
1567 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Printing functions *)
open Misc
open Ctype
open Format
open Longident
open Path
open Asttypes
open Types
open Btype
open Outcometree
(* Print a long identifier *)
let rec longident ppf = function
| Lident s -> pp_print_string ppf s
| Ldot(p, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" longident p s
| Lapply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident p1 longident p2
(* Print an identifier *)
let unique_names = ref Ident.empty
let ident_name id =
try Ident.find_same id !unique_names with Not_found -> Ident.name id
let add_unique id =
try ignore (Ident.find_same id !unique_names)
with Not_found ->
unique_names := Ident.add id (Ident.unique_toplevel_name id) !unique_names
let ident ppf id = pp_print_string ppf (ident_name id)
(* Print a path *)
let ident_pervasive = Ident.create_persistent "Pervasives"
let rec tree_of_path = function
| Pident id ->
Oide_ident (ident_name id)
| Pdot(Pident id, s, _pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive ->
Oide_ident s
| Pdot(p, s, _pos) ->
Oide_dot (tree_of_path p, s)
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
Oide_apply (tree_of_path p1, tree_of_path p2)
let rec path ppf = function
| Pident id ->
ident ppf id
| Pdot(Pident id, s, _pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive ->
pp_print_string ppf s
| Pdot(p, s, _pos) ->
path ppf p;
pp_print_char ppf '.';
pp_print_string ppf s
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" path p1 path p2
let rec string_of_out_ident = function
| Oide_ident s -> s
| Oide_dot (id, s) -> String.concat "." [string_of_out_ident id; s]
| Oide_apply (id1, id2) ->
String.concat ""
[string_of_out_ident id1; "("; string_of_out_ident id2; ")"]
let string_of_path p = string_of_out_ident (tree_of_path p)
(* Print a recursive annotation *)
let tree_of_rec = function
| Trec_not -> Orec_not
| Trec_first -> Orec_first
| Trec_next -> Orec_next
(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
let raw_list pr ppf = function
[] -> fprintf ppf "[]"
| a :: l ->
fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
(fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
let rec safe_kind_repr v = function
Fvar {contents=Some k} ->
if List.memq k v then "Fvar loop" else
safe_kind_repr (k::v) k
| Fvar _ -> "Fvar None"
| Fpresent -> "Fpresent"
| Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
let rec safe_commu_repr v = function
Cok -> "Cok"
| Cunknown -> "Cunknown"
| Clink r ->
if List.memq r v then "Clink loop" else
safe_commu_repr (r::v) !r
let rec safe_repr v = function
{desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
safe_repr (t::v) t
| t -> t
let rec list_of_memo = function
Mnil -> []
| Mcons (_priv, p, _t1, _t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
| Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
let print_name ppf = function
None -> fprintf ppf "None"
| Some name -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" name
let string_of_label = function
Nolabel -> ""
| Labelled s -> s
| Optional s -> "?"^s
let visited = ref []
let rec raw_type ppf ty =
let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin
visited := ty :: !visited;
fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.id ty.level
raw_type_desc ty.desc
and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
and raw_type_desc ppf = function
Tvar name -> fprintf ppf "Tvar %a" print_name name
| Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(\"%s\",@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
(string_of_label l) raw_type t1 raw_type t2
(safe_commu_repr [] c)
| Ttuple tl ->
fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
| Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
raw_type_list tl
(raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
| Tobject (t, nm) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
(fun ppf ->
match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
| Some(p,tl) ->
fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
| Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
(safe_kind_repr [] k)
raw_type t1 raw_type t2
| Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil"
| Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
| Tsubst t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,%a@]" raw_type t
| Tunivar name -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar %a" print_name name
| Tpoly (t, tl) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
raw_type t
raw_type_list tl
| Tvariant row ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%b;@ %s%b;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
(raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
"row_more=" raw_type row.row_more
"row_closed=" row.row_closed
"row_fixed=" row.row_fixed
(fun ppf ->
match row.row_name with None -> fprintf ppf "None"
| Some(p,tl) ->
fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
| Tpackage (p, _, tl) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a@,%a)@]" path p
raw_type_list tl
and raw_field ppf = function
Rpresent None -> fprintf ppf "Rpresent None"
| Rpresent (Some t) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Rpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t
| Reither (c,tl,m,e) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
raw_type_list tl m
(fun ppf ->
match !e with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
| Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f)
| Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "Rabsent"
let raw_type_expr ppf t =
visited := [];
raw_type ppf t;
visited := []
let () = Btype.print_raw := raw_type_expr
