Le patching des operandes porte sur 32 bits, pas 16.

git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@995 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1996-09-19 12:56:54 +00:00
parent f1baf28aa6
commit 2b25bf6466
1 changed files with 9 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -124,21 +124,23 @@ let init () =
(* Must use the unsafe String.set here because the block may be
a "fake" string as returned by Meta.static_alloc. *)
let patch_short buff pos n =
let patch_int buff pos n =
String.unsafe_set buff pos (Char.unsafe_chr n);
String.unsafe_set buff (succ pos) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 8))
String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 1) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 8));
String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 2) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 16));
String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 3) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 24))
let patch_object buff patchlist =
(Reloc_literal sc, pos) ->
patch_short buff pos (slot_for_literal sc)
patch_int buff pos (slot_for_literal sc)
| (Reloc_getglobal id, pos) ->
patch_short buff pos (slot_for_getglobal id)
patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal id)
| (Reloc_setglobal id, pos) ->
patch_short buff pos (slot_for_setglobal id)
patch_int buff pos (slot_for_setglobal id)
| (Reloc_primitive name, pos) ->
patch_short buff pos (num_of_prim name))
patch_int buff pos (num_of_prim name))
(* Translate structured constants *)
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ let output_global_map oc =
let update_global_table () =
let ng = !global_table.num_cnt in
if ng >= Array.length(Meta.global_data()) then Meta.realloc_global_data ng;
if ng > Array.length(Meta.global_data()) then Meta.realloc_global_data ng;
let glob = Meta.global_data() in
(fun (slot, cst) -> glob.(slot) <- transl_const cst)