recursive expansion for single cases

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Jacques Garrigue 2015-10-13 12:38:07 +00:00
parent bcddc5aa37
commit e6075fd1e3
4 changed files with 40 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -24,3 +24,11 @@ let f (x : unit t option) = match x with None -> 1 | _ -> 2;; (* warn? *)
let f (x : unit t option) = match x with None -> 1 | Some _ -> 2;; (* warn *)
let f (x : int t option) = match x with None -> 1 | _ -> 2;;
let f (x : int t option) = match x with None -> 1;; (* warn *)
(* Example with record, type, single case *)
type 'a box = Box of 'a
type 'a pair = {left: 'a; right: 'a};;
let f : (int t box pair * bool) option -> unit = function None -> ();;
let f : (string t box pair * bool) option -> unit = function None -> ();;

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@ -38,4 +38,14 @@ Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
Some A
val f : int t option -> int = <fun>
# type 'a box = Box of 'a
type 'a pair = { left : 'a; right : 'a; }
# Characters 50-69:
let f : (int t box pair * bool) option -> unit = function None -> ();;
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
Some ({left=Box A; right=Box A}, _)
val f : (int t box pair * bool) option -> unit = <fun>
# val f : (string t box pair * bool) option -> unit = <fun>

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@ -721,15 +721,23 @@ let pats_of_type ?(always=false) env ty =
let ty' = Ctype.expand_head env ty in
match ty'.desc with
| Tconstr (path, _, _) ->
begin match Env.find_type path env with
| {type_kind = Type_variant cl}
when always || List.for_all (fun cd -> cd.Types.cd_res <> None) cl ->
begin match (Env.find_type path env).type_kind with
| Type_variant cl when always || List.length cl = 1 ||
List.for_all (fun cd -> cd.Types.cd_res <> None) cl ->
let cstrs = fst (Env.find_type_descrs path env) in
(pat_of_constr {omega with pat_type=ty; pat_env=env})
cstrs (pat_of_constr (make_pat Tpat_any ty env)) cstrs
| Type_record (ldl, _) ->
let labels = snd (Env.find_type_descrs path env) in
let fields = (fun ld ->
mknoloc (Longident.Lident "?pat_of_label?"), ld, omega)
[make_pat (Tpat_record (fields, Closed)) ty env]
| _ -> [omega]
| Ttuple tl ->
[make_pat (Tpat_tuple (omegas (List.length tl))) ty env]
| _ -> [omega]
let rec get_variant_constructors env ty =

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@ -967,8 +967,13 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~explode ~env
let (sp, constrs, labels) = Parmatch.ppat_of_type !env expected_ty in
if sp.ppat_desc = Parsetree.Ppat_any then k' Tpat_any else
if mode = Inside_or then raise Need_backtrack else
let explode =
match sp.ppat_desc with
Parsetree.Ppat_or _ -> explode - 10
| _ -> explode - 1
type_pat ~constrs:(Some constrs) ~labels:(Some labels)
~explode:(explode-1) sp expected_ty k
~explode sp expected_ty k
else k' Tpat_any
| Ppat_var name ->
assert (constrs = None);
@ -1353,11 +1358,11 @@ let partial_pred ~lev ?mode ?explode env expected_ty constrs labels p =
let check_partial ?(lev=get_current_level ()) env expected_ty =
Parmatch.check_partial_gadt (partial_pred ~lev ~explode:1 env expected_ty)
Parmatch.check_partial_gadt (partial_pred ~lev ~explode:10 env expected_ty)
let check_unused ?(lev=get_current_level ()) env expected_ty =
(partial_pred ~lev ~mode:Split_or ~explode:1 env expected_ty) env
(partial_pred ~lev ~mode:Split_or ~explode:10 env expected_ty) env
let rec iter3 f lst1 lst2 lst3 =
match lst1,lst2,lst3 with