2011-11-24 01:02:48 -08:00
(* Encoding generics using GADTs *)
(* (c) Alain Frisch / Lexifi *)
(* cf. http://www.lexifi.com/blog/dynamic-types *)
(* Basic tag *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
(* Tagging data *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VPair of variant * variant
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let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
fun ty x ->
(* type t is abstract here *)
match ty with
| Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
| String -> VString x (* t = string *)
| List ty1 ->
VList (List.map (variantize ty1) x)
(* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
| Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
(* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
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exception VariantMismatch
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let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
fun ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
(* Handling records *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
| Record: 'a record -> 'a ty
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and 'a record =
path: string;
fields: 'a field_ list;
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and 'a field_ =
| Field: ('a, 'b) field -> 'a field_
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and ('a, 'b) field =
label: string;
field_type: 'b ty;
get: ('a -> 'b);
(* Again *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VPair of variant * variant
| VRecord of (string * variant) list
let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
fun ty x ->
(* type t is abstract here *)
match ty with
| Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
| String -> VString x (* t = string *)
| List ty1 ->
VList (List.map (variantize ty1) x)
(* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
| Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
(* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
| Record {fields} ->
(List.map (fun (Field{field_type; label; get}) ->
(label, variantize field_type (get x))) fields)
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(* Extraction *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
| Record: ('a, 'builder) record -> 'a ty
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and ('a, 'builder) record =
path: string;
fields: ('a, 'builder) field list;
create_builder: (unit -> 'builder);
of_builder: ('builder -> 'a);
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and ('a, 'builder) field =
| Field: ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ -> ('a, 'builder) field
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and ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ =
label: string;
field_type: 'b ty;
get: ('a -> 'b);
set: ('builder -> 'b -> unit);
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let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
fun ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
| Record {fields; create_builder; of_builder}, VRecord fl ->
if List.length fields <> List.length fl then raise VariantMismatch;
let builder = create_builder () in
(fun (Field {label; field_type; set}) (lab, v) ->
if label <> lab then raise VariantMismatch;
set builder (devariantize field_type v)
fields fl;
of_builder builder
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
type my_record =
a: int;
b: string list;
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let my_record =
let fields =
Field {label = "a"; field_type = Int;
get = (fun {a} -> a);
set = (fun (r, _) x -> r := Some x)};
Field {label = "b"; field_type = List String;
get = (fun {b} -> b);
set = (fun (_, r) x -> r := Some x)};
let create_builder () = (ref None, ref None) in
let of_builder (a, b) =
match !a, !b with
| Some a, Some b -> {a; b}
| _ -> failwith "Some fields are missing in record of type my_record"
Record {path = "My_module.my_record"; fields; create_builder; of_builder}
(* Extension to recursive types and polymorphic variants *)
(* by Jacques Garrigue *)
type noarg = Noarg
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
(* Support for type variables and recursive types *)
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
(* Change the representation of a type *)
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
(* Sum types (both normal sums and polymorphic variants) *)
| Sum: ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum -> ('a, 'e) ty
and ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum =
{ sum_proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
sum_cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
sum_inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a; }
and 'e ty_dyn = (* dynamic type *)
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
and (_,_) ty_sel = (* selector from a list of types *)
| Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
| Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
and (_,_) ty_case = (* type a sum case *)
| TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
| TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
type _ ty_env = (* type variable substitution *)
| Enil : unit ty_env
| Econs : ('a,'e) ty * 'e ty_env -> ('a -> 'e) ty_env
(* Comparing selectors *)
type (_,_) eq = Eq: ('a,'a) eq
let rec eq_sel : type a b c. (a,b) ty_sel -> (a,c) ty_sel -> (b,c) eq option =
fun s1 s2 ->
match s1, s2 with
| Thd, Thd -> Some Eq
| Ttl s1, Ttl s2 ->
(match eq_sel s1 s2 with None -> None | Some Eq -> Some Eq)
| _ -> None
(* Auxiliary function to get the type of a case from its selector *)
let rec get_case : type a b e.
