
1668 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Thomas Gazagnaire, OCamlPro *)
(* Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay *)
(* Hongbo Zhang, University of Pennsylvania *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Original Code from Ber-metaocaml, modified for 3.12.0 and fixed *)
(* Printing code expressions *)
(* Authors: Ed Pizzi, Fabrice Le Fessant *)
(* Extensive Rewrite: Hongbo Zhang: University of Pennsylvania *)
(* TODO more fine-grained precedence pretty-printing *)
open Asttypes
open Format
open Location
open Longident
open Parsetree
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
open Ast_helper
let prefix_symbols = [ '!'; '?'; '~' ] ;;
let infix_symbols = [ '='; '<'; '>'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '&'; '+'; '-'; '*'; '/';
'$'; '%'; '#' ]
(* type fixity = Infix| Prefix *)
let special_infix_strings =
["asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "mod"; "or"; ":="; "!="; "::" ]
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
let letop s =
String.length s > 3
&& s.[0] = 'l'
&& s.[1] = 'e'
&& s.[2] = 't'
&& List.mem s.[3] infix_symbols
let andop s =
String.length s > 3
&& s.[0] = 'a'
&& s.[1] = 'n'
&& s.[2] = 'd'
&& List.mem s.[3] infix_symbols
(* determines if the string is an infix string.
checks backwards, first allowing a renaming postfix ("_102") which
may have resulted from Pexp -> Texp -> Pexp translation, then checking
if all the characters in the beginning of the string are valid infix
characters. *)
let fixity_of_string = function
| "" -> `Normal
| s when List.mem s special_infix_strings -> `Infix s
| s when List.mem s.[0] infix_symbols -> `Infix s
| s when List.mem s.[0] prefix_symbols -> `Prefix s
| s when s.[0] = '.' -> `Mixfix s
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
| s when letop s -> `Letop s
| s when andop s -> `Andop s
| _ -> `Normal
let view_fixity_of_exp = function
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l;_}; pexp_attributes = []} ->
fixity_of_string l
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
| _ -> `Normal
let is_infix = function `Infix _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_mixfix = function `Mixfix _ -> true | _ -> false
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
let is_kwdop = function `Letop _ | `Andop _ -> true | _ -> false
let first_is c str =
str <> "" && str.[0] = c
let last_is c str =
str <> "" && str.[String.length str - 1] = c
let first_is_in cs str =
str <> "" && List.mem str.[0] cs
(* which identifiers are in fact operators needing parentheses *)
let needs_parens txt =
let fix = fixity_of_string txt in
is_infix fix
|| is_mixfix fix
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
|| is_kwdop fix
|| first_is_in prefix_symbols txt
(* some infixes need spaces around parens to avoid clashes with comment
syntax *)
let needs_spaces txt =
first_is '*' txt || last_is '*' txt
(* add parentheses to binders when they are in fact infix or prefix operators *)
let protect_ident ppf txt =
let format : (_, _, _) format =
if not (needs_parens txt) then "%s"
else if needs_spaces txt then "(@;%s@;)"
else "(%s)"
in fprintf ppf format txt
let protect_longident ppf print_longident longprefix txt =
let format : (_, _, _) format =
if not (needs_parens txt) then "%a.%s"
else if needs_spaces txt then "%a.(@;%s@;)"
else "%a.(%s)" in
fprintf ppf format print_longident longprefix txt
type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) format
let override = function
| Override -> "!"
| Fresh -> ""
(* variance encoding: need to sync up with the [parser.mly] *)
let type_variance = function
2020-06-15 04:51:50 -07:00
| NoVariance -> ""
| Covariant -> "+"
| Contravariant -> "-"
2020-06-15 04:51:50 -07:00
let type_injectivity = function
| NoInjectivity -> ""
| Injective -> "!"
type construct =
[ `cons of expression list
| `list of expression list
| `nil
| `normal
| `simple of Longident.t
| `tuple ]
let view_expr x =
match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"; _},_) -> `tuple
| Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "[]";_},_) -> `nil
| Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"::";_},Some _) ->
let rec loop exp acc = match exp with
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "[]";_},_);
pexp_attributes = []} ->
(List.rev acc,true)
| {pexp_desc=
Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "::";_},
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
Some ({pexp_desc= Pexp_tuple([e1;e2]);
pexp_attributes = []}));
pexp_attributes = []}
loop e2 (e1::acc)
| e -> (List.rev (e::acc),false) in
let (ls,b) = loop x [] in
if b then
`list ls
else `cons ls
| Pexp_construct (x,None) -> `simple (x.txt)
| _ -> `normal
let is_simple_construct :construct -> bool = function
| `nil | `tuple | `list _ | `simple _ -> true
| `cons _ | `normal -> false
let pp = fprintf
type ctxt = {
pipe : bool;
semi : bool;
ifthenelse : bool;
let reset_ctxt = { pipe=false; semi=false; ifthenelse=false }
let under_pipe ctxt = { ctxt with pipe=true }
let under_semi ctxt = { ctxt with semi=true }
let under_ifthenelse ctxt = { ctxt with ifthenelse=true }
let reset_semi ctxt = { ctxt with semi=false }
let reset_ifthenelse ctxt = { ctxt with ifthenelse=false }
let reset_pipe ctxt = { ctxt with pipe=false }
let list : 'a . ?sep:space_formatter -> ?first:space_formatter ->
?last:space_formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
= fun ?sep ?first ?last fu f xs ->
let first = match first with Some x -> x |None -> ("": _ format6)
and last = match last with Some x -> x |None -> ("": _ format6)
and sep = match sep with Some x -> x |None -> ("@ ": _ format6) in
let aux f = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> fu f x
| xs ->
let rec loop f = function
| [x] -> fu f x
| x::xs -> fu f x; pp f sep; loop f xs;
| _ -> assert false in begin
pp f first; loop f xs; pp f last;
end in
aux f xs
let option : 'a. ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
= fun ?first ?last fu f a ->
let first = match first with Some x -> x | None -> ("": _ format6)
and last = match last with Some x -> x | None -> ("": _ format6) in
match a with
| None -> ()
| Some x -> pp f first; fu f x; pp f last
let paren: 'a . ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
bool -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
= fun ?(first=("": _ format6)) ?(last=("": _ format6)) b fu f x ->
if b then (pp f "("; pp f first; fu f x; pp f last; pp f ")")
else fu f x
let rec longident f = function
| Lident s -> protect_ident f s
| Ldot(y,s) -> protect_longident f longident y s
| Lapply (y,s) ->
pp f "%a(%a)" longident y longident s
let longident_loc f x = pp f "%a" longident x.txt
let constant f = function
| Pconst_char i ->
pp f "%C" i
| Pconst_string (i, _, None) ->
pp f "%S" i
| Pconst_string (i, _, Some delim) ->
pp f "{%s|%s|%s}" delim i delim
| Pconst_integer (i, None) ->
paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f -> pp f "%s") f i
| Pconst_integer (i, Some m) ->
paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f (i, m) -> pp f "%s%c" i m) f (i,m)
| Pconst_float (i, None) ->
paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f -> pp f "%s") f i
| Pconst_float (i, Some m) ->
paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f (i,m) -> pp f "%s%c" i m) f (i,m)
(* trailing space*)
let mutable_flag f = function
| Immutable -> ()
| Mutable -> pp f "mutable@;"
let virtual_flag f = function
| Concrete -> ()
| Virtual -> pp f "virtual@;"
(* trailing space added *)
let rec_flag f rf =
match rf with
| Nonrecursive -> ()
| Recursive -> pp f "rec "
let nonrec_flag f rf =
match rf with
| Nonrecursive -> pp f "nonrec "
| Recursive -> ()
let direction_flag f = function
| Upto -> pp f "to@ "
| Downto -> pp f "downto@ "
let private_flag f = function
| Public -> ()
| Private -> pp f "private@ "
let iter_loc f ctxt {txt; loc = _} = f ctxt txt
let constant_string f s = pp f "%S" s
let tyvar ppf s =
if String.length s >= 2 && s.[1] = '\'' then
(* without the space, this would be parsed as
a character literal *)
Format.fprintf ppf "' %s" s
Format.fprintf ppf "'%s" s
let tyvar_loc f str = tyvar f str.txt
let string_quot f x = pp f "`%s" x
(* c ['a,'b] *)
let rec class_params_def ctxt f = function
| [] -> ()
| l ->
pp f "[%a] " (* space *)
(list (type_param ctxt) ~sep:",") l
and type_with_label ctxt f (label, c) =
match label with
| Nolabel -> core_type1 ctxt f c (* otherwise parenthesize *)
| Labelled s -> pp f "%s:%a" s (core_type1 ctxt) c
| Optional s -> pp f "?%s:%a" s (core_type1 ctxt) c
and core_type ctxt f x =
if x.ptyp_attributes <> [] then begin
pp f "((%a)%a)" (core_type ctxt) {x with ptyp_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.ptyp_attributes
else match x.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;->@;%a@]" (* FIXME remove parens later *)
(type_with_label ctxt) (l,ct1) (core_type ctxt) ct2
| Ptyp_alias (ct, s) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;as@;%a@]" (core_type1 ctxt) ct tyvar s
2017-03-14 20:13:24 -07:00
| Ptyp_poly ([], ct) ->
core_type ctxt f ct
| Ptyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a%a@]"
(fun f l ->
pp f "%a"
(fun f l -> match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
pp f "%a@;.@;"
(list tyvar_loc ~sep:"@;") l)
sl (core_type ctxt) ct
| _ -> pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (core_type1 ctxt) x
and core_type1 ctxt f x =
if x.ptyp_attributes <> [] then core_type ctxt f x
else match x.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_any -> pp f "_";
| Ptyp_var s -> tyvar f s;
| Ptyp_tuple l -> pp f "(%a)" (list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
| Ptyp_constr (li, l) ->
pp f (* "%a%a@;" *) "%a%a"
(fun f l -> match l with
|[] -> ()
|[x]-> pp f "%a@;" (core_type1 ctxt) x
| _ -> list ~first:"(" ~last:")@;" (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",@;" f l)
l longident_loc li
| Ptyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
let first_is_inherit = match l with
| {Parsetree.prf_desc = Rinherit _}::_ -> true
| _ -> false in
let type_variant_helper f x =
match x.prf_desc with
| Rtag (l, _, ctl) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a%a@;%a@]" (iter_loc string_quot) l
(fun f l -> match l with
|[] -> ()
| _ -> pp f "@;of@;%a"
(list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"&") ctl) ctl
(attributes ctxt) x.prf_attributes
| Rinherit ct -> core_type ctxt f ct in
pp f "@[<2>[%a%a]@]"
(fun f l ->
match l, closed with
| [], Closed -> ()
| [], Open -> pp f ">" (* Cf #7200: print [>] correctly *)
| _ ->
pp f "%s@;%a"
(match (closed,low) with
| (Closed,None) -> if first_is_inherit then " |" else ""
| (Closed,Some _) -> "<" (* FIXME desugar the syntax sugar*)
| (Open,_) -> ">")
(list type_variant_helper ~sep:"@;<1 -2>| ") l) l
(fun f low -> match low with
|Some [] |None -> ()
|Some xs ->
pp f ">@ %a"
(list string_quot) xs) low
| Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
let core_field_type f x = match x.pof_desc with
| Otag (l, ct) ->
(* Cf #7200 *)
pp f "@[<hov2>%s: %a@ %a@ @]" l.txt
(core_type ctxt) ct (attributes ctxt) x.pof_attributes
| Oinherit ct ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ @]" (core_type ctxt) ct
let field_var f = function
| Asttypes.Closed -> ()
| Asttypes.Open ->
match l with
| [] -> pp f ".."
| _ -> pp f " ;.."
pp f "@[<hov2><@ %a%a@ > @]"
(list core_field_type ~sep:";") l
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
field_var o (* Cf #7200 *)
| Ptyp_class (li, l) -> (*FIXME*)
pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%a@]"
(list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")") l
longident_loc li
| Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) ->
let aux f (s, ct) =
pp f "type %a@ =@ %a" longident_loc s (core_type ctxt) ct in
(match cstrs with
|[] -> pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a)@]" longident_loc lid
|_ ->
pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a@ with@ %a)@]" longident_loc lid
(list aux ~sep:"@ and@ ") cstrs)
| Ptyp_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
| _ -> paren true (core_type ctxt) f x
(* be cautious when use [pattern], [pattern1] is preferred *)
and pattern ctxt f x =
if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then begin
pp f "((%a)%a)" (pattern ctxt) {x with ppat_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.ppat_attributes
else match x.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_alias (p, s) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;as@;%a@]" (pattern ctxt) p protect_ident s.txt
| _ -> pattern_or ctxt f x
and pattern_or ctxt f x =
let rec left_associative x acc = match x with
| {ppat_desc=Ppat_or (p1,p2); ppat_attributes = []} ->
left_associative p1 (p2 :: acc)
| x -> x :: acc
match left_associative x [] with
| [] -> assert false
| [x] -> pattern1 ctxt f x
| orpats ->
pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]" (list ~sep:"@,|" (pattern1 ctxt)) orpats
and pattern1 ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
let rec pattern_list_helper f = function
| {ppat_desc =
({ txt = Lident("::") ;_},
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
Some ({ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple([pat1; pat2]);_}));
ppat_attributes = []}
pp f "%a::%a" (simple_pattern ctxt) pat1 pattern_list_helper pat2 (*RA*)
| p -> pattern1 ctxt f p
if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then pattern ctxt f x
else match x.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_variant (l, Some p) ->
pp f "@[<2>`%s@;%a@]" l (simple_pattern ctxt) p
| Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident("()"|"[]");_}), _) -> simple_pattern ctxt f x
| Ppat_construct (({txt;_} as li), po) ->
(* FIXME The third field always false *)
if txt = Lident "::" then
pp f "%a" pattern_list_helper x
(match po with
| Some x -> pp f "%a@;%a" longident_loc li (simple_pattern ctxt) x
| None -> pp f "%a" longident_loc li)
| _ -> simple_pattern ctxt f x
and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then pattern ctxt f x
else match x.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident ("()"|"[]" as x);_}), _) -> pp f "%s" x
| Ppat_any -> pp f "_";
| Ppat_var ({txt = txt;_}) -> protect_ident f txt
| Ppat_array l ->
pp f "@[<2>[|%a|]@]" (list (pattern1 ctxt) ~sep:";") l
| Ppat_unpack { txt = None } ->
pp f "(module@ _)@ "
| Ppat_unpack { txt = Some s } ->
pp f "(module@ %s)@ " s
| Ppat_type li ->
pp f "#%a" longident_loc li
| Ppat_record (l, closed) ->
