Revert to old version of memo function for fscanf buffer allocation. Comments revisited and minor modifications.

pierreweis 2015-12-15 01:50:46 +01:00
parent aaba08bdb8
commit 989ba66803
1 changed files with 104 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ module type SCANNING = sig
val close_in : in_channel -> unit;;
val memo_from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> in_channel;;
(* Obsolete. *)
@ -293,12 +296,13 @@ module Scanning : SCANNING = struct
needed; additionally, the input buffer is the only source of character of
a scanner. The [scanbuf] input buffers are defined in module {!Scanning}.
Now we understand that it is extremely important that related successive
calls to scanners indeed read from the same input buffer. In effect, if a
scanner [scan1] is reading from [ib1] and stores an unused lookahead
character [c1] into its input buffer [ib1], then another scanner [scan2]
not reading from the same buffer [ib1] will miss the character [c1],
seemingly vanished in the air from the point of view of [scan2].
Now we understand that it is extremely important that related and
successive calls to scanners indeed read from the same input buffer.
In effect, if a scanner [scan1] is reading from [ib1] and stores an
unused lookahead character [c1] into its input buffer [ib1], then
another scanner [scan2] not reading from the same buffer [ib1] will miss
the character [c1], seemingly vanished in the air from the point of view
of [scan2].
This mechanism works perfectly to read from strings, from files, and from
functions, since in those cases, allocating two buffers reading from the
@ -313,22 +317,7 @@ module Scanning : SCANNING = struct
character in its input buffer. In conclusion, you should never mix direct
low level reading and high level scanning from the same input channel.
This phenomenon of reading mess is even worse when one defines more than
one scanning buffer reading from the same input channel [ic].
Unfortunately, we have no simple way to get rid of this problem
(unless the basic input channel API is modified to offer a 'consider this
char as unread' procedure to keep back the unused lookahead character as
available in the input channel for further reading).
To prevent some of the confusion the scanning buffer allocation function
is a memo function that never allocates two different scanning buffers for
the same input channel. This way, the user can naively perform successive
call to [fscanf] below, without allocating a new scanning buffer at each
invocation and hence preserving the expected semantics.
As mentioned above, a more ambitious fix could be to change the input
channel API to allow arbitrary mixing of direct and formatted reading from
input channels. *)
(* Perform bufferized input to improve efficiency. *)
let file_buffer_size = ref 1024;;
@ -359,19 +348,21 @@ module Scanning : SCANNING = struct
let from_ic_close_at_end = from_ic scan_close_at_end;;
let from_ic_raise_at_end = from_ic scan_raise_at_end;;
(* The scanning buffer reading from [Pervasives.stdin].
One could try to define [stdib] as a scanning buffer reading a character
at a time (no bufferization at all), but unfortunately the top-level
interaction would be wrong. This is due to some kind of
'race condition' when reading from [Pervasives.stdin],
since the interactive compiler and [scanf] will simultaneously read the
material they need from [Pervasives.stdin]; then, confusion will result
from what should be read by the top-level and what should be read
by [scanf].
This is even more complicated by the one character lookahead that [scanf]
is sometimes obliged to maintain: the lookahead character will be
available for the next ([scanf]) entry, seemingly coming from nowhere.
since the interactive compiler and [Scanf.scanf] will simultaneously
read the material they need from [Pervasives.stdin]; then, confusion
will result from what should be read by the top-level and what should be
read by [Scanf.scanf].
