fusion des changements 3.09.3 -> release309_merge310

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@7849 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Damien Doligez 2007-02-09 13:31:15 +00:00
parent e1757faddc
commit f700284aac
29 changed files with 331 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -443,14 +443,14 @@ asmcomp/asmlink.cmi: asmcomp/compilenv.cmi
asmcomp/clambda.cmi: bytecomp/lambda.cmi typing/ident.cmi \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi
asmcomp/closure.cmi: bytecomp/lambda.cmi asmcomp/clambda.cmi
asmcomp/cmmgen.cmi: asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/clambda.cmi
asmcomp/cmm.cmi: typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi
asmcomp/cmmgen.cmi: asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/clambda.cmi
asmcomp/codegen.cmi: asmcomp/cmm.cmi
asmcomp/comballoc.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/compilenv.cmi: typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/clambda.cmi
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi: parsing/location.cmi bytecomp/lambda.cmi
asmcomp/emitaux.cmi: asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi
asmcomp/emit.cmi: asmcomp/linearize.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi
asmcomp/emitaux.cmi: asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi
asmcomp/interf.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/linearize.cmi: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi
asmcomp/liveness.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
@ -461,15 +461,17 @@ asmcomp/printlinear.cmi: asmcomp/linearize.cmi
asmcomp/printmach.cmi: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/proc.cmi: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/reg.cmi: asmcomp/cmm.cmi
asmcomp/reloadgen.cmi: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/reload.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/reloadgen.cmi: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/schedgen.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/linearize.cmi
asmcomp/scheduling.cmi: asmcomp/linearize.cmi
asmcomp/selectgen.cmi: utils/tbl.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo
typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo
asmcomp/selection.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi
asmcomp/spill.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/split.cmi: asmcomp/mach.cmi
asmcomp/arch.cmo: utils/misc.cmi utils/config.cmi
asmcomp/arch.cmx: utils/misc.cmx utils/config.cmx
asmcomp/asmgen.cmo: asmcomp/split.cmi asmcomp/spill.cmi asmcomp/selection.cmi \
asmcomp/scheduling.cmi asmcomp/reload.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi \
asmcomp/proc.cmi asmcomp/printmach.cmi asmcomp/printlinear.cmi \
@ -524,6 +526,10 @@ asmcomp/closure.cmx: utils/tbl.cmx bytecomp/switch.cmx typing/primitive.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx bytecomp/lambda.cmx typing/ident.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx \
asmcomp/compilenv.cmx utils/clflags.cmx asmcomp/clambda.cmx \
parsing/asttypes.cmi asmcomp/closure.cmi
asmcomp/cmm.cmo: typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx: typing/ident.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/cmmgen.cmo: typing/types.cmi bytecomp/switch.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi \
typing/primitive.cmi utils/misc.cmi bytecomp/lambda.cmi typing/ident.cmi \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi utils/config.cmi asmcomp/compilenv.cmi \
@ -534,10 +540,6 @@ asmcomp/cmmgen.cmx: typing/types.cmx bytecomp/switch.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx utils/config.cmx asmcomp/compilenv.cmx \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx utils/clflags.cmx asmcomp/clambda.cmx \
parsing/asttypes.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/cmmgen.cmi
asmcomp/cmm.cmo: typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx: typing/ident.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/codegen.cmo: asmcomp/split.cmi asmcomp/spill.cmi asmcomp/reload.cmi \
asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/printmach.cmi asmcomp/printlinear.cmi \
asmcomp/printcmm.cmi asmcomp/liveness.cmi asmcomp/linearize.cmi \
@ -562,20 +564,22 @@ asmcomp/debuginfo.cmo: parsing/location.cmi bytecomp/lambda.cmi \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx: parsing/location.cmx bytecomp/lambda.cmx \
asmcomp/emit.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
asmcomp/mach.cmi parsing/location.cmi asmcomp/linearize.cmi \
asmcomp/emitaux.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi utils/config.cmi \
asmcomp/compilenv.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi utils/clflags.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/emit.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
asmcomp/mach.cmx parsing/location.cmx asmcomp/linearize.cmx \
asmcomp/emitaux.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx utils/config.cmx \
asmcomp/compilenv.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx utils/clflags.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/emitaux.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/linearize.cmi \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/emitaux.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/linearize.cmx \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/emit.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/linearize.cmi asmcomp/emitaux.cmi \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi utils/config.cmi asmcomp/compilenv.cmi \
asmcomp/cmm.cmi utils/clflags.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/emit.cmi
asmcomp/emit.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
asmcomp/mach.cmx asmcomp/linearize.cmx asmcomp/emitaux.cmx \
asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx utils/config.cmx asmcomp/compilenv.cmx \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx utils/clflags.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/emit.cmi
asmcomp/interf.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/interf.cmi
asmcomp/interf.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
@ -609,39 +613,39 @@ asmcomp/printmach.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx asmcomp/printcmm.cmx \
asmcomp/mach.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/proc.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
asmcomp/cmm.cmi utils/ccomp.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/proc.cmi
utils/config.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi utils/clflags.cmi utils/ccomp.cmi \
asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/proc.cmi
asmcomp/proc.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx utils/ccomp.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmi
utils/config.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx utils/clflags.cmx utils/ccomp.cmx \
asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmi
asmcomp/reg.cmo: asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi
asmcomp/reg.cmx: asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/reg.cmi
asmcomp/reload.cmo: asmcomp/reloadgen.cmi asmcomp/reload.cmi
asmcomp/reload.cmx: asmcomp/reloadgen.cmx asmcomp/reload.cmi
asmcomp/reloadgen.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
asmcomp/reloadgen.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx \
asmcomp/reload.cmo: asmcomp/reloadgen.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/reload.cmi
asmcomp/reload.cmx: asmcomp/reloadgen.cmx asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/reload.cmi
asmcomp/schedgen.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
asmcomp/linearize.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/schedgen.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx \
asmcomp/linearize.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
asmcomp/scheduling.cmo: asmcomp/schedgen.cmi asmcomp/scheduling.cmi
asmcomp/scheduling.cmx: asmcomp/schedgen.cmx asmcomp/scheduling.cmi
asmcomp/scheduling.cmo: asmcomp/schedgen.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi \
asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/scheduling.cmi
asmcomp/scheduling.cmx: asmcomp/schedgen.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx \
asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/scheduling.cmi
asmcomp/selectgen.cmo: utils/tbl.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi \
utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi \
asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/selectgen.cmi
utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi typing/ident.cmi asmcomp/debuginfo.cmi \
asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/selectgen.cmi
asmcomp/selectgen.cmx: utils/tbl.cmx asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx typing/ident.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx \
asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/selectgen.cmi
asmcomp/selection.cmo: asmcomp/selectgen.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi \
utils/misc.cmi asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo \
asmcomp/selection.cmx: asmcomp/selectgen.cmx asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx asmcomp/mach.cmx typing/ident.cmx asmcomp/debuginfo.cmx \
asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/selectgen.cmi
asmcomp/selection.cmo: asmcomp/selectgen.cmi asmcomp/reg.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/cmm.cmi asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/selection.cmi
asmcomp/selection.cmx: asmcomp/selectgen.cmx asmcomp/reg.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
asmcomp/mach.cmx asmcomp/cmm.cmx asmcomp/arch.cmx asmcomp/selection.cmi
asmcomp/spill.cmo: asmcomp/reg.cmi asmcomp/proc.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
asmcomp/mach.cmi asmcomp/spill.cmi
asmcomp/spill.cmx: asmcomp/reg.cmx asmcomp/proc.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
@ -680,8 +684,6 @@ driver/errors.cmx: utils/warnings.cmx typing/typetexp.cmx typing/typemod.cmx \
parsing/location.cmx parsing/lexer.cmx typing/includemod.cmx \
typing/env.cmx typing/ctype.cmx bytecomp/bytepackager.cmx \
bytecomp/bytelink.cmx bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmx driver/errors.cmi
driver/main_args.cmo: driver/main_args.cmi
driver/main_args.cmx: driver/main_args.cmi
driver/main.cmo: utils/warnings.cmi utils/misc.cmi driver/main_args.cmi \
driver/errors.cmi utils/config.cmi driver/compile.cmi utils/clflags.cmi \
bytecomp/bytepackager.cmi bytecomp/bytelink.cmi \
@ -690,6 +692,8 @@ driver/main.cmx: utils/warnings.cmx utils/misc.cmx driver/main_args.cmx \
driver/errors.cmx utils/config.cmx driver/compile.cmx utils/clflags.cmx \
bytecomp/bytepackager.cmx bytecomp/bytelink.cmx \
bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmx driver/main.cmi
driver/main_args.cmo: driver/main_args.cmi
driver/main_args.cmx: driver/main_args.cmi
driver/optcompile.cmo: utils/warnings.cmi typing/unused_var.cmi \
typing/typemod.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi bytecomp/translmod.cmi \
bytecomp/simplif.cmi typing/printtyp.cmi bytecomp/printlambda.cmi \

