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(* *)
(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
open Format
let new_fmt () =
let buf = Buffer.create 512 in
let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buf in
let flush () =
pp_print_flush fmt ();
let s = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.reset buf ;
(fmt, flush)
let (type_fmt, flush_type_fmt) = new_fmt ()
let _ =
let outfuns = pp_get_formatter_out_functions type_fmt () in
pp_set_formatter_out_functions type_fmt
{outfuns with out_newline = fun () -> outfuns.out_string "\n " 0 3}
let (modtype_fmt, flush_modtype_fmt) = new_fmt ()
let string_of_type_expr t =
Printtyp.mark_loops t;
Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false type_fmt t;
flush_type_fmt ()
exception Use_code of string
(** Return the given module type where methods and vals have been removed
from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long module type.
@param code when the code is given, we raise the [Use_code] exception is we
encouter a signature, to that the calling function can use the code rather
than the "emptied" type.
let simpl_module_type ?code t =
let rec iter t =
match t with
Types.Mty_ident p -> t
| Types.Mty_alias p -> t
| Types.Mty_signature _ ->
match code with
None -> Types.Mty_signature []
| Some s -> raise (Use_code s)
| Types.Mty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
Types.Mty_functor (id, Misc.may_map iter mt1, iter mt2)
iter t
let string_of_module_type ?code ?(complete=false) t =
let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_module_type ?code t in
Printtyp.modtype modtype_fmt t2;
flush_modtype_fmt ()
Use_code s -> s
(** Return the given class type where methods and vals have been removed
from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long class type.*)
let simpl_class_type t =
let rec iter t =
match t with
Types.Cty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) -> t
| Types.Cty_signature cs ->
2016-02-16 04:23:31 -08:00
(* we delete vals and methods in order to not print them when
displaying the type *)
let tnil = { Types.desc = Types.Tnil ; Types.level = 0; Types.id = 0 } in
Types.Cty_signature { Types.csig_self = { cs.Types.csig_self with
Types.desc = Types.Tobject (tnil, ref None) };
csig_vars = Types.Vars.empty ;
csig_concr = Types.Concr.empty ;
csig_inher = []
| Types.Cty_arrow (l, texp, ct) ->
let new_ct = iter ct in
Types.Cty_arrow (l, texp, new_ct)
iter t
let string_of_class_type ?(complete=false) t =
let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_class_type t in
(* FIXME : my own Printtyp.class_type variant to avoid reset_names *)
Printtyp.class_type modtype_fmt t2;
flush_modtype_fmt ()