This is even more complicated by the one character lookahead that
[Scanf.scanf] is sometimes obliged to maintain: the lookahead character
will be available for the next [Scanf.scanf] entry, seemingly coming from
Also no [End_of_file] is raised when reading from stdin: if not enough
characters have been read, we simply ask to read more. *)
let stdin =
@ -395,48 +386,46 @@ module Scanning : SCANNING = struct
let from_file = open_in;;
let from_file_bin = open_in_bin;;
module Ib :
with type t = in_channel =
type t = in_channel;;
let equal ib1 ib2 = ib1.ic_input_name = ib2.ic_input_name;;
let hash ib = Hashtbl.hash ib;;
let from_channel ic =
from_ic_raise_at_end (From_channel ic) ic
module Memo = Weak.Make (Ib);;
let memo_table = Memo.create 17;;
let memo_from_ic scan_close_ic ic =
let ic_name = From_channel ic in
let ib_option =
(fun ib opt ->
match opt with
| None -> if ib.ic_input_name = ic_name then Some ib else opt
| opt -> opt)
memo_table None in
match ib_option with
| None ->
let ib = from_ic scan_close_ic ic_name ic in
Memo.add memo_table ib;
| Some ib -> ib
let from_channel = memo_from_ic scan_raise_at_end;;
let close_in ib =
match ib.ic_input_name with
| From_channel ic ->
Memo.remove memo_table ib;
Pervasives.close_in ic
| From_file (_fname, ic) -> Pervasives.close_in ic
| From_string | From_function -> ()
| From_function | From_string -> ()
Obsolete: a memo from_channel version for [Scanning.in_channel]
buffer allocation from [Pervasives.in_channel].
This function was used to try to preserve the scanning
semantics for the (now obsolete) function [fscanf].
Given that all scanner must read from a Scanning.in_channel scanning
buffer, fscanf must read from one and more precisely, given [ic], all
successive calls [fscanf ic] must read from the same scanning buffer.
This forces this library to allocated scanning buffers that were
not properly garbbage collectable, hence leading to memory leaks.
If you need to read from a [Pervasives.in_channel] input channel
[ic], simply define a [Scanning.in_channel] formatted input channel as in
[let ib = Scanning.from_channel ic],
then use [Scanf.bscanf ib] as usual.
let memo_from_ic =
let memo = ref [] in
(fun scan_close_ic ic ->
try List.assq ic !memo with
| Not_found ->
let ib =
from_ic scan_close_ic (From_channel ic) ic in
memo := (ic, ib) :: !memo;
let memo_from_channel = memo_from_ic scan_raise_at_end;;
@ -500,13 +489,13 @@ let rec skip_whites ib =
(* Checking that [c] is indeed in the input, then skips it.
In this case, the character [c] has been explicitly specified in the
format as being mandatory in the input; hence we should fail with
End_of_file in case of end_of_input. (Remember that Scan_failure is raised
only when (we can prove by evidence) that the input does not match the
format string given. We must thus differentiate End_of_file as an error
due to lack of input, and Scan_failure which is due to provably wrong
input. I am not sure this is worth the burden: it is complex and somehow
subliminal; should be clearer to fail with Scan_failure "Not enough input
to complete scanning"!)
[End_of_file] in case of end_of_input.
(Remember that [Scan_failure] is raised only when (we can prove by
evidence) that the input does not match the format string given. We must
thus differentiate [End_of_file] as an error due to lack of input, and
[Scan_failure] which is due to provably wrong input. I am not sure this is
worth the burden: it is complex and somehow subliminal; should be clearer
to fail with Scan_failure "Not enough input to complete scanning"!)
That's why, waiting for a better solution, we use checked_peek_char here.
We are also careful to treat "\r\n" in the input as an end of line marker:
@ -785,8 +774,8 @@ let scan_int_part width ib =
[int32], [int64], and [native_int] correspondent), the [precision]
indicates the required minimum width of the token read,
- on all other conversions, the width and precision are meaningless and
ignored (FIXME: lead to a runtime error ? type checking error ?).
- on all other conversions, the width and precision specify the [max, min]
range for the width of the token read.