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let rec select_addr exp =
| arg ->
(Alinear arg, 0)
(* Special constraints on operand and result registers *)
exception Use_default
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ let pseudoregs_for_operation op arg res =
Iintop(Iadd|Isub|Imul|Iand|Ior|Ixor) | Iaddf|Isubf|Imulf|Idivf ->
([|res.(0); arg.(1)|], res)
(* One-address unary operations: arg.(0) and res.(0) must be the same *)
| Iintop_imm((Iadd|Isub|Imul|Iand|Ior|Ixor|Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr), _)
| Iintop_imm((Iadd|Isub|Imul|Iand|Ior|Ixor|Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr), _)
| Iabsf | Inegf ->
(res, res)
| Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(_,_)) ->
| Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(_,_)) ->
let arg' = Array.copy arg in
arg'.(0) <- res.(0);
(arg', res)
@ -229,4 +229,3 @@ method insert_op op rs rd =
let fundecl f = (new selector)#emit_fundecl f

View File

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ let prim_size prim args =
| Psetfield(f, isptr) -> if isptr then 4 else 1
| Pfloatfield f -> 1
| Psetfloatfield f -> 1
| Pduprecord _ -> 10 + List.length args
| Pccall p -> (if p.prim_alloc then 10 else 4) + List.length args
| Praise -> 4
| Pstringlength -> 5
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ let lambda_smaller lam threshold =
let rec is_pure_clambda = function
Uvar v -> true
| Uconst cst -> true
| Uprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ |
| Uprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ | Pduprecord _ |
Pccall _ | Praise | Poffsetref _ | Pstringsetu | Pstringsets |
Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayset _), _, _) -> false
| Uprim(p, args, _) -> List.for_all is_pure_clambda args
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ let bind_params params args body =
let rec is_pure = function
Lvar v -> true
| Lconst cst -> true
| Lprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ |
| Lprim((Psetglobal _ | Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _ | Pduprecord _ |
Pccall _ | Praise | Poffsetref _ | Pstringsetu | Pstringsets |
Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _), _) -> false
| Lprim(p, args) -> List.for_all is_pure args