(* Normalize paths *)
type param_subst = Id | Nth of int | Map of int list
let is_nth = function
Nth _ -> true
| _ -> false
let compose l1 = function
| Id -> Map l1
| Map l2 -> Map (List.map (List.nth l1) l2)
| Nth n -> Nth (List.nth l1 n)
let apply_subst s1 tyl =
match s1 with
Nth n1 -> [List.nth tyl n1]
| Map l1 -> List.map (List.nth tyl) l1
| Id -> tyl
type best_path = Paths of Path.t list | Best of Path.t
let printing_env = ref Env.empty
let printing_depth = ref 0
let printing_cont = ref ([] : Env.iter_cont list)
let printing_old = ref Env.empty
let printing_pers = ref Concr.empty
2016-05-09 02:54:33 -07:00
module PathMap = Map.Make(Path)
let printing_map = ref PathMap.empty
let same_type t t' = repr t == repr t'
let rec index l x =
match l with
[] -> raise Not_found
| a :: l -> if x == a then 0 else 1 + index l x
let rec uniq = function
[] -> true
| a :: l -> not (List.memq a l) && uniq l
let rec normalize_type_path ?(cache=false) env p =
let (params, ty, _) = Env.find_type_expansion p env in
let params = List.map repr params in
match repr ty with
{desc = Tconstr (p1, tyl, _)} ->
let tyl = List.map repr tyl in
if List.length params = List.length tyl
&& List.for_all2 (==) params tyl
then normalize_type_path ~cache env p1
else if cache || List.length params <= List.length tyl
|| not (uniq tyl) then (p, Id)
let l1 = List.map (index params) tyl in
let (p2, s2) = normalize_type_path ~cache env p1 in
(p2, compose l1 s2)
| ty ->
(p, Nth (index params ty))
Not_found -> (p, Id)
let penalty s =
if s <> "" && s.[0] = '_' then
for i = 0 to String.length s - 2 do
if s.[i] = '_' && s.[i + 1] = '_' then
raise Exit
with Exit -> 10
let rec path_size = function
Pident id ->
penalty (Ident.name id), -Ident.binding_time id
| Pdot (p, _, _) ->
let (l, b) = path_size p in (1+l, b)
| Papply (p1, p2) ->
let (l, b) = path_size p1 in
(l + fst (path_size p2), b)
let same_printing_env env =
let used_pers = Env.used_persistent () in
Env.same_types !printing_old env && Concr.equal !printing_pers used_pers
let set_printing_env env =
printing_env := if !Clflags.real_paths then Env.empty else env;
if !printing_env == Env.empty || same_printing_env env then () else
(* printf "Reset printing_map@."; *)
printing_old := env;
printing_pers := Env.used_persistent ();
printing_map := PathMap.empty;
printing_depth := 0;
(* printf "Recompute printing_map.@."; *)
let cont =
(fun p (p', _decl) ->
let (p1, s1) = normalize_type_path env p' ~cache:true in
(* Format.eprintf "%a -> %a = %a@." path p path p' path p1 *)
if s1 = Id then
let r = PathMap.find p1 !printing_map in
match !r with
Paths l -> r := Paths (p :: l)
| Best p' -> r := Paths [p; p'] (* assert false *)
with Not_found ->
printing_map := PathMap.add p1 (ref (Paths [p])) !printing_map)
env in
printing_cont := [cont];
let wrap_printing_env env f =
set_printing_env env;
try_finally f (fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
let is_unambiguous path env =
let l = Env.find_shadowed_types path env in
List.exists (Path.same path) l || (* concrete paths are ok *)
match l with
[] -> true
| p :: rem ->
(* allow also coherent paths: *)
let normalize p = fst (normalize_type_path ~cache:true env p) in
let p' = normalize p in
List.for_all (fun p -> Path.same (normalize p) p') rem ||
(* also allow repeatedly defining and opening (for toplevel) *)
let id = lid_of_path p in
List.for_all (fun p -> lid_of_path p = id) rem &&
Path.same p (Env.lookup_type id env)
let rec get_best_path r =
match !r with
Best p' -> p'
| Paths [] -> raise Not_found
| Paths l ->
r := Paths [];
(fun p ->
(* Format.eprintf "evaluating %a@." path p; *)
match !r with
Best p' when path_size p >= path_size p' -> ()
| _ -> if is_unambiguous p !printing_env then r := Best p)
(* else Format.eprintf "%a ignored as ambiguous@." path p *)
get_best_path r
let best_type_path p =
if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
then (p, Id)
let (p', s) = normalize_type_path !printing_env p in
let get_path () = get_best_path (PathMap.find p' !printing_map) in
while !printing_cont <> [] &&
try fst (path_size (get_path ())) > !printing_depth with Not_found -> true
printing_cont := List.map snd (Env.run_iter_cont !printing_cont);
incr printing_depth;
let p'' = try get_path () with Not_found -> p' in
(* Format.eprintf "%a = %a -> %a@." path p path p' path p''; *)
(p'', s)
(* Print a type expression *)
let names = ref ([] : (type_expr * string) list)
let name_counter = ref 0
let named_vars = ref ([] : string list)
let reset_names () = names := []; name_counter := 0; named_vars := []
let add_named_var ty =
match ty.desc with
Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
if List.mem name !named_vars then () else
named_vars := name :: !named_vars
| _ -> ()
let rec new_name () =
let name =
if !name_counter < 26
then String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter))
else String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter mod 26)) ^
string_of_int(!name_counter / 26) in
incr name_counter;
if List.mem name !named_vars
|| List.exists (fun (_, name') -> name = name') !names
then new_name ()
else name
let name_of_type t =
(* We've already been through repr at this stage, so t is our representative
of the union-find class. *)
try List.assq t !names with Not_found ->
let name =
match t.desc with
Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
(* Some part of the type we've already printed has assigned another
* unification variable to that name. We want to keep the name, so try
* adding a number until we find a name that's not taken. *)
let current_name = ref name in
let i = ref 0 in
while List.exists (fun (_, name') -> !current_name = name') !names do
