revert the documentation of user-defined indexing operators

Gabriel Scherer 2015-11-29 10:27:11 +01:00
parent c6e95e4a64
commit 2e5f4f3238
1 changed files with 37 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -1365,10 +1365,44 @@ to implement dynamic types.
\section{Syntax for Bigarray access}\label{s:bigarray-access}
(Introduced in Objective Caml 3.00, deprecated in 4.03)
(Introduced in Objective Caml 3.00)
This extension has been superseded by the customizable index operators extension~\ref{s:index-operators}.
Some source compatibility problems are documented in~\ref{s:bigarray-indexop-compatibility}.
| expr '.{' expr { ',' expr } '}'
| expr '.{' expr { ',' expr } '}' '<-' expr
This extension provides syntactic sugar for getting and setting
elements in the arrays provided by the
"Bigarray"[\moduleref{Bigarray}] library.
The short expressions are translated into calls to functions of the
"Bigarray" module as described in the following table.
{"Bigarray.Array1.get "@expr_0 expr_1@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1'}' '<-'expr@}
{"Bigarray.Array1.set "@expr_0 expr_1 expr@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' expr_2'}'@}
{"Bigarray.Array2.get "@expr_0 expr_1 expr_2@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' expr_2'}' '<-'expr@}
{"Bigarray.Array2.set "@expr_0 expr_1 expr_2 expr@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' expr_2',' expr_3'}'@}
{"Bigarray.Array3.get "@expr_0 expr_1 expr_2 expr_3@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' expr_2',' expr_3'}' '<-'expr@}
{"Bigarray.Array3.set "@expr_0 expr_1 expr_2 expr_3 expr@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' \ldots',' expr_n'}'@}
{"Bigarray.Genarray.get "@ expr_0 '[|' expr_1',' \ldots ','
expr_n '|]'@}
\entree{@expr_0'.{'expr_1',' \ldots',' expr_n'}' '<-'expr@}
{"Bigarray.Genarray.set "@ expr_0 '[|' expr_1',' \ldots ','
expr_n '|]' expr@}
The last two entries are valid for any $n > 3$.
@ -1865,195 +1899,3 @@ used directly in vanilla Ocaml. However, "-ppx" rewriters and other
external tools can use this parser leniency to extend the language
with new extension specific "#"-operators.
\section{Customizable index operators} \label{s:index-operators}
( Introduced in OCaml 4.03 )
| expr '.(' expr ')'
| expr '.(' expr ')' '<-' expr
| expr '.[' expr ']'
| expr '.[' expr ']' '<-' expr
| expr '.{' expr '}'
| expr '.{' expr '}' '<-' expr
| '.' '(' ')'
| '.' '(' ')' '<-'
| '.' '[' ']'
| '.' '[' ']' '<-'
| '.' '{' '}'
| '.' '{' '}' '<-'
This extension provides syntactic sugar for getting and setting
elements for custom array-like types. The quintessential examples of
array-like type are the standard array, string, bytes and bigarray
types. For these types, elements can be accessed and assigned with the
well-know syntax
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lll} \hline
& acces & assignment \\ \hline
array & @expr_a".("expr_i")"@ & @expr_a".("expr_i")" "<-" expr_v@ \\
string or bytes & @expr_s".["expr_i"]"@ & @expr_s".["expr_i"]" "<-" expr_v@ \\
bigarray & @expr_s".{"expr_i"}"@ & @expr_s".{"expr_i"}" "<-" expr_v@ \\ \hline
This extension generalizes this standard syntax by associating these
access and assignment operations to three new families of index
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lll} \hline
& acces & assignment \\ \hline
array-like & ".()" & ".()<-" \\
string-like & ".[]" & ".[]<-" \\
bigarray-like & ".{}" & ".{}<-" \\ \hline
The concrete syntaxes "array.(index)",\dots, "bigarray.{index}<-value"
are then redefined as syntactic sugar for these new operators
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lll} \hline
& concrete syntax & translation \\ \hline
array-like & @expr_a'.('expr_i')'@ & @'(' '.()' ')' expr_a expr_i@ \\
& @expr_a'.('expr_i')' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(' '.()<-' ')' expr_a expr_i expr_v@ \\ \hline
string-like & @expr_s'.['expr_i']'@ & @'(' '.[]' ')' expr_s expr_i@ \\
& @expr_s'.['expr_i']' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(' '.[]<-' ')' expr_s expr_i expr_v@ \\ \hline
bigarray-like & @expr_s'.{'expr_i^*'}'@ & @'(' '.{}' ')' expr_s expr_i^*@ \\
& @expr_s'.{'expr_i^*'}' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(' '.{}<-' ')' expr_s expr_i^* expr_v@ \\ \hline
Note that the syntactic sugar for the "( .{} )" bigarray operator
family presents some particularities to support multidimensional
arrays. These particularities are detailed in
This new syntactic sugar is used in the Pervasives
module[\moduleref{Pervasives}] to redefine the standard syntax for the