let longident_x_pattern f (li, p) =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match (li,p) with
| ({txt=Lident s;_ },
{ppat_desc=Ppat_var {txt;_};
ppat_attributes=[]; _})
when s = txt ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@]" longident_loc li
| _ ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;=@;%a@]" longident_loc li (pattern1 ctxt) p
begin match closed with
| Closed ->
pp f "@[<2>{@;%a@;}@]" (list longident_x_pattern ~sep:";@;") l
| _ ->
pp f "@[<2>{@;%a;_}@]" (list longident_x_pattern ~sep:";@;") l
| Ppat_tuple l ->
pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" (list ~sep:",@;" (pattern1 ctxt)) l (* level1*)
| Ppat_constant (c) -> pp f "%a" constant c
| Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> pp f "%a..%a" constant c1 constant c2
| Ppat_variant (l,None) -> pp f "`%s" l
| Ppat_constraint (p, ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>(%a@;:@;%a)@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) ct
| Ppat_lazy p ->
pp f "@[<2>(lazy@;%a)@]" (simple_pattern ctxt) p
| Ppat_exception p ->
pp f "@[<2>exception@;%a@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p
| Ppat_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
| Ppat_open (lid, p) ->
let with_paren =
match p.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_array _ | Ppat_record _
| Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident ("()"|"[]");_}), _) -> false
| _ -> true in
pp f "@[<2>%a.%a @]" longident_loc lid
(paren with_paren @@ pattern1 ctxt) p
| _ -> paren true (pattern ctxt) f x
and label_exp ctxt f (l,opt,p) =
match l with
| Nolabel ->
(* single case pattern parens needed here *)
pp f "%a@ " (simple_pattern ctxt) p
| Optional rest ->
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
begin match p with
| {ppat_desc = Ppat_var {txt;_}; ppat_attributes = []}
when txt = rest ->
(match opt with
| Some o -> pp f "?(%s=@;%a)@;" rest (expression ctxt) o
| None -> pp f "?%s@ " rest)
| _ ->
(match opt with
| Some o ->
pp f "?%s:(%a=@;%a)@;"
rest (pattern1 ctxt) p (expression ctxt) o
| None -> pp f "?%s:%a@;" rest (simple_pattern ctxt) p)
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| Labelled l -> match p with
| {ppat_desc = Ppat_var {txt;_}; ppat_attributes = []}
when txt = l ->
pp f "~%s@;" l
| _ -> pp f "~%s:%a@;" l (simple_pattern ctxt) p
and sugar_expr ctxt f e =
if e.pexp_attributes <> [] then false
else match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_apply ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = id; _};
pexp_attributes=[]; _}, args)
when List.for_all (fun (lab, _) -> lab = Nolabel) args -> begin
let print_indexop a path_prefix assign left sep right print_index indices
rem_args =
let print_path ppf = function
| None -> ()
| Some m -> pp ppf ".%a" longident m in
match assign, rem_args with
| false, [] ->
pp f "@[%a%a%s%a%s@]"
(simple_expr ctxt) a print_path path_prefix
left (list ~sep print_index) indices right; true
| true, [v] ->
pp f "@[%a%a%s%a%s@ <-@;<1 2>%a@]"
(simple_expr ctxt) a print_path path_prefix
left (list ~sep print_index) indices right
(simple_expr ctxt) v; true
| _ -> false in
match id, List.map snd args with
| Lident "!", [e] ->
pp f "@[<hov>!%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e; true
| Ldot (path, ("get"|"set" as func)), a :: other_args -> begin
let assign = func = "set" in
let print = print_indexop a None assign in
match path, other_args with
| Lident "Array", i :: rest ->
print ".(" "" ")" (expression ctxt) [i] rest
| Lident "String", i :: rest ->
print ".[" "" "]" (expression ctxt) [i] rest
| Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array1"), i1 :: rest ->
print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1] rest
| Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array2"), i1 :: i2 :: rest ->
print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1; i2] rest
| Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array3"), i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: rest ->
print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1; i2; i3] rest
| Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Genarray"),
{pexp_desc = Pexp_array indexes; pexp_attributes = []} :: rest ->
print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) indexes rest
| _ -> false
| (Lident s | Ldot(_,s)) , a :: i :: rest
when first_is '.' s ->
(* extract operator:
assignment operators end with [right_bracket ^ "<-"],
access operators end with [right_bracket] directly
let multi_indices = String.contains s ';' in
let i =
match i.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_array l when multi_indices -> l
| _ -> [ i ] in
let assign = last_is '-' s in
let kind =
(* extract the right end bracket *)
let n = String.length s in
if assign then s.[n - 3] else s.[n - 1] in
let left, right = match kind with
| ')' -> '(', ")"
| ']' -> '[', "]"
| '}' -> '{', "}"
| _ -> assert false in
let path_prefix = match id with
| Ldot(m,_) -> Some m
| _ -> None in
let left = String.sub s 0 (1+String.index s left) in
print_indexop a path_prefix assign left ";" right
(if multi_indices then expression ctxt else simple_expr ctxt)
i rest
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
and expression ctxt f x =
if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then
pp f "((%a)@,%a)" (expression ctxt) {x with pexp_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.pexp_attributes
else match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_function _ | Pexp_fun _ | Pexp_match _ | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_sequence _
| Pexp_newtype _
when ctxt.pipe || ctxt.semi ->
paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
| Pexp_ifthenelse _ | Pexp_sequence _ when ctxt.ifthenelse ->
paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
| Pexp_let _ | Pexp_letmodule _ | Pexp_open _
| Pexp_letexception _ | Pexp_letop _
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
when ctxt.semi ->
paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
| Pexp_fun (l, e0, p, e) ->
pp f "@[<2>fun@;%a->@;%a@]"
(label_exp ctxt) (l, e0, p)
(expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_newtype (lid, e) ->
pp f "@[<2>fun@;(type@;%s)@;->@;%a@]" lid.txt
(expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_function l ->
pp f "@[<hv>function%a@]" (case_list ctxt) l
| Pexp_match (e, l) ->
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv0>@[<2>match %a@]@ with@]%a@]"
(expression reset_ctxt) e (case_list ctxt) l
| Pexp_try (e, l) ->
2016-08-01 07:06:59 -07:00
pp f "@[<0>@[<hv2>try@ %a@]@ @[<0>with%a@]@]"
(* "try@;@[<2>%a@]@\nwith@\n%a"*)
(expression reset_ctxt) e (case_list ctxt) l
| Pexp_let (rf, l, e) ->
2016-08-01 07:06:59 -07:00
(* pp f "@[<2>let %a%a in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
(*no indentation here, a new line*) *)
(* rec_flag rf *)
pp f "@[<2>%a in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
(bindings reset_ctxt) (rf,l)
(expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
begin if not (sugar_expr ctxt f x) then
match view_fixity_of_exp e with
| `Infix s ->
begin match l with
| [ (Nolabel, _) as arg1; (Nolabel, _) as arg2 ] ->
(* FIXME associativity label_x_expression_param *)
pp f "@[<2>%a@;%s@;%a@]"
(label_x_expression_param reset_ctxt) arg1 s
