
233 lines
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(* *)
(* Caml Special Light *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Printing functions *)
open Format
open Longident
open Path
open Asttypes
open Typedtree
(* Print a long identifier *)
let rec longident = function
Lident s -> print_string s
| Ldot(p, s) -> longident p; print_string "."; print_string s
| Lapply(p1, p2) ->
longident p1; print_string "("; longident p2; print_string ")"
(* Print an identifier *)
let ident id =
print_string(Ident.name id)
(* Print a path *)
let ident_pervasive = Ident.new_persistent "Pervasives"
let rec path = function
Pident id ->
ident id
| Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive ->
print_string s
| Pdot(p, s, pos) ->
path p; print_string "."; print_string s
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
path p1; print_string "("; path p2; print_string ")"
(* Print a type expression *)
let var_names = ref ([] : (type_expr * string) list)
let var_counter = ref 0
let reset_var_names () = var_names := []; var_counter := 0
let name_of_var v =
List.assq v !var_names
with Not_found ->
let name =
if !var_counter < 26
then String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !var_counter))
else String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !var_counter mod 26)) ^
string_of_int(!var_counter / 26) in
var_names := (v, name) :: !var_names;
incr var_counter;
let rec typexp sch prio = function
Tvar {tvar_link = Some ty} ->
typexp sch prio ty
| Tvar {tvar_link = None; tvar_level = lvl} as v ->
if (not sch) or lvl = -1 (* generic *)
then print_string "'"
else print_string "'_";
print_string(name_of_var v)
| Tarrow(ty1, ty2) ->
if prio >= 1 then begin open_hovbox 1; print_string "(" end
else open_hovbox 0;
typexp sch 1 ty1;
print_string " ->"; print_space();
typexp sch 0 ty2;
if prio >= 1 then print_string ")";
| Ttuple tyl ->
if prio >= 2 then begin open_hovbox 1; print_string "(" end
else open_hovbox 0;
typlist sch 2 " *" tyl;
if prio >= 2 then print_string ")";
| Tconstr(p, tyl) ->
open_hovbox 0;
begin match tyl with
[] -> ()
| [ty1] ->
typexp sch 2 ty1; print_space()
| tyl ->
open_hovbox 1; print_string "("; typlist sch 0 "," tyl;
print_string ")"; close_box(); print_space()
path p;
and typlist sch prio sep = function
[] -> ()
| [ty] -> typexp sch prio ty
| ty::tyl ->
typexp sch prio ty; print_string sep; print_space();
typlist sch prio sep tyl
let type_expr ty = typexp false 0 ty
and type_scheme ty = reset_var_names(); typexp true 0 ty
(* Print one type declaration *)
let rec type_declaration id decl =
open_hvbox 2;
print_string "type ";
type_expr (Tconstr(Pident id, decl.type_params));
begin match decl.type_manifest with
None -> ()
| Some ty -> print_string " ="; print_space(); type_expr ty
begin match decl.type_kind with
Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_variant [] -> ()
(* A fatal error actually, except when printing type exn... *)
| Type_variant (cstr1 :: cstrs) ->
print_string " ="; print_break 1 2;
constructor cstr1;
(fun cstr -> print_space(); print_string "| "; constructor cstr)
| Type_record (lbl1 :: lbls) ->
print_string " ="; print_space();
print_string "{ "; label lbl1;
(fun lbl -> print_string ";"; print_break 1 2; label lbl)
print_string " }"
and constructor (name, args) =
print_string name;
match args with
[] -> ()
| _ -> print_string " of ";
open_hovbox 2; typlist false 2 " *" args; close_box()
and label (name, mut, arg) =
begin match mut with
Immutable -> ()
| Mutable -> print_string "mutable "
print_string name;
print_string ": ";
type_expr arg
(* Print an exception declaration *)
let exception_declaration id decl =
print_string "exception "; constructor (Ident.name id, decl)
(* Print a value declaration *)
let value_description id decl =
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "val "; ident id; print_string " :"; print_space();
type_scheme decl.val_type;
begin match decl.val_prim with
None -> ()
| Some p -> print_space(); print_string "= "; Primitive.print_description p
(* Print a module type *)
let rec modtype = function
Tmty_ident p ->
path p
| Tmty_signature [] ->
print_string "sig end"
| Tmty_signature(item :: rem) ->
open_hvbox 2;
print_string "sig"; print_space();
signature_item item;
(fun item -> print_space(); signature_item item)
print_break 1 (-2); print_string "end";
| Tmty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) ->
open_hovbox 2;
print_string "functor"; print_cut();
print_string "("; ident param; print_string " : ";
modtype ty_arg;
print_string ") ->"; print_space();
modtype ty_res;
and signature_item = function
Tsig_value(id, decl) ->
value_description id decl
| Tsig_type(id, decl) ->
type_declaration id decl
| Tsig_exception(id, decl) ->
exception_declaration id decl
| Tsig_module(id, mty) ->
open_hovbox 2; print_string "module "; ident id; print_string " :";
print_space(); modtype mty; close_box()
| Tsig_modtype(id, decl) ->
modtype_declaration id decl
and modtype_declaration id decl =
open_hovbox 2; print_string "module type "; ident id;
begin match decl with
Tmodtype_abstract -> ()
| Tmodtype_manifest mty ->
print_string " ="; print_space(); modtype mty
(* Print a signature body (used when compiling a .mli and printing results
in interactive use). *)
let signature sg =
open_vbox 0;
List.iter (fun item -> signature_item item; print_space()) sg;