Adapt examples.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ with Killed -> bar
-- Bolt
let funct n =
[%log "funct(%d)" n LEVEL DEBUG];
(%log "funct(%d)" n LEVEL DEBUG);
for i = 1 to n do
print_endline "..."
@ -372,26 +372,20 @@ let funct n =
-- pre-polyrecord
let r = ({ x = 1; y = ref None } [@polyrec])
let () = (r.y <- Some 2) [@polyrec]
or maybe:
let r = {[@polyrec] x = 1; y = ref None }
let () = r.y <-[@polyrec] Some 2
let r = {%polyrec x = 1; y = ref None }
let () = (%polyrec r.y <- Some 2)
-- orakuda
[%regexp function
| "$/^[0-9]+$/" as v -> `Int (int_of_string v#_0)
| "$/^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$" as v -> `Variable v#_0
| _ -> failwith "parse error"
-- bitstring
let bits = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file "/bin/ls" in
[%bit match bits with
match%bitstring bits with
| [ 0x7f, 8; "ELF", 24, string; (* ELF magic number *)
e_ident, Mul(12,8), bitstring; (* ELF identifier *)
e_type, 16, littleendian; (* object file type *)
@ -399,22 +393,19 @@ let bits = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file "/bin/ls" in
] ->
printf "This is an ELF binary, type %d, arch %d\n"
e_type e_machine
-- sedlex
let rec token buf =
let Regexp ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') = letter in
match buf with
| number -> Printf.printf "Number %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| letter, Star ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | digit) -> Printf.printf "Ident %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| Plus xml_blank -> token buf
| Plus (Chars "+*-/") -> Printf.printf "Op %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| Range(128,255) -> print_endline "Non ASCII"
| eof -> print_endline "EOF"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected character"
let%regexp ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') = letter in
match%sedlex buf with
| number -> Printf.printf "Number %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| letter, Star ('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | digit) -> Printf.printf "Ident %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| Plus xml_blank -> token buf
| Plus (Chars "+*-/") -> Printf.printf "Op %s\n" (Sedlexing.Latin1.lexeme buf); token buf
| Range(128,255) -> print_endline "Non ASCII"
| eof -> print_endline "EOF"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected character"
-- cppo
@ -431,9 +422,9 @@ debug("test")
-- PG'OCaml
let fetch_users dbh =
[%pgsql dbh "select id, name from users"]
(%pgsql dbh "select id, name from users")
-- Macaque
let names view = [%view {name =}, t <- !view]
let names view = (%view {name =}, t <- !view)
Reference in New Issue