(label_x_expression_param ctxt) arg2
| _ ->
pp f "@[<2>%a %a@]"
(simple_expr ctxt) e
(list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
| `Prefix s ->
let s =
if List.mem s ["~+";"~-";"~+.";"~-."] &&
(match l with
(* See #7200: avoid turning (~- 1) into (- 1) which is
parsed as an int literal *)
|[(_,{pexp_desc=Pexp_constant _})] -> false
| _ -> true)
then String.sub s 1 (String.length s -1)
else s in
begin match l with
2017-02-01 03:59:03 -08:00
| [(Nolabel, x)] ->
pp f "@[<2>%s@;%a@]" s (simple_expr ctxt) x
| _ ->
pp f "@[<2>%a %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
(list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
| _ ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" begin fun f (e,l) ->
pp f "%a@ %a" (expression2 ctxt) e
(list (label_x_expression_param reset_ctxt)) l
(* reset here only because [function,match,try,sequence]
are lower priority *)
end (e,l)
| Pexp_construct (li, Some eo)
when not (is_simple_construct (view_expr x))-> (* Not efficient FIXME*)
(match view_expr x with
| `cons ls -> list (simple_expr ctxt) f ls ~sep:"@;::@;"
| `normal ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;%a@]" longident_loc li
(simple_expr ctxt) eo
| _ -> assert false)
| Pexp_setfield (e1, li, e2) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a.%a@ <-@ %a@]"
2017-02-01 03:59:03 -08:00
(simple_expr ctxt) e1 longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e2
| Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
(* @;@[<2>else@ %a@]@] *)
let fmt:(_,_,_)format ="@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@;@[<2>then@ %a@]%a@]" in
let expression_under_ifthenelse = expression (under_ifthenelse ctxt) in
pp f fmt expression_under_ifthenelse e1 expression_under_ifthenelse e2
(fun f eo -> match eo with
| Some x ->
pp f "@;@[<2>else@;%a@]" (expression (under_semi ctxt)) x
| None -> () (* pp f "()" *)) eo
| Pexp_sequence _ ->
let rec sequence_helper acc = function
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_sequence(e1,e2); pexp_attributes = []} ->
sequence_helper (e1::acc) e2
| v -> List.rev (v::acc) in
let lst = sequence_helper [] x in
pp f "@[<hv>%a@]"
(list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") lst
| Pexp_new (li) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>new@ %a@]" longident_loc li;
| Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%s@ <-@ %a@]" s.txt (expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_override l -> (* FIXME *)
let string_x_expression f (s, e) =
pp f "@[<hov2>%s@ =@ %a@]" s.txt (expression ctxt) e in
pp f "@[<hov2>{<%a>}@]"
(list string_x_expression ~sep:";" ) l;
| Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>let@ module@ %s@ =@ %a@ in@ %a@]"
(Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
(module_expr reset_ctxt) me (expression ctxt) e
2015-11-20 01:18:49 -08:00
| Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>let@ exception@ %a@ in@ %a@]"
(extension_constructor ctxt) cd
(expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_assert e ->
pp f "@[<hov2>assert@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
| Pexp_lazy (e) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>lazy@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
(* Pexp_poly: impossible but we should print it anyway, rather than
assert false *)
| Pexp_poly (e, None) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>!poly!@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
| Pexp_poly (e, Some ct) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>(!poly!@ %a@ : %a)@]"
(simple_expr ctxt) e (core_type ctxt) ct
| Pexp_open (o, e) ->
pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
(override o.popen_override) (module_expr ctxt) o.popen_expr
(expression ctxt) e
| Pexp_variant (l,Some eo) ->
pp f "@[<2>`%s@;%a@]" l (simple_expr ctxt) eo
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
| Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
pp f "@[<2>@[<v>%a@,%a@] in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
(binding_op ctxt) let_
(list ~sep:"@," (binding_op ctxt)) ands
(expression ctxt) body
| Pexp_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
| Pexp_unreachable -> pp f "."
| _ -> expression1 ctxt f x
and expression1 ctxt f x =
if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
else match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_object cs -> pp f "%a" (class_structure ctxt) cs
| _ -> expression2 ctxt f x
(* used in [Pexp_apply] *)
and expression2 ctxt f x =
if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
else match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_field (e, li) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a.%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e longident_loc li
| Pexp_send (e, s) -> pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%s@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e s.txt
| _ -> simple_expr ctxt f x
and simple_expr ctxt f x =
if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
else match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_construct _ when is_simple_construct (view_expr x) ->
(match view_expr x with
| `nil -> pp f "[]"
| `tuple -> pp f "()"
| `list xs ->
pp f "@[<hv0>[%a]@]"
(list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") xs
| `simple x -> longident f x
| _ -> assert false)
| Pexp_ident li ->
longident_loc f li
(* (match view_fixity_of_exp x with *)
(* |`Normal -> longident_loc f li *)
(* | `Prefix _ | `Infix _ -> pp f "( %a )" longident_loc li) *)
| Pexp_constant c -> constant f c;
| Pexp_pack me ->
pp f "(module@;%a)" (module_expr ctxt) me
| Pexp_tuple l ->
pp f "@[<hov2>(%a)@]" (list (simple_expr ctxt) ~sep:",@;") l
| Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
pp f "(%a : %a)" (expression ctxt) e (core_type ctxt) ct
| Pexp_coerce (e, cto1, ct) ->
pp f "(%a%a :> %a)" (expression ctxt) e
(option (core_type ctxt) ~first:" : " ~last:" ") cto1 (* no sep hint*)
(core_type ctxt) ct
| Pexp_variant (l, None) -> pp f "`%s" l
| Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
let longident_x_expression f ( li, e) =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match e with
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt;_};
pexp_attributes=[]; _} when li.txt = txt ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" longident_loc li
| _ ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@;=@;%a@]" longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{@;%a%a@]@;}@]"(* "@[<hov2>{%a%a}@]" *)
(option ~last:" with@;" (simple_expr ctxt)) eo
(list longident_x_expression ~sep:";@;") l
| Pexp_array (l) ->
pp f "@[<0>@[<2>[|%a|]@]@]"
(list (simple_expr (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";") l
| Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
let fmt : (_,_,_) format = "@[<2>while@;%a@;do@;%a@;done@]" in
pp f fmt (expression ctxt) e1 (expression ctxt) e2
| Pexp_for (s, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
let fmt:(_,_,_)format =
"@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %a =@;%a@;%a%a@;do@]@;%a@]@;done@]" in
let expression = expression ctxt in
pp f fmt (pattern ctxt) s expression e1 direction_flag
df expression e2 expression e3
| _ -> paren true (expression ctxt) f x
and attributes ctxt f l =
