Reecriture du flottant I386 pour utiliser vraiment la pile de registres flottants

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1995-12-10 09:31:57 +00:00
parent e5884f1b62
commit 1f8a4f6da7
7 changed files with 269 additions and 243 deletions

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@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ type specific_operation =
| Istore_int of int * addressing_mode (* Store an integer constant *)
| Istore_symbol of string * addressing_mode (* Store a symbol *)
| Ioffset_loc of int * addressing_mode (* Add a constant to a location *)
| Ifloatarith of float_oper * addressing_mode option *
addressing_mode option * addressing_mode option
(* Reg/mem float operations *)
and float_oper =
Ifloatadd | Ifloatsub | Ifloatmul | Ifloatdiv
| Ifloatarithmem of float_operation * addressing_mode (* float arith w/mem *)
and float_operation =
Ifloatadd | Ifloatsub | Ifloatsubrev | Ifloatmul | Ifloatdiv | Ifloatdivrev
(* Sizes, endianness *)
@ -82,9 +81,6 @@ let print_addressing printreg addr arg =
print_string " * "; print_int scale;
if n <> 0 then begin print_string " + "; print_int n end
let print_sub_addressing printreg addr arg pos =
print_addressing printreg addr (Array.sub arg pos (Array.length arg - pos))
let print_specific_operation printreg op arg =
match op with
Ilea addr -> print_addressing printreg addr arg
@ -97,29 +93,16 @@ let print_specific_operation printreg op arg =
| Ioffset_loc(n, addr) ->
print_string "["; print_addressing printreg addr arg;
print_string "] +:= "; print_int n
| Ifloatarith(op, arg1, arg2, res) ->
let pos_arg2 =
match arg1 with None -> 1 | Some addr -> num_args_addressing addr in
let pos_res =
pos_arg2 +
(match arg2 with None -> 1 | Some addr -> num_args_addressing addr) in
begin match res with
None -> ()
| Some addr ->
print_string "["; print_sub_addressing printreg addr arg pos_res;
print_string "] := "
let print_arg pos = function
None ->
printreg arg.(pos)
| Some addr ->
print_string "[";
print_sub_addressing printreg addr arg pos in
print_arg 0 arg1;
| Ifloatarithmem(op, addr) ->
printreg arg.(0);
begin match op with
Ifloatadd -> print_string " +f "
| Ifloatsub -> print_string " -f "
| Ifloatsubrev -> print_string " -f(rev) "
| Ifloatmul -> print_string " *f "
| Ifloatdiv -> print_string " /f "
| Ifloatdivrev -> print_string " /f(rev) "
print_arg pos_arg2 arg2
print_string "[";
print_addressing printreg addr (Array.sub arg 1 (Array.length arg - 1));
print_string "]"

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ open Emitaux
let fastcode_flag = ref true
let stack_offset = ref 0
let fp_offset = ref 0
(* Layout of the stack frame *)
@ -73,28 +74,17 @@ let emit_align =
(* Output a pseudo-register *)
let emit_reg r =
match r.loc with
Reg r ->
let emit_reg = function
{ loc = Reg r; typ = Float } ->
emit_string (register_name(r + !fp_offset))
| { loc = Reg r } ->
emit_string (register_name r)
| Stack s ->
| { loc = Stack s } as r ->
let ofs = slot_offset s (register_class r) in
`{emit_int ofs}(%esp)`
| Unknown ->
| { loc = Unknown } ->
fatal_error "Emit_i386.emit_reg"
(* Same, but after one push in the floating-point register set *)
let emit_shift r =
match r.loc with
Reg r ->
emit_string (register_name(r + 1))
| Stack s ->
let ofs = slot_offset s (register_class r) in
`{emit_int ofs}(%esp)`
| Unknown ->
fatal_error "Emit_i386.emit_shift"
(* Output a reference to the lower 8 bits or lower 16 bits of a register *)
let reg_low_byte_name = [| "%al"; "%bl"; "%cl"; "%dl" |]
@ -153,6 +143,13 @@ let emit_addressing addr r n =
if d <> 0 then emit_int d;
