PR#4338: tail recursion in global_substitute, global_replace, and *split*

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 2008-08-01 12:27:13 +00:00
parent 5902603b2c
commit 7e9f606dee
2 changed files with 84 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -645,20 +645,25 @@ let substitute_first expr repl_fun text =
with Not_found ->
let opt_search_forward re s pos =
try Some(search_forward re s pos) with Not_found -> None
let global_substitute expr repl_fun text =
let rec replace start last_was_empty =
let startpos = if last_was_empty then start + 1 else start in
if startpos > String.length text then raise Not_found;
let pos = search_forward expr text startpos in
let end_pos = match_end() in
let repl_text = repl_fun text in
String.sub text start (pos-start) ::
repl_text ::
replace end_pos (end_pos = pos)
with Not_found ->
[string_after text start] in
String.concat "" (replace 0 false)
let rec replace accu start last_was_empty =
let startpos = if last_was_empty then start + 1 else start in
if startpos > String.length text then
string_after text start :: accu
match opt_search_forward expr text startpos with
| None ->
string_after text start :: accu
| Some pos ->
let end_pos = match_end() in
let repl_text = repl_fun text in
replace (repl_text :: String.sub text start (pos-start) :: accu)
end_pos (end_pos = pos)
String.concat "" (List.rev (replace [] 0 false))
let global_replace expr repl text =
global_substitute expr (replace_matched repl) text
@ -667,58 +672,66 @@ and replace_first expr repl text =
(** Splitting *)
let search_forward_progress expr text start =
let pos = search_forward expr text start in
if match_end() > start then pos
else if start < String.length text then search_forward expr text (start + 1)
else raise Not_found
let opt_search_forward_progress expr text start =
match opt_search_forward expr text start with
| None -> None
| Some pos ->
if match_end() > start then
Some pos
else if start < String.length text then
opt_search_forward expr text (start + 1)
else None
let bounded_split expr text num =
let start =
if string_match expr text 0 then match_end() else 0 in
let rec split start n =
if start >= String.length text then [] else
if n = 1 then [string_after text start] else
let pos = search_forward_progress expr text start in
String.sub text start (pos-start) :: split (match_end()) (n-1)
with Not_found ->
[string_after text start] in
split start num
let rec split accu start n =
if start >= String.length text then accu else
if n = 1 then string_after text start :: accu else
match opt_search_forward_progress expr text start with
| None ->
string_after text start :: accu
| Some pos ->
split (String.sub text start (pos-start) :: accu)
(match_end()) (n-1)
List.rev (split [] start num)
let split expr text = bounded_split expr text 0
let bounded_split_delim expr text num =
let rec split start n =
if start > String.length text then [] else
if n = 1 then [string_after text start] else
let pos = search_forward_progress expr text start in
String.sub text start (pos-start) :: split (match_end()) (n-1)
with Not_found ->
[string_after text start] in
if text = "" then [] else split 0 num
let rec split accu start n =
if start > String.length text then accu else
if n = 1 then string_after text start :: accu else
match opt_search_forward_progress expr text start with
| None ->
string_after text start :: accu
| Some pos ->
split (String.sub text start (pos-start) :: accu)
(match_end()) (n-1)
if text = "" then [] else List.rev (split [] 0 num)
let split_delim expr text = bounded_split_delim expr text 0
type split_result = Text of string | Delim of string
let bounded_full_split expr text num =
let rec split start n =
if start >= String.length text then [] else
if n = 1 then [Text(string_after text start)] else
let pos = search_forward_progress expr text start in
let s = matched_string text in
if pos > start then
Text(String.sub text start (pos-start)) ::
Delim(s) ::
split (match_end()) (n-1)
Delim(s) ::
split (match_end()) (n-1)
with Not_found ->
[Text(string_after text start)] in
split 0 num
let rec split accu start n =
if start >= String.length text then accu else
if n = 1 then Text(string_after text start) :: accu else
match opt_search_forward_progress expr text start with
| None ->
Text(string_after text start) :: accu
| Some pos ->
let s = matched_string text in
if pos > start then
split (Delim(s) :: Text(String.sub text start (pos-start)) :: accu)
(match_end()) (n-1)
split (Delim(s) :: accu)
(match_end()) (n-1)
List.rev (split [] 0 num)
let full_split expr text = bounded_full_split expr text 0

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let automated_test() =
test_search_forward r n "What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?"
start_test "Search for /the quick brown fox/";
start_test "Search for /the quick brown fox/ (case-insensitive)";
let r = Str.regexp_case_fold "the quick brown fox" in
let n = 0 in
test_search_forward r n "the quick brown fox"
@ -718,6 +718,24 @@ let automated_test() =
(** Splitting *)
start_test "Splitting";
test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") "si non e vero")
["si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"];
test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non\te vero\t")
["si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"];
test (Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non e vero " 3)
["si"; "non"; "e vero "];
test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]*") "si non e vero")
["s"; "i"; "n"; "o"; "n"; "e"; "v"; "e"; "r"; "o"];
test (Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non e vero\t")
[""; "si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"; ""];
test (Str.full_split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non\te vero\t")
[Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "si";
Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "non";
Str.Delim "\t"; Str.Text "e";
Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "vero"; Str.Delim "\t"];
(** XML tokenization *)
(* See "REX: XML Shallow Parsing with Regular Expressions",
Robert D. Cameron, Simon Fraser University, CMPT TR 1998-17. *)