View File

@ -624,7 +624,9 @@ let simplif_primitive_32bits = function
let simplif_primitive p =
match p with
Pbigarrayref(n, Pbigarray_unknown, layout) ->
| Pduprecord _ ->
Pccall (default_prim "caml_obj_dup")
| Pbigarrayref(n, Pbigarray_unknown, layout) ->
Pccall (default_prim ("caml_ba_get_" ^ string_of_int n))
| Pbigarrayset(n, Pbigarray_unknown, layout) ->
Pccall (default_prim ("caml_ba_set_" ^ string_of_int n))
@ -822,7 +824,7 @@ let rec transl = function
Cop(Capply(typ_addr, dbg), cargs)
| Usend(kind, met, obj, args, dbg) ->
let call_met obj args clos =
if args = [] then
if args = [] then
Cop(Capply(typ_addr, dbg), [get_field clos 0;obj;clos])
let arity = List.length args + 1 in

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ let word_addressed = false
with negative offsets, starting at -64.
Unlike arguments passed on stack, arguments passed in globals
do not prevent tail-call elimination. The caller stores arguments
in these globals immediately before the call, and the first thing the
in these globals immediately before the call, and the first thing the
callee does is copy them to registers or stack locations.
Neither GC nor thread context switches can occur between these two
times. *)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ array.o: array.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h
backtrace.o: backtrace.c ../byterun/backtrace.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/memory.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h stack.h
callback.o: callback.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/fail.h \
@ -301,12 +308,13 @@ signals.o: signals.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
signals_osdep.h stack.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
startup.o: startup.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/custom.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc_ctrl.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/backtrace.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/custom.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc_ctrl.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
str.o: str.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/fail.h \
@ -366,6 +374,13 @@ array.d.o: array.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h
backtrace.d.o: backtrace.c ../byterun/backtrace.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/memory.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h stack.h
callback.d.o: callback.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/fail.h \
@ -651,12 +666,13 @@ signals.d.o: signals.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
signals_osdep.h stack.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
startup.d.o: startup.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/custom.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc_ctrl.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/backtrace.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/custom.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc_ctrl.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
str.d.o: str.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/fail.h \
@ -716,6 +732,13 @@ array.p.o: array.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h
backtrace.p.o: backtrace.c ../byterun/backtrace.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/memory.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/major_gc.h ../byterun/freelist.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/minor_gc.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h stack.h
callback.p.o: callback.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/fail.h \
@ -1001,12 +1024,13 @@ signals.p.o: signals.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
signals_osdep.h stack.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
startup.p.o: startup.c ../byterun/callback.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/custom.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc_ctrl.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h ../byterun/backtrace.h \
../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/custom.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/fail.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/gc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h ../byterun/gc_ctrl.h \
../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/osdeps.h ../byterun/misc.h \
../byterun/printexc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/sys.h ../byterun/misc.h
str.p.o: str.c ../byterun/alloc.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/config.h \
../byterun/../config/m.h ../byterun/../config/s.h ../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../byterun/config.h ../byterun/misc.h ../byterun/fail.h \