current_name := name ^ (string_of_int !i);
i := !i + 1;
| _ ->
(* No name available, create a new one *)
new_name ()
(* Exception for type declarations *)
if name <> "_" then names := (t, name) :: !names;
let check_name_of_type t = ignore(name_of_type t)
let remove_names tyl =
let tyl = List.map repr tyl in
names := List.filter (fun (ty,_) -> not (List.memq ty tyl)) !names
let visited_objects = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let aliased = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let delayed = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let add_delayed t =
if not (List.memq t !delayed) then delayed := t :: !delayed
let is_aliased ty = List.memq (proxy ty) !aliased
let add_alias ty =
let px = proxy ty in
if not (is_aliased px) then begin
aliased := px :: !aliased;
add_named_var px
let aliasable ty =
match ty.desc with
Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
| Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
not (is_nth (snd (best_type_path p)))
| _ -> true
let namable_row row =
row.row_name <> None &&
(fun (_, f) ->
match row_field_repr f with
| Reither(c, l, _, _) ->
row.row_closed && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
| _ -> true)
let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
let ty = repr ty in
let px = proxy ty in
if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias px else
let visited = px :: visited in
match ty.desc with
| Tvar _ -> add_named_var ty
| Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2
| Ttuple tyl -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
| Tconstr(p, tyl, _) ->
let (_p', s) = best_type_path p in
List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (apply_subst s tyl)
| Tpackage (_, _, tyl) ->
List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
| Tvariant row ->
if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else
let row = row_repr row in
if not (static_row row) then
visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
match row.row_name with
| Some(_p, tyl) when namable_row row ->
List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
| _ ->
iter_row (mark_loops_rec visited) row
| Tobject (fi, nm) ->
if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else
if opened_object ty then
visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
begin match !nm with
| None ->
let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
(fun (_, kind, ty) ->
if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then
mark_loops_rec visited ty)
| Some (_, l) ->
List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (List.tl l)
| Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent ->
mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2
| Tfield(_, _, _, ty2) ->
mark_loops_rec visited ty2
| Tnil -> ()
| Tsubst ty -> mark_loops_rec visited ty
| Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.mark_loops_rec (2)"
| Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
List.iter (fun t -> add_alias t) tyl;
mark_loops_rec visited ty
| Tunivar _ -> add_named_var ty
let mark_loops ty =
normalize_type Env.empty ty;
mark_loops_rec [] ty;;
let reset_loop_marks () =
visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := []
let reset () =
unique_names := Ident.empty; reset_names (); reset_loop_marks ()
let reset_and_mark_loops ty =
reset (); mark_loops ty
let reset_and_mark_loops_list tyl =
reset (); List.iter mark_loops tyl
(* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *)
let print_labels = ref true
let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty =
let ty = repr ty in
let px = proxy ty in
if List.mem_assq px !names && not (List.memq px !delayed) then
let mark = is_non_gen sch ty in
Otyp_var (mark, name_of_type px) else
let pr_typ () =
match ty.desc with
| Tvar _ ->
Otyp_var (is_non_gen sch ty, name_of_type ty)
| Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
let pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 =
let lab =
if !print_labels || is_optional l then string_of_label l else ""
let t1 =
if is_optional l then
match (repr ty1).desc with
| Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
tree_of_typexp sch ty
| _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
else tree_of_typexp sch ty1 in
Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp sch ty2) in
pr_arrow l ty1 ty2
| Ttuple tyl ->
Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
| Tconstr(p, tyl, _abbrev) ->
let p', s = best_type_path p in
let tyl' = apply_subst s tyl in
if is_nth s then tree_of_typexp sch (List.hd tyl') else
Otyp_constr (tree_of_path p', tree_of_typlist sch tyl')
| Tvariant row ->
let row = row_repr row in
let fields =
if row.row_closed then
List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent)
else row.row_fields in
let present =
(fun (_, f) ->
match row_field_repr f with
| Rpresent _ -> true
| _ -> false)
fields in
let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
begin match row.row_name with
| Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row ->
let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
let id = tree_of_path p' in
let args = tree_of_typlist sch (apply_subst s tyl) in
if row.row_closed && all_present then
if is_nth s then List.hd args else Otyp_constr (id, args)
let non_gen = is_non_gen sch px in
let tags =
if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
let inh =
match args with
[Otyp_constr (i, a)] when is_nth s -> Ovar_name (i, a)
| _ ->
(* fallback case, should change outcometree... *)
Ovar_name (tree_of_path p, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
Otyp_variant (non_gen, inh, row.row_closed, tags)
