Simplif: fix the local-function optimization on Tupled functions (#8707)

This is a fix of #8705 proposed for trunk: instead of disabling the
problematic behavior (the Tupled case) as proposed in #8706, we
propose an auxiliary function to correctly determine whether an
application is exact, and use it there and also for existing Simplif

As a side-benefit, the other Simplif optimizations are also improved
(thanks to a suggestion of Alain Frisch for constant blocks). For
example, the following beta-redex was not reduced by Simplif before
this patch, due to the fact that its arguments are constant:

  (fun (x,y) -> x + y) (1, 2)
Gabriel Scherer 2019-06-27 16:01:35 +02:00 committed by Alain Frisch
parent 6a6f34e483
commit 30a210100c
2 changed files with 58 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ Working version
dummy Lpushtrap generated in linearize
(Greta Yorsh and Vincent Laviron, review by Xavier Leroy)
- #8707: Simplif: more regular treatment of Tupled and Curried functions
(Gabriel Scherer, review by Leo White and Alain Frisch)
### Runtime system:
- #8619: Ensure Gc.minor_words remains accurate after a GC.

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@ -329,6 +329,25 @@ let simplify_exits lam =
Assumes |args| = |params|.
let exact_application {kind; params; _} args =
match kind with
| Curried ->
if List.length params <> List.length args
then None
else Some args
| Tupled ->
begin match args with
| [Lprim(Pmakeblock _, tupled_args, _)] ->
if List.length params <> List.length tupled_args
then None
else Some tupled_args
| [Lconst(Const_block (_, const_args))] ->
if List.length params <> List.length const_args
then None
else Some ( (fun cst -> Lconst cst) const_args)
| _ -> None
let beta_reduce params body args =
List.fold_left2 (fun l (param, kind) arg -> Llet(Strict, kind, param, arg, l))
body params args
@ -383,15 +402,17 @@ let simplify_lets lam =
| Lconst _ -> ()
| Lvar v ->
use_var bv v 1
| Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Curried; params; body}; ap_args = args}
when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
count bv (beta_reduce params body args)
| Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Tupled; params; body};
ap_args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock _, args, _)]}
when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
count bv (beta_reduce params body args)
| Lapply{ap_func = l1; ap_args = ll} ->
count bv l1; List.iter (count bv) ll
| Lapply{ap_func = ll; ap_args = args} ->
let no_opt () = count bv ll; List.iter (count bv) args in
begin match ll with
| Lfunction lf when optimize ->
begin match exact_application lf args with
| None -> no_opt ()
| Some exact_args ->
count bv (beta_reduce lf.params lf.body exact_args)
| _ -> no_opt ()
| Lfunction {body} ->
count Ident.Map.empty body
| Llet(_str, _k, v, Lvar w, l2) when optimize ->
@ -477,15 +498,19 @@ let simplify_lets lam =
| Lconst _ as l -> l
| Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Curried; params; body}; ap_args = args}
when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
simplif (beta_reduce params body args)
| Lapply{ap_func = Lfunction{kind = Tupled; params; body};
ap_args = [Lprim(Pmakeblock _, args, _)]}
when optimize && List.length params = List.length args ->
simplif (beta_reduce params body args)
| Lapply ap -> Lapply {ap with ap_func = simplif ap.ap_func;
ap_args = simplif ap.ap_args}
| Lapply ({ap_func = ll; ap_args = args} as ap) ->
let no_opt () =
Lapply {ap with ap_func = simplif ap.ap_func;
ap_args = simplif ap.ap_args} in
begin match ll with
| Lfunction lf when optimize ->
begin match exact_application lf args with
| None -> no_opt ()
| Some exact_args ->
simplif (beta_reduce lf.params lf.body exact_args)
| _ -> no_opt ()
| Lfunction{kind; params; return=return1; body = l; attr; loc} ->
begin match simplif l with
Lfunction{kind=Curried; params=params'; return=return2; body; attr; loc}
@ -729,7 +754,7 @@ let split_default_wrapper ~id:fun_id ~kind ~params ~return ~body ~attr ~loc =
type slot =
nargs: int;
func: lfunction;
mutable scope: lambda option;
@ -762,9 +787,8 @@ let simplify_local_functions lam =
-> false
let rec tail = function
| Llet (_str, _kind, id, Lfunction lf, cont)
when Lambda.function_is_curried lf && enabled lf.attr ->
let r = {nargs=List.length lf.params; scope=None} in
| Llet (_str, _kind, id, Lfunction lf, cont) when enabled lf.attr ->
let r = {func = lf; scope = None} in
Hashtbl.add slots id r;
tail cont;
begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
@ -787,7 +811,8 @@ let simplify_local_functions lam =
| Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} ->
begin match Hashtbl.find_opt slots id with
| Some {nargs; _} when nargs <> List.length ap_args ->
| Some {func; _}
when exact_application func ap_args = None ->
(* Wrong arity *)
Hashtbl.remove slots id
| Some {scope = Some scope; _} when scope != !current_scope ->
@ -822,7 +847,13 @@ let simplify_local_functions lam =
| Llet (_, _, id, _, cont) when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
rewrite cont
| Lapply {ap_func = Lvar id; ap_args; _} when Hashtbl.mem static_id id ->
Lstaticraise (Hashtbl.find static_id id, rewrite ap_args)
let st = Hashtbl.find static_id id in
let slot = Hashtbl.find slots id in
begin match exact_application slot.func ap_args with
| None -> assert false
| Some exact_args ->
Lstaticraise (st, rewrite exact_args)
| lam ->
Lambda.shallow_map rewrite lam