`({emit_reg r.(n)}, {emit_reg r.(n+1)}, {emit_int scale})`
(* Emit the operand of a floating-point operation *)
let emit_float_operand r =
match r.loc with
Stack s -> `l {emit_reg r}`
| _ -> ` {emit_reg r}`
(* Record live pointers at call points *)
type frame_descr =
@ -206,6 +203,35 @@ let instr_for_intop = function
| Iasr -> "sar"
| _ -> fatal_error "Emit_i386: instr_for_intop"
let instr_for_floatop = function
Iaddf -> "fadd"
| Isubf -> "fsub"
| Imulf -> "fmul"
| Idivf -> "fdiv"
| _ -> fatal_error "Emit_i386: instr_for_floatop"
let instr_for_floatop_reversed = function
Iaddf -> "fadd"
| Isubf -> "fsubr"
| Imulf -> "fmul"
| Idivf -> "fdivr"
| _ -> fatal_error "Emit_i386: instr_for_floatop"
let instr_for_floatop_pop = function
Iaddf -> "faddp"
| Isubf -> "fsubp"
| Imulf -> "fmulp"
| Idivf -> "fdivp"
| _ -> fatal_error "Emit_i386: instr_for_floatop"
let instr_for_floatarithmem = function
Ifloatadd -> "faddl"
| Ifloatsub -> "fsubl"
| Ifloatsubrev -> "fsubrl"
| Ifloatmul -> "fmull"
| Ifloatdiv -> "fdivl"
| Ifloatdivrev -> "fdivrl"
let name_for_cond_branch = function
Isigned Ceq -> "e" | Isigned Cne -> "ne"
| Isigned Cle -> "le" | Isigned Cgt -> "g"
@ -249,11 +275,17 @@ let emit_instr i =
Int | Addr ->
` movl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Float ->
if i.arg.(0).loc = Reg 100 then
` fstl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
else begin
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
begin match i.arg.(0).loc with
Reg 100 ->
` fstpl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`;
decr fp_offset
| Reg 101 when !fp_offset = 0 ->
` fstl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| _ ->
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
incr fp_offset;
` fstpl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`;
decr fp_offset
| Lop(Iconst_int 0) ->
@ -271,7 +303,7 @@ let emit_instr i =
float_constants := (lbl, f) :: !float_constants;
` fldl {emit_label lbl}\n`
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
incr fp_offset
| Lop(Iconst_symbol s) ->
` movl ${emit_symbol s}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Icall_ind) ->
@ -295,13 +327,15 @@ let emit_instr i =
` movl ${emit_symbol s}, %eax\n`;
` call {emit_symbol "caml_c_call"}\n`;
end else if contains_floats i.arg or contains_floats i.res then begin
` movl ${emit_symbol s}, %eax\n`;
` call {emit_symbol "caml_c_call_noalloc"}\n`
end else
` call {emit_symbol s}\n`;
if Array.length i.res > 0 & i.res.(0).typ = Float then
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
end else begin
if contains_floats i.arg or contains_floats i.res then begin
` ffree %st(0)\n`;
` ffree %st(1)\n`;
` ffree %st(2)\n`;
` ffree %st(3)\n`
` call {emit_symbol s}\n`
| Lop(Istackoffset n) ->
if n >= 0
then ` subl ${emit_int n}, %esp\n`
@ -331,18 +365,22 @@ let emit_instr i =
| Float ->
` fldl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 0}\n`;
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
incr fp_offset
| Lop(Istore(Word, addr)) ->
begin match i.arg.(0).typ with
Int | Addr ->
` movl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
| Float ->
if i.arg.(0).loc = Reg 100 then
` fstl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
else begin
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
` fstpl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
begin match i.arg.(0).loc with
Reg 100 ->
` fstpl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`;
decr fp_offset
| Reg 101 when !fp_offset = 0 ->
` fstl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
| _ ->
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
` fstpl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