List.iter (attribute ctxt f) l
and item_attributes ctxt f l =
List.iter (item_attribute ctxt f) l
and attribute ctxt f a =
pp f "@[<2>[@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
and item_attribute ctxt f a =
pp f "@[<2>[@@@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
and floating_attribute ctxt f a =
pp f "@[<2>[@@@@@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
and value_description ctxt f x =
(* note: value_description has an attribute field,
but they're already printed by the callers this method *)
pp f "@[<hov2>%a%a@]" (core_type ctxt) x.pval_type
(fun f x ->
if x.pval_prim <> []
then pp f "@ =@ %a" (list constant_string) x.pval_prim
) x
and extension ctxt f (s, e) =
pp f "@[<2>[%%%s@ %a]@]" s.txt (payload ctxt) e
and item_extension ctxt f (s, e) =
pp f "@[<2>[%%%%%s@ %a]@]" s.txt (payload ctxt) e
and exception_declaration ctxt f x =
2017-08-12 13:24:41 -07:00
pp f "@[<hov2>exception@ %a@]%a"
(extension_constructor ctxt) x.ptyexn_constructor
(item_attributes ctxt) x.ptyexn_attributes
and class_signature ctxt f { pcsig_self = ct; pcsig_fields = l ;_} =
let class_type_field f x =
match x.pctf_desc with
| Pctf_inherit (ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %a@]%a" (class_type ctxt) ct
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
| Pctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>val @ %a%a%s@ :@ %a@]%a"
mutable_flag mf virtual_flag vf s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
| Pctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>method %a %a%s :@;%a@]%a"
private_flag pf virtual_flag vf s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
| Pctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
pp f "@[<2>constraint@ %a@ =@ %a@]%a"
(core_type ctxt) ct1 (core_type ctxt) ct2
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
| Pctf_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
| Pctf_extension e ->
item_extension ctxt f e;
item_attributes ctxt f x.pctf_attributes
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object@[<1>%a@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
(fun f -> function
{ptyp_desc=Ptyp_any; ptyp_attributes=[]; _} -> ()
| ct -> pp f " (%a)" (core_type ctxt) ct) ct
(list class_type_field ~sep:"@;") l
(* call [class_signature] called by [class_signature] *)
and class_type ctxt f x =
match x.pcty_desc with
| Pcty_signature cs ->
class_signature ctxt f cs;
attributes ctxt f x.pcty_attributes
| Pcty_constr (li, l) ->
pp f "%a%a%a"
(fun f l -> match l with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> pp f "[%a]@ " (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ) l) l
longident_loc li
(attributes ctxt) x.pcty_attributes
| Pcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@;->@;%a@]" (* FIXME remove parens later *)
(type_with_label ctxt) (l,co)
(class_type ctxt) cl
| Pcty_extension e ->
extension ctxt f e;
attributes ctxt f x.pcty_attributes
| Pcty_open (o, e) ->
pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
(override o.popen_override) longident_loc o.popen_expr
(class_type ctxt) e
(* [class type a = object end] *)
and class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l =
let class_type_declaration kwd f x =
let { pci_params=ls; pci_name={ txt; _ }; _ } = x in
pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%s@ =@ %a@]%a" kwd
virtual_flag x.pci_virt
(class_params_def ctxt) ls txt
(class_type ctxt) x.pci_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> class_type_declaration "class type" f x
| x :: xs ->
pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
(class_type_declaration "class type") x
(list ~sep:"@," (class_type_declaration "and")) xs
and class_field ctxt f x =
match x.pcf_desc with
| Pcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so) ->
pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %s@ %a%a@]%a" (override ovf)
(class_expr ctxt) ce
(fun f so -> match so with
| None -> ();
| Some (s) -> pp f "@ as %s" s.txt ) so
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
pp f "@[<2>val%s %a%s =@;%a@]%a" (override ovf)
mutable_flag mf s.txt
(expression ctxt) e
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>method virtual %a %s :@;%a@]%a"
private_flag pf s.txt
(core_type ctxt) ct
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
pp f "@[<2>val virtual %a%s :@ %a@]%a"
mutable_flag mf s.txt
(core_type ctxt) ct
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
let bind e =
binding ctxt f
{ppat_desc=Ppat_var s;
pp f "@[<2>method%s %a%a@]%a"
(override ovf)
private_flag pf
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
(fun f -> function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_poly (e, Some ct); pexp_attributes=[]; _} ->
pp f "%s :@;%a=@;%a"
s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct (expression ctxt) e
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_poly (e, None); pexp_attributes=[]; _} ->
bind e
| _ -> bind e) e
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
pp f "@[<2>constraint %a =@;%a@]%a"
(core_type ctxt) ct1
(core_type ctxt) ct2
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_initializer (e) ->
pp f "@[<2>initializer@ %a@]%a"
(expression ctxt) e
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
| Pcf_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
| Pcf_extension e ->
item_extension ctxt f e;
item_attributes ctxt f x.pcf_attributes
and class_structure ctxt f { pcstr_self = p; pcstr_fields = l } =
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object%a@;%a@]@;end@]"
(fun f p -> match p.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_any -> ()
| Ppat_constraint _ -> pp f " %a" (pattern ctxt) p
| _ -> pp f " (%a)" (pattern ctxt) p) p
(list (class_field ctxt)) l
and class_expr ctxt f x =
if x.pcl_attributes <> [] then begin
pp f "((%a)%a)" (class_expr ctxt) {x with pcl_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.pcl_attributes
end else
match x.pcl_desc with
| Pcl_structure (cs) -> class_structure ctxt f cs
| Pcl_fun (l, eo, p, e) ->
pp f "fun@ %a@ ->@ %a"
(label_exp ctxt) (l,eo,p)
(class_expr ctxt) e
| Pcl_let (rf, l, ce) ->
pp f "%a@ in@ %a"
(bindings ctxt) (rf,l)
(class_expr ctxt) ce
| Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
pp f "((%a)@ %a)" (* Cf: #7200 *)
(class_expr ctxt) ce
(list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
| Pcl_constr (li, l) ->
pp f "%a%a"
(fun f l-> if l <>[] then
pp f "[%a]@ "
(list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",") l) l
longident_loc li
| Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
pp f "(%a@ :@ %a)"
(class_expr ctxt) ce
(class_type ctxt) ct
| Pcl_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
| Pcl_open (o, e) ->
pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
(override o.popen_override) longident_loc o.popen_expr
(class_expr ctxt) e
and module_type ctxt f x =
if x.pmty_attributes <> [] then begin
pp f "((%a)%a)" (module_type ctxt) {x with pmty_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.pmty_attributes
end else
match x.pmty_desc with
| Pmty_functor (Unit, mt2) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>functor () ->@ %a@]" (module_type ctxt) mt2
| Pmty_functor (Named (s, mt1), mt2) ->
begin match s.txt with
| None ->
