camlized caml-tex

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Jacques Garrigue 1999-12-14 10:29:03 +00:00
parent 95466010e6
commit 5d6080aba6
1 changed files with 156 additions and 0 deletions

manual/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
(* $Id$ *)
open Printf
open Str
let camlbegin = "\\caml\n"
let camlend = "\\endcaml\n"
let camlin = "\\\\?\\1"
let camlout = "\\\\:\\1"
let camlbunderline = "\\<"
let camleunderline = "\\>"
let camllight = ref "TERM=dumb ocaml"
let linelen = ref 72
let outfile = ref ""
let cut_at_blanks = ref false
let files = ref []
let _ =
Arg.parse ["-n", Arg.Int (fun n -> linelen := n), "line length";
"-o", Arg.String (fun s -> outfile := s), "output";
"-caml", Arg.String (fun s -> camllight := s), "toplevel";
"-w", Arg.Set cut_at_blanks, "cut at blanks"]
(fun s -> files := s :: !files)
"caml-tex2: "
let (~) =
let memo = ref [] in
fun key ->
try List.assq key !memo
with Not_found ->
let data = Str.regexp key in
memo := (key, data) :: !memo;
let caml_input, caml_output =
try Unix.open_process !camllight with _ -> failwith "Cannot start toplevel"
let () =
at_exit (fun () -> ignore (Unix.close_process (caml_input, caml_output)));
ignore (input_line caml_input);
ignore (input_line caml_input)
let read_output () =
let input = ref (input_line caml_input) in
input := replace_first pat:~"^# *" with:"" !input;
let underline =
if string_match pat:~"Characters *\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\):$" !input pos:0
let b = int_of_string (matched_group 1 !input)
and e = int_of_string (matched_group 2 !input) in
input := input_line caml_input;
b, e
else 0, 0
let output = Buffer.create 256 in
while not (string_match pat:~".*\"end_of_input\"$" !input pos:0) do
prerr_endline !input;
Buffer.add_string output !input;
Buffer.add_char output '\n';
input := input_line caml_input;
Buffer.contents output, underline
let escape_backslash = global_replace pat:~"\\\\" with:"\\\\\\\\"
let process_file file =
let ic = try open_in file with _ -> failwith "Cannot read input file" in
let oc =
try if !outfile = "-" then
else if !outfile = "" then
open_out (replace_first pat:~"\\.tex$" with:"" file ^ ".ml.tex")
open_out_gen mode:[Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append; Open_text]
perm:0x666 !outfile
with _ -> failwith "Cannot open output file" in
let first = ref true in
try while true do
let input = ref (input_line ic) in
if string_match pat:~"\\\\begin{caml_example\\(\\*?\\)}[ \t]*$"
!input pos:0
then begin
let omit_answer = matched_group 1 !input = "*" in
output_string oc camlbegin;
let read_phrase () =
let phrase = Buffer.create 256 in
let input = input_line ic in
if string_match pat:~"\\\\end{caml_example\\*?}[ \t]*$"
input pos:0
then raise End_of_file;
Buffer.add_char phrase '\n';
Buffer.add_string phrase input;
not (string_match pat:~".*;;[ \t]*$" input pos:0)
Buffer.contents phrase
try while true do
let phrase = read_phrase () in
fprintf caml_output "%s\n" phrase;
flush caml_output;
output_string caml_output "\"end_of_input\";;\n";
flush caml_output;
let output, (b, e) = read_output () in
if not omit_answer then begin
let phrase =
if b < e then begin
let start = String.sub phrase pos:0 len:b
and underlined = String.sub phrase pos:b len:(e-b)
and rest = String.sub phrase pos:e len:(String.length phrase - e)
String.concat ""
[escape_backslash start; "\\<";
escape_backslash underlined; "\\>";
escape_backslash rest]
end else
escape_backslash phrase in
let phrase = global_replace pat:~"^\(.\)" with:camlin phrase
and output = global_replace pat:~"^\(.\)" with:camlout output in
if not !first then output_string oc "\\;";
fprintf oc "%s\n%s" phrase output;
flush oc;
first := false
with End_of_file -> output_string oc camlend
else if string_match pat:~"\\\\begin{caml_eval}[ \t]*$" !input pos:0
then begin
while input := input_line ic;
not (string_match pat:~"\\\\end{caml_eval}[ \t]*$"
!input pos:0)
fprintf caml_output "%s\n" !input;
if string_match pat:~".*;;[ \t]*$" !input pos:0 then begin
flush caml_output;
output_string caml_output "\"end_of_input\";;\n";
flush caml_output;
ignore (read_output ())
end else begin
fprintf oc "%s\n" !input;
flush oc
done with
End_of_file -> close_in ic; close_out oc
let _ =
if !outfile <> "-" && !outfile <> "" then begin
try close_out (open_out !outfile)
with _ -> failwith "Cannot open output file"
List.iter process_file (List.rev !files)