(b, a) ty_sel -> (string * (e,b) ty_case) list -> string * (a, e) ty option =
fun sel cases ->
match cases with
| (name, TCnoarg sel') :: rem ->
begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
| None -> get_case sel rem
| Some Eq -> name, None
| (name, TCarg (sel', ty)) :: rem ->
begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
| None -> get_case sel rem
| Some Eq -> name, Some ty
| [] -> raise Not_found
(* Untyped representation of values *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VOption of variant option
| VPair of variant * variant
| VConv of string * variant
| VSum of string * variant option
let may_map f = function Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None
let rec variantize : type a e. e ty_env -> (a,e) ty -> a -> variant =
fun e ty v ->
match ty with
| Int -> VInt v
| String -> VString v
| List t -> VList (List.map (variantize e t) v)
| Option t -> VOption (may_map (variantize e t) v)
| Pair (t1, t2) -> VPair (variantize e t1 (fst v), variantize e t2 (snd v))
| Rec t -> variantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
| Pop t -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> variantize e' t v)
| Var -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> variantize e' t v)
| Conv (s, proj, inj, t) -> VConv (s, variantize e t (proj v))
| Sum ops ->
let tag, arg = ops.sum_proj v in
VSum (tag, may_map (function Tdyn (ty,arg) -> variantize e ty arg) arg)
let rec devariantize : type t e. e ty_env -> (t, e) ty -> variant -> t =
fun e ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize e ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize e ty1 x1, devariantize e ty2 x2)
| Rec t, _ -> devariantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
| Pop t, _ -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
| Var, _ -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
| Conv (s, proj, inj, t), VConv (s', v) when s = s' ->
inj (devariantize e t v)
| Sum ops, VSum (tag, a) ->
begin try match List.assoc tag ops.sum_cases, a with
| TCarg (sel, t), Some a -> ops.sum_inj (sel, devariantize e t a)
| TCnoarg sel, None -> ops.sum_inj (sel, Noarg)
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
with Not_found -> raise VariantMismatch
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
(* First attempt: represent 1-constructor variants using Conv *)
let wrap_A t = Conv ("`A", (fun (`A x) -> x), (fun x -> `A x), t);;
let ty a = Rec (wrap_A (Option (Pair (a, Var)))) ;;
let v = variantize Enil (ty Int);;
let x = v (`A (Some (1, `A (Some (2, `A None))))) ;;
(* Can also use it to decompose a tuple *)
let triple t1 t2 t3 =
Conv ("Triple", (fun (a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))),
(fun (a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)), Pair (t1, Pair (t2, t3)))
let v = variantize Enil (triple String Int Int) ("A", 2, 3) ;;
(* Second attempt: introduce a real sum construct *)
let ty_abc =
(* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
let proj = function
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None
(* Define inj in advance to be able to write the type annotation easily *)
and inj : type c. (int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
[`A of int | `B of string | `C] = function
Thd, v -> `A v
| Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
| Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
(* Coherence of sum_inj and sum_cases is checked by the typing *)
Sum { sum_proj = proj; sum_inj = inj; sum_cases =
[ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
"C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ] }
let v = variantize Enil ty_abc (`A 3)
let a = devariantize Enil ty_abc v
(* And an example with recursion... *)
type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum {
sum_proj = (function
`Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p)));
sum_cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)];
sum_inj = fun (type c) ->
| Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
| Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
: (noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist)
(* One can also write the type annotation directly *)
let v = variantize Enil (ty_list Int) (`Cons (1, `Cons (2, `Nil))) ;;
(* Simpler but weaker approach *)
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
| Sum: ('a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option) * (string * 'e ty_dyn option -> 'a)
-> ('a, 'e) ty
and 'e ty_dyn =
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C],'e) ty =
(* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
Sum (
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None),
"A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n)) -> `A n
| "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s)) -> `B s
| "C", None -> `C
| _ -> invalid_arg "ty_abc"))
(* Breaks: no way to pattern-match on a full recursive type *)
let ty_list : type a e. (a,e) ty -> (a vlist,e) ty = fun t ->
let targ = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum (
(function `Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (targ, p))),
(function "Nil", None -> `Nil
| "Cons", Some (Tdyn (Pair (_, Var), (p : a * a vlist))) -> `Cons p)))
(* Define Sum using object instead of record for first-class polymorphism *)
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
| Sum: < proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a >
-> ('a, 'e) ty
and 'e ty_dyn =
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
and (_,_) ty_sel =
| Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
| Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
and (_,_) ty_case =
| TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
| TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C] as 'a, 'e) ty =
Sum (object
method proj = function
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None
method cases =
[ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
"C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ];
method inj : type c.
(int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
[`A of int | `B of string | `C] =
Thd, v -> `A v
| Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
| Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
| _ -> assert false
type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum (object
method proj = function
`Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p))
method cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)]
method inj : type c.(noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist
= function
| Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
| Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
type (_,_) ty_assoc =
| Anil : (unit,'e) ty_assoc
| Acons : string * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_assoc -> ('a -> 'b, 'e) ty_assoc
and (_,_) ty_pvar =
| Pnil : ('a,'e) ty_pvar
| Pconst : 't * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar
| Parg : 't * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t * 'a -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar