Test intext.ml: do not use the caml_static_alloc primitive

This primitive (from runtime/obj.c) is being phased out because
it returns a naked pointer outside the OCaml heap.

Instead, for the test, use a statically-allocated buffer
that is never visible from OCaml.
Xavier Leroy 2020-06-13 11:39:02 +02:00
parent fe4b06b990
commit b0cd12d1c4
2 changed files with 59 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -321,91 +321,88 @@ let test_size() =
let s = Marshal.to_bytes (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) [] in
test 300 (Marshal.header_size + Marshal.data_size s 0 = Bytes.length s)
external marshal_to_block
: string -> int -> 'a -> Marshal.extern_flags list -> unit
= "marshal_to_block"
external marshal_from_block : string -> int -> 'a = "marshal_from_block"
external static_alloc : int -> string = "caml_static_alloc"
external marshal_to_block : int -> 'a -> Marshal.extern_flags list -> unit
= "marshal_to_block"
external marshal_from_block : int -> 'a = "marshal_from_block"
let test_block () =
let s = static_alloc 512 in
marshal_to_block s 512 1 [];
test 401 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 1);
marshal_to_block s 512 (-1) [];
test 402 (marshal_from_block s 512 = (-1));
marshal_to_block s 512 258 [];
test 403 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 258);
marshal_to_block s 512 20000 [];
test 404 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 20000);
marshal_to_block s 512 0x12345678 [];
test 405 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 0x12345678);
marshal_to_block s 512 bigint [];
test 406 (marshal_from_block s 512 = bigint);
marshal_to_block s 512 "foobargeebuz" [];
test 407 (marshal_from_block s 512 = "foobargeebuz");
marshal_to_block s 512 longstring [];
test 408 (marshal_from_block s 512 = longstring);
marshal_to_block 512 1 [];
test 401 (marshal_from_block 512 = 1);
marshal_to_block 512 (-1) [];
test 402 (marshal_from_block 512 = (-1));
marshal_to_block 512 258 [];
test 403 (marshal_from_block 512 = 258);
marshal_to_block 512 20000 [];
test 404 (marshal_from_block 512 = 20000);
marshal_to_block 512 0x12345678 [];
test 405 (marshal_from_block 512 = 0x12345678);
marshal_to_block 512 bigint [];
test 406 (marshal_from_block 512 = bigint);
marshal_to_block 512 "foobargeebuz" [];
test 407 (marshal_from_block 512 = "foobargeebuz");
marshal_to_block 512 longstring [];
test 408 (marshal_from_block 512 = longstring);
test 409
(try marshal_to_block s 512 verylongstring []; false
(try marshal_to_block 512 verylongstring []; false
with Failure s when s = "Marshal.to_buffer: buffer overflow" -> true);
marshal_to_block s 512 3.141592654 [];
test 410 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 3.141592654);
marshal_to_block s 512 () [];
test 411 (marshal_from_block s 512 = ());
marshal_to_block s 512 A [];
test 412 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 3.141592654 [];
test 410 (marshal_from_block 512 = 3.141592654);
marshal_to_block 512 () [];
test 411 (marshal_from_block 512 = ());
marshal_to_block 512 A [];
test 412 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
A -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (B 1) [];
test 413 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (B 1) [];
test 413 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(B 1) -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (C 2.718) [];
test 414 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (C 2.718) [];
test 414 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(C f) -> f = 2.718
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (D "hello, world!") [];
test 415 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (D "hello, world!") [];
test 415 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(D "hello, world!") -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (E 'l') [];
test 416 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (E 'l') [];
test 416 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(E 'l') -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (F(B 1)) [];
test 417 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (F(B 1)) [];
test 417 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(F(B 1)) -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) [];
test 418 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) [];
test 418 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (H(1, A)) [];
test 419 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (H(1, A)) [];
test 419 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(H(1, A)) -> true
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 (I(B 2, 1e-6)) [];
test 420 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 (I(B 2, 1e-6)) [];
test 420 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
(I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true
| _ -> false);
let x = D "sharing" in
let y = G(x, x) in
let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in
marshal_to_block s 512 z [];
test 421 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with
marshal_to_block 512 z [];
test 421 (match marshal_from_block 512 with
G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) ->
t1 == t2 && t3 == t5 && t4 == t1
| _ -> false);
marshal_to_block s 512 [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|] [];
test 422 (marshal_from_block s 512 =
marshal_to_block 512 [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|] [];
test 422 (marshal_from_block 512 =
let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in
test 423
(try marshal_to_block s 512 (big 1000) []; false
(try marshal_to_block 512 (big 1000) []; false
with Failure _ -> true);
test 424
(try marshal_to_block s 512 "Hello, world!" [];
ignore (marshal_from_block s 8);
(try marshal_to_block 512 "Hello, world!" [];
ignore (marshal_from_block 8);
with Failure _ -> true)

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@ -19,15 +19,20 @@
value marshal_to_block(value vbuf, value vlen, value v, value vflags)
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
static char marshal_block[BLOCK_SIZE];
value marshal_to_block(value vlen, value v, value vflags)
return Val_long(caml_output_value_to_block(v, vflags,
(char *) vbuf, Long_val(vlen)));
CAMLassert(Long_val(vlen) <= BLOCK_SIZE);
caml_output_value_to_block(v, vflags, marshal_block, Long_val(vlen));
return Val_unit;
value marshal_from_block(value vbuf, value vlen)
value marshal_from_block(value vlen)
return caml_input_value_from_block((char *) vbuf, Long_val(vlen));
CAMLassert(Long_val(vlen) <= BLOCK_SIZE);
return caml_input_value_from_block(marshal_block, Long_val(vlen));
static void bad_serialize(value v, uintnat* sz_32, uintnat* sz_64)