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -128,15 +128,36 @@ let rec push_dummies n k = match n with
type rhs_kind =
| RHS_block of int
| RHS_floatblock of int
| RHS_nonrec
let rec check_recordwith_updates id e =
match e with
| Lsequence (Lprim ((Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _), [Lvar id2; _]), cont)
-> id2 = id && check_recordwith_updates id cont
| Lvar id2 -> id2 = id
| _ -> false
let rec size_of_lambda = function
| Lfunction(kind, params, body) as funct ->
RHS_block (1 + IdentSet.cardinal(free_variables funct))
| Llet (Strict, id, Lprim (Pduprecord (kind, size), _), body)
when check_recordwith_updates id body ->
begin match kind with
| Record_regular -> RHS_block size
| Record_float -> RHS_floatblock size
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) -> size_of_lambda body
| Lletrec(bindings, body) -> size_of_lambda body
| Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), args) -> RHS_block (List.length args)
| Lprim(Pmakearray kind, args) -> RHS_block (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray (Paddrarray|Pintarray), args) ->
RHS_block (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pfloatarray, args) -> RHS_floatblock (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pgenarray, args) -> assert false
| Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_regular, size), args) -> RHS_block size
| Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_float, size), args) -> RHS_floatblock size
| Levent (lam, _) -> size_of_lambda lam
| Lsequence (lam, lam') -> size_of_lambda lam'
| _ -> RHS_nonrec
@ -171,7 +192,7 @@ let merge_repr ev ev' =
let merge_events ev ev' =
let (maj, min) =
match ev.ev_kind, ev'.ev_kind with
(* Discard pseudo-events *)
(* Discard pseudo-events *)
Event_pseudo, _ -> ev', ev
| _, Event_pseudo -> ev, ev'
(* Keep following event, supposedly more informative *)
@ -205,7 +226,7 @@ let weaken_event ev cont =
| _ ->
Kevent ev :: cont
let add_event ev =
Kevent ev' :: cont -> weaken_event (merge_events ev ev') cont
@ -275,6 +296,7 @@ let comp_primitive p args =
| Psetfield(n, ptr) -> Ksetfield n
| Pfloatfield n -> Kgetfloatfield n
| Psetfloatfield n -> Ksetfloatfield n
| Pduprecord _ -> Kccall("caml_obj_dup", 1)
| Pccall p -> Kccall(p.prim_name, p.prim_arity)
| Pnegint -> Knegint
| Paddint -> Kaddint
@ -472,6 +494,10 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
List.map (fun (id, exp) -> (id, exp, size_of_lambda exp)) decl in
let rec comp_init new_env sz = function
| [] -> comp_nonrec new_env sz ndecl decl_size
| (id, exp, RHS_floatblock blocksize) :: rem ->
Kconst(Const_base(Const_int blocksize)) ::
Kccall("caml_alloc_dummy_float", 1) :: Kpush ::
comp_init (add_var id (sz+1) new_env) (sz+1) rem
| (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
Kconst(Const_base(Const_int blocksize)) ::
Kccall("caml_alloc_dummy", 1) :: Kpush ::
@ -481,14 +507,14 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
comp_init (add_var id (sz+1) new_env) (sz+1) rem
and comp_nonrec new_env sz i = function
| [] -> comp_rec new_env sz ndecl decl_size
| (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
| (id, exp, (RHS_block _ | RHS_floatblock _)) :: rem ->
comp_nonrec new_env sz (i-1) rem
| (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
comp_expr new_env exp sz
(Kassign (i-1) :: comp_nonrec new_env sz (i-1) rem)
and comp_rec new_env sz i = function
| [] -> comp_expr new_env body sz (add_pop ndecl cont)
| (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
| (id, exp, (RHS_block _ | RHS_floatblock _)) :: rem ->
comp_expr new_env exp sz
(Kpush :: Kacc i :: Kccall("caml_update_dummy", 2) ::
comp_rec new_env sz (i-1) rem)
@ -570,10 +596,10 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
comp_args env args sz (comp_primitive p args :: cont)
| Lprim(p, args) ->
comp_args env args sz (comp_primitive p args :: cont)
| Lstaticcatch (body, (i, vars) , handler) ->
| Lstaticcatch (body, (i, vars) , handler) ->
let nvars = List.length vars in
let branch1, cont1 = make_branch cont in
let r =
let r =
if nvars <> 1 then begin (* general case *)
let lbl_handler, cont2 =
@ -612,8 +638,8 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
| Ltrywith(body, id, handler) ->
let (branch1, cont1) = make_branch cont in
let lbl_handler = new_label() in
Kpushtrap lbl_handler ::
comp_expr env body (sz+4) (Kpoptrap :: branch1 ::
Kpushtrap lbl_handler ::
comp_expr env body (sz+4) (Kpoptrap :: branch1 ::
Klabel lbl_handler :: Kpush ::
comp_expr (add_var id (sz+1) env) handler (sz+1) (add_pop 1 cont1))
| Lifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
@ -643,7 +669,7 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
let (branch, cont1) = make_branch cont in
let c = ref (discard_dead_code cont1) in
(* Build indirection vectors *)
(* Build indirection vectors *)
let store = mk_store Lambda.same in
let act_consts = Array.create sw.sw_numconsts 0
and act_blocks = Array.create sw.sw_numblocks 0 in
@ -841,4 +867,3 @@ let compile_phrase expr =
let init_code = comp_block empty_env expr 1 [Kreturn 1] in
let fun_code = comp_remainder [] in
(init_code, fun_code)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ type primitive =
| Psetfield of int * bool
| Pfloatfield of int
| Psetfloatfield of int
| Pduprecord of Types.record_representation * int
(* External call *)
| Pccall of Primitive.description
(* Exceptions *)
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ let rec iter f = function
| Lprim(p, args) ->
List.iter f args
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
f arg;
f arg;
List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_consts;
List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_blocks;
begin match sw.sw_failaction with

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ type primitive =
| Psetfield of int * bool
| Pfloatfield of int
| Psetfloatfield of int
| Pduprecord of Types.record_representation * int
(* External call *)
| Pccall of Primitive.description
(* Exceptions *)
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ and bigarray_kind =
| Pbigarray_float32 | Pbigarray_float64
| Pbigarray_sint8 | Pbigarray_uint8
| Pbigarray_sint16 | Pbigarray_uint16
| Pbigarray_int32 | Pbigarray_int64
| Pbigarray_int32 | Pbigarray_int64
| Pbigarray_caml_int | Pbigarray_native_int
| Pbigarray_complex32 | Pbigarray_complex64

View File

@ -83,6 +83,12 @@ let print_bigarray name kind ppf layout =
| Pbigarray_c_layout -> "C"
| Pbigarray_fortran_layout -> "Fortran")
let record_rep ppf r =
match r with
| Record_regular -> fprintf ppf "regular"
| Record_float -> fprintf ppf "float"
let primitive ppf = function
| Pidentity -> fprintf ppf "id"
| Pignore -> fprintf ppf "ignore"
@ -96,6 +102,7 @@ let primitive ppf = function
fprintf ppf "%s%i" instr n
| Pfloatfield n -> fprintf ppf "floatfield %i" n
| Psetfloatfield n -> fprintf ppf "setfloatfield %i" n
| Pduprecord (rep, size) -> fprintf ppf "duprecord %a %i" record_rep rep size
| Pccall p -> fprintf ppf "%s" p.prim_name
| Praise -> fprintf ppf "raise"
| Psequand -> fprintf ppf "&&"
@ -239,7 +246,7 @@ let rec lam ppf = function
if !spc then fprintf ppf "@ " else spc := true;
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 1>default:@ %a@]" lam l
end in
fprintf ppf
"@[<1>(%s %a@ @[<v 0>%a@])@]"
(match sw.sw_failaction with None -> "switch*" | _ -> "switch")