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ ->@ %a@]"
(module_type1 ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
| Some name ->
pp f "@[<hov2>functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@ ->@ %a@]" name
(module_type ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
2018-03-30 05:45:04 -07:00
| Pmty_with (mt, []) -> module_type ctxt f mt
| Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
let with_constraint f = function
| Pwith_type (li, ({ptype_params= ls ;_} as td)) ->
let ls = List.map fst ls in
pp f "type@ %a %a =@ %a"
(list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")")
ls longident_loc li (type_declaration ctxt) td
| Pwith_module (li, li2) ->
pp f "module %a =@ %a" longident_loc li longident_loc li2;
2016-08-29 21:16:28 -07:00
| Pwith_typesubst (li, ({ptype_params=ls;_} as td)) ->
let ls = List.map fst ls in
2016-08-29 21:16:28 -07:00
pp f "type@ %a %a :=@ %a"
(list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")")
2016-08-29 21:16:28 -07:00
ls longident_loc li
(type_declaration ctxt) td
| Pwith_modsubst (li, li2) ->
pp f "module %a :=@ %a" longident_loc li longident_loc li2 in
2018-03-30 05:45:04 -07:00
pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ with@ %a@]"
(module_type1 ctxt) mt (list with_constraint ~sep:"@ and@ ") l
| _ -> module_type1 ctxt f x
and module_type1 ctxt f x =
if x.pmty_attributes <> [] then module_type ctxt f x
else match x.pmty_desc with
| Pmty_ident li ->
pp f "%a" longident_loc li;
| Pmty_alias li ->
pp f "(module %a)" longident_loc li;
| Pmty_signature (s) ->
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" (* "@[<hov>sig@ %a@ end@]" *)
(list (signature_item ctxt)) s (* FIXME wrong indentation*)
| Pmty_typeof me ->
pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ of@ %a@]" (module_expr ctxt) me
| Pmty_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
2018-03-30 05:45:04 -07:00
| _ -> paren true (module_type ctxt) f x
and signature ctxt f x = list ~sep:"@\n" (signature_item ctxt) f x
and signature_item ctxt f x : unit =
match x.psig_desc with
| Psig_type (rf, l) ->
type_def_list ctxt f (rf, true, l)
| Psig_typesubst l ->
type_def_list ctxt f (Nonrecursive, false, l)
| Psig_value vd ->
let intro = if vd.pval_prim = [] then "val" else "external" in
pp f "@[<2>%s@ %a@ :@ %a@]%a" intro
protect_ident vd.pval_name.txt
(value_description ctxt) vd
(item_attributes ctxt) vd.pval_attributes
| Psig_typext te ->
type_extension ctxt f te
| Psig_exception ed ->
exception_declaration ctxt f ed
| Psig_class l ->
let class_description kwd f ({pci_params=ls;pci_name={txt;_};_} as x) =
pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%s@;:@;%a@]%a" kwd
virtual_flag x.pci_virt
(class_params_def ctxt) ls txt
(class_type ctxt) x.pci_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
in begin
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> class_description "class" f x
| x :: xs ->
pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
(class_description "class") x
(list ~sep:"@," (class_description "and")) xs
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| Psig_module ({pmd_type={pmty_desc=Pmty_alias alias;
pmty_attributes=[]; _};_} as pmd) ->
pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
longident_loc alias
(item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
| Psig_module pmd ->
pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
(module_type ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
(item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
| Psig_modsubst pms ->
pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :=@ %a@]%a" pms.pms_name.txt
longident_loc pms.pms_manifest
(item_attributes ctxt) pms.pms_attributes
| Psig_open od ->
pp f "@[<hov2>open%s@ %a@]%a"
(override od.popen_override)
longident_loc od.popen_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
| Psig_include incl ->
pp f "@[<hov2>include@ %a@]%a"
(module_type ctxt) incl.pincl_mod
(item_attributes ctxt) incl.pincl_attributes
| Psig_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %s%a@]%a"
(fun f md -> match md with
| None -> ()
| Some mt ->
pp_print_space f () ;
pp f "@ =@ %a" (module_type ctxt) mt
) md
(item_attributes ctxt) attrs
| Psig_class_type (l) -> class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l
| Psig_recmodule decls ->
let rec string_x_module_type_list f ?(first=true) l =
match l with
| [] -> () ;
| pmd :: tl ->
if not first then
pp f "@ @[<hov2>and@ %s:@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
2018-03-30 05:45:04 -07:00
(module_type1 ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
(item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
pp f "@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s:@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
2018-03-30 05:45:04 -07:00
(module_type1 ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
(item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes;
string_x_module_type_list f ~first:false tl
string_x_module_type_list f decls
| Psig_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
| Psig_extension(e, a) ->
item_extension ctxt f e;
item_attributes ctxt f a
and module_expr ctxt f x =
if x.pmod_attributes <> [] then
pp f "((%a)%a)" (module_expr ctxt) {x with pmod_attributes=[]}
(attributes ctxt) x.pmod_attributes
else match x.pmod_desc with
| Pmod_structure (s) ->
pp f "@[<hv2>struct@;@[<0>%a@]@;<1 -2>end@]"
(list (structure_item ctxt) ~sep:"@\n") s;
| Pmod_constraint (me, mt) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>(%a@ :@ %a)@]"
(module_expr ctxt) me
(module_type ctxt) mt
| Pmod_ident (li) ->
pp f "%a" longident_loc li;
| Pmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
pp f "functor ()@;->@;%a" (module_expr ctxt) me
| Pmod_functor (Named (s, mt), me) ->
pp f "functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@;->@;%a"
(Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
(module_type ctxt) mt (module_expr ctxt) me
| Pmod_apply (me1, me2) ->
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
pp f "(%a)(%a)" (module_expr ctxt) me1 (module_expr ctxt) me2
(* Cf: #7200 *)
| Pmod_unpack e ->
pp f "(val@ %a)" (expression ctxt) e
| Pmod_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
and structure ctxt f x = list ~sep:"@\n" (structure_item ctxt) f x
and payload ctxt f = function
| PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs)}] ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@]%a"
(expression ctxt) e
(item_attributes ctxt) attrs
| PStr x -> structure ctxt f x
2020-04-07 03:47:59 -07:00
| PTyp x -> pp f ":@ "; core_type ctxt f x
| PSig x -> pp f ":@ "; signature ctxt f x
| PPat (x, None) -> pp f "?@ "; pattern ctxt f x
| PPat (x, Some e) ->
2020-04-07 03:47:59 -07:00
pp f "?@ "; pattern ctxt f x;
pp f " when "; expression ctxt f e
(* transform [f = fun g h -> ..] to [f g h = ... ] could be improved *)
and binding ctxt f {pvb_pat=p; pvb_expr=x; _} =
(* .pvb_attributes have already been printed by the caller, #bindings *)
let rec pp_print_pexp_function f x =
if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then pp f "=@;%a" (expression ctxt) x
else match x.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_fun (label, eo, p, e) ->
if label=Nolabel then
