Introducing %A and %R conversion. Untabify. Wrong quoting chase.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ let rec expand_path env p =
match decl with
Some {type_manifest = Some ty} ->
begin match repr ty with
{desc=Tconstr(p,_,_)} -> expand_path env p
{desc=Tconstr(p,_,_)} -> expand_path env p
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> p
@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ end) = struct
let spellcheck ppf env p lid =
Typetexp.spellcheck_simple ppf fold
(fun d ->
if compare_type_path env p (get_type_path env d)
then get_name d else "") env lid
if compare_type_path env p (get_type_path env d)
then get_name d else "") env lid
let lookup_from_type env tpath lid =
let descrs = get_descrs (Env.find_type_descrs tpath env) in
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ end) = struct
Longident.Lident s -> begin
List.find (fun nd -> get_name nd = s) descrs
with Not_found ->
with Not_found ->
raise (Error (lid.loc, env, Wrong_name (type_kind, tpath, lid.txt)))
| _ -> raise Not_found
@ -604,24 +604,24 @@ end) = struct
let scope = match scope with None -> lbls | Some l -> l in
let lbl = match opath with
None ->
begin match lbls with
begin match lbls with
[] -> unbound_name_error env lid
| (lbl, use) :: rest ->
use ();
| (lbl, use) :: rest ->
use ();
let paths = ambiguous_types env lbl rest in
if paths <> [] then
warn lid.loc
(Warnings.Ambiguous_name ([Longident.last lid.txt],
paths, false));
if paths <> [] then
warn lid.loc
([Longident.last lid.txt], paths, false));
| Some(tpath0, tpath, pr) ->
let warn_pr () =
let kind = if type_kind = "record" then "field" else "constructor" in
let warn_pr () =
let kind = if type_kind = "record" then "field" else "constructor" in
warn lid.loc
("this type-based " ^ kind ^ " disambiguation"))
("this type-based " ^ kind ^ " disambiguation"))
let lbl, use = disambiguate_by_type env tpath scope in
use ();
@ -648,12 +648,12 @@ end) = struct
(Warnings.Name_out_of_scope (s, [Longident.last lid.txt], false));
if not pr then warn_pr ();
with Not_found ->
with Not_found ->
if lbls = [] then unbound_name_error env lid else
let tp = (tpath0, expand_path env tpath) in
let tpl =
(fun (lbl, _) ->
let tpl =
(fun (lbl, _) ->
let tp0 = get_type_path env lbl in
let tp = expand_path env tp0 in
(tp0, tp))
@ -941,10 +941,10 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
pat_env = !env }
| Ppat_construct(lid, sarg, explicit_arity) ->
let opath =
let (p0, p, _) = extract_concrete_variant !env expected_ty in
Some (p0, p, true)
with Not_found -> None
with Not_found -> None
let constrs =
match lid.txt, constrs with
@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
| _ -> Typetexp.find_all_constructors !env lid.loc lid.txt
let check_lk tpath constr =
if constr.cstr_generalized then
if constr.cstr_generalized then
raise (Error (lid.loc, !env,
Unqualified_gadt_pattern (tpath, constr.cstr_name)))
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
let (p0, p,_) = extract_concrete_record !env expected_ty in
Some (p0, p, true), expected_ty
with Not_found -> None, newvar ()
with Not_found -> None, newvar ()
let type_label_pat (label_lid, label, sarg) =
begin_def ();
@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
unify_pat_types loc !env ty_res record_ty
with Unify trace ->
raise(Error(label_lid.loc, !env,
Label_mismatch(label_lid.txt, trace)))
Label_mismatch(label_lid.txt, trace)))
let arg = type_pat sarg ty_arg in
if vars <> [] then begin
@ -1371,6 +1371,7 @@ external format_to_string :
let type_format loc fmt =
let ty_arrow gty ty = newty (Tarrow ("", instance_def gty, ty, Cok)) in
let ty_tuple tys = newty (Ttuple tys) in
let bad_conversion fmt i c =
raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Bad_conversion (fmt, i, c))) in
@ -1381,6 +1382,12 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
let len = String.length fmt in
let rec scan_decimal_string scan i j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '0' .. '9' -> scan_decimal_string scan i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan i j in
let ty_input = newvar ()
and ty_result = newvar ()
and ty_aresult = newvar ()
@ -1396,24 +1403,50 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
match fmt.[i] with
| '%' -> scan_opts i (i + 1)
| _ -> scan_format (i + 1)
and scan_opts i j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '_' -> scan_rest true i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan_rest false i j
and scan_rest skip i j =
let rec scan_flags i j =
(* A flag is:
plus_positive *)
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '#' | '0' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan_width i j
and scan_width i j = scan_width_or_prec_value scan_precision i j
and scan_decimal_string scan i j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '0' .. '9' -> scan_decimal_string scan i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan i j
and scan_width_or_prec_value scan i j =
| '#' (* alternate form for numerical conversions
o -> 0o, x -> 0x, X -> 0X,
e, E, f, F, g, G, -> a decimal point in the result,
even if no digits follow it... *)
| '0' (* zero padded value for numerical conversions diouxXeEfFgG.
