Updated doc private types

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Xavier Leroy 2008-09-18 11:27:49 +00:00
parent 0edd35afe3
commit cefc91255b
1 changed files with 94 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ of "Lazy.force" may be implicit through pattern matching.
The pattern @"lazy" pattern@ matches values \var{v} of type "Lazy.t",
provided @pattern@ matches the result of forcing \var{v} with
"Lazy.force". A successful match of a pattern containing "lazy"
sub-patterns forces the corresponding parts of the value matched, even
sub-patterns forces the corresponding parts of the value being matched, even
those that imply no test such as @"lazy" value-name@ or @"lazy" "_"@.
Matching a value with a @pattern-matching@ where some patterns
contain "lazy" sub-patterns may imply forcing parts of the value,
even when the selected pattern has no "lazy" sub-pattern.
even when the pattern selected in the end has no "lazy" sub-pattern.
For more information, see the description of module "Lazy" in the
standard library (see
@ -179,46 +179,6 @@ It then returns the value of @expr@. For example:
(List.fold_right StringSet.add string_list StringSet.empty)
\section{Private types}
| '=' 'private' constr-decl { '|' constr-decl }
| '=' 'private' '{' field-decl { ';' field-decl } '}'
Private types are variant or record types. Values of
these types can be de-structured normally in pattern-matching or via
the @expr '.' field@ notation for record accesses. However, values of
these types cannot be constructed directly by constructor application
or record construction. Moreover, assignment on a mutable field of a
private record type is not allowed.
The typical use of private types is in the export signature of a
module, to ensure that construction of values of the private type always
go through the functions provided by the module, while still allowing
pattern-matching outside the defining module. For example:
module M : sig
type t = private A | B of int
val a : t
val b : int -> t
= struct
type t = A | B of int
let a = A
let b n = assert (n > 0); B n
Here, the "private" declaration ensures that in any value of type
"M.t", the argument to the "B" constructor is always a positive integer.
With respect to the variance of their parameters, private types are
handled like abstract types. That is, if a private type has
parameters, their variance is the one explicitly given by prefixing
the parameter by a `"+"' or a `"-"', it is invariant otherwise.
\section{Recursive modules} \label{s-recursive-modules}
@ -285,7 +245,97 @@ function component of a safe module is applied during this computation
(which corresponds to an ill-founded recursive definition), the
"Undefined_recursive_module" exception is raised.
\section{Private row types} \label{s-private-rows}
\section{Private types}
Private type declarations in module signatures, of the form
"type t = private ...", enable libraries to
reveal some, but not all aspects of the implementation of a type to
clients of the library. In this respect, they strike a middle ground
between abstract type declarations, where no information is revealed
on the type implementation, and data type definitions and type
abbreviations, where all aspects of the type implementation are
publicized. Private type declarations come in three flavors: for
variant and record types (section~\ref{s-private-types-variant}),
for type abbreviations (section~\ref{s-private-types-abbrev}),
and for row types (section~\ref{s-private-row}).
\subsection{Private variant and record types}
| '=' 'private' constr-decl { '|' constr-decl }
| '=' 'private' '{' field-decl { ';' field-decl } '}'
Values of a variant or record type declared "private"
can be de-structured normally in pattern-matching or via
the @expr '.' field@ notation for record accesses. However, values of
these types cannot be constructed directly by constructor application
or record construction. Moreover, assignment on a mutable field of a
private record type is not allowed.
The typical use of private types is in the export signature of a
module, to ensure that construction of values of the private type always
go through the functions provided by the module, while still allowing
pattern-matching outside the defining module. For example:
module M : sig
type t = private A | B of int
val a : t
val b : int -> t
= struct
type t = A | B of int
let a = A
let b n = assert (n > 0); B n
Here, the "private" declaration ensures that in any value of type
"M.t", the argument to the "B" constructor is always a positive integer.
With respect to the variance of their parameters, private types are
handled like abstract types. That is, if a private type has
parameters, their variance is the one explicitly given by prefixing
the parameter by a `"+"' or a `"-"', it is invariant otherwise.
\subsection{Private type abbreviations} \label{s-private-types-abbrev}
| '=' 'private' typexpr
Unlike a regular type abbreviation, a private type abbreviation
declares a type that is distinct from its implementation type @typexpr@.
However, coercions from the type to @typexpr@ are permitted.
Moreover, the compiler ``knows'' the implementation type and can take
advantage of this knowledge to perform type-directed optimizations.
The following example uses a private type abbreviation to define a
module of nonnegative integers:
module N : sig
type t = private int
val of_int: int -> t
val to_int: t -> int
= struct
type t = int
let of_int n = assert (n >= 0); n
let to_int n = n
The type "N.t" is incompatible with "int", ensuring that nonnegative
integers and regular integers are not confused. However, if "x" has
type "N.t", the coercion "(x :> int)" is legal and returns the
underlying integer, just like "N.to_int x". Deep coercions are also
supported: if "l" has type "N.t list", the coercion "(l :> int list)"
returns the list of underlying integers, like "List.map N.to_int l"
but without copying the list "l".
\subsection{Private row types} \label{s-private-rows}
@ -339,4 +389,4 @@ but not "(`B b)". With type "v", construction is not restricted but
pattern-matching must have a default case.
Like for abstract and private types, the variance of type parameters
is not infered, and must be given explicitly.
is not inferred, and must be given explicitly.