| _ ->
let non_gen =
not (row.row_closed && all_present) && is_non_gen sch px in
let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field sch) fields in
let tags =
if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_fields fields, row.row_closed, tags)
| Tobject (fi, nm) ->
tree_of_typobject sch fi !nm
| Tnil | Tfield _ ->
tree_of_typobject sch ty None
| Tsubst ty ->
tree_of_typexp sch ty
| Tlink _ ->
fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typexp"
| Tpoly (ty, []) ->
tree_of_typexp sch ty
| Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
(*let print_names () =
List.iter (fun (_, name) -> prerr_string (name ^ " ")) !names;
prerr_string "; " in *)
let tyl = List.map repr tyl in
if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp sch ty else begin
let old_delayed = !delayed in
(* Make the names delayed, so that the real type is
printed once when used as proxy *)
List.iter add_delayed tyl;
let tl = List.map name_of_type tyl in
let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp sch ty) in
(* Forget names when we leave scope *)
remove_names tyl;
delayed := old_delayed; tr
| Tunivar _ ->
Otyp_var (false, name_of_type ty)
| Tpackage (p, n, tyl) ->
let n =
List.map (fun li -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li)) n in
Otyp_module (Path.name p, n, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed;
if is_aliased px && aliasable ty then begin
check_name_of_type px;
Otyp_alias (pr_typ (), name_of_type px) end
else pr_typ ()
and tree_of_row_field sch (l, f) =
match row_field_repr f with
| Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _) -> (l, false, [])
| Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp sch ty])
| Reither(c, tyl, _, _) ->
if c (* contradiction: constant constructor with an argument *)
then (l, true, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
else (l, false, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
| Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* actually, an error *))
and tree_of_typlist sch tyl =
List.map (tree_of_typexp sch) tyl
and tree_of_typobject sch fi nm =
begin match nm with
| None ->
let pr_fields fi =
let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in
let present_fields =
(fun (n, k, t) l ->
match field_kind_repr k with
| Fpresent -> (n, t) :: l
| _ -> l)
fields [] in
let sorted_fields =
2016-05-09 02:54:33 -07:00
(fun (n, _) (n', _) -> String.compare n n') present_fields in
tree_of_typfields sch rest sorted_fields in
let (fields, rest) = pr_fields fi in
Otyp_object (fields, rest)
| Some (p, ty :: tyl) ->
let non_gen = is_non_gen sch (repr ty) in
let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in
let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
assert (s = Id);
Otyp_class (non_gen, tree_of_path p', args)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject"
and is_non_gen sch ty =
sch && is_Tvar ty && ty.level <> generic_level
and tree_of_typfields sch rest = function
| [] ->
let rest =
match rest.desc with
| Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> Some (is_non_gen sch rest)
| Tconstr _ -> Some false
| Tnil -> None
| _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)"
([], rest)
| (s, t) :: l ->
let field = (s, tree_of_typexp sch t) in
let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields sch rest l in
(field :: fields, rest)
let typexp sch ppf ty =
!Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp sch ty)
let type_expr ppf ty = typexp false ppf ty
and type_sch ppf ty = typexp true ppf ty
and type_scheme ppf ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; typexp true ppf ty
(* Maxence *)
let type_scheme_max ?(b_reset_names=true) ppf ty =
if b_reset_names then reset_names () ;
typexp true ppf ty
(* End Maxence *)
let tree_of_type_scheme ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; tree_of_typexp true ty
(* Print one type declaration *)
let tree_of_constraints params =
(fun ty list ->
let ty' = unalias ty in
if proxy ty != proxy ty' then
let tr = tree_of_typexp true ty in
(tr, tree_of_typexp true ty') :: list
else list)
params []
let filter_params tyl =
let params =
(fun tyl ty ->
let ty = repr ty in
if List.memq ty tyl then Btype.newgenty (Tsubst ty) :: tyl
else ty :: tyl)
[] tyl
in List.rev params
let mark_loops_constructor_arguments = function
| Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter mark_loops l
| Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) l
let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
let params = filter_params decl.type_params in
begin match decl.type_manifest with
| Some ty ->
let vars = free_variables ty in
(function {desc = Tvar (Some "_")} as ty ->
if List.memq ty vars then ty.desc <- Tvar None
| _ -> ())
| None -> ()
List.iter add_alias params;
List.iter mark_loops params;
List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params);
let ty_manifest =
match decl.type_manifest with
| None -> None
| Some ty ->
let ty =
(* Special hack to hide variant name *)
match repr ty with {desc=Tvariant row} ->
let row = row_repr row in
begin match row.row_name with
Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' ->
newgenty (Tvariant {row with row_name = None})
| _ -> ty
| _ -> ty
mark_loops ty;
Some ty
begin match decl.type_kind with
| Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_variant cstrs ->
(fun c ->
mark_loops_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
may mark_loops c.cd_res)
| Type_record(l, _rep) ->
List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) l
| Type_open -> ()
let type_param =
| Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
| _ -> "?"
