Do not branch to label 0. Really needed?

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Jacques Garrigue 1999-12-01 12:31:56 +00:00
parent b8afc6496e
commit f8a8e9c449
1 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ let add_event ev =
(* The label to which Lstaticfail branches, and the stack size at that point.*)
let lbl_staticfail = ref 0
let lbl_staticfail = ref None
and sz_staticfail = ref 0
(* Function bodies that remain to be compiled *)
@ -461,15 +461,19 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
let (lbl_handler, cont2) = label_code (comp_expr env handler sz cont1) in
let saved_lbl_staticfail = !lbl_staticfail
and saved_sz_staticfail = !sz_staticfail in
lbl_staticfail := lbl_handler;
lbl_staticfail := Some lbl_handler;
sz_staticfail := sz;
let cont3 = comp_expr env body sz (branch1 :: cont2) in
lbl_staticfail := saved_lbl_staticfail;
sz_staticfail := saved_sz_staticfail;
| Lstaticfail ->
add_pop (sz - !sz_staticfail)
(Kbranch !lbl_staticfail :: discard_dead_code cont)
let cont = discard_dead_code cont in
begin match !lbl_staticfail with
None -> cont
| Some label ->
add_pop (sz - !sz_staticfail) (Kbranch label :: cont)
| Ltrywith(body, id, handler) ->
let (branch1, cont1) = make_branch cont in
let lbl_handler = new_label() in
@ -604,11 +608,19 @@ and comp_binary_test env cond ifso ifnot sz cont =
let (lbl_end, cont1) = label_code cont in
Kstrictbranchifnot lbl_end :: comp_expr env ifso sz cont1
end else
if ifso = Lstaticfail & sz = !sz_staticfail then
Kbranchif !lbl_staticfail :: comp_expr env ifnot sz cont
if ifso = Lstaticfail && (sz = !sz_staticfail || !lbl_staticfail = None)
let cont = comp_expr env ifnot sz cont in
match !lbl_staticfail with
None -> cont
| Some label -> Kbranchif label :: cont
if ifnot = Lstaticfail & sz = !sz_staticfail then
Kbranchifnot !lbl_staticfail :: comp_expr env ifso sz cont
if ifnot = Lstaticfail && (sz = !sz_staticfail || !lbl_staticfail = None)
let cont = comp_expr env ifso sz cont in
match !lbl_staticfail with
None -> cont
| Some label -> Kbranchif label :: cont
else begin
let (branch_end, cont1) = make_branch cont in
let (lbl_not, cont2) = label_code(comp_expr env ifnot sz cont1) in
@ -650,7 +662,7 @@ let comp_remainder cont =
let compile_implementation modulename expr =
Stack.clear functions_to_compile;
label_counter := 0;
lbl_staticfail := 0;
lbl_staticfail := None;
sz_staticfail := 0;
compunit_name := modulename;
let init_code = comp_expr empty_env expr 0 [] in
@ -663,7 +675,7 @@ let compile_implementation modulename expr =
let compile_phrase expr =
Stack.clear functions_to_compile;
label_counter := 0;
lbl_staticfail := 0;
lbl_staticfail := None;
sz_staticfail := 0;
let init_code = comp_expr empty_env expr 1 [Kreturn 1] in
let fun_code = comp_remainder [] in