Terminate all threads explicitly

This is good style and might help with a mysterious deadlock observed
in "extra-configs" CI.
Xavier Leroy 2020-11-25 16:06:59 +01:00
parent 286a9397b8
commit c550639317
1 changed files with 19 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -12,25 +12,34 @@ include systhreads
open Printf
open Event
type account = int channel * int channel
type account = {
get: int channel;
put: int channel;
stop: unit channel
let account (put_ch, get_ch) =
let account a =
let rec acc balance =
select [
wrap (send get_ch balance) (fun () -> acc balance);
wrap (receive put_ch) (fun amount ->
wrap (send a.get balance) (fun () -> acc balance);
wrap (receive a.put) (fun amount ->
if balance + amount < 0 then failwith "negative balance";
acc (balance + amount))
acc (balance + amount));
wrap (receive a.stop) (fun _ -> ())
in acc 0
let get ((put_ch, get_ch): account) = sync (receive get_ch)
let put ((put_ch, get_ch): account) amount = sync (send put_ch amount)
let get a = sync (receive a.get)
let put a amount = sync (send a.put amount)
let stop a = sync (send a.stop ())
let _ =
let a : account = (new_channel(), new_channel()) in
ignore (Thread.create account a);
let a = { get = new_channel(); put = new_channel(); stop = new_channel() } in
let th = Thread.create account a in
put a 100;
printf "Current balance: %d\n" (get a);
for i = 1 to 99 do put a (-2); put a 1 done;
printf "Final balance: %d\n" (get a)
printf "Final balance: %d\n" (get a);
stop a;
Thread.join th