[minor] documentation improvements for Makefile.menhir

Gabriel Scherer 2018-09-06 11:02:38 +02:00
parent b155f28361
commit 51912516fa
2 changed files with 87 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1050,8 +1050,29 @@ clean::
# In order to avoid a build-time dependency on Menhir,
# we store the result of the parser generator (which
# are OCaml source files) and Menhir's runtime libraries
# (that the parser files rely on) in boot/
# (that the parser files rely on) in boot/.
# The rules below do not depend on Menhir being available,
# they just build the parser from the boot/.
# See Makefile.menhir for the rules to rebuild the parser and update
# boot/, which require Menhir. The targets in Makefile.menhir
# (also included here for convenience) must be used after any
# modification of parser.mly.
include Makefile.menhir
# To avoid module-name conflicts with compiler-lib users that link
# with their code with their own MenhirLib module (possibly with
# a different Menhir version), we rename MenhirLib into
# CamlinternalMenhirlib -- and replace the module occurrences in the
# generated parser.ml.
parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml: boot/menhir/menhirLib.ml
cp $< $@
parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli: boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli
cp $< $@
# Copy parsing/parser.ml from boot/
parsing/parser.ml: \
boot/menhir/parser.ml parsing/parser.mly
@if [ -n "$(shell find parsing/parser.mly \
@ -1070,22 +1091,9 @@ parsing/parser.ml: \
parsing/parser.mli: boot/menhir/parser.mli
cat $< | sed "s/MenhirLib/CamlinternalMenhirLib/g" > $@
# We rename the menhirLib module into CamlinternalMenhirlib,
# to avoid module-name conflicts with compiler-libs users
# also linking their own MenhirLib module for another parser.
parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml: boot/menhir/menhirLib.ml
cp $< $@
parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli: boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli
cp $< $@
# Makefile.menhir exports an promote-menhir rule that calls Menhir on
# the current grammar and refreshes the boot/ files. It must be called
# for any modification of the grammar to be taken into account by the
# compiler.
include Makefile.menhir
partialclean:: partialclean-menhir
# OCamldoc
.PHONY: ocamldoc

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@ -13,8 +13,37 @@
#* *
# The rules in this Makefile use Menhir to rebuild the OCaml compiler
# parser. They are include in the main Makefile, so should be invoked
# directly, for example 'make promote-menhir'. They must be called
# after any modification to parsing/parser.mly, for the modification
# to affect the parser linked in the produced compiler:
# - promote-menhir builds the parser from parser.mly and stores it in
# the boot/ directory, so that future builds of the compiler use the
# updated result. Use it to make permanent changes to the compiler
# parser.
# - test-menhir builds the parser from parser.mly without storing it
# in the boot/ directory, and only checks that the generated parser
# builds correctly. Use it to quickly check if a parser.mly change
# breaks the build. If you want to test a compiler produced with
# the new parser, you must use promote-menhir instead.
# (Using this rule requires a partial compiler build as obtained
# by 'make core' or 'make world'.)
# - clean-menhir removes the files generated by Menhir from parsing/,
# keeping only the reference sources for the grammar.
# - depend-menhir updates the dependency information for the
# Menhir-generated parser, which is versioned in the OCaml repository
# like all other .depend files. It should be used when the dependencies
# (of the OCaml code in the grammar semantic actions) change.
MENHIR ?= menhir
## Menhir compilation flags
MENHIRFLAGS := --explain --ocamlc "$(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS)" --infer\
--lalr --strict --table \
--unused-token COMMENT --unused-token DOCSTRING --unused-token EOL\
@ -27,23 +56,43 @@ MENHIRFLAGS := --explain --ocamlc "$(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS)" --infer\
# (which is used in polymorphic variant), but is not currently used by
# the grammar.
.PHONY: import-menhirLib
## promote-menhir
.PHONY: promote-menhir
promote-menhir: parsing/parser.mly
$(MAKE) import-menhirLib
$(MENHIR) $(MENHIRFLAGS) parsing/parser.mly
cp $(addprefix parsing/parser.,ml mli) boot/menhir
# The import-menhirLib invocation in promote-menhir ensures that each
# update of the boot/ parser is paired with an update of the imported
# menhirLib; otherwise it would be easy to generate a parser and keep
# an incompatible version of menhirLib, which would fail at
# compile-time.
.PHONY: import-menhirLib
mkdir -p boot/menhir
cp \
$(addprefix `$(MENHIR) --suggest-menhirLib`/menhirLib.,ml mli) \
# The import-menhirLib invocation ensures that each call to $(MENHIR)
# is paired with an update of the imported menhirLib; otherwise it
# would be easy to generate a parser and keep an incompatible version of
# menhirLib, which would fail at compile-time.
promote-menhir: parsing/parser.mly
$(MAKE) import-menhirLib
$(MENHIR) $(MENHIRFLAGS) parsing/parser.mly
cp $(addprefix parsing/parser.,ml mli) boot/menhir
## test-menhir
# This rule assumes that the `parsing/` sources and its dependencies
# have already been compiled; 'make core' suffices to be in that
# state. We don't make 'core' an explicit dependency, as building
# 'test-menhir' repeatedly would rebuild the compiler each time
# (parser.ml has changed), without actually taking the changes from
# parser.mly into account ('core' uses the parser from boot/).
# The test-menhir target does not read or write the boot directory,
# it directly builds the parser in parsing/. In particular, it must
# duplicate the MenhirLib->CamlinternalMenhirlib renaming usually
# performed by the parsing/parser.ml import rule in the main
# Makefile.
.PHONY: test-menhir
test-menhir: parsing/parser.mly
$(MENHIR) $(MENHIRFLAGS) parsing/parser.mly
@ -51,6 +100,9 @@ test-menhir: parsing/parser.mly
$(addprefix parsing/parser.,ml mli)
$(MAKE) parsing/parser.cmo
## clean-menhir
rm -f \
$(addprefix parsing/parser.,ml mli) \
@ -58,6 +110,9 @@ partialclean-menhir::
clean-menhir: partialclean-menhir
## depend-menhir
.PHONY: depend-menhir
$(MENHIR) --depend --ocamldep "$(CAMLDEP) -slash $(DEPFLAGS)" \