1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Handling of symbol tables (globals and events) *)
open Instruct
open Debugger_config (* Toplevel *)
let verbose = ref true
let modules =
ref ([] : string list)
let events =
ref ([] : debug_event list)
let events_by_pc =
(Hashtbl.create 257 : (int, debug_event) Hashtbl.t)
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
let events_by_module =
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, debug_event array) Hashtbl.t)
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
let all_events_by_module =
(Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, debug_event list) Hashtbl.t)
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
let read_symbols' bytecode_file =
let ic = open_in_bin bytecode_file in
let pos_trailer =
in_channel_length ic - 16 - String.length Config.exec_magic_number in
seek_in ic pos_trailer;
let code_size = input_binary_int ic in
let data_size = input_binary_int ic in
let symbol_size = input_binary_int ic in
let debug_size = input_binary_int ic in
let magic = String.create (String.length Config.exec_magic_number) in
really_input ic magic 0 (String.length Config.exec_magic_number);
if magic <> Config.exec_magic_number then begin
prerr_string bytecode_file; prerr_endline " is not a bytecode file.";
exit 2
if debug_size = 0 then begin
prerr_string bytecode_file; prerr_endline " has no debugging info.";
exit 2
seek_in ic (pos_trailer - debug_size - symbol_size);
Symtable.restore_state (input_value ic);
let all_events = (input_value ic : debug_event list list) in
close_in ic;
let read_symbols bytecode_file =
let all_events = read_symbols' bytecode_file in
(fun evl ->
(fun ev ->
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
events := ev :: !events;
Hashtbl.add events_by_pc ev.ev_pos ev)
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
[] -> ()
| ev :: _ as evl ->
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
let md = ev.ev_module in
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
let sorted_evl =
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
Sort.list (fun ev1 ev2 -> ev1.ev_char <= ev2.ev_char) evl in
1997-05-19 08:42:21 -07:00
modules := md :: !modules;
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
Hashtbl.add all_events_by_module md sorted_evl;
let real_evl =
{ev_kind = Event_function | Event_return _} -> false
| _ -> true)
Hashtbl.add events_by_module md (Array.of_list real_evl))
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
1997-03-27 13:08:43 -08:00
let any_event_at_pc pc =
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
Hashtbl.find events_by_pc pc
1997-03-27 13:08:43 -08:00
let event_at_pc pc =
let ev = any_event_at_pc pc in
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
match ev.ev_kind with
Event_function | Event_return _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> ev
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
(* List all events in module *)
let events_in_module mdle =
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
Hashtbl.find all_events_by_module mdle
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
with Not_found ->
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
(* Binary search of event at or just after char *)
let find_event ev char =
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
let rec bsearch lo hi =
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
if lo >= hi then begin
if ev.(hi).ev_char < char then raise Not_found;
end else begin
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
let pivot = (lo + hi) / 2 in
let e = ev.(pivot) in
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
if char <= e.ev_char then bsearch lo pivot
else bsearch (pivot + 1) hi
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
bsearch 0 (Array.length ev - 1)
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
(* Return first event after the given position. *)
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
(* Raise [Not_found] if module is unknown or no event is found. *)
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
let event_at_pos md char =
let ev = Hashtbl.find events_by_module md in
ev.(find_event ev char)
(* Return event closest to given position *)
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
(* Raise [Not_found] if module is unknown or no event is found. *)
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
let event_near_pos md char =
let ev = Hashtbl.find events_by_module md in
1997-03-25 10:15:58 -08:00
let pos = find_event ev char in
(* Desired event is either ev.(pos) or ev.(pos - 1),
whichever is closest *)
if pos > 0 && char - ev.(pos - 1).ev_char <= ev.(pos).ev_char - char
then ev.(pos - 1)
else ev.(pos)
with Not_found ->
let pos = Array.length ev - 1 in
if pos < 0 then raise Not_found;
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
1997-02-19 08:09:23 -08:00
(* Flip "event" bit on all instructions *)
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00
let set_all_events () =
1997-03-27 13:08:43 -08:00
(fun pc ev ->
1997-03-30 11:43:47 -08:00
match ev.ev_kind with
Event_function | Event_return _ -> ()
| _ -> Debugcom.set_event ev.ev_pos)
1996-11-29 08:55:09 -08:00