use scope instead of gadt_instances

Thomas Refis 2018-02-12 16:37:35 +00:00
parent 3edeed67d4
commit f3a41038be
5 changed files with 69 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -1207,7 +1207,14 @@ let f (type a b c) (b : bool) (w1 : (a,b) eq) (w2 : (a,int) eq) (x : a) (y : b)
if b then x else y
val f : bool -> ('a, 'b) eq -> ('a, int) eq -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a = <fun>
Line _, characters 19-20:
if b then x else y
Error: This expression has type b = int
but an expression was expected of type a = int
Type a = int is not compatible with type a = int
This instance of int is ambiguous:
it would escape the scope of its equation
let f (type a b c) (b : bool) (w1 : (a,b) eq) (w2 : (a,int) eq) (x : a) (y : b) =

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@ -709,10 +709,23 @@ let rec normalize_package_path env p =
normalize_package_path env (Path.Pdot (p1', s, n))
| _ -> p
let update_scope scope ty =
match scope with
| None -> ()
| Some lvl ->
let ty = repr ty in
let scope =
match ty.scope with
| None -> lvl
| Some lvl' -> max lvl lvl'
if ty.level < scope then raise (Unify [(ty, newvar2 ty.level)]);
ty.scope <- (Some scope)
let rec update_level env level expand ty =
let ty = repr ty in
if ty.level > level then begin
begin match Env.gadt_instance_level env ty with
begin match ty.scope with
Some lv -> if level < lv then raise (Unify [(ty, newvar2 level)])
| None -> ()
@ -962,14 +975,7 @@ let rec copy ?env ?partial ?keep_names ty =
let desc = ty.desc in
save_desc ty desc;
let t = newvar() in (* Stub *)
begin match env with
Some env when Env.has_local_constraints env ->
begin match Env.gadt_instance_level env ty with
Some lv -> Env.add_gadt_instances env lv [t]
| None -> ()
| _ -> ()
t.scope <- ty.scope;
ty.desc <- Tsubst t;
t.desc <-
begin match desc with
@ -1400,7 +1406,7 @@ let check_abbrev_env env =
let expand_abbrev_gen kind find_type_expansion env ty =
check_abbrev_env env;
match ty with
{desc = Tconstr (path, args, abbrev); level = level} ->
{desc = Tconstr (path, args, abbrev); level = level; scope} ->
let lookup_abbrev = proper_abbrevs path args abbrev in
begin match find_expans kind path !lookup_abbrev with
Some ty' ->
@ -1415,6 +1421,14 @@ let expand_abbrev_gen kind find_type_expansion env ty =
typing error *)
begin try
update_scope scope ty';
with Unify _ ->
(* XXX This should not happen.
However, levels are not correctly restored after a
typing error *)
let ty' = repr ty' in
(* assert (ty != ty'); *) (* PR#7324 *)
@ -1432,11 +1446,12 @@ let expand_abbrev_gen kind find_type_expansion env ty =
(* For gadts, remember type as non exportable *)
(* The ambiguous level registered for ty' should be the highest *)
if !trace_gadt_instances then begin
match max lv (Env.gadt_instance_level env ty) with
match max lv ty.scope with
None -> ()
| Some lv ->
if level < lv then raise (Unify [(ty, newvar2 level)]);
Env.add_gadt_instances env lv [ty; ty']
ty.scope <- (Some lv);
ty'.scope <- (Some lv)
@ -1481,14 +1496,6 @@ let rec try_expand_head try_once env ty =
try try_expand_head try_once env ty'
with Cannot_expand -> ty'
let try_expand_head try_once env ty =
let ty' = try_expand_head try_once env ty in
begin match Env.gadt_instance_level env ty' with
None -> ()
| Some lv -> Env.add_gadt_instance_chain env lv ty
(* Unsafe full expansion, may raise Unify. *)
let expand_head_unif env ty =
try try_expand_head try_expand_once env ty with Cannot_expand -> repr ty
@ -2361,7 +2368,8 @@ let unify1_var env t1 t2 =
let d1 = t1.desc in
link_type t1 t2;
update_level env t1.level t2
update_level env t1.level t2;
update_scope t1.scope t2
with Unify _ as e ->
t1.desc <- d1;
raise e
@ -2388,6 +2396,7 @@ let rec unify (env:Env.t ref) t1 t2 =
| (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
unify_univar t1 t2 !univar_pairs;
update_level !env t1.level t2;
update_scope t1.scope t2;
link_type t1 t2
| (Tconstr (p1, [], a1), Tconstr (p2, [], a2))
when Path.same p1 p2 (* && actual_mode !env = Old *)
@ -2397,6 +2406,7 @@ let rec unify (env:Env.t ref) t1 t2 =
&& not (has_cached_expansion p1 !a1
|| has_cached_expansion p2 !a2) ->
update_level !env t1.level t2;
update_scope t1.scope t2;
link_type t1 t2
| (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _))
