element
number [n] with [x].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] is outside the range 0 to
[(length a - 1)]. *)
val make : int -> float -> t
(** [make n x] returns a fresh floatarray of length [n], initialized with [x].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > Sys.max_floatarray_length]. *)
val create : int -> t
(** [create n] returns a fresh floatarray of length [n],
with uninitialized data.
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > Sys.max_floatarray_length]. *)
val init : int -> (int -> float) -> t
(** [init n f] returns a fresh floatarray of length [n],
with element number [i] initialized to the result of [f i].
In other terms, [init n f] tabulates the results of [f]
applied to the integers [0] to [n-1].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > Sys.max_floatarray_length]. *)
val append : t -> t -> t
(** [append v1 v2] returns a fresh floatarray containing the
concatenation of the floatarrays [v1] and [v2].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if
[length v1 + length v2 > Sys.max_floatarray_length]. *)
val concat : t list -> t
(** Same as {!append}, but concatenates a list of floatarrays. *)
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [sub a start len] returns a fresh floatarray of length [len],
containing the elements number [start] to [start + len - 1]
of floatarray [a].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [start] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [a]; that is, if
[start < 0], or [len < 0], or [start + len > length a]. *)
val copy : t -> t
(** [copy a] returns a copy of [a], that is, a fresh floatarray
containing the same elements as [a]. *)
val fill : t -> int -> int -> float -> unit
(** [fill a ofs len x] modifies the floatarray [a] in place,
storing [x] in elements number [ofs] to [ofs + len - 1].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [ofs] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [a]. *)
val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
(** [blit v1 o1 v2 o2 len] copies [len] elements
from floatarray [v1], starting at element number [o1], to floatarray [v2],
starting at element number [o2]. It works correctly even if
[v1] and [v2] are the same floatarray, and the source and
destination chunks overlap.
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [o1] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [v1], or if [o2] and [len] do not
designate a valid subarray of [v2]. *)
val to_list : t -> float list
(** [to_list a] returns the list of all the elements of [a]. *)
val of_list : float list -> t
(** [of_list l] returns a fresh floatarray containing the elements
of [l].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if the length of [l] is greater than
(** {2 Iterators} *)
val iter : (float -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter f a] applies function [f] in turn to all
the elements of [a]. It is equivalent to
[f a.(0); f a.(1); ...; f a.(length a - 1); ()]. *)
val iteri : (int -> float -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** Same as {!iter}, but the
function is applied with the index of the element as first argument,
and the element itself as second argument. *)
val map : (float -> float) -> t -> t
(** [map f a] applies function [f] to all the elements of [a],
and builds a floatarray with the results returned by [f]. *)
val mapi : (int -> float -> float) -> t -> t
(** Same as {!map}, but the
function is applied to the index of the element as first argument,
and the element itself as second argument. *)
val fold_left : ('a -> float -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
(** [fold_left f x a] computes
[f (... (f (f x a.(0)) a.(1)) ...) a.(n-1)],
where [n] is the length of the floatarray [a]. *)
val fold_right : (float -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_right f a x] computes
[f a.(0) (f a.(1) ( ... (f a.(n-1) x) ...))],
where [n] is the length of the floatarray [a]. *)
(** {2 Iterators on two arrays} *)
val iter2 : (float -> float -> unit) -> t -> t -> unit
(** [Array.iter2 f a b] applies function [f] to all the elements of [a]
and [b].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if the floatarrays are not the same size. *)
val map2 : (float -> float -> float) -> t -> t -> t
(** [map2 f a b] applies function [f] to all the elements of [a]
and [b], and builds a floatarray with the results returned by [f]:
[[| f a.(0) b.(0); ...; f a.(length a - 1) b.(length b - 1)|]].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if the floatarrays are not the same size. *)
(** {2 Array scanning} *)
val for_all : (float -> bool) -> t -> bool
(** [for_all p [|a1; ...; an|]] checks if all elements of the floatarray
satisfy the predicate [p]. That is, it returns
[(p a1) && (p a2) && ... && (p an)]. *)
val exists : (float -> bool) -> t -> bool
(** [exists p [|a1; ...; an|]] checks if at least one element of
the floatarray satisfies the predicate [p]. That is, it returns
[(p a1) || (p a2) || ... || (p an)]. *)
val mem : float -> t -> bool
(** [mem a l] is true if and only if there is an element of [l] that is
structurally equal to [a], i.e. there is an [x] in [l] such
that [compare a x = 0]. *)
val mem_ieee : float -> t -> bool
(** Same as {!mem}, but uses IEEE equality instead of structural equality. *)
(** {2 Sorting} *)
val sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
(** Sort a floatarray in increasing order according to a comparison
function. The comparison function must return 0 if its arguments
compare as equal, a positive integer if the first is greater,
and a negative integer if the first is smaller (see below for a
complete specification). For example, {!} is
a suitable comparison function. After calling [sort], the
array is sorted in place in increasing order.
