PR#7355: Gc.finalise and lazy values

Damien Doligez 2016-09-28 13:44:34 +02:00 committed by David Allsopp
parent 3b1e11bb89
commit cd303efd6a
1 changed files with 10 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -295,9 +295,14 @@ val finalise : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
Some constant values can be heap-allocated but never deallocated
during the lifetime of the program, for example a list of integer
constants; this is also implementation-dependent.
Note that values of types [float] and ['a lazy] (for any ['a]) are
sometimes allocated and sometimes not, so finalising them is unsafe,
and [finalise] will also raise [Invalid_argument] for them.
Note that values of types [float] are sometimes allocated and
sometimes not, so finalising them is unsafe, and [finalise] will
also raise [Invalid_argument] for them. Values of type ['a Lazy.t]
(for any ['a]) are like [float] in this respect, except that the
compiler sometimes optimizes them in a way that prevents [finalise]
from detecting them. In this case, it will not raise
[Invalid_argument], but you should still avoid calling [finalise]
on lazy values.
The results of calling {!String.make}, {!Bytes.make}, {!Bytes.create},
@ -311,8 +316,8 @@ val finalise_last : (unit -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
finalisation function. The benefit is that the function is called
after the value is unreachable for the last time instead of the
first time. So contrary to {!finalise} the value will never be
reachable again or used again. In particular every weak pointers
and ephemerons that contained this value as key or data is unset
reachable again or used again. In particular every weak pointer
and ephemeron that contained this value as key or data is unset
before running the finalisation function. Moreover the
finalisation function attached with `GC.finalise` are always
called before the finalisation function attached with `GC.finalise_last`.