Bug de GC dans le let rec de valeurs: il ne faut pas ecraser l'en-tete

du bloc par celui du nouveau bloc.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@1654 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1997-07-23 14:38:14 +00:00
parent 335bc64a0c
commit 4029d102d8
1 changed files with 9 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -308,25 +308,24 @@ let fundecls_size fundecls =
let rec expr_size = function
let rec expr_size_and_tag = function
Uclosure(fundecls, clos_vars) ->
fundecls_size fundecls + List.length clos_vars
(fundecls_size fundecls + List.length clos_vars, 250)
| Uprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), args) ->
List.length args
(List.length args, tag)
| Ulet(id, exp, body) ->
expr_size body
expr_size_and_tag body
| _ ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.expr_size"
fatal_error "Cmmgen.expr_size_and_tag"
let dummy_block size =
let dummy_block (size, tag) =
let rec init_val i =
if i >= size then [] else Cconst_int 0 :: init_val(i+1) in
Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header 0 size :: init_val 0)
Cop(Calloc, alloc_block_header tag size :: init_val 0)
let rec store_contents ptr = function
Cop(Calloc, header :: fields) ->
Csequence(Cop(Cstore, [field_address ptr (-1); header]),
store_fields ptr 0 fields)
store_fields ptr 0 fields
| Clet(id, exp, body) ->
Clet(id, exp, store_contents ptr body)
| _ ->
@ -859,7 +858,7 @@ and transl_letrec bindings cont =
let rec init_blocks = function
[] -> fill_blocks bindings
| (id, exp) :: rem ->
Clet(id, dummy_block(expr_size exp), init_blocks rem)
Clet(id, dummy_block(expr_size_and_tag exp), init_blocks rem)
and fill_blocks = function
[] -> cont
| (id, exp) :: rem ->