If 0 and - are given 0 is ignored. For other conversions
undefined behaviour. *)
| '-' (* left adjusted value: pad on the right with blanks.
A - overrides a 0. *)
| ' ' (* a space should be left before a positive number for
signed numerical conversions *)
| '+' (* a sign (+ or -) should be prepend to a number for signed
conversions. A + overrides a space if both are given. *) ->
scan_flags i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan_field_width i j
and scan_field_width i j =
(* An optional decimal digit string with nonzero first digit,
or * (or *m$).
A negative field width is taken as a - flag followed by a
positive width.
If a result is wider than the field width the field is extended
to contain the result. *)
scan_field_width_or_precision_value scan_precision i j
and scan_field_width_or_precision_value scan i j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '*' ->
@ -1421,11 +1454,25 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
ty_uresult, ty_arrow Predef.type_int ty_result
| '-' | '+' -> scan_decimal_string scan i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan_decimal_string scan i j
and scan_precision i j =
(* A . followed by an optional decimal digit string.
If the precision is just . or is negative it is 0.
It gives
- the minimum number of digit for diouxX,
- the number of digits after the radix for eEfF,
- the maximum number of significant digits for gG,
- the maximum number of characters for sS,
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '.' -> scan_width_or_prec_value scan_conversion i (j + 1)
| '.' -> scan_field_width_or_precision_value scan_conversion i (j + 1)
| _ -> scan_conversion i j
(* The length modifier:
hh, h, l, ll, L, q, j, z, t.
and scan_indication j =
if j >= len then j - 1 else
match fmt.[j] with
@ -1443,6 +1490,7 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
| _c -> k
| _c -> j - 1
and scan_range j =
let rec scan_closing j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
@ -1469,6 +1517,39 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
scan_first_neg j
and scan_elem_indication j =
let rec scan_closing j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '@' ->
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
begin match fmt.[j] with
| ')' -> j + 1
| c -> bad_conversion fmt j c
| '%' ->
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
begin match fmt.[j] with
| '@' -> scan_closing (j + 1)
| c -> bad_conversion fmt j c
| c -> scan_closing (j + 1) in
let scan_first j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '@' ->
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
begin match fmt.[j] with
| '(' -> scan_closing (j + 1)
| c -> bad_conversion fmt j c
| c -> j in
scan_first j
and conversion j ty_arg =
let ty_uresult, ty_result = scan_format (j + 1) in
@ -1479,48 +1560,31 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
let ty_a = ty_arrow ty_input (ty_arrow ty_e ty_aresult) in
ty_uresult, ty_arrow ty_a ty_result
and conversion_a2 j ty_e ty_f ty_arg =
let ty_uresult, ty_result = conversion j ty_arg in
let ty_a = ty_arrow ty_input (ty_arrow ty_e ty_aresult) in
let ty_b = ty_arrow ty_input (ty_arrow ty_f ty_aresult) in
ty_uresult, ty_arrow ty_a (ty_arrow ty_b ty_result)
and conversion_r j ty_e ty_arg =
let ty_uresult, ty_result = conversion j ty_arg in
let ty_r = ty_arrow ty_input ty_e in
ty_arrow ty_r ty_uresult, ty_result
and conversion_r2 j ty_e ty_f ty_arg =
let ty_uresult, ty_result = conversion j ty_arg in
let ty_a = ty_arrow ty_input ty_e in
let ty_b = ty_arrow ty_input ty_f in
ty_arrow ty_a (ty_arrow ty_b ty_uresult), ty_result
and scan_conversion i j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '%' | '@' | '!' | ',' -> scan_format (j + 1)
| 's' | 'S' ->
let j = scan_indication (j + 1) in
conversion j Predef.type_string
| '[' ->
let j = scan_range (j + 1) in
let j = scan_indication (j + 1) in
conversion j Predef.type_string
| 'c' | 'C' -> conversion j Predef.type_char
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' | 'N' ->
| 'd' | 'i' (* *)
| 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' (* *)
| 'N' ->
conversion j Predef.type_int
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' -> conversion j Predef.type_float
| 'B' | 'b' -> conversion j Predef.type_bool
| 'a' | 'r' as conv ->
let conversion =
if conv = 'a' then conversion_a else conversion_r in
let ty_e = newvar () in
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then conversion (j - 1) ty_e ty_e else begin
match fmt.[j] with
(* | 'a' | 'A' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_array ty_e)
| 'l' | 'L' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_list ty_e)
| 'o' | 'O' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_option ty_e)*)
| _ -> conversion (j - 1) ty_e ty_e end
(* | 'r' ->
let ty_e = newvar () in
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then conversion_r (j - 1) ty_e ty_e else begin
match fmt.[j] with
| 'a' | 'A' -> conversion_r j ty_e (Pref.type_array ty_e)
| 'l' | 'L' -> conversion_r j ty_e (Pref.type_list ty_e)
| 'o' | 'O' -> conversion_r j ty_e (Pref.type_option ty_e)
| _ -> conversion_r (j - 1) ty_e ty_e end *)
| 't' -> conversion j (ty_arrow ty_input ty_aresult)
| 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as c ->
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then conversion (j - 1) Predef.type_int else begin
@ -1534,6 +1598,44 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
conversion j ty_arg
| c -> conversion (j - 1) Predef.type_int
| 'e' | 'E' (* *)
| 'f' | 'F' (* *)
| 'g' | 'G' (* *)
(* In C99 | 'a' | 'A' is used for
[-]0xh.hhhp+- style for floating point numbers *)
-> conversion j Predef.type_float
| 'c' | 'C' -> conversion j Predef.type_char
| 's' | 'S' ->
let j = scan_indication (j + 1) in
conversion j Predef.type_string
| '[' ->
let j = scan_range (j + 1) in
let j = scan_indication (j + 1) in
conversion j Predef.type_string
| 'B' | 'b' -> conversion j Predef.type_bool
| 'a' | 'r' as conv ->
let conversion =
if conv = 'a' then conversion_a else conversion_r in
let ty_e = newvar () in
conversion j ty_e ty_e
| 'A' | 'R' as conv ->
let j = scan_elem_indication (j + 1) in
let conversion =
if conv = 'A' then conversion_a else conversion_r in
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else begin
let ty_e = newvar () in
match fmt.[j] with
| 'a' | 'A' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_array ty_e)
| 'l' | 'L' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_list ty_e)
| 'o' | 'O' -> conversion j ty_e (Predef.type_option ty_e)
| 'c' | 'C' ->
let ty_f = newvar () in
let conversion2 =
if conv = 'A' then conversion_a2 else conversion_r2 in
conversion2 j ty_e ty_f (ty_tuple [ty_e; ty_f])
| c -> bad_conversion fmt j c
| 't' -> conversion j (ty_arrow ty_input ty_aresult)
| '{' | '(' as c ->
let j = j + 1 in
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
@ -1555,7 +1657,7 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
[ ty_args; ty_input; ty_aresult;
[ ty_args; ty_input; ty_aresult;
ty_ureader; ty_uresult; ty_result; ],
ref Mnil)) in
@ -1695,7 +1797,7 @@ let create_package_type loc env (p, l) =
(* Helpers for type_cases *)
let contains_variant_either ty =
let rec loop ty =
let rec loop ty =
let ty = repr ty in
if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin
mark_type_node ty;
@ -1765,7 +1867,7 @@ let check_absent_variant env =
unify_pat env {pat with pat_type = newty (Tvariant row')}
(correct_levels pat.pat_type)
| _ -> ())
let dummy_expr = {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple []; pexp_loc = Location.none}
@ -2099,15 +2201,15 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
let ty_record, opath =
let get_path ty =
let (p0, p,_) = extract_concrete_record env ty in
(* XXX level may be wrong *)
let (p0, p,_) = extract_concrete_record env ty in
(* XXX level may be wrong *)
Some (p0, p, ty.level = generic_level || not !Clflags.principal)
with Not_found -> None
match get_path ty_expected with
None ->
let op =
let op =
match opt_exp with
None -> None
| Some exp -> get_path exp.exp_type
@ -2121,7 +2223,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
(type_label_exp true env loc ty_record)
opath lid_sexp_list in
unify_exp_types loc env ty_record (instance env ty_expected);
(* type_label_a_list returns a list of labels sorted by lbl_pos *)
(* note: check_duplicates would better be implemented in
type_label_a_list directly *)
@ -2725,7 +2827,7 @@ and type_label_access env loc srecord lid =
let label = Label.disambiguate lid env opath labels in
(record, label, opath)
and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
(lid, label, sarg) =
(* Here also ty_expected may be at generic_level *)
begin_def ();
@ -3231,7 +3333,7 @@ and type_cases ?in_function env ty_arg ty_res partial_flag loc caselist =
if has_gadts then begin
end_def ();
(* Ensure that existential types do not escape *)
unify_exp_types loc env (instance env ty_res) (newvar ()) ;
unify_exp_types loc env (instance env ty_res) (newvar ());
cases, partial
@ -3513,8 +3615,8 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "The record field %a is not mutable" longident lid
| Wrong_name (kind, p, lid) ->
fprintf ppf "The %s type %a has no %s %a" kind path p
(if kind = "record" then "field" else "constructor")
longident lid;
(if kind = "record" then "field" else "constructor")
longident lid;
if kind = "record" then Label.spellcheck ppf env p lid
else Constructor.spellcheck ppf env p lid
| Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid, tp, tpl) ->
@ -3530,11 +3632,11 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "but a %s was expected belonging to the %s type"
name kind)
| Incomplete_format s ->
fprintf ppf "Premature end of format string ``%S''" s
fprintf ppf "Premature end of format string \'%S\'" s
| Bad_conversion (fmt, i, c) ->
fprintf ppf
"Bad conversion %%%c, at char number %d \
in format string ``%s''" c i fmt
in format string \'%S\'" c i fmt
| Undefined_method (ty, me) ->
reset_and_mark_loops ty;
fprintf ppf
Reference in New Issue