[sort] is guaranteed to run in constant heap space
and (at most) logarithmic stack space.
The current implementation uses Heap Sort. It runs in constant
stack space.
Specification of the comparison function:
Let [a] be the floatarray and [cmp] the comparison function. The following
must be true for all [x], [y], [z] in [a] :
- [cmp x y] > 0 if and only if [cmp y x] < 0
- if [cmp x y] >= 0 and [cmp y z] >= 0 then [cmp x z] >= 0
When [sort] returns, [a] contains the same elements as before,
reordered in such a way that for all i and j valid indices of [a] :
- [cmp a.(i) a.(j)] >= 0 if and only if i >= j
val stable_sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
(** Same as {!sort}, but the sorting algorithm is stable (i.e.
elements that compare equal are kept in their original order) and
not guaranteed to run in constant heap space.
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It uses a temporary
floatarray of length [n/2], where [n] is the length of the floatarray.
It is usually faster than the current implementation of {!sort}. *)
val fast_sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
(** Same as {!sort} or {!stable_sort}, whichever is faster
on typical input. *)
(** {2 Iterators} *)
val to_seq : t -> float Seq.t
(** Iterate on the floatarray, in increasing order. Modifications of the
floatarray during iteration will be reflected in the iterator. *)
val to_seqi : t -> (int * float) Seq.t
(** Iterate on the floatarray, in increasing order, yielding indices along
elements. Modifications of the floatarray during iteration will be
reflected in the iterator. *)
val of_seq : float Seq.t -> t
(** Create an array from the generator. *)
val map_to_array : (float -> 'a) -> t -> 'a array
(** [map_to_array f a] applies function [f] to all the elements of [a],
and builds an array with the results returned by [f]:
[[| f a.(0); f a.(1); ...; f a.(length a - 1) |]]. *)
val map_from_array : ('a -> float) -> 'a array -> t
(** [map_from_array f a] applies function [f] to all the elements of [a],
and builds a floatarray with the results returned by [f]. *)
(** {2 Undocumented functions} *)
(* These functions are for system use only. Do not call directly. *)
external unsafe_get : t -> int -> float = "%floatarray_unsafe_get"
external unsafe_set : t -> int -> float -> unit = "%floatarray_unsafe_set"
module ArrayLabels : sig
type t = floatarray
val length : t -> int
val get : t -> int -> float
val set : t -> int -> float -> unit
val make : int -> float -> t
val create : int -> t
val init : int -> f:(int -> float) -> t
val append : t -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t
val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
val copy : t -> t
val fill : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> float -> unit
val blit : src:t -> src_pos:int -> dst:t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val to_list : t -> float list
val of_list : float list -> t
val iter : f:(float -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iteri : f:(int -> float -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : f:(float -> float) -> t -> t
val mapi : f:(int -> float -> float) -> t -> t
val fold_left : f:('a -> float -> 'a) -> init:'a -> t -> 'a
val fold_right : f:(float -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> init:'a -> 'a
val iter2 : f:(float -> float -> unit) -> t -> t -> unit
val map2 : f:(float -> float -> float) -> t -> t -> t
val for_all : f:(float -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : f:(float -> bool) -> t -> bool
val mem : float -> set:t -> bool
val mem_ieee : float -> set:t -> bool
