
git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@15453 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Alain Frisch 2014-10-03 15:24:50 +00:00
parent 7ba65eb8eb
commit 02bfe9c1ec
3 changed files with 70 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -253,6 +253,21 @@ type type_iterators =
it_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
let iter_type_expr_kind f = function
| Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_variant cstrs ->
(fun cd ->
List.iter f cd.cd_args;
Misc.may f cd.cd_res
| Type_record(lbls, _) ->
List.iter (fun d -> f d.ld_type) lbls
| Type_open ->
let type_iterators =
let it_signature it =
List.iter (it.it_signature_item it)
@ -309,16 +324,8 @@ let type_iterators =
| Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
it.it_type_expr it ty;
it.it_class_type it cty
and it_type_kind it = function
Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_record (ll, _) ->
List.iter (fun ld -> it.it_type_expr it ld.ld_type) ll
| Type_variant cl ->
List.iter (fun cd ->
List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) cd.cd_args;
may (it.it_type_expr it) cd.cd_res)
| Type_open -> ()
and it_type_kind it kind =
iter_type_expr_kind (it.it_type_expr it) kind
and it_do_type_expr it ty =
iter_type_expr (it.it_type_expr it) ty;
match ty.desc with

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@ -203,3 +203,5 @@ val log_type: type_expr -> unit
(**** Forward declarations ****)
val print_raw: (Format.formatter -> type_expr -> unit) ref
val iter_type_expr_kind: (type_expr -> unit) -> (type_kind -> unit)

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@ -146,19 +146,58 @@ let make_params env params =
List.map make_param params
let transl_labels loc env closed lbls =
if lbls = [] then
Syntaxerr.ill_formed_ast loc "Records cannot be empty.";
let all_labels = ref StringSet.empty in
(fun {pld_name = {txt=name; loc}} ->
if StringSet.mem name !all_labels then
raise(Error(loc, Duplicate_label name));
all_labels := StringSet.add name !all_labels)
let mk {pld_name=name;pld_mutable=mut;pld_type=arg;pld_loc=loc;pld_attributes=attrs} =
let arg = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly arg in
let cty = transl_simple_type env closed arg in
{ld_id = Ident.create name.txt; ld_name = name; ld_mutable = mut; ld_type = cty;
ld_loc = loc; ld_attributes = attrs}
let lbls = List.map mk lbls in
let lbls' =
(fun ld ->
let ty = ld.ld_type.ctyp_type in
let ty = match ty.desc with Tpoly(t,[]) -> t | _ -> ty in
{Types.ld_id = ld.ld_id;
ld_mutable = ld.ld_mutable;
ld_type = ty;
ld_loc = ld.ld_loc;
ld_attributes = ld.ld_attributes
lbls in
lbls, lbls'
let transl_constructor_arguments env closed l =
let l = List.map (transl_simple_type env closed) l in
List.map (fun t -> t.ctyp_type) l,
let make_constructor env type_path type_params sargs sret_type =
match sret_type with
| None ->
let targs = List.map (transl_simple_type env true) sargs in
let args = List.map (fun cty -> cty.ctyp_type) targs in
let args, targs =
transl_constructor_arguments env true sargs
targs, None, args, None
| Some sret_type ->
(* if it's a generalized constructor we must first narrow and
then widen so as to not introduce any new constraints *)
let z = narrow () in
reset_type_variables ();
let targs = List.map (transl_simple_type env false) sargs in
let args = List.map (fun cty -> cty.ctyp_type) targs in
let args, targs =
transl_constructor_arguments env false sargs
let tret_type = transl_simple_type env false sret_type in
let ret_type = tret_type.ctyp_type in
@ -227,43 +266,13 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl id =
let tcstrs, cstrs = List.split (List.map make_cstr scstrs) in
Ttype_variant tcstrs, Type_variant cstrs
| Ptype_record lbls ->
if lbls = [] then
Syntaxerr.ill_formed_ast sdecl.ptype_loc "Records cannot be empty.";
let all_labels = ref StringSet.empty in
(fun {pld_name = {txt=name}} ->
if StringSet.mem name !all_labels then
raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Duplicate_label name));
all_labels := StringSet.add name !all_labels)
let lbls = List.map (fun {pld_name=name;
pld_attributes=attrs} ->
let arg = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly arg in
let cty = transl_simple_type env true arg in
{ld_id = Ident.create name.txt; ld_name = name; ld_mutable = mut;
ld_type = cty; ld_loc = loc; ld_attributes = attrs}
) lbls in
let lbls' =
(fun ld ->
let ty = ld.ld_type.ctyp_type in
let ty = match ty.desc with Tpoly(t,[]) -> t | _ -> ty in
{Types.ld_id = ld.ld_id;
ld_mutable = ld.ld_mutable;
ld_type = ty;
ld_loc = ld.ld_loc;
ld_attributes = ld.ld_attributes
lbls in
let rep =
if List.for_all (fun l -> is_float env l.Types.ld_type) lbls'
then Record_float
else Record_regular in
Ttype_record lbls, Type_record(lbls', rep)
let lbls, lbls' = transl_labels sdecl.ptype_loc env true lbls in
let rep =
if List.for_all (fun l -> is_float env l.Types.ld_type) lbls'
then Record_float
else Record_regular
Ttype_record lbls, Type_record(lbls', rep)
| Ptype_open -> Ttype_open, Type_open
let (tman, man) = match sdecl.ptype_manifest with
@ -324,20 +333,7 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl id =
let generalize_decl decl =
List.iter Ctype.generalize decl.type_params;
begin match decl.type_kind with
Type_abstract ->
| Type_variant v ->
(fun c ->
List.iter Ctype.generalize c.Types.cd_args;
may Ctype.generalize c.Types.cd_res)
| Type_record(r, rep) ->
List.iter (fun l -> Ctype.generalize l.Types.ld_type) r
| Type_open ->
Btype.iter_type_expr_kind Ctype.generalize decl.type_kind;
begin match decl.type_manifest with
| None -> ()
| Some ty -> Ctype.generalize ty