| Lop(Istore(chunk, addr)) ->
@ -410,20 +448,31 @@ let emit_instr i =
(* We have i.arg.(0) = i.res.(0) *)
` {emit_string(instr_for_intop op)} ${emit_int n}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf as floatop) ->
fatal_error "Emit_i386: floatop"
begin match (i.arg.(0).loc, i.arg.(1).loc) with
(Reg 100, Reg 100) -> (* both operands on top of FP stack *)
` {emit_string(instr_for_floatop_pop floatop)} %st(0), %st(1)\n`;
decr fp_offset
| (Reg 100, _) -> (* first operand on stack *)
` {emit_string(instr_for_floatop floatop)}{emit_float_operand i.arg.(1)}\n`
| (_, Reg 100) -> (* second operand on stack *)
` {emit_string(instr_for_floatop_reversed floatop)}{emit_float_operand i.arg.(0)}\n`
| (_, _) -> (* both in regs or on stack *)
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
incr fp_offset;
` {emit_string(instr_for_floatop floatop)}{emit_float_operand i.arg.(1)}\n`
| Lop(Ifloatofint) ->
begin match i.arg.(0).loc with
Stack s ->
` fildl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
` fildl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`
| _ ->
` pushl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
stack_offset := !stack_offset + 4;
` fildl (%esp)\n`;
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`;
` addl $4, %esp\n`;
stack_offset := !stack_offset - 4
incr fp_offset
| Lop(Iintoffloat) ->
stack_offset := !stack_offset - 8;
` subl $8, %esp\n`;
@ -435,7 +484,7 @@ let emit_instr i =
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
begin match i.res.(0).loc with
Stack s ->
` fistpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
` fistpl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| _ ->
` fistpl (%esp)\n`;
` movl (%esp), {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
@ -451,42 +500,12 @@ let emit_instr i =
` movl ${emit_symbol s}, {emit_addressing addr i.arg 0}\n`
| Lop(Ispecific(Ioffset_loc(n, addr))) ->
` addl ${emit_int n}, {emit_addressing addr i.arg 0}\n`
| Lop(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, addr_arg1, addr_arg2, addr_res))) ->
let pos_arg2 =
match addr_arg1 with
None -> 1 | Some addr -> num_args_addressing addr in
let pos_res =
pos_arg2 +
(match addr_arg2 with
None -> 1 | Some addr -> num_args_addressing addr) in
let instr =
match op with
Ifloatadd -> "fadd"
| Ifloatsub -> "fsub"
| Ifloatmul -> "fmul"
| Ifloatdiv -> "fdiv" in
begin match addr_arg1 with
Some addr ->
` fldl {emit_addressing addr i.arg 0}\n`
| None ->
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(op, addr))) ->
if i.arg.(0).loc <> Reg 100 then begin
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
incr fp_offset
begin match addr_arg2 with
Some addr ->
` {emit_string instr}l {emit_addressing addr i.arg pos_arg2}\n`
| None ->
match i.arg.(1).loc with
Stack s ->
` {emit_string instr}l {emit_shift i.arg.(pos_arg2)}\n`
| _ ->
` {emit_string instr} {emit_shift i.arg.(pos_arg2)}\n`
begin match addr_res with
Some addr ->
` fstpl {emit_addressing addr i.arg pos_res}\n`
| None ->
` fstpl {emit_shift i.res.(0)}\n`
` {emit_string(instr_for_floatarithmem op)} {emit_addressing addr i.arg 1}\n`
| Lreloadretaddr ->
| Lreturn ->
@ -518,19 +537,32 @@ let emit_instr i =
let b = name_for_cond_branch cmp in
` j{emit_string b} {emit_label lbl}\n`
| Ifloattest(cmp, neg) ->
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
let comp_instr =
let instr =
match cmp with
Ceq | Cne -> "fucom"
| _ -> "fcom" in
begin match i.arg.(1).loc with
Stack s ->
` {emit_string comp_instr}pl {emit_shift i.arg.(1)}\n`
| _ ->
` {emit_string comp_instr}p {emit_shift i.arg.(1)}\n`
| _ -> "fcom" in