val sort : cmp:(float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val stable_sort : cmp:(float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val fast_sort : cmp:(float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val to_seq : t -> float Seq.t
val to_seqi : t -> (int * float) Seq.t
val of_seq : float Seq.t -> t
val map_to_array : f:(float -> 'a) -> t -> 'a array
val map_from_array : f:('a -> float) -> 'a array -> t
(* These functions are for system use only. Do not call directly. *)
external unsafe_get : t -> int -> float = "%floatarray_unsafe_get"
external unsafe_set : t -> int -> float -> unit = "%floatarray_unsafe_set"

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@ -145,9 +145,16 @@ val max_string_length : int
(** Maximum length of strings and byte sequences. *)
val max_array_length : int
(** Maximum length of a normal array. The maximum length of a float
array is [max_array_length/2] on 32-bit machines and
[max_array_length] on 64-bit machines. *)
(** Maximum length of a normal array (i.e. any array whose elements are
not of type [float]). The maximum length of a [float array]
is [max_floatarray_length] if OCaml was configured with
[--enable-flat-float-array] and [max_array_length] if configured
with [--disable-flat-float-array]. *)
val max_floatarray_length : int
(** Maximum length of a floatarray. This is also the maximum length of
a [float array] when OCaml is configured with
[--enable-flat-float-array]. *)
external runtime_variant : unit -> string = "caml_runtime_variant"
(** Return the name of the runtime variant the program is running on.

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ let unix = unix ()
let win32 = win32 ()
let cygwin = cygwin ()
let max_array_length = max_wosize ()
let max_floatarray_length = max_array_length / (64 / word_size)
let max_string_length = word_size / 8 * max_array_length - 1
external runtime_variant : unit -> string = "caml_runtime_variant"
external runtime_parameters : unit -> string = "caml_runtime_parameters"

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@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
open Printf
(* This is the module type of [Float.Array] except type [t] is abstract. *)
module type S = sig
type t
val length : t -> int
val get : t -> int -> float
val set : t -> int -> float -> unit
val make : int -> float -> t
val create : int -> t
val init : int -> (int -> float) -> t
val append : t -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
val copy : t -> t
val fill : t -> int -> int -> float -> unit
val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
val to_list : t -> float list
val of_list : float list -> t
val iter : (float -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iteri : (int -> float -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (float -> float) -> t -> t
val mapi : (int -> float -> float) -> t -> t
val fold_left : ('a -> float -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val fold_right : (float -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val iter2 : (float -> float -> unit) -> t -> t -> unit
val map2 : (float -> float -> float) -> t -> t -> t
val for_all : (float -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (float -> bool) -> t -> bool
val mem : float -> t -> bool
val mem_ieee : float -> t -> bool
val sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val stable_sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val fast_sort : (float -> float -> int) -> t -> unit
val to_seq : t -> float Seq.t
val to_seqi : t -> (int * float) Seq.t
val of_seq : float Seq.t -> t
val map_to_array : (float -> 'a) -> t -> 'a array
val map_from_array : ('a -> float) -> 'a array -> t
val unsafe_get : t -> int -> float
val unsafe_set : t -> int -> float -> unit
