matching: more complete testsuite for do_for_multiple_match

Note: we now use -dlambda rather than -drawlambda, because otherwise
the output is much more verbose and difficult to read.

(-drawlambda is closed to the inner workings of the pattern-matching
compiler, but the simplification in -dlambda make the output much more
readable. They are also fairly predictable/non-surprising, so I think
that we can still easily understand what the compiler did from that
Gabriel Scherer 2020-06-07 18:33:54 +02:00
parent cc462e0f76
commit 31c2551c7c
1 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -57,3 +57,196 @@ match (3, 2, 1) with
with (5 x/94) (seq (ignore x/94) 1)))
- : bool = false
(* Regression test for #3780 *)
let _ = fun a b ->
match a, b with
| ((true, _) as _g)
| ((false, _) as _g) -> ()
(function a/105 b/106 (let (*match*/109 = a/105 *match*/110 = b/106) 0))
- : bool -> 'a -> unit = <fun>
(* More complete tests.
The current strategy of the compiler is to determine whether
flattening of tuple patterns is possible during precompilation,
after the pattern has been half-simplified (toplevel alias
patterns are gone), during simplification (explosion of
or-patterns). Flattening fail if there is an alias pattern found
under an or-pattern during explosion.
The test cases below compare the compiler output on alias patterns
that are outside an or-pattern (handled during
half-simplification, then flattened) or inside an or-pattern
(handled during simplification, blocks flattening).
- outside: flattening happens, good code generated
- inside: raises Cannot_flatten, worse code generated
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true, _) as p -> p
| (false, _) as p -> p
(* outside, trivial *)
[%%expect {|
(function a/111 b/112
(*match*/115 = a/111
*match*/116 = b/112
p/113 =a (makeblock 0 a/111 b/112))
- : bool -> 'a -> bool * 'a = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| ((true, _) as p)
| ((false, _) as p) -> p
(* inside, trivial *)
(function a/117 b/118
(let (*match*/121 = (makeblock 0 a/117 b/118) p/119 =a *match*/121) p/119))
- : bool -> 'a -> bool * 'a = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true as x, _) as p -> x, p
| (false as x, _) as p -> x, p
(* outside, simple *)
[%%expect {|
(function a/125 b/126
(*match*/131 = a/125
*match*/132 = b/126
x/127 =a *match*/131
p/128 =a (makeblock 0 a/125 b/126))
(makeblock 0 x/127 p/128)))
- : bool -> 'a -> bool * (bool * 'a) = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| ((true as x, _) as p)
| ((false as x, _) as p) -> x, p
(* inside, simple *)
[%%expect {|
(function a/133 b/134
(*match*/140 = (makeblock 0 a/133 b/134)
x/135 =a (field 0 *match*/140)
p/136 =a *match*/140)
(makeblock 0 x/135 p/136)))
- : bool -> 'a -> bool * (bool * 'a) = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true as x, _) as p -> x, p
| (false, x) as p -> x, p
(* outside, complex *)
(function a/145 b/146
(let (*match*/151 = a/145 *match*/152 = b/146)
(if *match*/151
(let (x/147 =a *match*/151 p/148 =a (makeblock 0 a/145 b/146))
(makeblock 0 x/147 p/148))
(let (x/149 =a *match*/152 p/150 =a (makeblock 0 a/145 b/146))
(makeblock 0 x/149 p/150)))))
- : bool -> bool -> bool * (bool * bool) = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| ((true as x, _) as p)
| ((false, x) as p)
-> x, p
(* inside, complex *)
(function a/153 b/154
(let (*match*/160 = (makeblock 0 a/153 b/154))
(let (x/162 =a (field 0 *match*/160))
(if x/162
(let (*match*/163 =a (field 1 *match*/160))
(exit 14 x/162 *match*/160))
(let (x/161 =a (field 1 *match*/160)) (exit 14 x/161 *match*/160))))
with (14 x/155 p/156) (makeblock 0 x/155 p/156))))
- : bool -> bool -> bool * (bool * bool) = <fun>
(* here flattening is an optimisation,
as we avoid allocating the tuple in the first case,
and only allocate in the second case *)
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true as x, _) as _p -> x, (true, true)
| (false as x, _) as p -> x, p
(* outside, onecase *)
[%%expect {|
(function a/164 b/165
(let (*match*/170 = a/164 *match*/171 = b/165)
(if *match*/170
(let (x/166 =a *match*/170 _p/167 =a (makeblock 0 a/164 b/165))
(makeblock 0 x/166 [0: 1 1]))
(let (x/168 =a *match*/170 p/169 =a (makeblock 0 a/164 b/165))
(makeblock 0 x/168 p/169)))))
- : bool -> bool -> bool * (bool * bool) = <fun>
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| ((true as x, _) as p)
| ((false as x, _) as p) -> x, p
(* inside, onecase *)
(function a/172 b/173
(*match*/179 = (makeblock 0 a/172 b/173)
x/174 =a (field 0 *match*/179)
p/175 =a *match*/179)
(makeblock 0 x/174 p/175)))
- : bool -> 'a -> bool * (bool * 'a) = <fun>
type 'a tuplist = Nil | Cons of ('a * 'a tuplist)
type 'a tuplist = Nil | Cons of ('a * 'a tuplist)
(* another example where we avoid an allocation in the first case *)
let _ =fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true, Cons p) -> p
| (_, _) as p -> p
(* outside, tuplist *)
[%%expect {|
(function a/187 b/188
(let (*match*/191 = a/187 *match*/192 = b/188)
(if *match*/191
(if *match*/192 (let (p/189 =a (field 0 *match*/192)) p/189)
(exit 17))
(exit 17))
with (17) (let (p/190 =a (makeblock 0 a/187 b/188)) p/190))))
- : bool -> bool tuplist -> bool * bool tuplist = <fun>
(* if we cannot flatten, we generate worse code *)
let _ = fun a b -> match a, b with
| (true, Cons p)
| ((_, _) as p) -> p
(* inside, tuplist *)
(function a/193 b/194
(let (*match*/197 = (makeblock 0 a/193 b/194))
(let (*match*/199 =a (field 0 *match*/197))
(if *match*/199
(let (*match*/200 =a (field 1 *match*/197))
(if *match*/200
(let (p/198 =a (field 0 *match*/200)) (exit 19 p/198))
(exit 20)))
(exit 20))
with (20)
(let (*match*/201 =a (field 1 *match*/197)) (exit 19 *match*/197))))
with (19 p/195) p/195)))
- : bool -> bool tuplist -> bool * bool tuplist = <fun>