View File

@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ let check_recursive_lambda idlist lam =
List.for_all (check idlist) args
| Lprim(Pmakearray(Paddrarray|Pintarray), args) ->
List.for_all (check idlist) args
| Lprim (Pmakearray (Pgenarray), args) -> false
| Lsequence (lam1, lam2) -> check idlist lam1 && check idlist lam2
| Levent (lam, _) -> check idlist lam
| lam ->
@ -385,9 +386,10 @@ let check_recursive_lambda idlist lam =
bindings idlist
(* reverse-engineering the code generated by transl_record case 2 *)
(* If you change this, you probably need to change Bytegen.size_of_lambda. *)
and check_recursive_recordwith idlist = function
| Llet (Strict, id1, Lprim (Pccall prim, [e1]), body) ->
prim = prim_obj_dup && check_top idlist e1
| Llet (Strict, id1, Lprim (Pduprecord _, [e1]), body) ->
check_top idlist e1
&& check_recordwith_updates idlist id1 body
| _ -> false
@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ let primitive_is_ccall = function
(* Determine if a primitive is a Pccall or will be turned later into
a C function call that may raise an exception *)
| Pccall _ | Pstringrefs | Pstringsets | Parrayrefs _ | Parraysets _ |
Pbigarrayref _ | Pbigarrayset _ -> true
Pbigarrayref _ | Pbigarrayset _ | Pduprecord _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Assertions *)
@ -536,15 +538,15 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
let public_send = p.prim_name = "%send" in
if public_send || p.prim_name = "%sendself" then
let kind = if public_send then Public else Self in
let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
Lfunction(Curried, [obj; meth], Lsend(kind, Lvar meth, Lvar obj, []))
let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
Lfunction(Curried, [obj; meth], Lsend(kind, Lvar meth, Lvar obj, []))
else if p.prim_name = "%sendcache" then
let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
let cache = Ident.create "cache" and pos = Ident.create "pos" in
Lfunction(Curried, [obj; meth; cache; pos],
Lfunction(Curried, [obj; meth; cache; pos],
Lsend(Cached, Lvar meth, Lvar obj, [Lvar cache; Lvar pos]))
transl_primitive p
transl_primitive p
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_anc _}) ->
raise(Error(e.exp_loc, Free_super_var))
| Texp_ident(path, {val_kind = Val_reg | Val_self _}) ->
@ -576,8 +578,8 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
|| not !Clflags.native_code && p.prim_name = "%sendcache"in
if public_send || p.prim_name = "%sendself" then
let kind = if public_send then Public else Self in
let obj = List.hd argl in
wrap (Lsend (kind, List.nth argl 1, obj, []))
let obj = List.hd argl in
wrap (Lsend (kind, List.nth argl 1, obj, []))
else if p.prim_name = "%sendcache" then
match argl with [obj; meth; cache; pos] ->
wrap (Lsend(Cached, meth, obj, [cache; pos]))
@ -662,7 +664,7 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
let cl = List.map extract_constant ll in
let master =
match kind with
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
| Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
| Pfloatarray ->
Lconst(Const_float_array(List.map extract_float cl))
@ -694,11 +696,11 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
| Texp_send(expr, met) ->
let obj = transl_exp expr in
let lam =
match met with
match met with
Tmeth_val id -> Lsend (Self, Lvar id, obj, [])
| Tmeth_name nm ->
let (tag, cache) = Translobj.meth obj nm in
let kind = if cache = [] then Public else Cached in
let kind = if cache = [] then Public else Cached in
Lsend (kind, tag, obj, cache)
event_after e lam
@ -856,8 +858,9 @@ and transl_setinstvar self var expr =
[self; transl_path var; transl_exp expr])
and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
let size = Array.length all_labels in
(* Determine if there are "enough" new fields *)
if 3 + 2 * List.length lbl_expr_list >= Array.length all_labels
if 3 + 2 * List.length lbl_expr_list >= size
then begin
(* Allocate new record with given fields (and remaining fields
taken from init_expr if any *)
@ -914,7 +917,7 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
None -> assert false
| Some init_expr ->
Llet(Strict, copy_id,
Lprim(Pccall prim_obj_dup, [transl_exp init_expr]),
Lprim(Pduprecord (repres, size), [transl_exp init_expr]),
List.fold_right update_field lbl_expr_list (Lvar copy_id))

View File

@ -153,13 +153,34 @@ CAMLprim value caml_alloc_dummy(value size)
return caml_alloc (wosize, 0);
CAMLprim value caml_alloc_dummy_float (value size)
mlsize_t wosize = Int_val(size) * Double_wosize;
if (wosize == 0) return Atom(0);
return caml_alloc (wosize, 0);
CAMLprim value caml_update_dummy(value dummy, value newval)
mlsize_t size, i;
tag_t tag;
size = Wosize_val(newval);
tag = Tag_val (newval);
Assert (size == Wosize_val(dummy));
Tag_val(dummy) = Tag_val(newval);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
caml_modify(&Field(dummy, i), Field(newval, i));
Assert (tag < No_scan_tag || tag == Double_array_tag);
Tag_val(dummy) = tag;
if (tag == Double_array_tag){
size = Wosize_val (newval) / Double_wosize;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
Store_double_field (dummy, i, Double_field (newval, i));
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
caml_modify (&Field(dummy, i), Field(newval, i));
return Val_unit;