when Env.has_local_constraints !env
@ -2426,19 +2436,14 @@ and unify2 env t1 t2 =
let t1' = expand_head_unif !env t1 in
let t2' = expand_head_unif !env t2 in
let lv = min t1'.level t2'.level in
let scope = max t1'.scope t2'.scope in
update_level !env lv t2;
update_level !env lv t1;
update_scope scope t2;
update_scope scope t1;
if unify_eq t1' t2' then () else
let t1 = repr t1 and t2 = repr t2 in
if !trace_gadt_instances then begin
(* All types in chains already have the same ambiguity levels *)
let ilevel t =
match Env.gadt_instance_level !env t with None -> 0 | Some lv -> lv in
let lv1 = ilevel t1 and lv2 = ilevel t2 in
if lv1 > lv2 then Env.add_gadt_instance_chain !env lv1 t2 else
if lv2 > lv1 then Env.add_gadt_instance_chain !env lv2 t1
let t1, t2 =
if !Clflags.principal
&& (find_lowest_level t1' < lv || find_lowest_level t2' < lv) then
@ -2649,7 +2654,10 @@ and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 = (* Optimization *)
(fun (n, k1, t1, k2, t2) ->
unify_kind k1 k2;
if !trace_gadt_instances then update_level !env va.level t1;
if !trace_gadt_instances then begin
update_level !env va.level t1;
update_scope va.scope t1
unify env t1 t2
with Unify trace ->
raise (Unify ((newty (Tfield(n, k1, t1, newty Tnil)),
@ -2739,6 +2747,7 @@ and unify_row env row1 row2 =
let ty = newgenty (Tvariant {row0 with row_fields = rest}) in
update_level !env rm.level ty;
update_scope rm.scope ty;
link_type rm ty
let md1 = rm1.desc and md2 = rm2.desc in
@ -2807,7 +2816,11 @@ and unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 more l f1 f2 =
| (tu::_, []) | ([], tu::_) -> occur_univar !env tu
(* Is this handling of levels really principal? *)
List.iter (update_level !env (repr more).level) (tl1' @ tl2');
List.iter (fun ty ->
let rm = repr more in
update_level !env rm.level ty;
update_scope rm.scope ty;
) (tl1' @ tl2');
let e = ref None in
let f1' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl1', m1 || m2, e)
and f2' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl2', m1 || m2, e) in
@ -2817,12 +2830,16 @@ and unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 more l f1 f2 =
| Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
| Reither(false, tl, _, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when not fixed1 ->
set_row_field e1 f2;
update_level !env (repr more).level t2;
let rm = repr more in
update_level !env rm.level t2;
update_scope rm.scope t2;
(try List.iter (fun t1 -> unify env t1 t2) tl
with exn -> e1 := None; raise exn)
| Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl, _, e2) when not fixed2 ->
set_row_field e2 f1;
update_level !env (repr more).level t1;
let rm = repr more in
update_level !env rm.level t1;
update_scope rm.scope t1;
(try List.iter (unify env t1) tl
with exn -> e2 := None; raise exn)
| Reither(true, [], _, e1), Rpresent None when not fixed1 ->
@ -2868,6 +2885,7 @@ let unify_var env t1 t2 =
begin try
occur env t1 t2;
update_level env t1.level t2;
update_scope t1.scope t2;
link_type t1 t2;
reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
with Unify trace ->
@ -2954,6 +2972,7 @@ let filter_method env name priv ty =
let ty1 = newvar () in
let ty' = newobj ty1 in
update_level env ty.level ty';
update_scope ty.scope ty';
link_type ty ty';
filter_method_field env name priv ty1
| Tobject(f, _) ->
@ -3018,6 +3037,7 @@ let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
(Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 ->
moregen_occur env t1.level t2;
update_scope t1.scope t2;
occur env t1 t2;
link_type t1 t2
| (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
@ -3035,6 +3055,7 @@ let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
match (t1'.desc, t2'.desc) with
(Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1' ->
moregen_occur env t1'.level t2;
update_scope t1'.scope t2;
link_type t1' t2
| (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2
|| !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
@ -3126,6 +3147,7 @@ and moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2 =
newgenty (Tvariant {row2 with row_fields = r2; row_name = None})
moregen_occur env rm1.level ext;
update_scope rm1.scope ext;
link_type rm1 ext
| Tconstr _, Tconstr _ ->
moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env rm1 rm2

