Fusionner les allocations qui sont dans le meme basic block

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@2269 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1999-02-04 15:29:34 +00:00
parent a0257345ce
commit dfff116874
1 changed files with 83 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -44,33 +44,60 @@ let oper_result_type = function
(* Infer the size in bytes of the result of a simple expression *)
let size_expr env exp =
let rec size localenv = function
Cconst_int _ | Cconst_natint _ -> Arch.size_int
| Cconst_symbol _ | Cconst_pointer _ -> Arch.size_addr
| Cconst_float _ -> Arch.size_float
| Cvar id ->
begin try
Tbl.find id localenv
with Not_found ->
let regs = Tbl.find id env in
size_machtype (Array.map (fun r -> r.typ) regs)
with Not_found ->
fatal_error("Selection.size_expr: unbound var " ^
Ident.unique_name id)
| Ctuple el ->
List.fold_right (fun e sz -> size localenv e + sz) el 0
| Cop(op, args) ->
size_machtype(oper_result_type op)
| Clet(id, arg, body) ->
size (Tbl.add id (size localenv arg) localenv) body
| Csequence(e1, e2) ->
size localenv e2
| _ ->
fatal_error "Selection.size_expr"
in size Tbl.empty exp
let rec size env localenv = function
Cconst_int _ | Cconst_natint _ -> Arch.size_int
| Cconst_symbol _ | Cconst_pointer _ -> Arch.size_addr
| Cconst_float _ -> Arch.size_float
| Cvar id ->
begin try
Tbl.find id localenv
with Not_found ->
let regs = Tbl.find id env in
size_machtype (Array.map (fun r -> r.typ) regs)
with Not_found ->
fatal_error("Selection.size_expr: unbound var " ^
Ident.unique_name id)
| Ctuple el ->
size_list env localenv el
| Cop(op, args) ->
size_machtype(oper_result_type op)
| Clet(id, arg, body) ->
size env (Tbl.add id (size env localenv arg) localenv) body
| Csequence(e1, e2) ->
size env localenv e2
| _ ->
fatal_error "Selection.size"
and size_list env localenv el =
List.fold_right (fun e sz -> size env localenv e + sz) el 0
let size_expr env exp = size env Tbl.empty exp
(* Compute the total size (in bytes) of memory allocated by
a simple expression *)
let rec alloc_sz env localenv = function
Ctuple el ->
alloc_sz_list env localenv el
| Cop(op, args) ->
let s = alloc_sz_list env localenv args in
begin match op with
Calloc -> s + size_list env localenv args
| _ -> s
| Clet(id, arg, body) ->
alloc_sz env localenv arg +
alloc_sz env (Tbl.add id (size env localenv arg) localenv) body
| Csequence(e1, e2) ->
alloc_sz env localenv e1 + alloc_sz env localenv e2
| _ -> 0
and alloc_sz_list env localenv el =
List.fold_right (fun e sz -> alloc_sz env localenv e + sz) el 0
let alloc_size env exp = alloc_sz env Tbl.empty exp
(* Says if an expression is "simple". A "simple" expression has no
side-effects and its execution can be delayed until its value
@ -92,7 +119,7 @@ let rec is_simple_expr = function
| Cop(op, args) ->
begin match op with
(* The following may have side effects *)
Capply _ | Cextcall(_, _, _) | Calloc | Cstore | Cstorechunk _ |
Capply _ | Cextcall(_, _, _) | Cstore | Cstorechunk _ |
Craise -> false
(* The remaining operations are simple if their args are *)
| _ -> List.for_all is_simple_expr args
@ -170,6 +197,11 @@ let join_array rs =
(* Addressing mode to refer to the header word of a newly allocated object *)
let header_addressing =
Arch.offset_addressing Arch.identity_addressing (-Arch.size_int)
(* The default instruction selection class *)
class virtual selector_generic = object (self)
@ -325,6 +357,14 @@ method extract =
else extract (instr_cons i.desc i.arg i.res res) i.next in
extract (end_instr()) instr_seq
(* Are we inside a combined allocation? *)
val mutable alloc_state = (None : (Reg.t array * int) option)
(* None: no combined allocation
Some(r, n): earlier allocation left result in register [r],
current offset in allocated block is [n]. *)
(* Insert a sequence of moves from one pseudoreg set to another. *)
method insert_move src dst =
@ -451,10 +491,21 @@ method emit_expr env exp =
Proc.contains_calls := true;
let rd = Reg.createv typ_addr in
let size = size_expr env (Ctuple new_args) in
self#insert (Iop(Ialloc size)) [||] rd;
self#emit_stores env new_args rd
(Arch.offset_addressing Arch.identity_addressing (-Arch.size_int));
begin match alloc_state with
None ->
let total_size = alloc_size env (Cop(Calloc, new_args)) in
self#insert (Iop(Ialloc total_size)) [||] rd;
alloc_state <- Some(rd, size);
self#emit_stores env new_args rd header_addressing;
alloc_state <- None;
| Some(ralloc, ofs) ->
self#insert_op (Iintop_imm(Iadd, ofs)) ralloc rd;
alloc_state <- Some(ralloc, ofs + size);
self#emit_stores env new_args ralloc
(Arch.offset_addressing header_addressing ofs);
| op ->
let r1 = self#emit_tuple env new_args in
let rd = Reg.createv ty in