make Printtyp.type_expr safer to use

Florian Angeletti 2019-08-06 14:56:39 +02:00
parent 81420443a3
commit 86248f1162
3 changed files with 41 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -51,3 +51,37 @@ type (+' a', -' a'b, 'cd') t = ' a'b -> ' a' * 'cd';;
type (' a', ' a'b, 'cd') t = ' a'b -> ' a' * 'cd'
(* #8856: cycles in types expressions could trigger stack overflows
when printing subpart of error messages *)
type ('a,'b) eq = Refl: ('a,'a) eq
type t = <m : int * 't> as 't
let f (x:t) (type a) (y:a) (witness:(a,t) eq) = match witness with
| Refl -> if true then x else y
[%%expect {|
type ('a, 'b) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
type t = < m : int * 'a > as 'a
Line 4, characters 32-33:
4 | | Refl -> if true then x else y
Error: This expression has type a but an expression was expected of type t
This instance of < m : int * 'a > as 'a is ambiguous:
it would escape the scope of its equation
type t1 = <m : 'b. 'b * ('b * <m:'c. 'c * 'bar> as 'bar)>
type t2 = <m : 'a. 'a * ('a * 'foo)> as 'foo
let f (x : t1) : t2 = x;;
[%%expect {|
type t1 = < m : 'b. 'b * ('b * < m : 'c. 'c * 'a > as 'a) >
type t2 = < m : 'a. 'a * ('a * 'b) > as 'b
Line 3, characters 22-23:
3 | let f (x : t1) : t2 = x;;
Error: This expression has type t1 but an expression was expected of type t2
The method m has type 'c. 'c * ('a * < m : 'c. 'b >) as 'b,
but the expected method type was 'a. 'a * ('a * < m : 'a. 'd >) as 'd
The universal variable 'a would escape its scope

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@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ Error: This expression has type < m : 'a. 'a * < m : 'a * 'b > > as 'b
but an expression was expected of type
< m : 'a. 'a * (< m : 'a * < m : 'c. 'c * 'd > > as 'd) >
The method m has type 'a. 'a * 'd, but the expected method type was
'c. 'c * 'd
'c. 'c * 'd as 'e
The universal variable 'a would escape its scope

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@ -1097,7 +1097,12 @@ and tree_of_typfields sch rest = function
let typexp sch ppf ty =
!Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp sch ty)
let type_expr ppf ty = typexp false ppf ty
let type_expr ppf ty =
(* [type_expr] is used directly by error message printers ,
we mark eventual loops ourself to avoid any misuse and stackoverflow *)
reset_loop_marks ();
mark_loops ty;
typexp false ppf ty
and type_sch ppf ty = typexp true ppf ty
@ -2012,7 +2017,6 @@ let explanation intro prev env = function
| Trace.Variant v -> explain_variant v
| Trace.Obj o -> explain_object o
| Trace.Rec_occur(x,y) ->
mark_loops y;
Some(dprintf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
type_expr x type_expr y)