Premieres adaptations pour l'assembleur GNU
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -66,3 +66,10 @@ let print_specific_operation printreg op arg =
| Isub4 -> printreg arg.(0); print_string " * 4 - "; printreg arg.(1)
| Isub8 -> printreg arg.(0); print_string " * 8 - "; printreg arg.(1)
| Ireloadgp _ -> print_string "ldgp"
(* Distinguish between the Digital assembler and other assemblers (e.g. gas) *)
let digital_asm =
match Config.system with
"digital" -> true
| _ -> false
@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ let emit_addressing addr r n =
if ofs > 0 then ` + {emit_int ofs}`;
if ofs < 0 then ` - {emit_int(-ofs)}`
(* Immediate operands *)
let is_immediate n = digital_asm || (n >= 0 && n <= 255)
(* Communicate live registers at call points to the assembler *)
let int_reg_number = [|
@ -505,12 +509,22 @@ let emit_instr i =
` {emit_string instr} {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_reg i.arg.(1)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Idiv, n)) when n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) ->
let l = Misc.log2 n in
` addq {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_int(n-1)}, $25\n`;
if is_immediate n then
` addq {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_int(n-1)}, $25\n`
else begin
` ldiq $25, {emit_int n}\n`;
` addq {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, $25, $25\n`
` cmovge {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, $25\n`;
` sra $25, {emit_int l}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Imod, n)) when n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) ->
let l = Misc.log2 n in
` and {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_int(n-1)}, $25\n`;
if is_immediate n then
` and {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_int(n-1)}, $25\n`;
else begin
` ldiq $25, {emit_int n}\n`;
` and {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, $25, $25\n`;
` subq $25, {emit_int n}, $24\n`;
` cmovge {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, $25, $24\n`;
` cmoveq $25, $25, $24\n`;
@ -11,10 +11,57 @@
(* $Id$ *)
open Schedgen (* to create a dependency *)
open Mach
(* No scheduling is needed for the Alpha, the Digital Unix assembler
does it better than us. Problem: the assembler for Linux-Alpha
does not do scheduling... *)
(* The Digital Unix assembler does scheduling better than us.
However, the Linux-Alpha assembler does not do scheduling, so we do
a feeble attempt here. *)
let fundecl f = f
class scheduler () as self =
inherit Schedgen.scheduler_generic () as super
(* Latencies (in cycles). Based on the 21064, with some poetic license. *)
method oper_latency = function
Ireload -> 3
| Iload(_, _) -> 3
| Iconst_symbol _ -> 3 (* turned into a load *)
| Iconst_float _ -> 3 (* turned into a load *)
| Iintop(Imul) -> 23
| Iintop_imm(Imul, _) -> 23
| Iaddf -> 6
| Isubf -> 6
| Imulf -> 6
| Idivf -> 63
| _ -> 2
(* Most arithmetic instructions can be executed back-to-back in 1 cycle.
However, some combinations (arith; load or arith; store) require 2
cycles. Also, by claiming 2 cycles instead of 1, we might favor
dual issue. *)
(* Issue cycles. Rough approximations. *)
method oper_issue_cycles = function
Ialloc _ -> 4
| Iintop(Icheckbound) -> 2
| Iintop_imm(Idiv, _) -> 3
| Iintop_imm(Imod, _) -> 5
| Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _) -> 2
| Ifloatofint -> 10
| Iintoffloat -> 10
| _ -> 1
(* Say that reloadgp is not part of a basic block (prevents moving it
past an operation that uses $gp) *)
method oper_in_basic_block = function
Ispecific(Ireloadgp _) -> false
| op -> super#oper_in_basic_block op
let fundecl =
if Arch.digital_asm
then (fun f -> f)
else (new scheduler ())#fundecl
@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ class selector () as self =
inherit Selectgen.selector_generic() as super
method is_immediate (n : int) = true
method is_immediate n = digital_asm || (n >= 0 && n <= 255)
method select_addressing = function
Cconst_symbol s ->
(* Force an explicit lda for non-scheduling assemblers,
this allows our scheduler to do a better job of it. *)
Cconst_symbol s when digital_asm ->
(Ibased(s, 0), Ctuple [])
| Cop(Cadda, [Cconst_symbol s; Cconst_int n]) ->
(Ibased(s, n), Ctuple [])
Reference in New Issue