Add `remove_aliases` parameter to `scrape_for_type_of`

Leo White 2018-03-22 07:44:54 +00:00
parent 414b300b4d
commit 2b412c8ab8
3 changed files with 14 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ let collect_arg_paths mty =
PathSet.fold (fun p -> Ident.Set.union (collect_ids !subst !bindings p))
!paths Ident.Set.empty
let rec remove_aliases env excl mty =
let rec remove_aliases_mty env excl mty =
match mty with
Mty_signature sg ->
Mty_signature (remove_aliases_sig env excl sg)
| Mty_alias _ ->
let mty' = Env.scrape_alias env mty in
if mty' = mty then mty else
remove_aliases env excl mty'
remove_aliases_mty env excl mty'
| mty ->
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ and remove_aliases_sig env excl sg =
Mty_alias _ when Ident.Set.mem id excl ->
| mty ->
remove_aliases env excl mty
remove_aliases_mty env excl mty
Sig_module(id, {md with md_type = mty} , rs) ::
remove_aliases_sig (Env.add_module id mty env) excl rem
@ -431,12 +431,14 @@ and remove_aliases_sig env excl sg =
| it :: rem ->
it :: remove_aliases_sig env excl rem
let remove_aliases env sg =
let excl = collect_arg_paths sg in
(* PathSet.iter (fun p -> Format.eprintf "%a@ " Printtyp.path p) excl;
Format.eprintf "@."; *)
remove_aliases env excl sg
let scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env mty =
if remove_aliases then begin
let excl = collect_arg_paths mty in
remove_aliases_mty env excl mty
end else begin
scrape_for_type_of env mty
(* Lower non-generalizable type variables *)

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ val scrape: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
(* Expand toplevel module type abbreviations
till hitting a "hard" module type (signature, functor,
or abstract module type ident. *)
val scrape_for_type_of: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
val scrape_for_type_of:
remove_aliases:bool -> Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
(* Expand module aliases *)
val freshen: module_type -> module_type
(* Return an alpha-equivalent copy of the given module type
@ -44,5 +45,4 @@ val enrich_typedecl: Env.t -> Path.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration ->
val type_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> Path.t list
val contains_type: Env.t -> module_type -> bool
val remove_aliases: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
val lower_nongen: int -> module_type -> unit

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@ -401,12 +401,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env remove_aliases loc sg constr =
when id = s ->
let path, md' = Typetexp.find_module initial_env loc lid'.txt in
let mty = md'.md_type in
let mty =
if remove_aliases then
Mtype.remove_aliases env mty
Mtype.scrape_for_type_of env mty
let mty = Mtype.scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env mty in
let md'' = { md' with md_type = mty } in
let newmd = Mtype.strengthen_decl ~aliasable:false env md'' path in
ignore(Includemod.modtypes ~loc env newmd.md_type md.md_type);
@ -1769,13 +1764,7 @@ let type_module_type_of env smod =
| _ -> type_module env smod
let mty = tmty.mod_type in
let mty =
if remove_aliases then
(* PR#6307: expand aliases at root and submodules *)
Mtype.remove_aliases env mty
Mtype.scrape_for_type_of env mty
let mty = Mtype.scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env mty in
(* PR#5036: must not contain non-generalized type variables *)
if not (closed_modtype env mty) then
raise(Error(smod.pmod_loc, env, Non_generalizable_module mty));