let type_defined decl =
let abstr =
match decl.type_kind with
Type_abstract ->
decl.type_manifest = None || decl.type_private = Private
| Type_record _ ->
decl.type_private = Private
| Type_variant tll ->
decl.type_private = Private ||
List.exists (fun cd -> cd.cd_res <> None) tll
| Type_open ->
decl.type_manifest = None
let vari =
(fun ty v ->
if abstr || not (is_Tvar (repr ty)) then Variance.get_upper v
else (true,true))
decl.type_params decl.type_variance
(Ident.name id,
List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param (tree_of_typexp false ty), cocn)
params vari)
let tree_of_manifest ty1 =
match ty_manifest with
| None -> ty1
| Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp false ty, ty1)
let (name, args) = type_defined decl in
let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in
let ty, priv =
match decl.type_kind with
| Type_abstract ->
begin match ty_manifest with
| None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public)
| Some ty ->
tree_of_typexp false ty, decl.type_private
| Type_variant cstrs ->
tree_of_manifest (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor cstrs)),
| Type_record(lbls, _rep) ->
tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)),
| Type_open ->
tree_of_manifest Otyp_open,
2015-05-27 07:30:33 -07:00
let immediate =
Builtin_attributes.immediate decl.type_attributes
{ otype_name = name;
otype_params = args;
otype_type = ty;
otype_private = priv;
2015-05-27 07:30:33 -07:00
otype_immediate = immediate;
2016-05-25 07:29:05 -07:00
otype_unboxed = decl.type_unboxed.unboxed;
otype_cstrs = constraints }
and tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
| Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist false l
| Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label l) ]
and tree_of_constructor cd =
let name = Ident.name cd.cd_id in
let arg () = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
match cd.cd_res with
| None -> (name, arg (), None)
| Some res ->
let nm = !names in
names := [];
let ret = tree_of_typexp false res in
let args = arg () in
names := nm;
(name, args, Some ret)
and tree_of_label l =
(Ident.name l.ld_id, l.ld_mutable = Mutable, tree_of_typexp false l.ld_type)
let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
let type_declaration id ppf decl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
let constructor_arguments ppf a =
let tys = tree_of_constructor_arguments a in
!Oprint.out_type ppf (Otyp_tuple tys)
(* Print an extension declaration *)
let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
reset ();
let ty_name = Path.name ext.ext_type_path in
let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
List.iter add_alias ty_params;
List.iter mark_loops ty_params;
List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy ty_params);
mark_loops_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
may mark_loops ext.ext_ret_type;
let type_param =
| Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
| _ -> "?"
let ty_params =
List.map (fun ty -> type_param (tree_of_typexp false ty)) ty_params
let name = Ident.name id in
let args, ret =
match ext.ext_ret_type with
| None -> (tree_of_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args, None)
| Some res ->
let nm = !names in
names := [];
let ret = tree_of_typexp false res in
let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args in
names := nm;
(args, Some ret)
let ext =
{ oext_name = name;
oext_type_name = ty_name;
oext_type_params = ty_params;
oext_args = args;
oext_ret_type = ret;
oext_private = ext.ext_private }
let es =
match es with
Text_first -> Oext_first
| Text_next -> Oext_next
| Text_exception -> Oext_exception
Osig_typext (ext, es)
let extension_constructor id ppf ext =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
(* Print a value declaration *)
let tree_of_value_description id decl =
(* Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." raw_type_expr decl.val_type; *)
let id = Ident.name id in
let ty = tree_of_type_scheme decl.val_type in
let vd =
{ oval_name = id;
oval_type = ty;
oval_prims = [];
oval_attributes = [] }
let vd =
match decl.val_kind with
| Val_prim p -> Primitive.print p vd
| _ -> vd
Osig_value vd
let value_description id ppf decl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl)
(* Print a class type *)
let method_type (_, kind, ty) =
match field_kind_repr kind, repr ty with
Fpresent, {desc=Tpoly(ty, tyl)} -> (ty, tyl)
| _ , ty -> (ty, [])
let tree_of_metho sch concrete csil (lab, kind, ty) =
if lab <> dummy_method then begin
let kind = field_kind_repr kind in
let priv = kind <> Fpresent in
let virt = not (Concr.mem lab concrete) in
let (ty, tyl) = method_type (lab, kind, ty) in
let tty = tree_of_typexp sch ty in
remove_names tyl;
Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tty) :: csil
else csil
let rec prepare_class_type params = function
| Cty_constr (_p, tyl, cty) ->
let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in
if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects
|| not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
|| List.exists (deep_occur sty) tyl
then prepare_class_type params cty
else List.iter mark_loops tyl
| Cty_signature sign ->
let sty = repr sign.csig_self in
(* Self may have a name *)
let px = proxy sty in
if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias sty
else visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
let (fields, _) =
Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.csig_self)
List.iter (fun met -> mark_loops (fst (method_type met))) fields;
Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> mark_loops ty) sign.csig_vars
| Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
mark_loops ty;
prepare_class_type params cty
