2002-03-27 08:20:32 -08:00
(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(** Miscelaneous functions *)
(** This function returns a file in the form of one string.*)
val input_file_as_string : string -> string
(** This function creates a string from a Longident.t .*)
val string_of_longident : Longident.t -> string
(** This function takes a Types.type_expr and returns a string.
It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
val string_of_type_expr : Types.type_expr -> string
(** This function returns a string to represent the given list of types,
with a given separator. It writes in and flushes [Format.str_formatter].*)
val string_of_type_list : string -> Types.type_expr list -> string
2002-04-05 01:20:29 -08:00
(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.module_type].
@param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
or just [sig end]. Default if [false].
val string_of_module_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.module_type -> string
(** This function returns a string representing a [Types.class_type].
@param complete indicates if we must print complete signatures
or just [object end]. Default if [false].
val string_of_class_type : ?complete: bool -> Types.class_type -> string
2002-03-27 08:20:32 -08:00
(** This function returns the list of (label, type_expr) describing
the methods of a type_expr in a Tobject.*)
val get_fields : Types.type_expr -> (string * Types.type_expr) list
(** get a string from a text *)
val string_of_text : Odoc_types.text -> string
(** @return a string for an authors list. *)
val string_of_author_list : string list -> string
(** @return a string for the given optional version information.*)
val string_of_version_opt : string option -> string
(** @return a string for the given optional since information.*)
val string_of_since_opt : string option -> string
(** @return a string for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
val string_of_raised_exceptions : (string * Odoc_types.text) list -> string
(** @return a string for the given "see also" reference.*)
val string_of_see : Odoc_types.see_ref * Odoc_types.text -> string
(** @return a string for the given list of "see also" references.*)
val string_of_sees : (Odoc_types.see_ref * Odoc_types.text) list -> string
(** @return a string for the given optional return information.*)
val string_of_return_opt : Odoc_types.text option -> string
(** get a string from a Odoc_info.info structure *)
val string_of_info : Odoc_types.info -> string
(** Apply a function to an optional value. *)
val apply_opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
(** Return a string representing a date given as a number of seconds
since 1970. The hour is optionnaly displayed. *)
val string_of_date : ?hour:bool -> float -> string
(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot) of a text.
Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [Verbatim], [List], [Lnum],
[Latex], [Link], or [Ref]. *)
val first_sentence_of_text : Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text
(** Return the first sentence (until the first dot) of a text,
and the remaining text after.
Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [Verbatim], [List], [Lnum],
[Latex], [Link], or [Ref]. *)
val first_sentence_and_rest_of_text :
Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text * Odoc_types.text
2002-06-04 02:21:38 -07:00
(** Return the given [text] without any title or list. *)
val text_no_title_no_list : Odoc_types.text -> Odoc_types.text
2002-06-06 06:25:44 -07:00
(** Return the list of titles in a [text].
A title is a title level, an optional label and a text.*)
val get_titles_in_text : Odoc_types.text -> (int * string option * Odoc_types.text) list
2002-03-27 08:20:32 -08:00
(** Take a sorted list of elements, a function to get the name
of an element and return the list of list of elements,
where each list group elements beginning by the same letter.
Since the original list is sorted, elements whose name does not
begin with a letter should be in the first returned list.*)
val create_index_lists : 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list list
2002-04-02 07:16:31 -08:00
(** Take a type and remove the option top constructor. This is
useful when printing labels, we we then remove the top option contructor
for optional labels.*)
val remove_option : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
2002-04-02 07:32:15 -08:00
(** Return [true] if the given label is optional.*)
val is_optional : string -> bool
(** Return the label name for the given label,
i.e. removes the beginning '?' if present.*)
val label_name : string -> string