Do not unbox immutable let-bindings when this cannot eliminate allocations
Previously, a let-binding such as: let x = if ... then 0. else ... in ... would keep x in unboxed form, which is mostly useless (it can avoid multiple memory loads but no allocation) and possibly harmful (it can result in more allocations on use sites).master
@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ let transl_int_switch arg low high cases default = match cases with
type unboxed_number_kind =
| Boxed of boxed_number
| Boxed of boxed_number * bool (* true: boxed form available at no cost *)
| No_result (* expression never returns a result *)
let unboxed_number_kind_of_unbox = function
| Same_as_ocaml_repr -> No_unboxing
| Unboxed_float -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Unboxed_integer bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Unboxed_float -> Boxed (Boxed_float, false)
| Unboxed_integer bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi, false)
| Untagged_int -> No_unboxing
let rec is_unboxed_number ~strict env e =
@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ let rec is_unboxed_number ~strict env e =
let join k1 e =
match k1, is_unboxed_number ~strict env e with
| Boxed b1, Boxed b2 when b1 = b2 -> Boxed b1
| Boxed (b1, c1), Boxed (b2, c2) when b1 = b2 -> Boxed (b1, c1 && c2)
| No_result, k | k, No_result ->
k (* if a branch never returns, it is safe to unbox it *)
| No_unboxing, k | k, No_unboxing when not strict ->
@ -1351,55 +1351,55 @@ let rec is_unboxed_number ~strict env e =
| Uvar id ->
begin match is_unboxed_id id env with
| None -> No_unboxing
| Some (_, bn) -> Boxed bn
| Some (_, bn) -> Boxed (bn, false)
| Uconst(Uconst_ref(_, Some (Uconst_float _))) ->
Boxed Boxed_float
Boxed (Boxed_float, true)
| Uconst(Uconst_ref(_, Some (Uconst_int32 _))) ->
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32)
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32, true)
| Uconst(Uconst_ref(_, Some (Uconst_int64 _))) ->
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64)
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64, true)
| Uconst(Uconst_ref(_, Some (Uconst_nativeint _))) ->
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pnativeint)
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pnativeint, true)
| Uprim(p, _, _) ->
begin match simplif_primitive p with
| Pccall p -> unboxed_number_kind_of_unbox p.prim_native_repr_res
| Pfloatfield _ -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pfloatofint -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pnegfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pabsfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Paddfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Psubfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pmulfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pdivfloat -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Parrayrefu Pfloatarray -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Parrayrefs Pfloatarray -> Boxed Boxed_float
| Pbintofint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pcvtbint(_src, dst) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer dst)
| Pnegbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Paddbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Psubbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pmulbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pdivbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pmodbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pandbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Porbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pxorbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Plslbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Plsrbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pasrbint bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
| Pfloatfield _
| Pfloatofint
| Pnegfloat
| Pabsfloat
| Paddfloat
| Psubfloat
| Pmulfloat
| Pdivfloat
| Parrayrefu Pfloatarray
| Parrayrefs Pfloatarray -> Boxed (Boxed_float, false)
| Pbintofint bi
| Pcvtbint(_, bi)
| Pnegbint bi
| Paddbint bi
| Psubbint bi
| Pmulbint bi
| Pdivbint bi
| Pmodbint bi
| Pandbint bi
| Porbint bi
| Pxorbint bi
| Plslbint bi
| Plsrbint bi
| Pasrbint bi
| Pbbswap bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi, false)
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, (Pbigarray_float32 | Pbigarray_float64), _) ->
Boxed Boxed_float
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, Pbigarray_int32, _) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32)
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, Pbigarray_int64, _) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64)
Boxed (Boxed_float, false)
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, Pbigarray_int32, _) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32, false)
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, Pbigarray_int64, _) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64, false)
| Pbigarrayref(_, _, Pbigarray_native_int,_) ->
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pnativeint)
| Pstring_load_32(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32)
| Pstring_load_64(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64)
| Pbigstring_load_32(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32)
| Pbigstring_load_64(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64)
| Pbbswap bi -> Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
Boxed (Boxed_integer Pnativeint, false)
| Pstring_load_32(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32, false)
| Pstring_load_64(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64, false)
| Pbigstring_load_32(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint32, false)
| Pbigstring_load_64(_) -> Boxed (Boxed_integer Pint64, false)
| Praise _ -> No_result
| _ -> No_unboxing
@ -2292,9 +2292,9 @@ and transl_let env str kind id exp body =
used in loops and we really want to avoid repeated boxing. *)
match str, kind with
| Mutable, Pfloatval ->
Boxed Boxed_float
Boxed (Boxed_float, false)
| Mutable, Pboxedintval bi ->
Boxed (Boxed_integer bi)
Boxed (Boxed_integer bi, false)
| _, (Pfloatval | Pboxedintval _) ->
(* It would be safe to always unbox in this case, but
we do it only if this indeed allows us to get rid of
@ -2311,13 +2311,13 @@ and transl_let env str kind id exp body =
match unboxing with
| No_unboxing ->
| No_unboxing | Boxed (_, true) ->
Clet(id, transl env exp, transl env body)
| No_result ->
(* the let-bound expression never returns a value, we can ignore
the body *)
transl env exp
| Boxed boxed_number ->
| Boxed (boxed_number, _false) ->
let unboxed_id = Ident.create ( id) in
Clet(unboxed_id, transl_unbox_number env boxed_number exp,
transl (add_unboxed_id id unboxed_id boxed_number env) body)
@ -129,6 +129,18 @@ let unbox_record_1 float int32 =
let unbox_record () =
unbox_record_1 3.14 12l
let r = ref 0.
let unbox_only_if_useful () =
for i = 1 to 1000 do
let x =
if i mod 2 = 0 then 1.
else 0.
r := x; (* would force boxing if the let binding above were unboxed *)
r := x (* use [x] twice to avoid elimination of the let-binding *)
let () =
let flambda =
match Sys.getenv "FLAMBDA" with
@ -142,6 +154,7 @@ let () =
check_noalloc "compare float" unbox_compare_float;
check_noalloc "float refs" unbox_float_refs;
check_noalloc "unbox let float" unbox_let_float;
check_noalloc "unbox only if useful" unbox_only_if_useful;
if flambda then begin
check_noalloc "float and int32 record" unbox_record;
Reference in New Issue