let actual_cmp =
match (i.arg.(0).loc, i.arg.(1).loc) with
(Reg 100, Reg 100) -> (* both args on top of FP stack *)
` {emit_string instr}pp\n`;
fp_offset := !fp_offset - 2;
| (Reg 100, _) -> (* first arg on top of FP stack *)
` {emit_string instr}p{emit_float_operand i.arg.(1)}\n`;
decr fp_offset;
| (_, Reg 100) -> (* second arg on top of FP stack *)
` {emit_string instr}p{emit_float_operand i.arg.(0)}\n`;
decr fp_offset;
Cmm.swap_comparison cmp
| (_, _) ->
` fldl {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}\n`;
incr fp_offset;
` {emit_string instr}p{emit_float_operand i.arg.(1)}\n`;
decr fp_offset;
cmp in
` fnstsw %ax\n`;
begin match cmp with
begin match actual_cmp with
Ceq ->
if neg then begin
` andb $68, %ah\n`;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ val select_store:
Arch.addressing_mode -> Cmm.expression -> Mach.operation * Cmm.expression
val pseudoregs_for_operation:
Mach.operation -> Reg.t array -> Reg.t array ->
Reg.t array * Reg.t array
Reg.t array * Reg.t array * bool
val is_immediate: int -> bool
val word_addressed: bool

View File

@ -31,15 +31,19 @@ open Mach
edi 5
ebp 6
f0 - f4 100-104 function arguments and results
f0 - f3 101-104 function arguments and results
f0: C function results
not preserved by C *)
not preserved by C
The other 4 floating-point registers are treated as a stack.
We use the pseudo-register %tos (100) to represent the top of that stack. *)
let int_reg_name =
[| "%eax"; "%ebx"; "%ecx"; "%edx"; "%esi"; "%edi"; "%ebp" |]
let float_reg_name =
[| "%st"; "%st(1)"; "%st(2)"; "%st(3)"; "%st(4)"; "%st(5)" |]
[| "%tos"; "%st(0)"; "%st(1)"; "%st(2)"; "%st(3)";
"%st(4)"; "%st(5)"; "%st(6)"; "%st(7)" |]
let num_register_classes = 2
@ -49,9 +53,9 @@ let register_class r =
| Addr -> 0
| Float -> 1
let num_available_registers = [| 7; 5 |]
let num_available_registers = [| 7; 4 |]
let first_available_register = [| 0; 100 |]
let first_available_register = [| 0; 101 |]
let register_name r =
if r < 100 then int_reg_name.(r) else float_reg_name.(r - 100)
@ -82,6 +86,11 @@ let phys_reg n =
let stack_slot slot ty =
Reg.at_location ty (Stack slot)
let eax = phys_reg 0
let ecx = phys_reg 2
let edx = phys_reg 3
let tos = phys_reg 100
(* Exceptions raised to signal cases not handled here *)
exception Use_default
@ -153,28 +162,29 @@ let select_addressing exp =
| (Ascaledadd(e1, e2, scale), d) ->
(Iindexed2scaled(scale, d), Ctuple[e1; e2])
exception Use_default
(* Make float operations associate to the right as much as possible. *)
let select_floatop op = function
[Cop(Cload _, [loc1]); Cop(Cload _, [loc2])] ->
let (addr1, arg1) = select_addressing loc1 in
let (addr2, arg2) = select_addressing loc2 in
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, Some addr1, Some addr2, None)), [arg1; arg2])
let rec reassociate oldop newop = function
[Cop(op, [arg1; arg2]); arg3] when op = oldop ->
reassociate oldop newop [arg1; Cop(newop, [arg2; arg3])]
| args -> args
(* Recognize float arithmetic with mem *)
let select_floatarith regular_op mem_op mem_rev_op args =
match args with
[arg1; Cop(Cload _, [loc2])] ->
let (addr, arg2) = select_addressing loc2 in
(Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(mem_op, addr)), [arg1; arg2])
| [Cop(Cload _, [loc1]); arg2] ->
let (addr1, arg1) = select_addressing loc1 in
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, Some addr1, None, None)), [arg1; arg2])
| [arg1; Cop(Cload _, [loc2])] ->
let (addr2, arg2) = select_addressing loc2 in
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, None, Some addr2, None)), [arg1; arg2])
| arg12 ->
