More new features + some fixes

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 2010-04-15 12:45:23 +00:00
parent 575d1f247d
commit e07a3ae59f
1 changed files with 68 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -406,6 +406,14 @@ is not inferred, and must be given explicitly.
| "let" "open" module-path "in" expr
| module-path '.(' expr ')'
The expressions
@"let" "open" module-path "in" expr@
@ -420,15 +428,73 @@ scope. Also, this can make the code easier to read (the open statement is
closer to where it is used) and to refactor (because the code
fragment is more self-contained).
\section{Record notations}
| '{' field ('=' pattern)? { ';' (field '=' pattern)? } ( ';' '_' )? '}'
| '{' field ('=' expr)? { ';' field ('=' expr)? } '}'
| '{' expr 'with' field ('=' expr?) { ';' field ('=' expr)? } '}'
In a record pattern or a record construction expression, a single
identifier @id@ stands for @id = id@, and a qualified identifier
@path ',' id@ stands for @path '.' id = id@. For example, assuming
the record type
type point = { x: float; y: float }
has been declared, the following expressions are equivalent:
let x = 1 and y = 2 in { x = x; y = y }
let x = 1 and y = 2 in { x; y }
let x = 1 and y = 2 in { x = x; y }
Likewise, the following functions are equivalent:
fun {x = x; y = y} -> x + y
fun {x; y} -> x + y
Optionally, a record pattern can be terminated by "; _" to convey the
fact that not all fields of the record type are listed in the record
pattern and that it is intentional. By default, the compiler ignores
the "; _" annotation. If the "R" warning is turned on, however,
the compiler will warn if a record pattern fails to list all fields of
the corresponding record type and is not terminated by "; _".
Continuing the "point" example above,
fun {x} -> x + 1
will warn if the "R" warning is on, while
fun {x; _} -> x + 1
will not warn. This warning can help spot program points where record
patterns may need to be modified after new fields were added to a
record type.
\section{Explicit naming of generic types}
The expression @"fun" ("type" typeconstr-name) "->" expr@ introduces a
| '(' "type" typeconstr-name ')'
The expression @"fun" '(' "type" typeconstr-name ')' "->" expr@ introduces a
type constructor named @typeconstr-name@ which is considered abstract
in the scope of the sub-expression, but then replaced by a fresh type
variable. Note that contrary to what the syntax could suggest, the
expression @"fun" ("type" typeconstr-name) "->" expr@ itself does not
expression @"fun" '(' "type" typeconstr-name ')' "->" expr@ itself does not
suspend the evaluation of @expr@ as a regular abstraction would. The
syntax has been chosen to fit nicely in the context of function
declarations, where it is generally used. It is possible to freely mix