#5377: add a #show directive to the toplevel.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14618 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Alain Frisch 2014-04-17 09:24:14 +00:00
parent cd5e18a8a3
commit ec52baed6f
1 changed files with 93 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -318,6 +318,93 @@ let parse_warnings ppf iserr s =
try Warnings.parse_options iserr s
with Arg.Bad err -> fprintf ppf "%s.@." err
(* Typing information *)
let rec trim_modtype = function
Mty_signature _ -> Mty_signature []
| Mty_functor (id, mty, mty') ->
Mty_functor (id, mty, trim_modtype mty')
| Mty_ident _ | Mty_alias _ as mty -> mty
let trim_signature = function
Mty_signature sg ->
Sig_module (id, md, rs) ->
Sig_module (id, {md with md_type = trim_modtype md.md_type},
(*| Sig_modtype (id, Modtype_manifest mty) ->
Sig_modtype (id, Modtype_manifest (trim_modtype mty))*)
| item -> item)
| mty -> mty
let dir_show ppf args =
let open Parsetree in
let id lid =
let s = match lid with
Longident.Lident s -> s
| Longident.Ldot (_,s) -> s
| Longident.Lapply _ ->
fprintf ppf "Invalid path %a@." Printtyp.longident lid;
raise Exit
Ident.create_persistent s
let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in
let loc = Location.none in
let item =
match args with
| [ Pdir_keyword "val"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path, desc = Typetexp.find_value env loc lid in
Sig_value (id, desc)
| [ Pdir_keyword "type"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path, desc = Typetexp.find_type env loc lid in
Sig_type (id, desc, Trec_not)
| [ Pdir_keyword "exception"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let desc = Typetexp.find_constructor env loc lid in
begin match desc.cstr_tag with
| Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ ->
fprintf ppf "@[This constructor is not an exception.@]@.";
raise Exit
| Cstr_exception _ ->
Sig_exception (id, {exn_args=desc.cstr_args;
| [ Pdir_keyword "module"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path = Typetexp.find_module env loc lid in
let md = Env.find_module path env in
Sig_module (id, {md with md_type = trim_signature md.md_type},
| [ Pdir_keyword "module"; Pdir_keyword "type"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path, desc = Typetexp.find_modtype env loc lid in
Sig_modtype (id, desc)
| [ Pdir_keyword "class"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path, desc = Typetexp.find_class env loc lid in
Sig_class (id, desc, Trec_not)
| [ Pdir_keyword "class"; Pdir_keyword "type"; Pdir_ident lid ] ->
let id = id lid in
let path, desc = Typetexp.find_class_type env loc lid in
Sig_class_type (id, desc, Trec_not)
| _ -> fprintf ppf "@[Bad usage for #show@]@."; raise Exit
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." Printtyp.signature [item]
| Not_found ->
fprintf ppf "@[Unknown element.@]@."
| Exit ->
let _ =
Hashtbl.add directive_table "trace" (Directive_ident (dir_trace std_out));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace" (Directive_ident (dir_untrace std_out));
@ -346,4 +433,9 @@ let _ =
(Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out false));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "warn_error"
(Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true))
(Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true));
Hashtbl.add directive_table "show"
(Directive_generic (dir_show std_out));