let rec tree_of_class_type sch params =
| Cty_constr (p', tyl, cty) ->
let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in
if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects
|| not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
tree_of_class_type sch params cty
Octy_constr (tree_of_path p', tree_of_typlist true tyl)
| Cty_signature sign ->
let sty = repr sign.csig_self in
let self_ty =
if is_aliased sty then
Some (Otyp_var (false, name_of_type (proxy sty)))
else None
let (fields, _) =
Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.csig_self)
let csil = [] in
let csil =
(fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
csil (tree_of_constraints params)
let all_vars =
Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.csig_vars []
(* Consequence of PR#3607: order of Map.fold has changed! *)
let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in
let csil =
(fun csil (l, m, v, t) ->
Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp sch t)
:: csil)
csil all_vars
let csil =
List.fold_left (tree_of_metho sch sign.csig_concr) csil fields
Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
| Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
let lab =
if !print_labels || is_optional l then string_of_label l else ""
let ty =
if is_optional l then
match (repr ty).desc with
| Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> ty
| _ -> newconstr (Path.Pident(Ident.create "<hidden>")) []
else ty in
let tr = tree_of_typexp sch ty in
Octy_arrow (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type sch params cty)
let class_type ppf cty =
reset ();
prepare_class_type [] cty;
!Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type false [] cty)
let tree_of_class_param param variance =
(match tree_of_typexp true param with
Otyp_var (_, s) -> s
| _ -> "?"),
if is_Tvar (repr param) then (true, true) else variance
let class_variance =
List.map Variance.(fun v -> mem May_pos v, mem May_neg v)
let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs =
let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in
reset ();
List.iter add_alias params;
prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type;
let sty = Ctype.self_type cl.cty_type in
List.iter mark_loops params;
List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params);
if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty);
let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in
(vir_flag, Ident.name id,
List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.cty_variance),
tree_of_class_type true params cl.cty_type,
tree_of_rec rs)
let class_declaration id ppf cl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first)
let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs =
let params = List.map repr cl.clty_params in
reset ();
List.iter add_alias params;
prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type;
let sty = Ctype.self_type cl.clty_type in
List.iter mark_loops params;
List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params);
if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty);
let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in
let virt =
let (fields, _) =
Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.csig_self) in
(fun (lab, _, _) ->
not (lab = dummy_method || Concr.mem lab sign.csig_concr))
|| Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b) sign.csig_vars false
(virt, Ident.name id,
List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.clty_variance),
tree_of_class_type true params cl.clty_type,
tree_of_rec rs)
let cltype_declaration id ppf cl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first)
(* Print a module type *)
let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
let env = !printing_env in
set_printing_env (fenv env);
let tree = ftree arg in
set_printing_env env;
let filter_rem_sig item rem =
match item, rem with
| Sig_class _, ctydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
([ctydecl; tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
| Sig_class_type _, tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
([tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
| _ ->
([], rem)
let dummy =
{ type_params = []; type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract;
type_private = Public; type_manifest = None; type_variance = [];
type_newtype_level = None; type_loc = Location.none;
type_attributes = [];
2015-05-27 07:30:33 -07:00
type_immediate = false;
2016-05-25 07:29:05 -07:00
type_unboxed = { unboxed = false; default = false };
let hide_rec_items = function
| Sig_type(id, _decl, rs) ::rem
when rs = Trec_first && not !Clflags.real_paths ->
let rec get_ids = function
Sig_type (id, _, Trec_next) :: rem ->
id :: get_ids rem
| _ -> []
let ids = id :: get_ids rem in
(fun id -> Env.add_type ~check:false (Ident.rename id) dummy)
ids !printing_env)
| _ -> ()
let rec tree_of_modtype ?(ellipsis=false) = function
| Mty_ident p ->
Omty_ident (tree_of_path p)
| Mty_signature sg ->
Omty_signature (if ellipsis then [Osig_ellipsis]
else tree_of_signature sg)
| Mty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) ->
let res =
match ty_arg with None -> tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis ty_res
| Some mty ->
wrap_env (Env.add_module ~arg:true param mty)
(tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis) ty_res
Omty_functor (Ident.name param,
may_map (tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false) ty_arg, res)
| Mty_alias p ->
Omty_alias (tree_of_path p)
and tree_of_signature sg =
wrap_env (fun env -> env) (tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env false) sg
and tree_of_signature_rec env' in_type_group = function
[] -> []
| item :: rem as items ->
