'Did you mean' for variables missing on one side of an or-pattern

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@15651 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Gabriel Scherer 2014-12-13 14:46:22 +00:00
parent 843f152505
commit 3e7c17695c
3 changed files with 23 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type error =
| Pattern_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Or_pattern_type_clash of Ident.t * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Multiply_bound_variable of string
| Orpat_vars of Ident.t
| Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
| Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Apply_wrong_label of label * type_expr
@ -449,7 +449,9 @@ let enter_orpat_variables loc env p1_vs p2_vs =
let p1_vs = sort_pattern_variables p1_vs
and p2_vs = sort_pattern_variables p2_vs in
let rec unify_vars p1_vs p2_vs = match p1_vs, p2_vs with
let rec unify_vars p1_vs p2_vs =
let vars vs = List.map (fun (x,_t,_,_l,_a) -> x) vs in
match p1_vs, p2_vs with
| (x1,t1,_,l1,a1)::rem1, (x2,t2,_,l2,a2)::rem2 when Ident.equal x1 x2 ->
if x1==x2 then
unify_vars rem1 rem2
@ -463,13 +465,14 @@ let enter_orpat_variables loc env p1_vs p2_vs =
(x2,x1)::unify_vars rem1 rem2
| [],[] -> []
| (x,_,_,_,_)::_, [] -> raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars x))
| [],(x,_,_,_,_)::_ -> raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars x))
| (x,_,_,_,_)::_, [] -> raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars (x, vars p2_vs)))
| [],(y,_,_,_,_)::_ -> raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars (y, vars p1_vs)))
| (x,_,_,_,_)::_, (y,_,_,_,_)::_ ->
let min_var =
if Ident.name x < Ident.name y then x
else y in
raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars min_var)) in
let err =
if Ident.name x < Ident.name y
then Orpat_vars (x, vars p2_vs)
else Orpat_vars (y, vars p1_vs) in
raise (Error (loc, env, err)) in
unify_vars p1_vs p2_vs
let rec build_as_type env p =
@ -3819,6 +3822,11 @@ let type_expression env sexp =
(* Error report *)
let spellcheck_idents ppf unbound valid_idents =
Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () ->
Misc.spellcheck (List.map Ident.name valid_idents) (Ident.name unbound)
open Format
open Printtyp
@ -3852,9 +3860,10 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "but on the right-hand side it has type")
| Multiply_bound_variable name ->
fprintf ppf "Variable %s is bound several times in this matching" name
| Orpat_vars id ->
| Orpat_vars (id, valid_idents) ->
fprintf ppf "Variable %s must occur on both sides of this | pattern"
(Ident.name id)
(Ident.name id);
spellcheck_idents ppf id valid_idents
| Expr_type_clash trace ->
report_unification_error ppf env trace
(function ppf ->

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type error =
| Pattern_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Or_pattern_type_clash of Ident.t * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Multiply_bound_variable of string
| Orpat_vars of Ident.t
| Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
| Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Apply_wrong_label of label * type_expr

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@ -883,6 +883,9 @@ let fold_cltypes = fold_simple Env.fold_cltypes
let report_error env ppf = function
| Unbound_type_variable name ->
(* we don't use "spellcheck" here: the function that raises this
error seems not to be called anywhere, so it's unclear how it
should be handled *)
fprintf ppf "Unbound type parameter %s@." name
| Unbound_type_constructor lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound type constructor %a" longident lid;