Correction de open_process* et close_process*

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1996-10-08 09:32:02 +00:00
parent e910c65a7f
commit da60ca6e39
1 changed files with 27 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -514,12 +514,21 @@ let system cmd =
exit 127
| id -> snd(waitpid [] id)
let perform_redirections new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr =
if new_stdin <> stdin then begin
dup2 new_stdin stdin; close new_stdin
if new_stdout <> stdout then begin
dup2 new_stdout stdout; close new_stdout
if new_stderr <> stderr then begin
dup2 new_stderr stderr; close new_stderr
let create_process cmd args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr =
match fork() with
0 ->
if new_stdin <> stdin then dup2 new_stdin stdin;
if new_stdout <> stdout then dup2 new_stdout stdout;
if new_stderr <> stderr then dup2 new_stderr stderr;
perform_redirections new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr;
execvp cmd args;
exit 127
| id -> id
@ -527,9 +536,7 @@ let create_process cmd args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr =
let create_process_env cmd args env new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr =
match fork() with
0 ->
if new_stdin <> stdin then dup2 new_stdin stdin;
if new_stdout <> stdout then dup2 new_stdout stdout;
if new_stderr <> stderr then dup2 new_stderr stderr;
perform_redirections new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr;
execvpe cmd args env;
exit 127
| id -> id
@ -541,22 +548,26 @@ type popen_process =
let popen_processes = (Hashtbl.create 7 : (popen_process, int) Hashtbl.t)
let open_proc cmd proc input output =
let pid =
create_process "/bin/sh" [| "/bin/sh"; "-c"; cmd |] input output stderr in
Hashtbl.add popen_processes proc pid
let open_proc cmd proc input output toclose =
match fork() with
0 -> if input <> stdin then begin dup2 input stdin; close input end;
if output <> stdout then begin dup2 output stdout; close output end;
List.iter close toclose;
execv "/bin/sh" [| "/bin/sh"; "-c"; cmd |];
exit 127
| id -> Hashtbl.add popen_processes proc id
let open_process_in cmd =
let (in_read, in_write) = pipe() in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
open_proc cmd (Process_in inchan) stdin in_write;
open_proc cmd (Process_in inchan) stdin in_write [in_read];
close in_write;
let open_process_out cmd =
let (out_read, out_write) = pipe() in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
open_proc cmd (Process_out outchan) out_read stdout;
open_proc cmd (Process_out outchan) out_read stdout [out_write];
close out_read;
@ -565,9 +576,10 @@ let open_process cmd =
let (out_read, out_write) = pipe() in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
open_proc cmd (Process(inchan, outchan)) out_read in_write;
close in_write;
open_proc cmd (Process(inchan, outchan)) out_read in_write
[in_read; out_write];
close out_read;
close in_write;
(inchan, outchan)
let find_proc_id fun_name proc =
@ -590,7 +602,7 @@ let close_process_out outchan =
let close_process (inchan, outchan) =
let pid = find_proc_id "close_process" (Process(inchan, outchan)) in
close_in inchan; close_out outchan;
close_in inchan;
snd(waitpid [] pid)
(* High-level network functions *)