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, None, None, None)), arg12)
let (addr, arg1) = select_addressing loc1 in
(Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(mem_rev_op, addr)), [arg2; arg1])
| _ ->
(regular_op, args)
let select_floatop_store op loc args =
let (addr, addr_arg) = select_addressing loc in
match select_floatop op args with
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, opt1, opt2, None)), newargs) ->
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, opt1, opt2, Some addr)), newargs @ [addr_arg])
| _ -> fatal_error "Proc_i386.select_floatop_store"
(* Main instruction selection functions *)
exception Use_default
let select_oper op args =
match op with
@ -189,11 +199,15 @@ let select_oper op args =
which do not correspond to an addressing mode. *)
| Cdivi -> (Iintop Idiv, args)
| Cmodi -> (Iintop Imod, args)
(* Recognize the floating-point operations *)
| Caddf -> select_floatop Ifloatadd args
| Csubf -> select_floatop Ifloatsub args
| Cmulf -> select_floatop Ifloatmul args
| Cdivf -> select_floatop Ifloatdiv args
(* Recognize float arithmetic with memory.
In passing, change associativity of some float operations *)
| Caddf -> select_floatarith Iaddf Ifloatadd Ifloatadd
(reassociate Caddf Caddf args)
| Csubf -> select_floatarith Isubf Ifloatsub Ifloatsubrev
(reassociate Csubf Caddf args)
| Cmulf -> select_floatarith Imulf Ifloatmul Ifloatmul
(reassociate Cmulf Cmulf args)
| Cdivf -> select_floatarith Idivf Ifloatdiv Ifloatdivrev args
(* Recognize store instructions *)
| Cstore ->
begin match args with
@ -210,63 +224,53 @@ let select_oper op args =
when loc = loc' ->
let (addr, arg) = select_addressing loc in
(Ispecific(Ioffset_loc(n, addr)), [arg])
| [loc; Cop(Caddf, args)] ->
select_floatop_store Ifloatadd loc args
| [loc; Cop(Csubf, args)] ->
select_floatop_store Ifloatsub loc args
| [loc; Cop(Cmulf, args)] ->
select_floatop_store Ifloatmul loc args
| [loc; Cop(Cdivf, args)] ->
select_floatop_store Ifloatdiv loc args
| _ ->
raise Use_default
| _ -> raise Use_default
let select_store_floatop op addr args =
match select_floatop op args with
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, opt1, opt2, None)), newargs) ->
(Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, opt1, opt2, Some addr)), Ctuple newargs)
| _ -> fatal_error "Proc_i386.select_store_floatop"
let select_store addr exp =
match exp with
Cconst_int n -> (Ispecific(Istore_int(n, addr)), Ctuple [])
| Cconst_pointer n -> (Ispecific(Istore_int(n, addr)), Ctuple [])
| Cconst_symbol s -> (Ispecific(Istore_symbol(s, addr)), Ctuple [])
| Cop(Caddf, args) -> select_store_floatop Ifloatadd addr args
| Cop(Csubf, args) -> select_store_floatop Ifloatsub addr args
| Cop(Cmulf, args) -> select_store_floatop Ifloatmul addr args
| Cop(Cdivf, args) -> select_store_floatop Ifloatdiv addr args
| _ -> raise Use_default
let pseudoregs_for_operation op arg res =
match op with
(* Two-address binary operations *)
(* Two-address binary operations *)
Iintop(Iadd|Isub|Imul|Iand|Ior|Ixor) ->
([|res.(0); arg.(1)|], res)
(* Two-address unary operations *)
([|res.(0); arg.(1)|], res, false)
(* Two-address unary operations *)
| Iintop_imm((Iadd|Isub|Imul|Iand|Ior|Ixor|Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr), _) ->
(res, res)
(* For shifts with variable shift count, second arg must be in ecx *)
(res, res, false)
(* For shifts with variable shift count, second arg must be in ecx *)
| Iintop(Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr) ->
([|res.(0); phys_reg 2|], res)
(* For div and mod, first arg must be in eax, edx is clobbered,
and result is in eax or edx respectively.
