MAJ d'apres les modifs faites en CL 0.7.1.

git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1995-12-06 16:16:40 +00:00
parent 51cfb1d1c2
commit 146c473def
1 changed files with 24 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -163,10 +163,11 @@ let format_pp_token size = function
let insertion_point = !pp_margin - !pp_space_left in
if insertion_point > !pp_max_indent then
(* can't open a block right there ! *)
pp_force_newline () else
(* If block is rejected on the left current indentation will change *)
if size > !pp_space_left & !pp_current_indent < insertion_point then
pp_force_newline ();
begin pp_force_newline () end;
(* If block is rejected on the left current indentation will change
else if size > !pp_space_left &
!pp_current_indent < insertion_point
then pp_force_newline (); *)
let offset = !pp_space_left - off in
let bl_type =
begin match ty with
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ let rec advance_left () =
match Queue.peek pp_queue with
{elem_size = size; token = tok; length = len} ->
if not (size < 0 &
(!pp_right_total - !pp_left_total <= !pp_space_left)) then
(!pp_right_total - !pp_left_total < !pp_space_left)) then
Queue.take pp_queue;
format_pp_token (if size < 0 then pp_infinity else size) tok;
@ -467,15 +468,6 @@ let set_ellipsis_text s = pp_ellipsis := s
and get_ellipsis_text () = !pp_ellipsis
(* To set the margin of pretty-formater *)
let set_margin n =
if n >= 1 then
pp_margin := n;
pp_max_indent := !pp_margin - !pp_min_space_left;
pp_rinit () end
let get_margin () = !pp_margin
let set_min_space_left n =
if n >= 1 then
@ -486,6 +478,23 @@ let set_min_space_left n =
let set_max_indent n = set_min_space_left (!pp_margin - n)
let get_max_indent () = !pp_max_indent
let set_margin n =
if n >= 1 then
pp_margin := n;
let new_max_indent =
(* Try to maintain max_indent to its actual val *)
if !pp_max_indent <= !pp_margin then !pp_max_indent else
(* If possible maintain pp_min_space_left to its actual val,
if this leads to a too small max_indent, take half of the
new margin, if it is greater than 1 *)
max (max (!pp_margin - !pp_min_space_left) (!pp_margin / 2)) 1 in
(* Rebuild invariants *)
set_max_indent new_max_indent;
pp_rinit () end
let get_margin () = !pp_margin
let set_formatter_output_functions f =
current_output.output_function <- f.output_function;
current_output.flush_function <- f.flush_function