
199 lines
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2017-09-15 03:08:14 -07:00
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Mark Shinwell, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016--2017 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module Debug_info = struct
type t = {
holds_value_of : Ident.t;
part_of_value : int;
num_parts_of_value : int;
which_parameter : int option;
provenance : unit option;
let compare t1 t2 =
let c = Ident.compare t1.holds_value_of t2.holds_value_of in
if c <> 0 then c
(t1.part_of_value, t1.num_parts_of_value, t1.which_parameter)
(t2.part_of_value, t2.num_parts_of_value, t2.which_parameter)
let holds_value_of t = t.holds_value_of
let part_of_value t = t.part_of_value
let num_parts_of_value t = t.num_parts_of_value
let which_parameter t = t.which_parameter
let provenance t = t.provenance
let print ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" Ident.print t.holds_value_of;
if not (t.part_of_value = 0 && t.num_parts_of_value = 1) then begin
Format.fprintf ppf "(%d/%d)" t.part_of_value t.num_parts_of_value
begin match t.which_parameter with
| None -> ()
| Some index -> Format.fprintf ppf "[P%d]" index
module T = struct
type t = {
reg : Reg.t;
debug_info : Debug_info.t option;
module Order = struct
type t = Reg.t
let compare (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = t1.stamp - t2.stamp
let compare t1 t2 =
Order.compare t1.reg t2.reg
include T
type reg_with_debug_info = t
let create ~reg ~holds_value_of ~part_of_value ~num_parts_of_value
~which_parameter ~provenance =
assert (num_parts_of_value >= 1);
assert (part_of_value >= 0 && part_of_value < num_parts_of_value);
assert (match which_parameter with None -> true | Some index -> index >= 0);
let debug_info : Debug_info.t =
{ holds_value_of;
{ reg;
debug_info = Some debug_info;
let create_with_debug_info ~reg ~debug_info =
{ reg;
let create_without_debug_info ~reg =
{ reg;
debug_info = None;
let create_copying_debug_info ~reg ~debug_info_from =
{ reg;
debug_info = debug_info_from.debug_info;
let reg t = t.reg
let location t = t.reg.loc
let holds_pointer t =
match t.reg.typ with
| Addr | Val -> true
| Int | Float -> false
let holds_non_pointer t = not (holds_pointer t)
let assigned_to_stack t =
match t.reg.loc with
| Stack _ -> true
| Reg _ | Unknown -> false
let regs_at_same_location (reg1 : Reg.t) (reg2 : Reg.t) ~register_class =
(* We need to check the register classes too: two locations both saying
"stack offset N" might actually be different physical locations, for
example if one is of class "Int" and another "Float" on amd64.
[register_class] will be [Proc.register_class], but cannot be here,
due to a circular dependency. *)
reg1.loc = reg2.loc
&& register_class reg1 = register_class reg2
let at_same_location t (reg : Reg.t) ~register_class =
regs_at_same_location t.reg reg ~register_class
let debug_info t = t.debug_info
let clear_debug_info t =
{ t with debug_info = None; }
module Order_distinguishing_names_and_locations = struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare t1 t2 =
match t1.debug_info, t2.debug_info with
| None, None -> 0
| None, Some _ -> -1
| Some _, None -> 1
| Some di1, Some di2 ->
let c = Ident.compare di1.holds_value_of di2.holds_value_of in
if c <> 0 then c
else Pervasives.compare t1.reg.loc t2.reg.loc
module Set_distinguishing_names_and_locations =
Set.Make (Order_distinguishing_names_and_locations)
module Map_distinguishing_names_and_locations =
Map.Make (Order_distinguishing_names_and_locations)
module Set = struct
include Set.Make (T)
let of_array elts =
of_list (Array.to_list elts)
let forget_debug_info t =
fold (fun t acc -> Reg.Set.add (reg t) acc) t Reg.Set.empty
let without_debug_info regs =
Reg.Set.fold (fun reg acc -> add (create_without_debug_info ~reg) acc)
let made_unavailable_by_clobber t ~regs_clobbered ~register_class =
Reg.Set.fold (fun reg acc ->
let made_unavailable =
filter (fun reg' ->
regs_at_same_location reg'.reg reg ~register_class)
union made_unavailable acc)
(Reg.set_of_array regs_clobbered)
(* ~init:*)empty
let mem_reg t (reg : Reg.t) =
exists (fun t -> t.reg.stamp = reg.stamp) t
let filter_reg t (reg : Reg.t) =
filter (fun t -> t.reg.stamp <> reg.stamp) t
(* CR-someday mshinwell: Well, it looks like we should have used a map.
mshinwell: Also see @chambart's suggestion on GPR#856. *)
let find_reg_exn t (reg : Reg.t) =
match elements (filter (fun t -> t.reg.stamp = reg.stamp) t) with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| [reg] -> reg
| _ -> assert false
let print ~print_reg ppf t =
match t.debug_info with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" print_reg t.reg
| Some debug_info ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print_reg t.reg Debug_info.print debug_info