(* module [Array] specialized to [float] and with a few changes,
satisfies signature S *)
module Float_array : S = struct
include Stdlib.Array
let create = create_float
let map_to_array f a = map f a
let map_from_array f a = map f a
let mem_ieee x a = exists ((=) x) a
type t = float array
module Test (A : S) : sig end = struct
(* auxiliary functions *)
let neg_zero = 1.0 /. neg_infinity in
let rec check_i_upto a i =
if i >= 0 then begin
assert (A.get a i = Float.of_int i);
check_i_upto a (i - 1);
let check_i a = check_i_upto a (A.length a - 1) in
let check_inval f arg =
match f arg with
| _ -> assert false
| exception (Invalid_argument _) -> ()
| exception _ -> assert false
(* [make] [set] [get] *)
let a = A.make 1000 1.0 in
for i = 0 to 499 do A.set a i (Float.of_int i) done;
let rec loop i =
if i >= 0 then begin
assert (A.get a i = (if i < 500 then Float.of_int i else 1.0));
loop (i - 1);
in loop 999;
check_inval (A.get a) (-1);
check_inval (A.get a) (1000);
check_inval (fun i -> A.set a i 1.0) (-1);
check_inval (fun i -> A.set a i 1.0) 1000;
check_inval A.create (-1);
check_inval A.create (Sys.max_floatarray_length + 1);
check_inval (fun i -> A.make i 1.0) (-1);
check_inval (fun i -> A.make i 1.0) (Sys.max_floatarray_length + 1);
(* [length] *)
let test_length l = assert (l = (A.length (A.create l))) in
test_length 0;
test_length 10;
test_length 25;
test_length 255;
test_length 256;
test_length 1000;
test_length 123456;
(* [init] *)
let a = A.init 1000 Float.of_int in
check_i a;
check_inval (fun i -> A.init i Float.of_int) (-1);
check_inval (fun i -> A.init i Float.of_int) (Sys.max_floatarray_length + 1);
(* [append] *)
let check m n =
let a = A.init m Float.of_int in
let b = A.init n (fun x -> Float.of_int (x + m)) in
let c = A.append a b in
assert (A.length c = (m + n));
check_i c;
check 0 0;
check 0 100;
check 1 100;
check 100 0;
check 100 1;
check 100 100;
check 1000 1000;
(* check_inval omitted *)
(* [concat] *)
let check l =
let f (len, acc) n =
(len + n, A.init n (fun i -> Float.of_int (len + i)) :: acc)
let (total, ll) = List.fold_left f (0, []) l in
let b = A.concat (List.rev ll) in
assert (A.length b = total);
check_i b;
check [0; 0; 0];
check [1; 10; 100];
check [10; 0];
check [0];
check [1000; 1000; 1000];
check [];
(* check_inval omitted *)
(* [sub] *)
let a = A.init 1000 (fun i -> Float.of_int (i - 100)) in
let b = A.sub a 100 200 in
check_i b;
assert (A.length b = 200);
let b = A.sub a 1000 0 in
check_i (A.sub a 1000 0);
assert (A.length b = 0);
check_inval (A.sub a (-1)) 0;
check_inval (A.sub a 0) (-1);
check_inval (A.sub a 0) 1001;
check_inval (A.sub a 1000) 1;
(* [copy] *)
let check len =
let a = A.init len Float.of_int in
let b = A.copy a in
check_i b;
assert (A.length b = len);
check 0;
check 1;
check 128;
check 1023;
(* [blit] [fill] *)
let test_blit_fill data initval ofs len =
let a = A.of_list data in
let b = A.create (List.length data) in
A.blit a 0 b 0 (A.length b);
assert (a = b);
A.fill b ofs len initval;
let rec check i = function
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
assert (A.get b i = (if i >= ofs && i < ofs + len
then initval else hd));
check (i + 1) tl;
check 0 data
test_blit_fill [1.0;2.0;5.0;8.123;-100.456;212e19] 3.1415 3 2;
let a = A.create 100 in
check_inval (A.fill a (-1) 0) 1.0;
check_inval (A.fill a 0 (-1)) 1.0;
check_inval (A.fill a 0 101) 1.0;
check_inval (A.fill a 100 1) 1.0;
check_inval (A.fill a 101 0) 1.0;
check_inval (A.blit a (-1) a 0) 0;
check_inval (A.blit a 0 a 0) (-1);
check_inval (A.blit a 0 a 0) 101;
check_inval (A.blit a 100 a 0) 1;
check_inval (A.blit a 101 a 0) 0;
check_inval (A.blit a 0 a (-1)) 0;
check_inval (A.blit a 0 a 100) 1;
check_inval (A.blit a 0 a 101) 0;