let in_type_group =
match in_type_group, item with
true, Sig_type (_, _, Trec_next) -> true
| _, Sig_type (_, _, (Trec_not | Trec_first)) ->
set_printing_env env'; true
| _ -> set_printing_env env'; false
let (sg, rem) = filter_rem_sig item rem in
hide_rec_items items;
let trees = trees_of_sigitem item in
let env' = Env.add_signature (item :: sg) env' in
trees @ tree_of_signature_rec env' in_type_group rem
and trees_of_sigitem = function
| Sig_value(id, decl) ->
[tree_of_value_description id decl]
| Sig_type(id, _, _) when is_row_name (Ident.name id) ->
| Sig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
[tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs]
| Sig_typext(id, ext, es) ->
[tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es]
| Sig_module(id, md, rs) ->
let ellipsis =
List.exists (function ({txt="..."}, Parsetree.PStr []) -> true
| _ -> false)
md.md_attributes in
[tree_of_module id md.md_type rs ~ellipsis]
| Sig_modtype(id, decl) ->
[tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl]
| Sig_class(id, decl, rs) ->
[tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs]
| Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) ->
[tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs]
and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
let mty =
match decl.mtd_type with
| None -> Omty_abstract
| Some mty -> tree_of_modtype mty
Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty)
and tree_of_module id ?ellipsis mty rs =
Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype ?ellipsis mty, tree_of_rec rs)
let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty)
let modtype_declaration id ppf decl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl)
(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
let rec print_items showval env = function
| [] -> []
| item :: rem as items ->
let (_sg, rem) = filter_rem_sig item rem in
hide_rec_items items;
let trees = trees_of_sigitem item in
List.map (fun d -> (d, showval env item)) trees @
print_items showval env rem
(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
let print_signature ppf tree =
fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree
let signature ppf sg =
fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
(* Print an unification error *)
let same_path t t' =
let t = repr t and t' = repr t' in
t == t' ||
match t.desc, t'.desc with
Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) ->
let (p1, s1) = best_type_path p and (p2, s2) = best_type_path p' in
begin match s1, s2 with
Nth n1, Nth n2 when n1 = n2 -> true
| (Id | Map _), (Id | Map _) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
let tl = apply_subst s1 tl and tl' = apply_subst s2 tl' in
List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
List.for_all2 same_type tl tl'
| _ -> false
| _ ->
let type_expansion t ppf t' =
if same_path t t'
then begin add_delayed (proxy t); type_expr ppf t end
let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]" type_expr t type_expr t'
let type_path_expansion tp ppf tp' =
if Path.same tp tp' then path ppf tp else
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]" path tp path tp'
let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
| (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem ->
if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,";
fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@] %a"
(type_expansion t1) t1' txt (type_expansion t2) t2'
(trace false txt) rem
| _ -> ()
let rec filter_trace keep_last = function
| (_, t1') :: (_, t2') :: [] when is_Tvar t1' || is_Tvar t2' ->
| (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem ->
let rem' = filter_trace keep_last rem in
if is_constr_row t1' || is_constr_row t2'
|| same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' && not (keep_last && rem' = [])
then rem'
else (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem'
| _ -> []
let rec type_path_list ppf = function
| [tp, tp'] -> type_path_expansion tp ppf tp'
| (tp, tp') :: rem ->
fprintf ppf "%a@;<2 0>%a"
(type_path_expansion tp) tp'
type_path_list rem
| [] -> ()
(* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *)
let hide_variant_name t =
match repr t with
| {desc = Tvariant row} as t when (row_repr row).row_name <> None ->
newty2 t.level
(Tvariant {(row_repr row) with row_name = None;
row_more = newvar2 (row_more row).level})
| _ -> t
let prepare_expansion (t, t') =
let t' = hide_variant_name t' in
mark_loops t;
if not (same_path t t') then mark_loops t';
(t, t')
let may_prepare_expansion compact (t, t') =
match (repr t').desc with
Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact ->
mark_loops t; (t, t)
| _ -> prepare_expansion (t, t')
let print_tags ppf fields =
match fields with [] -> ()
| (t, _) :: fields ->
fprintf ppf "`%s" t;
List.iter (fun (t, _) -> fprintf ppf ",@ `%s" t) fields
let has_explanation t3 t4 =
match t3.desc, t4.desc with
Tfield _, (Tnil|Tconstr _) | (Tnil|Tconstr _), Tfield _
| Tnil, Tconstr _ | Tconstr _, Tnil
| _, Tvar _ | Tvar _, _
| Tvariant _, Tvariant _ -> true
| Tfield (l,_,_,{desc=Tnil}), Tfield (l',_,_,{desc=Tnil}) -> l = l'
| _ -> false
let rec mismatch = function
(_, t) :: (_, t') :: rem ->
begin match mismatch rem with
Some _ as m -> m
| None ->
if has_explanation t t' then Some(t,t') else None
| [] -> None
| _ -> assert false
let explanation unif t3 t4 ppf =
match t3.desc, t4.desc with
| Ttuple [], Tvar _ | Tvar _, Ttuple [] ->
fprintf ppf "@,Self type cannot escape its class"
| Tconstr (p, _, _), Tvar _
when unif && t4.level < Path.binding_time p ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
path p
| Tvar _, Tconstr (p, _, _)
when unif && t3.level < Path.binding_time p ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