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@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ type t = {
functor_args: unit Ident.tbl;
summary: summary;
local_constraints: type_declaration PathMap.t;
gadt_instances: (int * TypeSet.t ref) list;
flags: int;
@ -494,7 +493,6 @@ and functor_components = {
let copy_local ~from env =
{ env with
local_constraints = from.local_constraints;
gadt_instances = from.gadt_instances;
flags = from.flags }
let same_constr = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false)
@ -534,7 +532,7 @@ let empty = {
modules = IdTbl.empty; modtypes = IdTbl.empty;
components = IdTbl.empty; classes = IdTbl.empty;
cltypes = IdTbl.empty;
summary = Env_empty; local_constraints = PathMap.empty; gadt_instances = [];
summary = Env_empty; local_constraints = PathMap.empty;
flags = 0;
functor_args = Ident.empty;
@ -1537,52 +1535,6 @@ let find_shadowed_types path env =
(fun env -> env.types) (fun comps -> comps.comp_types) path env)
(* GADT instance tracking *)
let add_gadt_instance_level lv env =
{env with
gadt_instances = (lv, ref TypeSet.empty) :: env.gadt_instances}
let is_Tlink = function {desc = Tlink _} -> true | _ -> false
let gadt_instance_level env t =
let rec find_instance = function
[] -> None
| (lv, r) :: rem ->
if TypeSet.exists is_Tlink !r then
(* Should we use set_typeset ? *)
r := TypeSet.fold (fun ty -> TypeSet.add (repr ty)) !r TypeSet.empty;
if TypeSet.mem t !r then Some lv else find_instance rem
in find_instance env.gadt_instances
let add_gadt_instances env lv tl =
let r =
try List.assoc lv env.gadt_instances with Not_found -> assert false in
(* Format.eprintf "Added";
List.iter (fun ty -> Format.eprintf "@ %a" !Btype.print_raw ty) tl;
Format.eprintf "@."; *)
set_typeset r (List.fold_right TypeSet.add tl !r)
(* Only use this after expand_head! *)
let add_gadt_instance_chain env lv t =
let r =
try List.assoc lv env.gadt_instances with Not_found -> assert false in
let rec add_instance t =
let t = repr t in
if not (TypeSet.mem t !r) then begin
(* Format.eprintf "@ %a" !Btype.print_raw t; *)
set_typeset r (TypeSet.add t !r);
match t.desc with
Tconstr (p, _, memo) ->
may add_instance (find_expans Private p !memo)
| _ -> ()
(* Format.eprintf "Added chain"; *)
add_instance t
(* Format.eprintf "@." *)
(* Expand manifest module type names at the top of the given module type *)
let rec scrape_alias env ?path mty =

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@ -91,10 +91,6 @@ val get_required_globals: unit -> Ident.t list
val add_required_global: Ident.t -> unit
val has_local_constraints: t -> bool
val add_gadt_instance_level: int -> t -> t
val gadt_instance_level: t -> type_expr -> int option
val add_gadt_instances: t -> int -> type_expr list -> unit
val add_gadt_instance_chain: t -> int -> type_expr -> unit
(* Lookup by long identifiers *)

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@ -4574,10 +4574,10 @@ and type_cases ?in_function env ty_arg ty_res partial_flag loc caselist =
Ident.set_current_time (get_current_level ());
let lev = Ident.current_time () in
Ctype.init_def (lev+1000); (* up to 1000 existentials *)
(lev, Env.add_gadt_instance_level lev env)
let lev, env =
if has_gadts then init_env () else (get_current_level (), env)
let lev =
if has_gadts then init_env () else get_current_level ()
(* if has_gadts then
Format.printf "lev = %d@.%a@." lev Printtyp.raw_type_expr ty_res; *)
@ -4683,8 +4683,8 @@ and type_cases ?in_function env ty_arg ty_res partial_flag loc caselist =
List.iter (fun c -> unify_exp env c.c_rhs ty_res') cases
let do_init = has_gadts || needs_exhaust_check in
let lev, env =
if do_init && not has_gadts then init_env () else lev, env in
let lev =
if do_init && not has_gadts then init_env () else lev in
let ty_arg_check =
if do_init then
(* Hack: use for_saving to copy variables too *)