View File

@ -199,7 +199,10 @@ static intnat compare_val(value v1, value v2, int total)
case Custom_tag: {
int res;
int (*compare)(value v1, value v2) = Custom_ops_val(v1)->compare;
if (compare == NULL) caml_invalid_argument("equal: abstract value");
if (compare == NULL) {
caml_invalid_argument("equal: abstract value");
caml_compare_unordered = 0;
res = Custom_ops_val(v1)->compare(v1, v2);
if (caml_compare_unordered && !total) return UNORDERED;

View File

@ -277,12 +277,14 @@ CAMLextern struct caml__roots_block *caml_local_roots; /* defined in roots.c */
return; \
}while (0)
#define CAMLreturn(result) do{ \
value caml__temp_result = (result); \
#define CAMLreturnT(type, result) do{ \
type caml__temp_result = (result); \
caml_local_roots = caml__frame; \
return (caml__temp_result); \
#define CAMLreturn(result) CAMLreturnT(value, result)
#define CAMLnoreturn ((void) caml__frame)

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ CAMLextern void caml_Store_double_val (value,double);
#define Store_double_field(v,i,d) do{ \
mlsize_t caml__temp_i = (i); \
double caml__temp_d = (d); \
Store_double_val((value)((double *) v + caml__temp_i), caml__temp_d); \
Store_double_val((value)((double *) (v) + caml__temp_i), caml__temp_d); \
/* Custom blocks. They contain a pointer to a "method suite"

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Their format is:
at least two space characters.
- in each block, the two positions are respectively the start and the
- end of the range described by the block.
end of the range described by the block.
- in a position, the filename is the name of the file, the first num
is the line number, the second num is the offset of the beginning
of the line, the third num is the offset of the position itself.

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ redirect the standard output of the compiler to a .mli file, and edit
that file to remove all declarations of unexported names.
.BI \-I directory
.BI \-I \ directory
Add the given directory to the list of directories searched for
compiled interface files (.cmi) and compiled object code files
(.cmo). By default, the current directory is searched first, then the

