correction pour les noms de fichiers pour le code des values infixes : les symbols spécifiques aux infixes sont remplacés par leur nom en string
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -28,19 +28,25 @@ module Naming =
(** The prefix for types marks. *)
let mark_type = "TYPE"
(** The prefix for functions marks. *)
let mark_function = "FUN"
(** The prefix for exceptions marks. *)
let mark_exception = "EXCEPTION"
(** The prefix for values marks. *)
let mark_value = "VAL"
(** The prefix for attributes marks. *)
let mark_attribute = "ATT"
(** The prefix for methods marks. *)
let mark_method = "METHOD"
(** The prefix for code files.. *)
let code_prefix = "code_"
(** The prefix for type files.. *)
let type_prefix = "type_"
@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ module Naming =
(** Return the target for the given prefix and simple name. *)
let target pref simple_name = pref^simple_name
(** Return the complete link target (file#target) for the given prefix string and complete name.*)
let complete_target pref complete_name =
let simple_name = Name.simple complete_name in
@ -64,27 +71,64 @@ module Naming =
(** Return the link target for the given type. *)
let type_target t = target mark_type (Name.simple t.ty_name)
(** Return the complete link target for the given type. *)
let complete_type_target t = complete_target mark_type t.ty_name
(** Return the link target for the given exception. *)
let exception_target e = target mark_exception (Name.simple e.ex_name)
(** Return the complete link target for the given exception. *)
let complete_exception_target e = complete_target mark_exception e.ex_name
(** Return the link target for the given value. *)
let value_target v = target mark_value (Name.simple v.val_name)
(** Return the given value name where symbols accepted in infix values
are replaced by strings, to avoid clashes with the filesystem.*)
let subst_infix_symbols name =
let len = String.length name in
let buf = Buffer.create len in
let ch c = Buffer.add_char buf c in
let st s = Buffer.add_string buf s in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
match name.[i] with
| '|' -> st "_pipe_"
| '<' -> st "_lt_"
| '>' -> st "_gt_"
| '@' -> st "_at_"
| '^' -> st "_exp_"
| '&' -> st "_amp_"
| '+' -> st "_plus_"
| '-' -> st "_minus_"
| '*' -> st "_star_"
| '/' -> st "_slash_"
| '$' -> st "_dollar_"
| '%' -> st "_percent_"
| '=' -> st "_equal_"
| ':' -> st "_column_"
| '~' -> st "_tilde_"
| '!' -> st "_bang_"
| c -> ch c
Buffer.contents buf
(** Return the complete link target for the given value. *)
let complete_value_target v = complete_target mark_value v.val_name
(** Return the complete filename for the code of the given value. *)
let file_code_value_complete_target v =
let f = code_prefix^mark_value^v.val_name^".html" in
let f = code_prefix^mark_value^(subst_infix_symbols v.val_name)^".html" in
(** Return the link target for the given attribute. *)
let attribute_target a = target mark_attribute (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)
(** Return the complete link target for the given attribute. *)
let complete_attribute_target a = complete_target mark_attribute a.att_value.val_name
(** Return the complete filename for the code of the given attribute. *)
let file_code_attribute_complete_target a =
let f = code_prefix^mark_attribute^a.att_value.val_name^".html" in
@ -92,8 +136,10 @@ module Naming =
(** Return the link target for the given method. *)
let method_target m = target mark_method (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)
(** Return the complete link target for the given method. *)
let complete_method_target m = complete_target mark_method m.met_value.val_name
(** Return the complete filename for the code of the given method. *)
let file_code_method_complete_target m =
let f = code_prefix^mark_method^m.met_value.val_name^".html" in
@ -101,6 +147,7 @@ module Naming =
(** Return the link target for the given label section. *)
let label_target l = target "" l
(** Return the complete link target for the given section label. *)
let complete_label_target l = complete_target "" l
Reference in New Issue