Keep it simple, just force second argument in ecx. *)
([|res.(0); ecx|], res, false)
(* For div and mod, first arg must be in eax, edx is clobbered,
and result is in eax or edx respectively.
Keep it simple, just force second argument in ecx. *)
| Iintop(Idiv) ->
([|phys_reg 0; phys_reg 2|], [|phys_reg 0|])
([| eax; ecx |], [| eax |], true)
| Iintop(Imod) ->
([|phys_reg 0; phys_reg 2|], [|phys_reg 3|])
(* For storing a byte, the argument must be in eax...edx.
For storing a halfword, any reg is ok.
Keep it simple, just force it to be in edx in both cases. *)
([| eax; ecx |], [| edx |], true)
(* For floating-point operations, the result is always left at the
top of the floating-point stack *)
| Iconst_float _ | Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf | Ifloatofint |
Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(_, _)) ->
(arg, [| tos |], false) (* don't move it immediately *)
(* Same for a floating-point load *)
| Iload(Word, addr) when res.(0).typ = Float ->
(arg, [| tos |], false)
(* For storing a byte, the argument must be in eax...edx.
For storing a halfword, any reg is ok.
Keep it simple, just force it to be in edx in both cases. *)
| Istore(Word, addr) -> raise Use_default
| Istore(chunk, addr) ->
let newarg = Array.copy arg in
newarg.(0) <- phys_reg 3;
(newarg, res)
(* Other instructions are more or less regular *)
newarg.(0) <- edx;
(newarg, res, false)
(* Other instructions are more or less regular *)
| _ -> raise Use_default
let is_immediate (n: int) = true
@ -307,17 +311,17 @@ let outgoing ofs = Outgoing ofs
let not_supported ofs = fatal_error "Proc.loc_results: cannot call"
let loc_arguments arg =
calling_conventions 0 5 100 103 outgoing arg
calling_conventions 0 5 101 104 outgoing arg
let loc_parameters arg =
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 5 100 103 incoming arg in loc
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 5 101 104 incoming arg in loc
let loc_results res =
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 5 100 103 not_supported res in loc
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 5 101 104 not_supported res in loc
let loc_external_arguments arg =
calling_conventions 0 (-1) 100 99 outgoing arg
calling_conventions 0 (-1) 101 100 outgoing arg
let loc_external_results res =
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 0 100 100 not_supported res in loc
let (loc, ofs) = calling_conventions 0 0 101 101 not_supported res in loc
let loc_exn_bucket = phys_reg 0 (* eax *)
let loc_exn_bucket = eax
(* Registers destroyed by operations *)
@ -327,25 +331,25 @@ let destroyed_at_c_call = (* ebx, esi, edi, ebp preserved *)
let destroyed_at_oper = function
Iop(Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall(_, true)) -> all_phys_regs
| Iop(Iextcall(_, false)) -> destroyed_at_c_call
| Iop(Iintop(Idiv | Imod)) -> [| phys_reg 0; phys_reg 3 |] (* eax, edx *)
| Iop(Ialloc _) -> [| phys_reg 0|] (* eax *)
| Iop(Iintop(Icomp _) | Iintop_imm(Icomp _, _)) -> [| phys_reg 0 |] (* eax *)
| Iop(Iintoffloat) -> [| phys_reg 0 |] (* eax *)
| Iifthenelse(Ifloattest(_, _), _, _) -> [| phys_reg 0 |] (* eax *)
| Iop(Iintop(Idiv | Imod)) -> [| eax; edx |]
| Iop(Ialloc _) -> [| eax |]
| Iop(Iintop(Icomp _) | Iintop_imm(Icomp _, _)) -> [| eax |]
| Iop(Iintoffloat) -> [| eax |]
| Iifthenelse(Ifloattest(_, _), _, _) -> [| eax |]
| _ -> [||]