pp f "%a@ %a" (simple_pattern ctxt) p pp_print_pexp_function e
pp f "%a@ %a"
(label_exp ctxt) (label,eo,p) pp_print_pexp_function e
| Pexp_newtype (str,e) ->
pp f "(type@ %s)@ %a" str.txt pp_print_pexp_function e
| _ -> pp f "=@;%a" (expression ctxt) x
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
let tyvars_str tyvars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) tyvars in
let is_desugared_gadt p e =
let gadt_pattern =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match p with
| {ppat_desc=Ppat_constraint({ppat_desc=Ppat_var _} as pat,
{ptyp_desc=Ptyp_poly (args_tyvars, rt)});
Some (pat, args_tyvars, rt)
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
| _ -> None in
let rec gadt_exp tyvars e =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match e with
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_newtype (tyvar, e); pexp_attributes=[]} ->
gadt_exp (tyvar :: tyvars) e
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_constraint (e, ct); pexp_attributes=[]} ->
Some (List.rev tyvars, e, ct)
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
| _ -> None in
let gadt_exp = gadt_exp [] e in
match gadt_pattern, gadt_exp with
| Some (p, pt_tyvars, pt_ct), Some (e_tyvars, e, e_ct)
when tyvars_str pt_tyvars = tyvars_str e_tyvars ->
let ety = Typ.varify_constructors e_tyvars e_ct in
if ety = pt_ct then
Some (p, pt_tyvars, e_ct, e) else None
| _ -> None in
if x.pexp_attributes <> []
match p with
| {ppat_desc=Ppat_constraint({ppat_desc=Ppat_var _; _} as pat,
({ptyp_desc=Ptyp_poly _; _} as typ));
ppat_attributes=[]; _} ->
pp f "%a@;: %a@;=@;%a"
(simple_pattern ctxt) pat (core_type ctxt) typ (expression ctxt) x
| _ ->
pp f "%a@;=@;%a" (pattern ctxt) p (expression ctxt) x
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
match is_desugared_gadt p x with
2017-03-14 20:13:24 -07:00
| Some (p, [], ct, e) ->
pp f "%a@;: %a@;=@;%a"
(simple_pattern ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) ct (expression ctxt) e
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
| Some (p, tyvars, ct, e) -> begin
pp f "%a@;: type@;%a.@;%a@;=@;%a"
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
(simple_pattern ctxt) p (list pp_print_string ~sep:"@;")
(tyvars_str tyvars) (core_type ctxt) ct (expression ctxt) e
| None -> begin
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match p with
| {ppat_desc=Ppat_constraint(p ,ty);
ppat_attributes=[]} -> (* special case for the first*)
begin match ty with
| {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_poly _; ptyp_attributes=[]} ->
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
pp f "%a@;:@;%a@;=@;%a" (simple_pattern ctxt) p
(core_type ctxt) ty (expression ctxt) x
| _ ->
pp f "(%a@;:@;%a)@;=@;%a" (simple_pattern ctxt) p
(core_type ctxt) ty (expression ctxt) x
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| {ppat_desc=Ppat_var _; ppat_attributes=[]} ->
2016-11-13 18:46:57 -08:00
pp f "%a@ %a" (simple_pattern ctxt) p pp_print_pexp_function x
| _ ->
pp f "%a@;=@;%a" (pattern ctxt) p (expression ctxt) x
(* [in] is not printed *)
and bindings ctxt f (rf,l) =
let binding kwd rf f x =
pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a@]%a" kwd rec_flag rf
(binding ctxt) x (item_attributes ctxt) x.pvb_attributes
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> binding "let" rf f x
| x::xs ->
pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
(binding "let" rf) x
(list ~sep:"@," (binding "and" Nonrecursive)) xs
2018-07-29 14:29:01 -07:00
and binding_op ctxt f x =
pp f "@[<2>%s %a@;=@;%a@]"
x.pbop_op.txt (pattern ctxt) x.pbop_pat (expression ctxt) x.pbop_exp
and structure_item ctxt f x =
match x.pstr_desc with
| Pstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>;;%a@]%a"
(expression ctxt) e
(item_attributes ctxt) attrs
| Pstr_type (_, []) -> assert false
| Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_def_list ctxt f (rf, true, l)
2016-08-01 07:06:59 -07:00
| Pstr_value (rf, l) ->
(* pp f "@[<hov2>let %a%a@]" rec_flag rf bindings l *)
pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (bindings ctxt) (rf,l)
| Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ctxt f te
| Pstr_exception ed -> exception_declaration ctxt f ed
| Pstr_module x ->
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
let rec module_helper = function
| {pmod_desc=Pmod_functor(arg_opt,me'); pmod_attributes = []} ->
begin match arg_opt with
| Unit -> pp f "()"
| Named (s, mt) ->
pp f "(%s:%a)" (Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
(module_type ctxt) mt
module_helper me'
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| me -> me
pp f "@[<hov2>module %s%a@]%a"
(Option.value x.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
(fun f me ->
let me = module_helper me in
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match me with
| {pmod_desc=
({pmty_desc=(Pmty_ident (_)
| Pmty_signature (_));_} as mt));
pmod_attributes = []} ->
pp f " :@;%a@;=@;%a@;"
(module_type ctxt) mt (module_expr ctxt) me'
| _ -> pp f " =@ %a" (module_expr ctxt) me
) x.pmb_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pmb_attributes
| Pstr_open od ->
pp f "@[<2>open%s@;%a@]%a"
(override od.popen_override)
(module_expr ctxt) od.popen_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
| Pstr_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %s%a@]%a"
(fun f md -> match md with
| None -> ()
| Some mt ->
pp_print_space f () ;
pp f "@ =@ %a" (module_type ctxt) mt
) md
(item_attributes ctxt) attrs
| Pstr_class l ->
let extract_class_args cl =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
let rec loop acc = function
| {pcl_desc=Pcl_fun (l, eo, p, cl'); pcl_attributes = []} ->
loop ((l,eo,p) :: acc) cl'
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
| cl -> List.rev acc, cl
let args, cl = loop [] cl in
let constr, cl =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
match cl with
| {pcl_desc=Pcl_constraint (cl', ct); pcl_attributes = []} ->
Some ct, cl'
| _ -> None, cl
args, constr, cl
let class_constraint f ct = pp f ": @[%a@] " (class_type ctxt) ct in
let class_declaration kwd f
({pci_params=ls; pci_name={txt;_}; _} as x) =
let args, constr, cl = extract_class_args x.pci_expr in
pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%s %a%a=@;%a@]%a" kwd
virtual_flag x.pci_virt
(class_params_def ctxt) ls txt
(list (label_exp ctxt)) args
(option class_constraint) constr
(class_expr ctxt) cl
(item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
in begin
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> class_declaration "class" f x
| x :: xs ->
pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
(class_declaration "class") x
(list ~sep:"@," (class_declaration "and")) xs
| Pstr_class_type l -> class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l
| Pstr_primitive vd ->
pp f "@[<hov2>external@ %a@ :@ %a@]%a"
protect_ident vd.pval_name.txt
(value_description ctxt) vd
(item_attributes ctxt) vd.pval_attributes
| Pstr_include incl ->
pp f "@[<hov2>include@ %a@]%a"
(module_expr ctxt) incl.pincl_mod
(item_attributes ctxt) incl.pincl_attributes
| Pstr_recmodule decls -> (* 3.07 *)
let aux f = function
| ({pmb_expr={pmod_desc=Pmod_constraint (expr, typ)}} as pmb) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>@ and@ %s:%a@ =@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