path p
| Tvar _, Tunivar _ | Tunivar _, Tvar _ ->
fprintf ppf "@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
type_expr (if is_Tunivar t3 then t3 else t4)
| Tvar _, _ | _, Tvar _ ->
let t, t' = if is_Tvar t3 then (t3, t4) else (t4, t3) in
if occur_in Env.empty t t' then
fprintf ppf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
type_expr t type_expr t'
fprintf ppf "@,@[<hov>This instance of %a is ambiguous:@ %s@]"
type_expr t'
"it would escape the scope of its equation"
| Tfield (lab, _, _, _), _ when lab = dummy_method ->
fprintf ppf
"@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type"
| _, Tfield (lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method ->
fprintf ppf
"@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type"
| Tfield (l,_,_,{desc=Tnil}), Tfield (l',_,_,{desc=Tnil}) when l = l' ->
fprintf ppf "@,Types for method %s are incompatible" l
| (Tnil|Tconstr _), Tfield (l, _, _, _) ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The first object type has no method %s@]" l
| Tfield (l, _, _, _), (Tnil|Tconstr _) ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The second object type has no method %s@]" l
| Tnil, Tconstr _ | Tconstr _, Tnil ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The %s object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
(if t4.desc = Tnil then "first" else "second")
| Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 ->
let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in
begin match
row1.row_fields, row1.row_closed, row2.row_fields, row2.row_closed with
| [], true, [], true ->
fprintf ppf "@,These two variant types have no intersection"
2016-04-28 07:00:18 -07:00
| [], true, (_::_ as fields), _ ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The first variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
print_tags fields
2016-04-28 07:00:18 -07:00
| (_::_ as fields), _, [], true ->
fprintf ppf
"@,@[The second variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
print_tags fields
| [l1,_], true, [l2,_], true when l1 = l2 ->
fprintf ppf "@,Types for tag `%s are incompatible" l1
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
let warn_on_missing_def env ppf t =
match t.desc with
| Tconstr (p,_,_) ->
ignore(Env.find_type p env : Types.type_declaration)
with Not_found ->
fprintf ppf
2016-02-16 04:23:31 -08:00
"@,@[%a is abstract because no corresponding cmi file was found \
in path.@]" path p
| _ -> ()
let explanation unif mis ppf =
match mis with
None -> ()
| Some (t3, t4) -> explanation unif t3 t4 ppf
let ident_same_name id1 id2 =
if Ident.equal id1 id2 && not (Ident.same id1 id2) then begin
add_unique id1; add_unique id2
let rec path_same_name p1 p2 =
match p1, p2 with
Pident id1, Pident id2 -> ident_same_name id1 id2
| Pdot (p1, s1, _), Pdot (p2, s2, _) when s1 = s2 -> path_same_name p1 p2
| Papply (p1, p1'), Papply (p2, p2') ->
path_same_name p1 p2; path_same_name p1' p2'
| _ -> ()
let type_same_name t1 t2 =
match (repr t1).desc, (repr t2).desc with
Tconstr (p1, _, _), Tconstr (p2, _, _) ->
path_same_name (fst (best_type_path p1)) (fst (best_type_path p2))
| _ -> ()
let rec trace_same_names = function
(t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem ->
type_same_name t1 t2; type_same_name t1' t2'; trace_same_names rem
| _ -> ()
let unification_error env unif tr txt1 ppf txt2 =
reset ();
trace_same_names tr;
let tr = List.map (fun (t, t') -> (t, hide_variant_name t')) tr in
let mis = mismatch tr in
match tr with
| [] | _ :: [] -> assert false
| t1 :: t2 :: tr ->
let tr = filter_trace (mis = None) tr in
let t1, t1' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t1
and t2, t2' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t2 in
print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
let tr = List.map prepare_expansion tr in
fprintf ppf
@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
%t@;<1 2>%a\
txt1 (type_expansion t1) t1'
txt2 (type_expansion t2) t2'
(trace false "is not compatible with type") tr
(explanation unif mis);
if env <> Env.empty
then begin
warn_on_missing_def env ppf t1;
warn_on_missing_def env ppf t2
print_labels := true
with exn ->
print_labels := true;
raise exn
let report_unification_error ppf env ?(unif=true)
tr txt1 txt2 =
wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> unification_error env unif tr txt1 ppf txt2)
let trace fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
trace_same_names tr;
try match tr with
t1 :: t2 :: tr' ->
if fst then trace fst txt ppf (t1 :: t2 :: filter_trace keep_last tr')
else trace fst txt ppf (filter_trace keep_last tr);
print_labels := true
| _ -> ()
with exn ->
print_labels := true;
raise exn
let report_subtyping_error ppf env tr1 txt1 tr2 =
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
reset ();
let tr1 = List.map prepare_expansion tr1
and tr2 = List.map prepare_expansion tr2 in
fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a" (trace true (tr2 = []) txt1) tr1;
if tr2 = [] then fprintf ppf "@]" else
let mis = mismatch tr2 in
fprintf ppf "%a%t@]"
(trace false (mis = None) "is not compatible with type") tr2
(explanation true mis))
let report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env (tp0, tp0') tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
reset ();
(fun (tp, tp') -> path_same_name tp0 tp; path_same_name tp0' tp')
match tpl with
[] -> assert false
| [tp, tp'] ->
fprintf ppf
"@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
%t@;<1 2>%a\
txt1 (type_path_expansion tp) tp'
txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0'
| _ ->
fprintf ppf
"@[%t@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
@ %t@;<1 2>%a\
txt2 type_path_list tpl
txt3 (type_path_expansion tp0) tp0')