allow incompatible or unsupported numeric formatting flags
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -2017,33 +2017,62 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
(* Convert (plus, symb) to its associated int_conv. *)
and compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp space symb =
match plus, sharp, space, symb with
| false, false, false, 'd' -> Int_d | true, false, false, 'd' -> Int_pd
| false, false, true, 'd' -> Int_sd | false, false, false, 'i' -> Int_i
| true, false, false, 'i' -> Int_pi | false, false, true, 'i' -> Int_si
| false, false, false, 'x' -> Int_x | false, true, false, 'x' -> Int_Cx
| false, false, false, 'X' -> Int_X | false, true, false, 'X' -> Int_CX
| false, false, false, 'o' -> Int_o | false, true, false, 'o' -> Int_Co
| false, false, false, 'd' -> Int_d | false, false, false, 'i' -> Int_i
| false, false, true, 'd' -> Int_sd | false, false, true, 'i' -> Int_si
| true, false, false, 'd' -> Int_pd | true, false, false, 'i' -> Int_pi
| false, false, false, 'x' -> Int_x | false, false, false, 'X' -> Int_X
| false, true, false, 'x' -> Int_Cx | false, true, false, 'X' -> Int_CX
| false, false, false, 'o' -> Int_o
| false, true, false, 'o' -> Int_Co
| false, false, false, 'u' -> Int_u
| true, _, true, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
| true, _, _, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
| _, true, _, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'#'"
| _, _, true, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
| false, false, false, _ -> assert false
| _, true, _, 'x' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Cx
| _, true, _, 'X' when legacy_behavior -> Int_CX
| _, true, _, 'o' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Co
| _, true, _, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false space symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'#'"
| true, false, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then
(* plus and space: legacy implementation prefers plus *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
| false, false, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
| true, false, false, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind false sharp space symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
| false, false, false, _ -> assert false
(* Convert (plus, symb) to its associated float_conv. *)
and compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus space symb =
match plus, space, symb with
| false, false, 'f' -> Float_f | true, false, 'f' -> Float_pf
| false, true, 'f' -> Float_sf | false, false, 'e' -> Float_e
| true, false, 'e' -> Float_pe | false, true, 'e' -> Float_se
| false, false, 'E' -> Float_E | true, false, 'E' -> Float_pE
| false, true, 'E' -> Float_sE | false, false, 'g' -> Float_g
| true, false, 'g' -> Float_pg | false, true, 'g' -> Float_sg
| false, false, 'G' -> Float_G | true, false, 'G' -> Float_pG
| false, true, 'G' -> Float_sG | false, false, 'F' -> Float_F
| true, true, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
| true, false, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
| false, true, _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
| false, false, 'f' -> Float_f | false, false, 'e' -> Float_e
| false, true, 'f' -> Float_sf | false, true, 'e' -> Float_se
| true, false, 'f' -> Float_pf | true, false, 'e' -> Float_pe
| false, false, 'E' -> Float_E | false, false, 'g' -> Float_g
| false, true, 'E' -> Float_sE | false, true, 'g' -> Float_sg
| true, false, 'E' -> Float_pE | true, false, 'g' -> Float_pg
| false, false, 'G' -> Float_G
| false, true, 'G' -> Float_sG
| true, false, 'G' -> Float_pG
| false, false, 'F' -> Float_F
| true, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then
(* plus and space: legacy implementation prefers plus *)
compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
| false, true, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
| true, false, _ ->
if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind false space symb
else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
| false, false, _ -> assert false
(* Raise a Failure with a friendly error message about incompatible options.*)
Reference in New Issue