Remove the dump_ast tool. A better replacement is part of the standalone ppx_tools package.

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Alain Frisch 2013-09-10 14:28:36 +00:00
parent eb0f68d351
commit ef35b10412
2 changed files with 0 additions and 137 deletions

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@ -308,16 +308,6 @@ primreq: $(PRIMREQ)
rm -f primreq
# Dump the Parsetree representation of OCaml code, in OCaml syntax
ocamlast: $(OCAMLAST)
$(CAMLC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o ocamlast ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma $(OCAMLAST)
rm -rf ocamlast
# Common stuff

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Alain Frisch, LexiFi *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
let autoopen_modules = ["Parsetree"; "Asttypes"; "Longident"; "Location"; "Lexing"]
let autoopen = ref true
let typ ty =
let ty = Parse.core_type (Lexing.from_string ty) in
let ty = Typetexp.transl_simple_type Env.initial false ty in
let show_value ty v =
let env = Env.initial in
let env = if !autoopen then List.fold_right Env.open_pers_signature autoopen_modules env else env in
Format.printf "%a@." (Toploop.print_value env (Obj.repr v)) (typ ty)
let dump_file fn =
let ic = open_in fn in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
if Filename.check_suffix fn ".mli"
then show_value "Parsetree.signature" (Parse.interface buf)
else show_value "Parsetree.structure" (Parse.implementation buf);
close_in ic
let dump_expr s =
show_value "Parsetree.expression" (Parse.expression (Lexing.from_string s))
let dump_type s =
show_value "Parsetree.core_type" (Parse.core_type (Lexing.from_string s))
let dump_pattern s =
show_value "Parsetree.pattern" (Parse.pattern (Lexing.from_string s))
(* Filtering of output *)
module Filter = struct
open Outcometree
let hidelocs = ref true
let hideattrs = ref true
let map_oval f = function
| Oval_array l -> Oval_array ( f l)
| Oval_constr (i, l) -> Oval_constr (i, f l)
| Oval_list l -> Oval_list ( f l)
| Oval_record l -> Oval_record ( (fun (s, x) -> (s, f x)) l)
| Oval_tuple l -> Oval_tuple ( f l)
| Oval_variant (s, Some x) -> Oval_variant (s, Some (f x))
| x -> x
let ends_with s l =
let ll = String.length l and ls = String.length s in
ll >= ls && String.sub l (ll - ls) ls = s
let filter_field = function
| (Oide_ident l, Oval_list [])
when !hideattrs && ends_with "_attributes" l -> false
| (Oide_ident l, _)
when !hidelocs && (ends_with "_loc" l || l = "loc") -> false
| _ -> true
let rec filter_val x =
match map_oval filter_val x with
| Oval_record l -> Oval_record (List.filter filter_field l)
| x -> x
let () =
let old = !Oprint.out_value in
Oprint.out_value := (fun ppf v -> old ppf (filter_val v))
(* Command-line parsing *)
let args =
let open Arg in
"-noopen", Clear autoopen,
" Don't assume that default modules are opened";
"-locs", Clear Filter.hidelocs,
" Keep locations";
"-emptyattrs", Clear Filter.hideattrs,
" Keep empty attributes";
"-e", String dump_expr,
"<expr> Dump the AST for <expr>";
"-t", String dump_type,
"<type> Dump the AST for <type>";
"-p", String dump_pattern,
"<pattern> Dump the AST for <pattern>";
"-w", Int Format.set_margin,
"<width> Define the width (in characters) of the output"
let usage = "dump_ast [options] <.ml/.mli source files>\n"
let () =
let dir = Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0) in
let c0 = Filename.concat dir in
let c1 = Filename.concat Config.standard_library in
if Sys.file_exists (c1 "compiler-libs/parsetree.cmi")
then Config.load_path := [c1 "compiler-libs"; Config.standard_library]
else if Sys.file_exists (c0 "../parsing/parsetree.cmi")
(* Running from a source tree. *)
then Config.load_path := [c0 "../parsing"; c0 "../stdlib"]
else (prerr_endline "Cannot locate parsetree.cmi"; exit 2);
Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ();
Toploop.max_printer_depth := max_int;
Toploop.max_printer_steps := max_int;
try Arg.parse (Arg.align args) dump_file usage
with exn -> Errors.report_error Format.err_formatter exn