let destroyed_at_raise = all_phys_regs
(* Maximal register pressure *)
let safe_register_pressure op = 5
let safe_register_pressure op = 4
let max_register_pressure = function
Iextcall(_, _) -> [| 4; 0 |]
| Iintop(Idiv | Imod) -> [| 5; 5 |]
| Iintop(Idiv | Imod) -> [| 5; 4 |]
| Ialloc _ | Iintop(Icomp _) | Iintop_imm(Icomp _, _) |
Iintoffloat -> [| 6; 5 |]
| _ -> [|7; 5|]
Iintoffloat -> [| 6; 4 |]
| _ -> [|7; 4|]
(* Reloading of instruction arguments, storing of instruction results *)
@ -369,16 +373,15 @@ let reload_operation makereg op arg res =
if stackp arg.(0) & stackp arg.(1)
then ([|arg.(0); makereg arg.(1)|], res)
else (arg, res)
| Iintop(Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr) | Iintop_imm(_, _) | Ifloatofint | Iintoffloat ->
| Iintop(Ilsl|Ilsr|Iasr) | Iintop_imm(_, _) | Ifloatofint | Iintoffloat |
Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf ->
(* The argument(s) can be either in register or on stack *)
(arg, res)
| Ispecific(Ifloatarith(op, addr_arg1, addr_arg2, addr_res)) ->
(* This one is a pain. The float arguments and results can reside in
the stack, but the integer arguments must be in registers. *)
let newarg = (Array.length arg) Reg.dummy in
for i = 0 to Array.length arg - 1 do
newarg.(i) <- if arg.(i).typ = Float then arg.(i) else makereg arg.(i)
| Ispecific(Ifloatarithmem(_, _)) ->
(* First arg can be either in register or on stack, but remaining
arguments must be in registers *)
let newarg = (Array.length arg) arg.(0) in
for i = 1 to Array.length arg - 1 do newarg.(i) <- makereg arg.(i) done;
(newarg, res)
| _ -> (* Other operations: all args and results in registers *)
raise Use_default

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let clone r =
let at_location ty loc =
let r = { name = ""; stamp = !currstamp; typ = ty; loc = loc; spill = false;
let r = { name = "R"; stamp = !currstamp; typ = ty; loc = loc; spill = false;
interf = []; prefer = []; degree = 0; spill_cost = 0;
visited = false } in
incr currstamp;

View File

@ -60,15 +60,6 @@ let rec reload i =
(* Don't do anything, the arguments and results are already at
the correct position (e.g. on stack for some arguments). *)
instr_cons_live i.desc i.arg i.res (reload
| Iop(Imove | Ireload | Ispill) ->
(* Do something if this is a stack-to-stack move *)
begin match i.arg.(0), i.res.(0) with
{loc = Stack s1}, {loc = Stack s2} when s1 <> s2 ->
let r = makereg i.arg.(0) in
insert_move i.arg.(0) r (insert_move r i.res.(0) (reload
| _ ->
instr_cons i.desc i.arg i.res (reload
| Iop op ->
(* Let the machine description tell us whether some arguments / results
can reside on the stack *)
@ -77,8 +68,19 @@ let rec reload i =
Proc.reload_operation makereg op i.arg i.res
with Proc.Use_default ->
(* By default, assume that arguments and results must reside
in hardware registers *)
(makeregs i.arg, makeregs i.res) in
in hardware registers. For moves, allow one arg or one
res to be stack-allocated, but do something for
stack-to-stack moves *)
match op with
Imove | Ireload | Ispill ->
begin match i.arg.(0), i.res.(0) with
{loc = Stack s1}, {loc = Stack s2} when s1 <> s2 ->
([| makereg i.arg.(0) |], i.res)
| _ ->
(i.arg, i.res)
| _ ->
(makeregs i.arg, makeregs i.res) in
insert_moves i.arg newarg
(instr_cons_live i.desc newarg newres
(insert_moves newres i.res

View File

@ -294,6 +294,26 @@ let join_array rs =
(* Add an Iop opcode.
