git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Xavier Leroy 1997-05-15 13:28:16 +00:00
parent 1f808f4492
commit 0cc2030d42
1 changed files with 11 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -82,19 +82,20 @@ let make_lines ofile =
(* The test *)
let _ =
test "16-byte chunks" (copy_file 16) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "256-byte chunks" (copy_file 256) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "4096-byte chunks" (copy_file 4096) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "65536-byte chunks" (copy_file 65536) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "19-byte chunks" (copy_file 19) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "263-byte chunks" (copy_file 263) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "4011-byte chunks" (copy_file 4011) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "0...8192 byte chunks" (copy_random 8192) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
let src = Sys.argv.(1) in
test "16-byte chunks" (copy_file 16) src "/tmp/testio";
test "256-byte chunks" (copy_file 256) src "/tmp/testio";
test "4096-byte chunks" (copy_file 4096) src "/tmp/testio";
test "65536-byte chunks" (copy_file 65536) src "/tmp/testio";
test "19-byte chunks" (copy_file 19) src "/tmp/testio";
test "263-byte chunks" (copy_file 263) src "/tmp/testio";
test "4011-byte chunks" (copy_file 4011) src "/tmp/testio";
test "0...8192 byte chunks" (copy_random 8192) src "/tmp/testio";
test "line per line, short lines" copy_line "/etc/hosts" "/tmp/testio";
make_lines "/tmp/lines";
test "line per line, short and long lines" copy_line "/tmp/lines" "/tmp/testio";
test "backwards, 4096-byte chunks" (copy_seek 4096) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "backwards, 64-byte chunks" (copy_seek 64) "/vmunix" "/tmp/testio";
test "backwards, 4096-byte chunks" (copy_seek 4096) src "/tmp/testio";
test "backwards, 64-byte chunks" (copy_seek 64) src "/tmp/testio";
Sys.remove "/tmp/lines";
Sys.remove "/tmp/testio";
exit 0