(* [to_list] [of_list] *)
let a = A.create 1000 in
assert (A.of_list (A.to_list a) = a);
let a = A.create 0 in
assert (A.of_list (A.to_list a) = a);
(* check_inval omitted *)
(* [iter] *)
let a = A.init 300 (Float.of_int) in
let r = ref 0.0 in
A.iter (fun x -> assert (x = !r); r := x +. 1.0) a;
A.iter (fun _ -> assert false) (A.create 0);
assert (!r = 300.0);
(* [iteri] *)
let a = A.init 300 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0 in
let f i x =
assert (i = !r);
assert (x = Float.of_int i);
r := i + 1
A.iteri f a;
A.iteri (fun _ _ -> assert false) (A.create 0);
assert (!r = 300);
(* [map], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 500 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f x =
assert (x = !r);
r := !r +. 1.0;
x -. 1.0
let b = f a in
check_i (A.sub b 1 499);
(* [mapi], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 500 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f i x =
assert (x = Float.of_int i);
assert (x = !r);
r := !r +. 1.0;
x -. 1.0
let b = A.mapi f a in
check_i (A.sub b 1 499);
(* [fold_left], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 500 Float.of_int in
let f acc x =
assert (acc = x);
x +. 1.0
let acc = A.fold_left f 0.0 a in
assert (acc = 500.0);
(* [fold_right], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 500 Float.of_int in
let f x acc =
assert (x = acc -. 1.0);
let acc = A.fold_right f a 500.0 in
assert (acc = 0.0);
(* [iter2], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 123 Float.of_int in
let b = A.init 123 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f x y =
assert (x = !r);
assert (y = !r);
r := !r +. 1.0;
A.iter2 f a b;
let c = A.create 456 in
check_inval (A.iter2 (fun _ _ -> assert false) a) c;
check_inval (A.iter2 (fun _ _ -> assert false) c) a;
(* [map2], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 456 Float.of_int in
let b = A.init 456 (fun i -> Float.of_int i /. 2.0) in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f x y =
assert (x = !r);
assert (y = !r /. 2.0);
r := !r +. 1.0;
2.0 *. (x -. y)
let c = A.map2 f a b in
check_i c;
let d = A.create 455 in
check_inval (A.map2 (fun _ _ -> assert false) a) d;
check_inval (A.map2 (fun _ _ -> assert false) d) a;
(* [for_all], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 777 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f x =
assert (x = !r);
r := x +. 1.0;
assert (A.for_all f a);
let f x = assert (x = 0.0); false in
assert (not (A.for_all f a));
(* [exists], test result and order of evaluation *)
let a = A.init 777 Float.of_int in
let r = ref 0.0 in
let f x =
assert (x = !r);
r := x +. 1.0;
assert (not (A.exists f a));
let f x = assert (x = 0.0); true in
assert (A.exists f a);
(* [mem] *)
let a = A.init 7777 Float.of_int in
assert (A.mem 0.0 a);
assert (A.mem 7776.0 a);
assert (not (A.mem (-1.0) a));
assert (not (A.mem 7777.0 a));
let check v =
A.set a 1000 v;
assert (A.mem v a);
List.iter check [infinity; neg_infinity; neg_zero; nan];
(* [mem_ieee] *)
let a = A.init 7777 Float.of_int in
assert (A.mem_ieee 0.0 a);
assert (A.mem_ieee 7776.0 a);
assert (not (A.mem_ieee (-1.0) a));
assert (not (A.mem_ieee 7777.0 a));
let check v =
A.set a 1000 v;
assert (A.mem_ieee v a);
List.iter check [infinity; neg_infinity; neg_zero];
A.set a 0 nan;
assert (not (A.mem_ieee nan a));
(* [sort] [fast_sort] [stable_sort] *)
let check_sort sort cmp a =
let rec check_sorted a i =
if i + 1 < A.length a then begin
assert (cmp (A.get a i) (A.get a (i + 1)) <= 0);
check_sorted a (i + 1);
let rec check_permutation a b i =
let p = Array.make (A.length a) true in
let rec find lo hi x =
assert (lo < hi);
if hi = lo + 1 then begin
assert (cmp (A.get a lo) x = 0);
