new warning system
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02master
@ -352,46 +352,146 @@ Compile or link multithreaded programs, in combination with the
VM-level "threads" library described in chapter~\ref{c:threads}.
\item["-w" \var{warning-list}]
Enable or disable warnings according to the argument
Enable, disable, or mark as errors the warnings specified by the argument
The argument is a set of letters. If a letter is
uppercase, it enables the corresponding warnings; lowercase disables
the warnings. The correspondence is the following:
Each warning can be {\em enabled} or {\em disabled}, and each warning
can be {\em marked} or {\em unmarked}.
If a warning is disabled, it isn't displayed and doesn't affect
compilation in any way (even if it is marked). If a warning is
enabled, it is displayed normally by the compiler whenever the source
code triggers it. If it is enabled and marked, the compiler will stop
with an error after displaying that warning if the source code
triggers it.
The \var{warning-list} argument is a sequence of warning specifiers,
with no separators between them. A warning specifier is one of the
\item["+"\var{num}] Enable warning number \var{num}.
\item["-"\var{num}] Disable warning number \var{num}.
\item["@"\var{num}] Enable and mark warning number \var{num}.
\item["+"\var{letter}] Enable the set of warnings corresponding to
\var{letter}. The letter may be uppercase or lowercase.
\item["-"\var{letter}] Disable the set of warnings corresponding to
\var{letter}. The letter may be uppercase or lowercase.
\item["@"\var{letter}] Enable and mark the set of warnings
corresponding to \var{letter}. The letter may be uppercase or
\item[\var{uppercase-letter}] Enable the set of warnings corresponding
to \var{uppercase-letter}.
\item[\var{lowercase-letter}] Disable the set of warnings corresponding
to \var{lowercase-letter}.
The warning numbers are as follows.
\item[1] Suspicious-looking start-of-comment mark.
\item[2] Suspicious-looking end-of-comment mark.
\item[3] Deprecated syntax.
\item[4] Fragile pattern matching: matching that will remain
complete even if additional constructors are added to one of the
variant types matched.
\item[5] Partially applied function: expression whose result has
function type and is ignored.
\item[6] Label omitted in function application.
\item[7] Some methods are overriden in the class where they are defined.
\item[8] Partial match: missing cases in pattern-matching.
\item[9] Missing fields in a record pattern.
\item[10] Expression on the left-hand side of a sequence that doesn't
have type "unit" (and that is not a function, see warning number 5).
\item[11] Redundant case in a pattern matching (unused match case).
\item[12] Redundant sub-pattern in a pattern-matching.
\item[13] Override of an instance variable.
\item[14] Illegal backslash escape in a string constant.
\item[15] Private method made public implicitly.
\item[16] Unerasable optional argument.
\item[17] Undeclared virtual method.
\item[18] Non-principal type.
\item[19] Type without principality.
\item[20] Unused function argument.
\item[21] Non-returning statement.
\item[22] Camlp4 warning.
\item[23] Useless record "with" clause.
\item[24] Bad module name: the source file name is not a valid OCaml
module name.
\item[25] Pattern-matching with all clauses guarded.
\item[26] Suspicious unused variable: unused variable that is bound with
"let" or "as", and doesn't start with an underscore ("_") character.
\item[27] Innocuous unused variable: unused variable that is not bound with
"let" nor "as", and doesn't start with an underscore ("_") character.
The letters stand for the following sets of warnings. Any letter not
mentioned here corresponds to the empty set.
\item[A] all warnings
\item[C] start of comments that look like mistakes
\item[D] use of deprecated features
\item[E] fragile pattern matchings (matchings that will remain
complete even if additional constructors are added to one of the
variant types matched)
\item[F] partially applied functions (expressions whose result has
function type and is ignored)
\item[L] omission of labels in applications
\item[M] overriding of methods
\item[P] missing cases in pattern matchings (i.e. partial matchings)
\item[S] expressions in the left-hand side of a sequence that don't
have type "unit" (and that are not functions, see "F" above)
\item[U] redundant cases in pattern matching (unused cases)
\item[V] overriding of instance variables
\item[Y] unused variables that are bound with "let" or "as", and don't
start with an underscore (\_) character
\item[Z] all other cases of unused variables that don't start with
an underscore (\_) character
\item[X] warnings that don't fit in the above categories (except A)
\item[C] 1, 2
\item[D] 3
\item[E] 4
\item[F] 5
\item[L] 6
\item[M] 7
\item[P] 8
\item[R] 9
\item[S] 10
\item[U] 11, 12
\item[V] 13
\item[X] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
\item[Y] 26
\item[Z] 27
The default setting is "Aelz", enabling all warnings except fragile
pattern matchings, omitted labels, and innocuous unused variables.
Note that warnings "F" and "S" are not always triggered, depending on
The default setting is "-w +a-4-6-9-27", enabling all warnings except fragile
pattern matchings, omitted labels, missing fields in record patterns,
and innocuous unused variables.
Note that warnings 5 and 10 are not always triggered, depending on
the internals of the type checker.
\item["-warn-error" \var{warning-list}]
Turn the warnings indicated in the argument \var{warning-list} into
errors. The compiler will stop with an error when one of these
warnings is emitted. The \var{warning-list} has the same meaning as for
the "-w" option: an uppercase character turns the corresponding
warning into an error, a lowercase character leaves it as a warning.
The default setting is "-warn-error a" (none of the warnings is treated
as an error).
Mark as errors the warnings specified in the argument \var{warning-list}.
The compiler will stop with an error when one of these warnings is
emitted. The \var{warning-list} has the same meaning as for
the "-w" option: a "+" sign (or an uppercase letter) turns the
corresponding warnings into errors, a "-"
sign (or a lowercase letter) turns them back into warnings, and a
"@" sign both enables and marks the corresponding warnings.
Note: it is not recommended to use warning sets (i.e. letters) as
arguments to "-warn-error"
in production code, because this can break your build when future versions
of OCaml add some new warnings.
The default setting is "-warn-error +a"
(none of the warnings is treated as an error).
Print the location of the standard library, then exit.
Reference in New Issue