A -ppx rewriter to evaluate expressions at compile time.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/branches/extension_points@13506 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Alain Frisch 2013-04-11 12:21:02 +00:00
parent 94106bf007
commit d5682ed9cf
4 changed files with 199 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
OCAMLC=$(ROOT)/boot/ocamlrun $(ROOT)/ocamlc -I $(ROOT)/stdlib -I $(ROOT)/parsing -I $(ROOT)/utils -I $(ROOT)/tools -I $(ROOT)/typing -w A-4-9
OCAMLC=$(ROOT)/boot/ocamlrun $(ROOT)/ocamlc -I $(ROOT)/stdlib -I $(ROOT)/parsing -I $(ROOT)/utils -I $(ROOT)/tools -I $(ROOT)/typing -I $(ROOT)/driver -I $(ROOT)/toplevel -w A-4-9
tracer.exe: tracer.ml
$(OCAMLC) -o $@ $(COMMON) $(ROOT)/tools/ast_mapper.cmo tracer.ml
@ -42,3 +44,8 @@ lifter:
$(OCAMLC) -custom -o metaquot.exe -w +A-4 $(COMMON) ast_lifter.cmo metaquot.ml
$(OCAMLC) -custom -o metaquot_test.exe -w +A -ppx ./metaquot.exe $(COMMON) metaquot_test.ml
.PHONY: eval
$(OCAMLC) -linkall -o eval.exe -w +A-4 $(COMMON) $(BYTECMP) $(TOPLVL) eval.ml
$(OCAMLC) -o test_eval.exe -w +A -ppx ./eval.exe test_eval.ml

experimental/frisch/eval.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
(* A -ppx rewriter which evaluates expressions at compile-time,
using the OCaml toplevel interpreter.
The following extensions are supported:
[%eval e] in expression context: the expression e will be evaluated
at compile time, and the resulting value will be inserted as a
constant literal.
[%%eval.start] as a structure item: forthcoming structure items
until the next [%%eval.stop] will be evaluated at compile time (the
result is ignored) only.
[%%eval.start both] as a structure item: forthcoming structure
items until the next [%%eval.stop] will be evaluated at compile
time (the result is ignored), but also kept in the compiled unit.
[%%eval.load "..."] as a structure item: load the specified
.cmo unit or .cma library, so that it can be used in the forthcoming
compile-time components.
module Main : sig end = struct
open Location
open Longident
open Asttypes
open Parsetree
open Ast_helper
open Outcometree
(* Convenience AST builders, to be moved to Ast_helper at some point *)
let may_tuple tup = function
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| l -> Some (tup l)
let lid s = mknoloc (Longident.parse s)
let constr s args = Exp.construct (lid s) (may_tuple Exp.tuple args) false
let nil = constr "[]" []
let cons hd tl = constr "::" [hd; tl]
let list l = List.fold_right cons l nil
let str s = Exp.constant (Const_string (s, None))
let int x = Exp.constant (Const_int x)
let char x = Exp.constant (Const_char x)
let float x = Exp.constant (Const_float (string_of_float x))
let get_str = function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Const_string (s, _)); _} -> s
| e ->
Location.print_error Format.err_formatter e.pexp_loc;
Format.eprintf "string literal expected";
exit 2
let rec lid_of_out_ident = function
| Oide_apply _ -> assert false
| Oide_dot (x, s) -> lid_of_out_ident x ^ "." ^ s
| Oide_ident s -> s
let rec exp_of_out_value = function
| Oval_string x -> str x
| Oval_int x -> int x
| Oval_char x -> char x
| Oval_float x -> float x
| Oval_list l -> list (List.map exp_of_out_value l)
| Oval_array l -> Exp.array (List.map exp_of_out_value l)
| Oval_constr (c, args) -> constr (lid_of_out_ident c) (List.map exp_of_out_value args)
| Oval_record l ->
(List.map (fun (s, v) -> (lid (lid_of_out_ident s),
exp_of_out_value v)) l)
| v ->
Format.eprintf "[%%eval] cannot map value to expression:@.%a@."
exit 2
let set_loc loc = object
inherit Ast_mapper.mapper
method! location _ = loc
let empty_str_item = Str.include_ (Mod.structure [])
let run phr =
try Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.err_formatter phr
with exn ->
Errors.report_error Format.err_formatter exn;
exit 2
let eval = object
inherit Ast_mapper.mapper as super
val mutable eval_str_items = None
method! structure_item i =
match i.pstr_desc with
| Pstr_extension(("eval.load", e0), _) ->
let s = get_str e0 in
if not (Topdirs.load_file Format.err_formatter s) then begin
Location.print Format.err_formatter e0.pexp_loc;
exit 2;
| Pstr_extension(("eval.start", {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=Lident"both";_};_}), _) ->
eval_str_items <- Some true;
| Pstr_extension(("eval.start", _), _) ->
eval_str_items <- Some false;
| Pstr_extension(("eval.stop", _), _) ->
eval_str_items <- None;
| _ ->
let s = super # structure_item i in
match eval_str_items with
| None -> s
| Some both ->
if not (run (Ptop_def [s])) then begin
Location.print_error Format.err_formatter s.pstr_loc;
Format.eprintf "this structure item raised an exception@.";
exit 2
if both then s else empty_str_item
method! expr e =
match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_extension("eval", e0) ->
let last_result = ref None in
let pop = !Toploop.print_out_phrase in
Toploop.print_out_phrase := begin fun _ppf -> function
| Ophr_eval (v, _) -> last_result := Some v
| r ->
Location.print_error Format.err_formatter e.pexp_loc;
Format.eprintf "error while evaluating expression:@.%a@."
exit 2
run (Ptop_def [Str.eval e0]);
Toploop.print_out_phrase := pop;
begin match !last_result with
| None -> assert false
| Some v -> (set_loc e0.pexp_loc) # expr (exp_of_out_value v)
| _ ->
super # expr e
initializer Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ()
let () = Ast_mapper.main eval

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
[%%eval.load "unix.cma"]
[%%eval.start both]
type t = A | B of string
let () = print_endline "Now compiling..."
let () =
begin match [%eval B "x"] with
| A -> print_endline "A"
| B s -> Printf.printf "B %S\n%!" s
Printf.printf "Home dir at compile time = %s\n" [%eval Sys.getenv "HOME"];
Printf.printf "Word-size = %i\n" [%eval Sys.word_size];
Array.iter (Printf.printf "%s;") [%eval Sys.readdir "."];
print_endline "";
[%eval print_endline "COUCOU"]
let () =
let tm = [%eval Unix.(localtime (gettimeofday ()))] in
Printf.printf "This program was compiled in %i\n%!" (1900 + tm.Unix.tm_year)
let () =
let debug =
[%eval try Some (Sys.getenv "DEBUG") with Not_found -> None]
match debug with
| Some x -> Printf.printf "DEBUG %s\n%!" x
| None -> Printf.printf "NODEBUG\n%!"

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@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
(fun f l2 -> List.iter (aux f) l2) l2
| _ -> assert false
| Pstr_attribute _
| Pstr_attribute _ -> ()
| Pstr_extension _ -> assert false
method type_param f = function