(module_type ctxt) typ
(module_expr ctxt) expr
(item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
2019-10-04 06:25:26 -07:00
| pmb ->
pp f "@[<hov2>@ and@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a"
(Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
2019-10-04 06:25:26 -07:00
(module_expr ctxt) pmb.pmb_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
begin match decls with
| ({pmb_expr={pmod_desc=Pmod_constraint (expr, typ)}} as pmb) :: l2 ->
pp f "@[<hv>@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s:%a@ =@ %a@]%a@ %a@]"
(Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
(module_type ctxt) typ
(module_expr ctxt) expr
(item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
(fun f l2 -> List.iter (aux f) l2) l2
2019-10-04 06:25:26 -07:00
| pmb :: l2 ->
pp f "@[<hv>@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a@ %a@]"
(Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
2019-10-04 06:25:26 -07:00
(module_expr ctxt) pmb.pmb_expr
(item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
(fun f l2 -> List.iter (aux f) l2) l2
| _ -> assert false
| Pstr_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
| Pstr_extension(e, a) ->
item_extension ctxt f e;
item_attributes ctxt f a
2020-06-15 04:51:50 -07:00
and type_param ctxt f (ct, (a,b)) =
pp f "%s%s%a" (type_variance a) (type_injectivity b) (core_type ctxt) ct
and type_params ctxt f = function
| [] -> ()
| l -> pp f "%a " (list (type_param ctxt) ~first:"(" ~last:")" ~sep:",@;") l
and type_def_list ctxt f (rf, exported, l) =
let type_decl kwd rf f x =
let eq =
if (x.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract)
&& (x.ptype_manifest = None) then ""
else if exported then " ="
else " :="
pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%s%s%a@]%a" kwd
nonrec_flag rf
(type_params ctxt) x.ptype_params
x.ptype_name.txt eq
(type_declaration ctxt) x
(item_attributes ctxt) x.ptype_attributes
match l with
| [] -> assert false
| [x] -> type_decl "type" rf f x
| x :: xs -> pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
(type_decl "type" rf) x
(list ~sep:"@," (type_decl "and" Recursive)) xs
and record_declaration ctxt f lbls =
let type_record_field f pld =
pp f "@[<2>%a%s:@;%a@;%a@]"
mutable_flag pld.pld_mutable
(core_type ctxt) pld.pld_type
(attributes ctxt) pld.pld_attributes
pp f "{@\n%a}"
(list type_record_field ~sep:";@\n" ) lbls
and type_declaration ctxt f x =
(* type_declaration has an attribute field,
but it's been printed by the caller of this method *)
let priv f =
match x.ptype_private with
| Public -> ()
| Private -> pp f "@;private"
let manifest f =
match x.ptype_manifest with
| None -> ()
| Some y ->
if x.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract then
pp f "%t@;%a" priv (core_type ctxt) y
pp f "@;%a" (core_type ctxt) y
let constructor_declaration f pcd =
pp f "|@;";
constructor_declaration ctxt f
(pcd.pcd_name.txt, pcd.pcd_args, pcd.pcd_res, pcd.pcd_attributes)
let repr f =
let intro f =
if x.ptype_manifest = None then ()
else pp f "@;="
match x.ptype_kind with
| Ptype_variant xs ->
let variants fmt xs =
if xs = [] then pp fmt " |" else
pp fmt "@\n%a" (list ~sep:"@\n" constructor_declaration) xs
in pp f "%t%t%a" intro priv variants xs
| Ptype_abstract -> ()
| Ptype_record l ->
pp f "%t%t@;%a" intro priv (record_declaration ctxt) l
| Ptype_open -> pp f "%t%t@;.." intro priv
let constraints f =
(fun (ct1,ct2,_) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>@ constraint@ %a@ =@ %a@]"
(core_type ctxt) ct1 (core_type ctxt) ct2)
pp f "%t%t%t" manifest repr constraints
and type_extension ctxt f x =
let extension_constructor f x =
pp f "@\n|@;%a" (extension_constructor ctxt) x
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
pp f "@[<2>type %a%a += %a@ %a@]%a"
(fun f -> function
| [] -> ()
| l ->
pp f "%a@;" (list (type_param ctxt) ~first:"(" ~last:")" ~sep:",") l)
longident_loc x.ptyext_path
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
private_flag x.ptyext_private (* Cf: #7200 *)
(list ~sep:"" extension_constructor)
(item_attributes ctxt) x.ptyext_attributes
and constructor_declaration ctxt f (name, args, res, attrs) =
let name =
match name with
| "::" -> "(::)"
| s -> s in
match res with
| None ->
pp f "%s%a@;%a" name
(fun f -> function
| Pcstr_tuple [] -> ()
| Pcstr_tuple l ->
pp f "@;of@;%a" (list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
| Pcstr_record l -> pp f "@;of@;%a" (record_declaration ctxt) l
) args
(attributes ctxt) attrs
| Some r ->
pp f "%s:@;%a@;%a" name
(fun f -> function
| Pcstr_tuple [] -> core_type1 ctxt f r
| Pcstr_tuple l -> pp f "%a@;->@;%a"
(list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
(core_type1 ctxt) r
| Pcstr_record l ->
pp f "%a@;->@;%a" (record_declaration ctxt) l (core_type1 ctxt) r
(attributes ctxt) attrs
and extension_constructor ctxt f x =
2016-04-13 02:23:34 -07:00
(* Cf: #7200 *)
match x.pext_kind with
| Pext_decl(l, r) ->
constructor_declaration ctxt f (x.pext_name.txt, l, r, x.pext_attributes)
| Pext_rebind li ->
pp f "%s@;=@;%a%a" x.pext_name.txt
longident_loc li
(attributes ctxt) x.pext_attributes
and case_list ctxt f l : unit =
let aux f {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
pp f "@;| @[<2>%a%a@;->@;%a@]"
(pattern ctxt) pc_lhs (option (expression ctxt) ~first:"@;when@;")
pc_guard (expression (under_pipe ctxt)) pc_rhs
list aux f l ~sep:""
and label_x_expression_param ctxt f (l,e) =
2017-04-10 09:22:25 -07:00
let simple_name = match e with
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l;_};
pexp_attributes=[]} -> Some l
| _ -> None
in match l with
| Nolabel -> expression2 ctxt f e (* level 2*)
| Optional str ->
if Some str = simple_name then
pp f "?%s" str
pp f "?%s:%a" str (simple_expr ctxt) e
| Labelled lbl ->
if Some lbl = simple_name then
pp f "~%s" lbl
pp f "~%s:%a" lbl (simple_expr ctxt) e
and directive_argument f x =
2018-07-24 01:25:21 -07:00
match x.pdira_desc with
| Pdir_string (s) -> pp f "@ %S" s
| Pdir_int (n, None) -> pp f "@ %s" n
| Pdir_int (n, Some m) -> pp f "@ %s%c" n m
| Pdir_ident (li) -> pp f "@ %a" longident li
| Pdir_bool (b) -> pp f "@ %s" (string_of_bool b)
let toplevel_phrase f x =
match x with
| Ptop_def (s) ->pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]" (list (structure_item reset_ctxt)) s
(* pp_open_hvbox f 0; *)
(* pp_print_list structure_item f s ; *)
(* pp_close_box f (); *)
2018-07-24 01:25:21 -07:00
| Ptop_dir {pdir_name; pdir_arg = None; _} ->
pp f "@[<hov2>#%s@]" pdir_name.txt
| Ptop_dir {pdir_name; pdir_arg = Some pdir_arg; _} ->
pp f "@[<hov2>#%s@ %a@]" pdir_name.txt directive_argument pdir_arg
let expression f x =
pp f "@[%a@]" (expression reset_ctxt) x
let string_of_expression x =
ignore (flush_str_formatter ()) ;
let f = str_formatter in
expression f x;
flush_str_formatter ()
let string_of_structure x =
ignore (flush_str_formatter ());
let f = str_formatter in
structure reset_ctxt f x;
flush_str_formatter ()
let top_phrase f x =
pp_print_newline f ();
toplevel_phrase f x;
pp f ";;";
pp_print_newline f ()
let core_type = core_type reset_ctxt
let pattern = pattern reset_ctxt
let signature = signature reset_ctxt
let structure = structure reset_ctxt