Offer the processor description an opportunity to insert moves
before and after the operation, i.e. for two-address
instructions, or instructions using dedicated registers. *)
let insert_op op rs rd seq =
let (rsrc, rdst, move_res) = Proc.pseudoregs_for_operation op rs rd in
insert_moves rs rsrc seq;
insert (Iop op) rsrc rdst seq;
if move_res then begin
insert_moves rdst rd seq;
end else
with Proc.Use_default ->
(* Assume no constraints on arg and res registers *)
insert (Iop op) rs rd seq;
(* Add the instructions for the given expression
at the end of the given sequence *)
@ -301,20 +321,16 @@ let rec emit_expr env exp seq =
match exp with
Cconst_int n ->
let r = Reg.newv typ_int in
insert (Iop(Iconst_int n)) [||] r seq;
insert_op (Iconst_int n) [||] r seq
| Cconst_float n ->
let r = Reg.newv typ_float in
insert (Iop(Iconst_float n)) [||] r seq;
insert_op (Iconst_float n) [||] r seq
| Cconst_symbol n ->
let r = Reg.newv typ_addr in
insert (Iop(Iconst_symbol n)) [||] r seq;
insert_op (Iconst_symbol n) [||] r seq
| Cconst_pointer n ->
let r = Reg.newv typ_addr in
insert (Iop(Iconst_int n)) [||] r seq;
insert_op (Iconst_int n) [||] r seq
| Cvar v ->
begin try
Tbl.find v env
@ -394,12 +410,7 @@ let rec emit_expr env exp seq =
| Iload(Word, addr) ->
let r1 = emit_tuple env new_args seq in
let rd = Reg.newv ty in
let a = ref addr in
for i = 0 to Array.length ty - 1 do
insert(Iop(Iload(Word, !a))) r1 [|rd.(i)|] seq;
a := Arch.offset_addressing !a (size_component ty.(i))
insert_op (Iload(Word, addr)) r1 rd seq
| Istore(Word, addr) ->
begin match new_args with
[] -> fatal_error "Selection.Istore"
@ -419,19 +430,7 @@ let rec emit_expr env exp seq =
| op ->
let r1 = emit_tuple env new_args seq in
let rd = Reg.newv ty in
begin try
(* Offer the processor description an opportunity to insert moves
before and after the operation, i.e. for two-address
instructions, or instructions using dedicated registers. *)
let (rsrc, rdst) = Proc.pseudoregs_for_operation op r1 rd in
insert_moves r1 rsrc seq;
insert (Iop op) rsrc rdst seq;
insert_moves rdst rd seq
with Proc.Use_default ->
(* Assume no constraints on arg and res registers *)
insert (Iop op) r1 rd seq
insert_op op r1 rd seq
| Csequence(e1, e2) ->
emit_expr env e1 seq;
@ -530,7 +529,14 @@ and emit_parts_list env exp_list seq =
(new_exp :: new_rem, fin_env)
and emit_tuple env exp_list seq =
Array.concat( (fun e -> emit_expr env e seq) exp_list)
let rec emit_list = function
[] -> []
| exp :: rem ->
(* Again, force right-to-left evaluation *)
let loc_rem = emit_list rem in
let loc_exp = emit_expr env exp seq in
loc_exp :: loc_rem in
Array.concat(emit_list exp_list)
and emit_stores env data seq regs_addr addr =
let a = ref addr in