View File

@ -181,18 +181,18 @@ module Analyser =
(0, acc)
| (name, core_type_list, loc) :: [] ->
let s = get_string_of_file
let (len, comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
(len, acc @ [ (name, comment_opt) ])
| (name, core_type_list, loc) :: (name2, core_type_list2, loc2)
:: q ->
let pos_end_first = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let pos_start_second = loc2.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let s = get_string_of_file pos_end_first pos_start_second in
let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
f (acc @ [name, comment_opt])
let pos_end_first = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let pos_start_second = loc2.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let s = get_string_of_file pos_end_first pos_start_second in
let (_,comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
f (acc @ [name, comment_opt])
((name2, core_type_list2, loc2) :: q)
f [] cons_core_type_list_list
@ -531,8 +531,8 @@ module Analyser =
ex_args = List.map (Odoc_env.subst_type env) types_excep_decl ;
ex_alias = None ;
ex_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
ex_code =
ex_code =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
Some (get_string_of_file pos_start_ele pos_end_ele)
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ module Analyser =
(* get the type kind with the associated comments *)
let type_kind = get_type_kind new_env name_comment_list sig_type_decl.Types.type_kind in
let loc_start = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_start = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let new_end = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum + maybe_more in
(* associate the comments to each constructor and build the [Type.t_type] *)
let new_type =
@ -603,12 +603,12 @@ module Analyser =
ty_name = Name.concat current_module_name name ;
ty_info = assoc_com ;
ty_parameters =
List.map2 (fun p (co,cn,_) ->
(Odoc_env.subst_type new_env p,
co, cn)
List.map2 (fun p (co,cn,_) ->
(Odoc_env.subst_type new_env p,
co, cn)
ty_kind = type_kind ;
ty_manifest =
(match sig_type_decl.Types.type_manifest with
@ -619,12 +619,12 @@ module Analyser =
loc_inter = Some (!file_name,loc_start) ;
ty_code =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
Some (get_string_of_file loc_start new_end)
) ;
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
Some (get_string_of_file loc_start new_end)
) ;
let (maybe_more2, info_after_opt) =
@ -662,15 +662,15 @@ module Analyser =
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found current_module_name name))
let module_kind = analyse_module_kind env complete_name module_type sig_module_type in
let code_intf =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
let loc = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
let st = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let en = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
Some (get_string_of_file st en)
let code_intf =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
let loc = module_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
let st = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let en = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
Some (get_string_of_file st en)
let new_module =
m_name = complete_name ;
@ -681,9 +681,9 @@ module Analyser =
m_kind = module_kind ;
m_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
m_top_deps = [] ;
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;
let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ module Analyser =
(maybe_more, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ])
| Parsetree.Psig_recmodule decls ->
(* we start by extending the environment *)
(* we start by extending the environment *)
let new_env =
(fun acc_env -> fun (name, _) ->
@ -713,13 +713,13 @@ module Analyser =
with Not_found ->
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found current_module_name name))
match sig_module_type with
match sig_module_type with
(* A VOIR : cela peut-il être Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *)
Types.Tmty_signature s ->
Odoc_env.add_signature e complete_name ~rel: name s
| _ ->
print_DEBUG "not a Tmty_signature";
Odoc_env.add_signature e complete_name ~rel: name s
| _ ->
print_DEBUG "not a Tmty_signature";
@ -729,8 +729,8 @@ module Analyser =
[] ->
(acc_maybe_more, [])
| (name, modtype) :: q ->
let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
let loc_start = modtype.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
let loc_start = modtype.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_end = modtype.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let (assoc_com, ele_comments) =
if first then
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ module Analyser =
let pos_limit2 =
match q with
@ -752,18 +752,18 @@ module Analyser =
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found current_module_name name))
(* associate the comments to each constructor and build the [Type.t_type] *)
let module_kind = analyse_module_kind new_env complete_name modtype sig_module_type in
let code_intf =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
let loc = modtype.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
let st = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let en = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
Some (get_string_of_file st en)
let new_module =
let module_kind = analyse_module_kind new_env complete_name modtype sig_module_type in
let code_intf =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
let loc = modtype.Parsetree.pmty_loc in
let st = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let en = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
Some (get_string_of_file st en)
let new_module =
m_name = complete_name ;
m_type = sig_module_type;
m_info = assoc_com ;
@ -772,17 +772,17 @@ module Analyser =
m_kind = module_kind ;
m_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, pos_start_ele) } ;
m_top_deps = [] ;
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;
let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;
let (maybe_more, info_after_opt) =
(get_string_of_file loc_end pos_limit2)
new_module.m_info <- merge_infos new_module.m_info info_after_opt ;
new_module.m_info <- merge_infos new_module.m_info info_after_opt ;
let (maybe_more2, eles) = f
@ -869,13 +869,13 @@ module Analyser =
| Parsetree.Pmty_with (mt, _) ->
f mt.Parsetree.pmty_desc
let name = (f module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc) in
let full_name = Odoc_env.full_module_or_module_type_name env name in
let name = (f module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc) in
let full_name = Odoc_env.full_module_or_module_type_name env name in
let im =
im_name = full_name ;
im_module = None ;
im_info = comment_opt;
im_info = comment_opt;
(0, env, [ Element_included_module im ]) (* A VOIR : étendre l'environnement ? avec quoi ? *)
@ -1057,28 +1057,28 @@ module Analyser =
| Parsetree.Pmty_functor (_,pmodule_type2, module_type2) ->
let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_end = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
match sig_module_type with
Types.Tmty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
let param =
mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
mp_kind = mp_kind ;
mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
mp_kind = mp_kind ;
let k = analyse_module_type_kind env
let k = analyse_module_type_kind env
Module_type_functor (param, k)
| _ ->
@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ module Analyser =
and analyse_module_kind env current_module_name module_type sig_module_type =
match module_type.Parsetree.pmty_desc with
Parsetree.Pmty_ident longident ->
let k = analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type sig_module_type in
let k = analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name module_type sig_module_type in
Module_with ( k, "" )
| Parsetree.Pmty_signature signature ->
@ -1124,26 +1124,26 @@ module Analyser =
match sig_module_type with
Types.Tmty_functor (ident, param_module_type, body_module_type) ->
let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_start = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_end = pmodule_type2.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in
print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code);
let mp_kind = analyse_module_type_kind env
current_module_name pmodule_type2 param_module_type
let param =
mp_name = Name.from_ident ident ;
mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env param_module_type ;
mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
mp_kind = mp_kind ;
mp_type_code = mp_type_code ;
mp_kind = mp_kind ;
let k = analyse_module_kind env
Module_functor (param, k)
| _ ->
@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ module Analyser =
raise (Failure "analyse_class_type_kind pas de correspondance dans le match")
let analyse_signature source_file input_file
(ast : Parsetree.signature) (signat : Types.signature) =
(ast : Parsetree.signature) (signat : Types.signature) =
let complete_source_file =
let curdir = Sys.getcwd () in
@ -1301,13 +1301,13 @@ module Analyser =
let (len,info_opt) = My_ir.first_special !file_name !file in
let elements =
analyse_parsetree Odoc_env.empty signat mod_name len (String.length !file) ast
analyse_parsetree Odoc_env.empty signat mod_name len (String.length !file) ast
let code_intf =
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
Some !file
if !Odoc_args.keep_code then
Some !file
m_name = mod_name ;
@ -1318,9 +1318,9 @@ module Analyser =
m_kind = Module_struct elements ;
m_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some (!file_name, 0) } ;
m_top_deps = [] ;
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;
m_code = None ;
m_code_intf = code_intf ;
m_text_only = false ;

View File

@ -22,21 +22,19 @@ scheduler.o: scheduler.c ../../byterun/alloc.h \
../../byterun/mlvalues.h ../../byterun/memory.h ../../byterun/sys.h \
condition.cmi: ./mutex.cmi
thread.cmi: ./unix.cmi
threadUnix.cmi: ./unix.cmi
thread.cmi: ./unix.cmo
threadUnix.cmi: ./unix.cmo
condition.cmo: ./thread.cmi ./mutex.cmi condition.cmi
condition.cmx: ./thread.cmx ./mutex.cmx condition.cmi
event.cmo: ./mutex.cmi ./condition.cmi event.cmi
event.cmx: ./mutex.cmx ./condition.cmx event.cmi
marshal.cmo: ./pervasives.cmi marshal.cmi
marshal.cmx: ./pervasives.cmx marshal.cmi
marshal.cmo: ./pervasives.cmo
marshal.cmx: ./pervasives.cmx
mutex.cmo: ./thread.cmi mutex.cmi
mutex.cmx: ./thread.cmx mutex.cmi
pervasives.cmo: ./unix.cmi pervasives.cmi
pervasives.cmx: ./unix.cmx pervasives.cmi
thread.cmo: ./unix.cmi thread.cmi
pervasives.cmo: ./unix.cmo
pervasives.cmx: ./unix.cmx
thread.cmo: ./unix.cmo thread.cmi
thread.cmx: ./unix.cmx thread.cmi
threadUnix.cmo: ./unix.cmi ./thread.cmi threadUnix.cmi
threadUnix.cmo: ./unix.cmo ./thread.cmi threadUnix.cmi
threadUnix.cmx: ./unix.cmx ./thread.cmx threadUnix.cmi
unix.cmo: unix.cmi
unix.cmx: unix.cmi