assert (p.(lo));
p.(lo) <- false;
end else begin
let mid = (lo + hi) / 2 in
assert (lo < mid && mid < hi);
match cmp (A.get a (mid - 1)) x with
| 0 when p.(mid - 1) -> find lo mid x
| 0 -> find mid hi x
| c when c < 0 -> find mid hi x
| c when c > 0 -> find lo mid x
| _ -> assert false
A.iter (find 0 (A.length a)) b
let b = A.copy a in
sort cmp a;
check_sorted a 0;
check_permutation a b 0;
Random.init 123;
let rand_float _ =
match 1004 with
| 1000 -> nan
| 1001 -> infinity
| 1002 -> neg_infinity
| 1003 -> neg_zero
| n when n < 500 -> Random.float 1.0
| _ -> -. Random.float 1.0
let check s =
let a = A.init 5 Float.of_int in
check_sort s a; (* already sorted *)
check_sort s (fun x y -> y x) a; (* reverse-sorted *)
let a = A.of_list [nan; neg_infinity; neg_zero; 0.; infinity] in
check_sort s a; (* already sorted *)
check_sort s (fun x y -> y x) a; (* reverse-sorted *)
let a = A.init 50000 rand_float in
check_sort s a;
let a = A.make 1000 1.0 in
check_sort s a;
let a = A.append (A.make 1000 1.0) (A.make 1000 2.0) in
check_sort s a;
check A.sort;
check A.stable_sort;
check A.fast_sort;
(* [to_seq] *)
let check_seq a =
let r = ref 0 in
let f x =
assert (A.get a !r = x);
r := !r + 1;
let s = A.to_seq a in
Seq.iter f s;
check_seq (A.init 999 Float.of_int);
check_seq (A.create 0);
(* [to_seqi] *)
let check_seqi a =
let r = ref 0 in
let f (i, x) =
assert (i = !r);
assert (A.get a !r = x);
r := !r + 1;
let s = A.to_seqi a in
Seq.iter f s;
check_seqi (A.init 999 Float.of_int);
check_seqi (A.create 0);
(* [of_seq] *)
let r = ref 0 in
let rec f () =
if !r = 100 then Seq.Nil else begin
let res = Seq.Cons (Float.of_int !r, f) in
r := !r + 1;
let a = A.of_seq f in
assert (a = A.init 100 Float.of_int);
assert (A.of_seq Seq.empty = A.create 0);
(* [map_to_array] *)
let r = ref 0 in
let f x =
assert (x = Float.of_int !r);
r := !r + 1;
x *. 2.0
let a = A.init 876 Float.of_int in
let ar1 = A.map_to_array f a in
let ar2 = Array.init 876 (fun x -> Float.of_int (2 * x)) in
assert (ar1 = ar2);
let ar = A.map_to_array (fun _ -> assert false) (A.create 0) in
assert (ar = [| |]);
(* [map_from_array] *)
let r = ref 0 in
let f x =
assert (x = Float.of_int !r);
r := !r + 1;
x *. 2.0
let ar = Array.init 876 Float.of_int in
let a1 = A.map_from_array f ar in
let a2 = A.init 876 (fun x -> Float.of_int (2 * x)) in
assert (a1 = a2);
let a = A.map_from_array (fun _ -> assert false) [| |] in
assert (a = A.create 0);
(* comparisons *)
let normalize_comparison n =
if n = 0 then 0 else if n < 0 then -1 else 1
let check c l1 l2 =
assert (c = (normalize_comparison (compare (A.of_list l1) (A.of_list l2))))
check 0 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654; nan]
[0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654; nan];
check (-1) [0.0; 0.25; nan]
[0.0; 0.25; 3.14];
check (-1) [0.0; 0.25; -4.0]
[0.0; 0.25; 3.14159];
check 1 [0.0; 2.718; -4.0]
[0.0; 0.25; 3.14159];
check 1 [0.0; 2.718; -4.0]
[nan; 0.25; 3.14159];
(* [unsafe_get] [unsafe_set] *)
let a = A.create 3 in
for i = 0 to 2 do A.unsafe_set a i (float i) done;
for i = 0 to 2 do assert (A.unsafe_get a i = float i) done;
(* I/O *)
let test_structured_io value =
let (tmp, oc) =
Filename.open_temp_file ~mode:[Open_binary] "floatarray" ".data"
Marshal.to_channel oc value [];
close_out oc;
let ic = open_in_bin tmp in
let value' = Marshal.from_channel ic in
close_in ic;
Sys.remove tmp;
assert (compare value value' = 0)
let l = [0.; 0.25; -4.; 3.14159265; nan; infinity; neg_infinity; neg_zero] in
test_structured_io (A.of_list l);
(* We run the same tests on [Float.Array] and [Array]. *)
module T1 = Test (Stdlib.Float.Array)
module T2 = Test (Float_array)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@