[ocamlbuild] [TEST] Update the expected output.
git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@8577 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -607,11 +607,11 @@ ocamlopt.opt aa.cmx c2.cmx bbcc.cmxa c3.cmx main.cmx -o main.native
+ BUILD=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native -no-skip -classic-display
+ BUILD1=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native -no-skip -classic-display
+ BUILD2=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native -no-skip -classic-display -verbose 0 -nothing-should-be-rebuilt
+ BUILD=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native a a.opt bin/a bin/a.opt -no-skip -classic-display
+ BUILD1=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native a a.opt bin/a bin/a.opt -no-skip -classic-display
+ BUILD2=../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native a a.opt bin/a bin/a.opt -no-skip -classic-display -verbose 0 -nothing-should-be-rebuilt
+ rm -rf _build
+ ../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native -no-skip -classic-display
+ ../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native a a.opt bin/a bin/a.opt -no-skip -classic-display
ocamlopt.opt -I /Users/ertai/wd/inria/ocaml/CVS-copy/ocamlbuild-feature/ocamlbuild/_install/lib/ocamlbuild unix.cmxa /Users/ertai/wd/inria/ocaml/CVS-copy/ocamlbuild-feature/ocamlbuild/_install/lib/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa myocamlbuild.ml /Users/ertai/wd/inria/ocaml/CVS-copy/ocamlbuild-feature/ocamlbuild/_install/lib/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuild.cmx -o myocamlbuild
ocamldep.opt -modules a.ml > a.ml.depends
ocamldep.opt -modules myconfig.ml > myconfig.ml.depends
@ -621,7 +621,13 @@ ocamlc.opt myconfig.cmo a.cmo -o a.byte
ocamlopt.opt -c -o myconfig.cmx myconfig.ml
ocamlopt.opt -c -o a.cmx a.ml
ocamlopt.opt myconfig.cmx a.cmx -o a.native
+ ../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native -no-skip -classic-display -verbose 0 -nothing-should-be-rebuilt
cp -p a.byte a
cp -p a.native a.opt
cp -p a.byte bin/a.byte
cp -p bin/a.byte bin/a
cp -p a.native bin/a.native
cp -p bin/a.native bin/a.opt
+ ../../_build/ocamlbuild.native a.byte a.native a a.opt bin/a bin/a.opt -no-skip -classic-display -verbose 0 -nothing-should-be-rebuilt
[cache hit] ocamldep.opt -modules a.ml > a.ml.depends
[cache hit] ocamldep.opt -modules myconfig.ml > myconfig.ml.depends
[cache hit] ocamlc.opt -c -o myconfig.cmo myconfig.ml
@ -630,14 +636,20 @@ ocamlopt.opt myconfig.cmx a.cmx -o a.native
[cache hit] ocamlopt.opt -c -o myconfig.cmx myconfig.ml
[cache hit] ocamlopt.opt -c -o a.cmx a.ml
[cache hit] ocamlopt.opt myconfig.cmx a.cmx -o a.native
[cache hit] cp -p a.byte a
[cache hit] cp -p a.native a.opt
[cache hit] cp -p a.byte bin/a.byte
[cache hit] cp -p bin/a.byte bin/a
[cache hit] cp -p a.native bin/a.native
[cache hit] cp -p bin/a.native bin/a.opt
_____ _ ___
|_ _|__ ___| |_ / _ \
| |/ _ \/ __| __| (_) |
| | __/\__ \ |_ \__, |
|_|\___||___/\__| /_/
++ dirname test9/test.sh
+ cd test9/../..
++ dirname ./test9/test.sh
+ cd ./test9/../..
+ ./_build/ocamlbuild.native -quiet -build-dir _buildtest -no-links test/test9/testglob.native
+ ./_buildtest/test/test9/testglob.native
Globexp for "\"hello\"" OK
@ -1020,3 +1032,24 @@ Glob.eval "<toto/**>" "toto/alpha/gamma/delta/beta.ml" = true OK
Glob.eval "<toto/**>" "toto" = true OK
Glob.eval "<toto/**>" "toto2/tata" = false OK
Glob.eval "<toto/**>" "tata/titi" = false OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "src/bar/libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibs/unix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibsliblib/unlibix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "bar" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libbar/foo.a" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.b.a" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "src/bar/libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibs/unix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibsliblib/unlibix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "bar" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libbar/foo.a" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.b.a" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "src/bar/libfoo.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibs/unix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "otherlibsliblib/unlibix/libunix.a" OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "bar" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libbar/foo.a" = None OK
Resource.matchit "%(path:<**/>)lib%(libname:<*> and not <*.*>).a" "libfoo.b.a" = None OK
Reference in New Issue