array and string types. Similarly, the
"Bigarray"[\moduleref{Bigarray}] library uses the "( .{} )" operator
Customized access and assignment operators can be defined for
arbitrary types by overriding the corresponding operators. For
instance, we can define python-like dictionary
module Dict = struct
include Hashtbl
let ( .[] ) tabl index = find tabl index
let ( .[]<- ) tabl index value = add tabl index value
let dict =
let open Dict in
let dict = create 10 in
dict.["one"] <- 1;
dict.["two"] <- 2;
let () =
let open Dict in
assert( dict.["one"] = 1 )
\subsection{Multidimensional index operators}\label{s:m-index-operators}
| expr '.{' expr { ',' expr } '}'
| expr '.{' expr { ',' expr } '}' '<-' expr
| '.' '{' ',' '}'
| '.' '{' ',' ',' '}'
| '.' '{' ',' '..' ',' '}'
| '.' '{' ',' '}' '<-'
| '.' '{' ',' ',' '}' '<-'
| '.' '{' ',' '..' ',' '}' '<-'
In addition to the two regular "( .{} )" and "( .{}<- )" index
operators, the "( .{} )" operator family includes $6$ specific index
operators. These operators are designed to lighten access and
assignment for multidimensional array of dimension $2$, $3$ and $n>3$:
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lll} \hline
& acces & assignment \\ \hline
dimension $1$ & ".{}" & ".{}<-" \\
dimension $2$ & ".{,}" & ".{,}<-" \\
dimension $3$ & ".{,,}" & ".{,,}<-" \\
dimension $n>3$ & ".{,..,}" & ".{,..,}<-" \\ \hline
The concrete syntaxes @expr_a'.{'expr_1,..,expr_n'}'@ and
@expr_a'.{'expr_1,..,expr_n'}<-expr_v'@ are translated to the
corresponding $n$-dimensional operators in function of the number $n$
of comma-separated expressions inside the braces:
\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lll} \hline
dimension & concrete syntax & translation \\ \hline
dimension $1$ & @expr_a'.{'expr_i'}'@ & @'(.{})' expr_a expr_i@ \\
& @expr_a'.{'expr_i'}' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(.{}<-)' expr_a expr_i expr_v@ \\ \hline
dimension $2$ & @expr_a'.{'i_1,i_2'}'@ & @'(.{,})' expr_a i_1 i_2@ \\
& @expr_a'.{'i_1,i_2} '<-' expr_v@ & @'(.{,}<-)' expr_a i_1 i_2 expr_v@ \\ \hline
dimension $3$ & @expr_a'.{'i_1,i_2,i_3'}'@ & @'(.{,,})' expr_a i_1 i_2 i_3@ \\
& @expr_a'.{'i_1,i_2,i_3'}' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(.{,,}<-)' expr_a i_1 i_2 i_3 expr_v@ \\ \hline
dimension $n>3$ & @expr_a'.{'i_1,\ldots,i_n'}'@ & @'(.{,..,})' expr_a '[|'i_1';'\ldots';'i_n'|]'@ \\
& @expr_a'.{'i_1,\ldots,i_n'}' '<-' expr_v@ & @'(.{,..,}<-)' expr_a '[|'i_1';'\ldots';'i_n'|]' expr_v@ \\ \hline
Note that for multidimensional array of dimension $n > 3$, all the
index arguments are packed into a single array which is then passed as
an argument to the "( .{,..,} )" or "( .{,..,}<- )" operators.
These multidimensional index operators can also be redefined to be
used with custom types. For instance, we can implement an unified "'a
tensor" type for vectors and matrices and define separated access
operators for vectors and matrices using "( .{} )" and "( .{,} )":
type 'a tensor = { dim: int; array: float array } constraint 'a = [< `Vector | `Matrix ]
let ( .{} ) ( v: [`Vector] tensor ) i = v.array.(i)
let ( .{,} ) ( mat: [`Matrix] tensor ) i j = mat.array.( i*mat.dim + j )
let x = v.{i} (* vector access *)
let m = mat.{i,j} (* matrix access *)
Another example, the "Bigarray"[\moduleref{Bigarray}] library defines these operators as
\entree{ "( .{} )" } {"Array1.get"}
\entree{ "( .{}<- )" } {"Array1.set"}
\entree{ "( .{,} )" } {"Array2.get"}
\entree{ "( .{,}<- )" } {"Array2.set"}
\entree{ "( .{,,} )" } {"Array3.get"}
\entree{ "( .{,,}<- )" } {"Array3.set"}
\entree{ "( .{,..,} )" } {"Genarray.get"}
\entree{ "( .{,..,}<- )" } {"Genarray.set"}
With these definitions, it is then possible to use the short syntax
@bigarray'.{'index'}'@ with bigarray values by opening the "Bigarray"
module in scope.
\subsection{Backward compatibility warning for the "Bigarray" library} \label{s:bigarray-indexop-compatibility}
One of the reasons behind the existence of the 6 special
@"( .{"\ldots"} )"@ operators is to preserve backward compatibility
with the "Bigarray" library special syntax. However, this extension
\emph{does break} partially source compatibility with the bigarray
syntax extension: before Ocaml 4.03, it was possible to use the
@bigarray'.{'index'}'@ syntax without opening the "Bigarray"
module. This usage is no longer possible since the @"(.{"\ldots"})"@
index operators are now defined inside the "Bigarray" module. This
problem can be fixed by opening the "Bigarray" module (or by bringing
in scope the index operators defined in the "Bigarray" module).