let scan_float width precision ib =
@ -805,8 +794,10 @@ let scan_float width precision ib =
let check_case_insensitive_string width ib error str =
let lowercase c = match c with
| 'A' .. 'Z' -> char_of_int (int_of_char c - int_of_char 'A' + int_of_char 'a')
let lowercase c =
match c with
| 'A' .. 'Z' ->
char_of_int (int_of_char c - int_of_char 'A' + int_of_char 'a')
| _ -> c in
let len = String.length str in
let width = ref width in
@ -867,8 +858,9 @@ let scan_caml_float_rest width precision ib =
if width = 0 || Scanning.end_of_input ib then bad_float ();
let width = scan_decimal_digits width ib in
if width = 0 || Scanning.end_of_input ib then bad_float ();
match Scanning.peek_char ib with
| '.' as c ->
let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
match c with
| '.' ->
let width = Scanning.store_char width ib c in
(* The effective width available for scanning the fractional part is
the minimum of declared precision and width left. *)
@ -948,8 +940,7 @@ let scan_string stp width ib =
| None ->
match c with
| ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> width
| _ -> loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
| _ -> loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c) in
loop width
@ -1117,43 +1108,50 @@ let scan_bool ib =
(Printf.sprintf "the character %C cannot start a boolean" c) in
scan_string None m ib
(* Scan a string containing elements in char_set and terminated by scan_indic
if provided. *)
let scan_chars_in_char_set char_set scan_indic width ib =
let rec scan_chars i stp =
let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
if i > 0 && not (Scanning.eof ib) && is_in_char_set char_set c &&
int_of_char c <> stp then
if i > 0 && not (Scanning.eof ib) &&
is_in_char_set char_set c &&
int_of_char c <> stp then
let _ = Scanning.store_char max_int ib c in
scan_chars (i - 1) stp;
scan_chars (i - 1) stp in
match scan_indic with
| None -> scan_chars width (-1);
| Some c ->
scan_chars width (int_of_char c);
if not (Scanning.eof ib) then
let ci = Scanning.peek_char ib in
if c = ci then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib
if c = ci
then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib
else character_mismatch c ci
(* The global error report function for [Scanf]. *)
let scanf_bad_input ib = function
| Scan_failure s | Failure s ->
let i = Scanning.char_count ib in
bad_input (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad input at char number %i: %S" i s)
bad_input (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad input at char number %i: %s" i s)
| x -> raise x
(* Get the content of a counter from an input buffer. *)
let get_counter ib counter = match counter with
let get_counter ib counter =
match counter with
| Line_counter -> Scanning.line_count ib
| Char_counter -> Scanning.char_count ib
| Token_counter -> Scanning.token_count ib
(* Compute the width of a padding option (see "%42{" and "%123("). *)
let width_of_pad_opt pad_opt = match pad_opt with
| None -> max_int
| Some width -> width
let stopper_of_formatting_lit fmting =
if fmting = Escaped_percent then '%', "" else
@ -1161,6 +1159,7 @@ let stopper_of_formatting_lit fmting =
let stp = str.[1] in
let sub_str = String.sub str 2 (String.length str - 2) in
stp, sub_str
(* Readers managment *)
@ -1488,33 +1487,36 @@ let kscanf ib ef (Format (fmt, str)) =
take_format_readers k fmt
let kbscanf = kscanf
let kbscanf = kscanf;;
let bscanf ib fmt = kbscanf ib scanf_bad_input fmt;;
let ksscanf s ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_string s) ef fmt;;
let sscanf s fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_string s) scanf_bad_input fmt;;
let scanf fmt = kscanf Scanning.stdib scanf_bad_input fmt;;
let ksscanf s ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_string s) ef fmt
let kfscanf ic ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic) ef fmt
let bscanf ib fmt = kscanf ib scanf_bad_input fmt
let fscanf ic fmt = kscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic) scanf_bad_input fmt
let sscanf s fmt = kscanf (Scanning.from_string s) scanf_bad_input fmt
let scanf fmt = kscanf Scanning.stdib scanf_bad_input fmt
let bscanf_format : Scanning.in_channel -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
(* Scanning format strings. *)
let bscanf_format :
Scanning.in_channel -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
(('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 'g) -> 'g =
fun ib format f ->
let _ = scan_caml_string max_int ib in
let str = token_string ib in
let fmt' =
try format_of_string_format str format
with Failure msg -> bad_input msg
with Failure msg -> bad_input msg in
f fmt'
let sscanf_format : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
let sscanf_format :
string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
(('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 'g) -> 'g =
fun s format f -> bscanf_format (Scanning.from_string s) format f
let string_to_String s =
let l = String.length s in
@ -1536,3 +1538,7 @@ let format_from_string s fmt =
let unescaped s =
sscanf ("\"" ^ s ^ "\"") "%S%!" (fun x -> x)
(* Deprecated *)
let kfscanf ic ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.memo_from_channel ic) ef fmt;;
let fscanf ic fmt = kscanf (Scanning.memo_from_channel ic) scanf_bad_input fmt;;