View File

@ -390,6 +390,11 @@ gmtime.o: gmtime.c ../../byterun/mlvalues.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \
../../byterun/freelist.h ../../byterun/misc.h ../../byterun/mlvalues.h \
../../byterun/misc.h ../../byterun/minor_gc.h ../../byterun/misc.h \
../../byterun/misc.h ../../byterun/mlvalues.h unixsupport.h
isatty.o: isatty.c ../../byterun/mlvalues.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \
../../byterun/config.h ../../byterun/../config/m.h \
../../byterun/../config/s.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \
../../byterun/misc.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \
../../byterun/config.h unixsupport.h
itimer.o: itimer.c ../../byterun/mlvalues.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \
../../byterun/config.h ../../byterun/../config/m.h \
../../byterun/../config/s.h ../../byterun/compatibility.h \

View File

@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ CAMLprim value unix_ftruncate_64(value fd, value len)
CAMLprim value unix_ftruncate(value fd, value len)
{ invalid_argument("ftruncate not implemented"); }
CAMLprim value unix_ftruncate_64(value fd, value len)
{ invalid_argument("ftruncate not implemented"); }

View File

@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ CAMLprim value unix_truncate_64(value path, value len)
CAMLprim value unix_truncate(value path, value len)
{ invalid_argument("truncate not implemented"); }
CAMLprim value unix_truncate_64(value path, value len)
{ invalid_argument("truncate not implemented"); }

View File

@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ random.cmo: ./string.cmi ./pervasives.cmi ./nativeint.cmi ./int64.cmi \
random.cmx: ./string.cmx ./pervasives.cmx ./nativeint.cmx ./int64.cmx \
./int32.cmx ./digest.cmx ./char.cmx ./array.cmx random.cmi
scanf.cmo: ./string.cmi ./printf.cmi ./obj.cmi ./list.cmi ./hashtbl.cmi \
./buffer.cmi scanf.cmi
./buffer.cmi ./array.cmi scanf.cmi
scanf.cmx: ./string.cmx ./printf.cmx ./obj.cmx ./list.cmx ./hashtbl.cmx \
./buffer.cmx scanf.cmi
./buffer.cmx ./array.cmx scanf.cmi
set.cmo: set.cmi
set.cmx: set.cmi
sort.cmo: ./array.cmi sort.cmi

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ val bits : unit -> int
val int : int -> int
(** [Random.int bound] returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive)
and [bound] (exclusive). [bound] must be more than 0 and less
and [bound] (exclusive). [bound] must be greater than 0 and less
than 2{^30}. *)
val int32 : Int32.t -> Int32.t;;

View File

@ -35,14 +35,18 @@ ocamldep.cmx: ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmx ../parsing/parsetree.cmi \
../parsing/parse.cmx ../utils/misc.cmx ../parsing/longident.cmx \
../parsing/location.cmx ../parsing/lexer.cmx ./depend.cmx \
../utils/config.cmx ../utils/clflags.cmx
ocamlmklib.cmo: ./myocamlbuild_config.cmo
ocamlmklib.cmx: ./myocamlbuild_config.cmx
ocamlmktop.cmo: ../utils/ccomp.cmi
ocamlmktop.cmx: ../utils/ccomp.cmx
ocamlprof.cmo: ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmi ../parsing/parsetree.cmi \
../parsing/parse.cmi ../utils/misc.cmi ../parsing/location.cmi \
../parsing/lexer.cmi ../utils/config.cmi ../utils/clflags.cmi
ocamlprof.cmx: ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmx ../parsing/parsetree.cmi \
../parsing/parse.cmx ../utils/misc.cmx ../parsing/location.cmx \
../parsing/lexer.cmx ../utils/config.cmx ../utils/clflags.cmx
ocamlprof.cmo: ../utils/warnings.cmi ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmi \
../parsing/parsetree.cmi ../parsing/parse.cmi ../utils/misc.cmi \
../parsing/location.cmi ../parsing/lexer.cmi ../utils/config.cmi \
ocamlprof.cmx: ../utils/warnings.cmx ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmx \
../parsing/parsetree.cmi ../parsing/parse.cmx ../utils/misc.cmx \
../parsing/location.cmx ../parsing/lexer.cmx ../utils/config.cmx \
primreq.cmo: ../utils/config.cmi ../bytecomp/cmo_format.cmi
primreq.cmx: ../utils/config.cmx ../bytecomp/cmo_format.cmi
profiling.cmo: profiling.cmi

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ mkdir -p resources
cat >resources/ReadMe.txt <<EOF
This package installs Objective Caml version ${VERSION}.
You need Mac OS X 10.4.x (Tiger), with X11 and the
XCode tools (v2.2) installed.
XCode tools (v2.4) installed.
Files will be installed in the following directories:

View File

@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ let print_version () =
let main () =
Warnings.parse_options false "a";
Arg.parse [
"-f", Arg.String (fun s -> dumpfile := s),
"<file> Use <file> as dump file (default ocamlprof.dump)";