add advanced examples
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -1061,14 +1061,64 @@ exhaustive (the "Add" case cannot happen).
| App(_,_) -> 0
% Another frequent application of GADTs is equality witnesses.
% \begin{verbatim}
% type (_,_) eq = Eq : ('a,'a) eq
\paragraph{Advanced examples}
The "term" type we have defined above is an {\em indexed} type, where
a type parameter reflects the value contents.
Another use of GADTs is {\em singleton} types, where a GADT value
represents exactly one type. This value can be used as runtime
representation for this type, and a function receiving it can have a
polytypic behavior.
% let cast : type a b. (a,b) eq -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x
% val cast : ('a, 'b) eq -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
% \end{verbatim}
% Here type "eq" has only one constructor, and by matching on it one
% adds a local constraint allowing the conversion between "a" and "b".
% By building such equality witnesses, one can make equal types which
% are syntactically different.
Here is an example of a polymorphic function that takes the
runtime representation of some type "t" and a value of the same type,
then pretty-print the value as a string:
type _ typ =
| Int : int typ
| String : string typ
| Pair : 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a * 'b) typ
let rec to_string: type t. t typ -> t -> string =
fun t x ->
match t with
| Int -> string_of_int x
| String -> Printf.sprintf "%S" x
| Pair(t1,t2) ->
let (x1, x2) = x in
Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (to_string t1 x1) (to_string t2 x2)
Another frequent application of GADTs is equality witnesses.
type (_,_) eq = Eq : ('a,'a) eq
let cast : type a b. (a,b) eq -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x
Here type "eq" has only one constructor, and by matching on it one
adds a local constraint allowing the conversion between "a" and "b".
By building such equality witnesses, one can make equal types which
are syntactically different.
Here is an example using both singleton types and equality witnesses
to implement dynamic types.
let rec eq_type : type a b. a typ -> b typ -> (a,b) eq option =
fun a b ->
match a, b with
| Int, Int -> Some Eq
| String, String -> Some Eq
| Pair(a1,a2), Pair(b1,b2) ->
begin match eq_type a1 b1, eq_type a2 b2 with
| Some Eq, Some Eq -> Some Eq
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
type dyn = Dyn : 'a typ * 'a -> dyn
let get_dyn : type a. a typ -> dyn -> a option =
fun a (Dyn(b,x)) ->
match eq_type a b with
None -> None
| Some Eq -> Some x
Reference in New Issue