(minor commit) parmatch: 80c formatting, typo in comments, rename one variable

Thomas Refis 2017-07-07 10:30:57 +01:00 committed by Thomas Refis
parent 2dc272d353
commit f1136ad9e7
1 changed files with 19 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -2256,11 +2256,12 @@ type amb_row = { row : pattern list ; varsets : IdSet.t list; }
p3 :: r3...
Simplify the first column [p1 p2 p3] by splitting all or-patterns and
collecting the head-bound variables (the varset). The result is a list of couples
collecting the head-bound variables (the varset). The result is a list of
(simple head pattern, rest of row)
where a "simple head pattern" starts with either the catch-all pattern omega (_) or
a head constructor, and the "rest of the row" has the head-bound variables
pushed as a new varset.
where a "simple head pattern" starts with either the catch-all pattern omega
(_) or a head constructor, and the "rest of the row" has the head-bound
variables pushed as a new varset.
For example,
{ row = x :: r1; varsets = s1 }
@ -2280,14 +2281,20 @@ let rec simplify_first_col = function
| { row = p::ps; varsets; }::rem ->
simplify_head_pat IdSet.empty p ps varsets (simplify_first_col rem)
and simplify_head_pat r p ps varsets k = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_alias (p,x,_) -> simplify_head_pat (IdSet.add x r) p ps varsets k
| Tpat_var (x,_) ->
(omega, { row = ps; varsets = IdSet.add x r :: varsets; }) :: k
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
simplify_head_pat r p1 ps varsets (simplify_head_pat r p2 ps varsets k)
| _ ->
(p, { row = ps; varsets = r :: varsets; }) :: k
and simplify_head_pat head_bound_variables p ps varsets k =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_alias (p,x,_) ->
simplify_head_pat (IdSet.add x head_bound_variables) p ps varsets k
| Tpat_var (x,_) ->
let rest_of_the_row =
{ row = ps; varsets = IdSet.add x head_bound_variables :: varsets; }
(omega, rest_of_the_row) :: k
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
simplify_head_pat head_bound_variables p1 ps varsets
(simplify_head_pat head_bound_variables p2 ps varsets k)
| _ ->
(p, { row = ps; varsets = head_bound_variables :: varsets; }) :: k
(* Consider a pattern matrix whose first column has been simplified
to contain only _ or a head constructor