Typedecl: split abstract properties to a separate unit Typedecl_properties

(pair-programming with Rodolphe Lepigre)
Gabriel Scherer 2018-11-20 14:20:58 +01:00
parent 4c130cae87
commit 0e0b10fd75
5 changed files with 147 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -410,27 +410,35 @@ typing/typecore.cmi : typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/path.cmi \
typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/ctype.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi \
typing/typedecl.cmo : utils/warnings.cmi typing/typetexp.cmi \
typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/subst.cmi \
typing/printtyp.cmi typing/primitive.cmi typing/predef.cmi \
typing/path.cmi parsing/parsetree.cmi typing/oprint.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
parsing/longident.cmi parsing/location.cmi typing/includecore.cmi \
typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/datarepr.cmi typing/ctype.cmi \
utils/config.cmi utils/clflags.cmi parsing/builtin_attributes.cmi \
typing/btype.cmi parsing/attr_helper.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi \
parsing/ast_iterator.cmi parsing/ast_helper.cmi typing/typedecl.cmi
typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/typedecl_properties.cmi \
typing/subst.cmi typing/printtyp.cmi typing/primitive.cmi \
typing/predef.cmi typing/path.cmi parsing/parsetree.cmi typing/oprint.cmi \
utils/misc.cmi parsing/longident.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
typing/includecore.cmi typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi \
typing/datarepr.cmi typing/ctype.cmi utils/config.cmi utils/clflags.cmi \
parsing/builtin_attributes.cmi typing/btype.cmi parsing/attr_helper.cmi \
parsing/asttypes.cmi parsing/ast_iterator.cmi parsing/ast_helper.cmi \
typing/typedecl.cmx : utils/warnings.cmx typing/typetexp.cmx \
typing/types.cmx typing/typedtree.cmx typing/subst.cmx \
typing/printtyp.cmx typing/primitive.cmx typing/predef.cmx \
typing/path.cmx parsing/parsetree.cmi typing/oprint.cmx utils/misc.cmx \
parsing/longident.cmx parsing/location.cmx typing/includecore.cmx \
typing/ident.cmx typing/env.cmx typing/datarepr.cmx typing/ctype.cmx \
utils/config.cmx utils/clflags.cmx parsing/builtin_attributes.cmx \
typing/btype.cmx parsing/attr_helper.cmx parsing/asttypes.cmi \
parsing/ast_iterator.cmx parsing/ast_helper.cmx typing/typedecl.cmi
typing/types.cmx typing/typedtree.cmx typing/typedecl_properties.cmx \
typing/subst.cmx typing/printtyp.cmx typing/primitive.cmx \
typing/predef.cmx typing/path.cmx parsing/parsetree.cmi typing/oprint.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx parsing/longident.cmx parsing/location.cmx \
typing/includecore.cmx typing/ident.cmx typing/env.cmx \
typing/datarepr.cmx typing/ctype.cmx utils/config.cmx utils/clflags.cmx \
parsing/builtin_attributes.cmx typing/btype.cmx parsing/attr_helper.cmx \
parsing/asttypes.cmi parsing/ast_iterator.cmx parsing/ast_helper.cmx \
typing/typedecl.cmi : typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/path.cmi \
parsing/parsetree.cmi parsing/longident.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
typing/includecore.cmi typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/ctype.cmi \
typing/typedecl_properties.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/ident.cmi \
typing/env.cmi typing/typedecl_properties.cmi
typing/typedecl_properties.cmx : typing/types.cmx typing/ident.cmx \
typing/env.cmx typing/typedecl_properties.cmi
typing/typedecl_properties.cmi : typing/types.cmi typing/ident.cmi \
typing/typedtree.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/primitive.cmi typing/path.cmi \
parsing/parsetree.cmi utils/misc.cmi parsing/longident.cmi \
parsing/location.cmi typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi \

View File

@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ TYPING=typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo \
typing/tast_mapper.cmo \
typing/cmt_format.cmo typing/untypeast.cmo \
typing/includemod.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/printpat.cmo \
typing/parmatch.cmo typing/stypes.cmo typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeopt.cmo \
typing/parmatch.cmo typing/stypes.cmo \
typing/typedecl_properties.cmo \
typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeopt.cmo \
typing/rec_check.cmo typing/typecore.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo \

View File

@ -1140,72 +1140,9 @@ let add_types_to_env decls env =
(fun (id, decl) env -> add_type ~check:true id decl env)
decls env
type decl = Types.type_declaration
(** An abstract interface for properties of type definitions, such as
variance and immediacy, that are computed by a fixpoint on
mutually-recursive type declarations. This interface contains all
the operations needed to initialize and run the fixpoint
computation, and then (optionally) check that the result is
consistent with the declaration or user expectations.
['prop] represents the type of property values
({!Types.Variance.t}, just 'bool' for immediacy, etc).
['req] represents the property value required by the author of the
declaration, if they gave an expectation: [type +'a t = ...].
Some properties have no natural notion of user requirement, or
their requirement is global, or already stored in
[type_declaration]; they can just use [unit] as ['req] parameter. *)
type ('prop, 'req) property = {
eq : 'prop -> 'prop -> bool;
merge : prop:'prop -> new_prop:'prop -> 'prop;
default : decl -> 'prop;
compute : Env.t -> decl -> 'req -> 'prop;
update_decl : decl -> 'prop -> decl;
check : Env.t -> Ident.t -> decl -> 'req -> unit;
let compute_property
: ('prop, 'req) property -> Env.t ->
(Ident.t * decl) list -> 'req list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
= fun property env decls required ->
(* [decls] and [required] must be lists of the same size,
with [required] containing the requirement for the corresponding
declaration in [decls]. *)
let props = List.map (fun (_id, decl) -> property.default decl) decls in
let rec compute_fixpoint props =
let new_decls =
List.map2 (fun (id, decl) prop ->
(id, property.update_decl decl prop))
decls props in
let new_env = add_types_to_env new_decls env in
let new_props =
(fun (_id, decl) (prop, req) ->
let new_prop = property.compute new_env decl req in
property.merge ~prop ~new_prop)
new_decls (List.combine props required) in
if not (List.for_all2 property.eq props new_props)
then compute_fixpoint new_props
else begin
(fun (id, decl) req -> property.check new_env id decl req)
new_decls required;
compute_fixpoint props
let compute_property_noreq property env decls =
let req = List.map (fun _ -> ()) decls in
compute_property property env decls req
type variance_req = (bool * bool * bool) list
let variance : (Variance.t list, variance_req) property =
let variance : (Variance.t list, variance_req) Typedecl_properties.property =
let open Typedecl_properties in
let eq li1 li2 =
try List.for_all2 Variance.eq li1 li2 with _ -> false in
let merge ~prop ~new_prop = List.map2 Variance.union prop new_prop in
@ -1240,9 +1177,10 @@ let variance_of_sdecl sdecl =
let compute_variance_decls env sdecls decls =
let required = List.map variance_of_sdecl sdecls in
compute_property variance env decls required
Typedecl_properties.compute_property variance env decls required
let immediacy : (bool, unit) property =
let immediacy : (bool, unit) Typedecl_properties.property =
let open Typedecl_properties in
let eq = (=) in
let merge ~prop:_ ~new_prop = new_prop in
let default _decl = false in
@ -1264,7 +1202,7 @@ let immediacy : (bool, unit) property =
let compute_immediacy_decls env decls =
compute_property_noreq immediacy env decls
Typedecl_properties.compute_property_noreq immediacy env decls
(* for typeclass.ml *)
let compute_variance_class_decls env cldecls =
@ -1275,7 +1213,8 @@ let compute_variance_class_decls env cldecls =
variance_of_params ci.ci_params :: req)
cldecls ([],[])
let decls = compute_property variance env decls required in
let decls =
Typedecl_properties.compute_property variance env decls required in
(fun (_,decl) (_, _, cl_abbr, clty, cltydef, _) ->
let variance = decl.type_variance in

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay *)
(* Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
type decl = Types.type_declaration
type ('prop, 'req) property = {
eq : 'prop -> 'prop -> bool;
merge : prop:'prop -> new_prop:'prop -> 'prop;
default : decl -> 'prop;
compute : Env.t -> decl -> 'req -> 'prop;
update_decl : decl -> 'prop -> decl;
check : Env.t -> Ident.t -> decl -> 'req -> unit;
let add_type ~check id decl env =
let open Types in
Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false decl.type_attributes
(fun () -> Env.add_type ~check id decl env)
let add_types_to_env decls env =
(fun (id, decl) env -> add_type ~check:true id decl env)
decls env
let compute_property
: ('prop, 'req) property -> Env.t ->
(Ident.t * decl) list -> 'req list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
= fun property env decls required ->
(* [decls] and [required] must be lists of the same size,
with [required] containing the requirement for the corresponding
declaration in [decls]. *)
let props = List.map (fun (_id, decl) -> property.default decl) decls in
let rec compute_fixpoint props =
let new_decls =
List.map2 (fun (id, decl) prop ->
(id, property.update_decl decl prop))
decls props in
let new_env = add_types_to_env new_decls env in
let new_props =
(fun (_id, decl) (prop, req) ->
let new_prop = property.compute new_env decl req in
property.merge ~prop ~new_prop)
new_decls (List.combine props required) in
if not (List.for_all2 property.eq props new_props)
then compute_fixpoint new_props
else begin
(fun (id, decl) req -> property.check new_env id decl req)
new_decls required;
compute_fixpoint props
let compute_property_noreq property env decls =
let req = List.map (fun _ -> ()) decls in
compute_property property env decls req

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
type decl = Types.type_declaration
(** An abstract interface for properties of type definitions, such as
variance and immediacy, that are computed by a fixpoint on
mutually-recursive type declarations. This interface contains all
the operations needed to initialize and run the fixpoint
computation, and then (optionally) check that the result is
consistent with the declaration or user expectations. *)
type ('prop, 'req) property = {
eq : 'prop -> 'prop -> bool;
merge : prop:'prop -> new_prop:'prop -> 'prop;
default : decl -> 'prop;
compute : Env.t -> decl -> 'req -> 'prop;
update_decl : decl -> 'prop -> decl;
check : Env.t -> Ident.t -> decl -> 'req -> unit;
(** ['prop] represents the type of property values
({!Types.Variance.t}, just 'bool' for immediacy, etc).
['req] represents the property value required by the author of the
declaration, if they gave an expectation: [type +'a t = ...].
Some properties have no natural notion of user requirement, or
their requirement is global, or already stored in
[type_declaration]; they can just use [unit] as ['req] parameter. *)
(** [compute_property prop env decls req] performs a fixpoint computation
to determine the final values of a property on a set of mutually-recursive
type declarations. The [req] argument must be a list of the same size as
[decls], providing the user requirement for each declaration. *)
val compute_property : ('prop, 'req) property -> Env.t ->
(Ident.t * decl) list -> 'req list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
val compute_property_noreq : ('prop, unit) property -> Env.t ->
(Ident.t * decl) list -> (Ident.t * decl) list